Chapter 15: Chapter 15 : Berserker
Time passed, battles too and the hawks had won two battles in a row against Tudor and their popularity only increased to the point where Viscount Griffith made a recruitment to increase his army from 5000 men to 11,000 and a good part of the new recruits came from other armies.
Now, They were leaving to face the army of the blue whale of Tudor led by General Adon Coborlwitz that the hawks had already defeated in the previous battle and they had the reinforcement of the rest of the black rams.
Griffith and Guts were walking side by side while discussing the battle plans when they saw Casca and Ros arguing about something in the distance, they asked them for an explanation.
Casca said that it was a woman thing before looking at Ros in a certain way and Ros told them the same thing as Casca before leaving. The two men looked at each other before continuing on their way, they didn't want to bother with that.
Casca watched them walk away and put her hand on her lower abdomen, she looked at Griffith who over time seemed to isolate himself more and more with Guts.
He already gave the impression of being inaccessible and unparalleled before, he treated them all with the same level of importance until Guts arrived and beat Griffith on that hill, a huge shock for all of them.
If only it was limited to just his strength, his relationship with Griffith would not have been so deep but apparently, Guts was also strategic and clever to the point of not only understanding Griffith's ideas but adding something to complete in Griffith's plans that they all considered perfect at the base.
Over the years, Casca and even the others saw Guts become closer and closer to Griffith to become his trusted man, his best friend, his right-hand man, his sword but what hurt Casca the most was that for once Griffith had found someone who truly completed him in their eyes whether they liked Guts or not.
They were like two pieces of a puzzle that completed each other, what Casca would have wanted to be for Griffith and the reason why she hated Guts .
Today, she was in her menstrual period and worse, she had painful periods while they were going to fight against the blue whale army.
She could have talked about her situation so as not to take risks or put the lives of others in danger by being a burden to protect because she was not in full possession of her abilities but she said nothing.
She didn't want to be left behind and show her limits as a woman to increase the distance that was already between Griffith and she wanted to be useful to him, to be his sword and someone he could count on.
The battle had started that night near the three-sided hill and as always, the hawks had gained the upper hand but the battle had really taken a frightening turn when the black hawks had appeared at the rear of the enemy troops after having bypassed them through the forest under Guts' orders.
From 1500, they had gone to 3000 black hawks thanks to the recruitment period and the damage they did to the enemy was atrocious, a real massacre.
Casca had found herself on the right flank near the ravine where she defeated several Tudor riders before crossing paths with Adon whom she faced to her great disadvantage.
Despite her menstrual troubles and fever that was starting to rise severely she was pushed back to the edge by Adon while Casca began to lose her balance on her horse.
Adon amusedly prepared to pierce her with his trident when in the distance he saw Guts charging towards him.
The great sword and imposing size, the captain of the black hawks was a famous individual in Tudors as an enemy to avoid on a battlefield, he was the destructive incarnation of death and Adon had seen him at work during the previous battle.
He sent a strong and rapid attack at Casca which made her fall towards the ravine before fleeing while ordering his soldiers to retreat.
Casca had been able to plant her sword on the wall of the precipice to avoid falling and Guts had the choice between continuing and killing Adon or saving Casca from certain death so he quickly made his decision to go help Casca hanging on the handle of his sword.
"Your hand... CASCA GIVE ME YOUR HAND." Guts said to Casca at the edge of the precipice by holding out his hand to her.
"Guts... I can't... I... Griffith... take care of..." Casca ravaged by fever and half-conscious tried to speak but her strength abandoned her and she let go.
Guts immediately jumped to catch her and take her in his arms before violently hitting the rock of the wall and bouncing to fall into the river with Casca.
"GUUUUTS ! CASCA ... " Judeau and the others came to see, the reactions were mixed.
Corkus: It's almost 200 meters high, I don't think they could have survived that.
"STOP SAYING THINGS LIKE THAT, CORKUS." Rickert said next door and Judeau asked them to inform Griffith immediately.
Further into the forest, Guts and Casca had survived, he had to swim dragging her with their armor on them and his sword that he held by his mouth because his left arm was broken as well as part of his ribs on the left side.
The effort was impossible and superhuman, he almost drowned but he had fought for his survival and fortunately, Casca was also still breathing. He carried her on his back and had to find refuge with her in a large abandoned burrow at the foot of a large tree.
Not being able to make a fire to avoid being spotted in case of an enemy patrol. Guts decided to take off their wet clothes to wring them out, that's when he noticed the blood between Casca's legs and understood the trouble she had.
He just looked at her before hiding the entrance to the burrow with branches and foliage. He had broken ribs including his left arm but he ignored even the fever that was starting to take hold of him to focus on one thing, his survival.
The next day, Casca woke up first in Guts' thick, warm arms, her head resting on his muscular chest and her breasts against his chiseled abs.
The tall brunette had fallen asleep at dawn after watching over her all night until his own fatigue and fever overcame him.
"What the..." Casca jerked back when she saw that they were both naked and her sudden movement hurt Guts' ribs as he let out a groan of pain.
"You bastard. What did you do to me?" She asked as she punched Guts who didn't flinch even though his bottom lip was injured (Casca is quite muscular).
"Here's my reward for saving your fucking life, a punch. It'll teach me a lesson..." He said painfully before spitting blood on his lips and there, Casca remembered everything that happened before losing consciousness and looked at Guts with embarrassment before noting the damage to his ribs and the state of his arm.
Casca: Your arm is broken and you're burning with fever. Your ribs also look bad to me...
Guts: Thank you oh great Apothecary , Pfff
"I didn't ask you anything, you're the only person I would never have wanted to be saved by. Why did you do that anyway ? Did you forget that we hate each other ?" Casca asked him while wearing her clothes a little drier.
Guts: I don't know what you're talking about, since I joined the hawk's gang you're the one who's been looking for trouble with me. I have no history of hating you in the first place but one thing is for sure, I'm very far from liking you because of your attitude. As for what I did for you, I just did it because I'm not the type to abandon a comrade to certain death. You would have broken your neck on the rock along your fall if my body hadn't taken the damage for your face.
Casca didn't say anything, Guts was totally right. She was the only one in this conflict against him while he completely ignored her and almost never even spoke to her.
He straightened up painfully and wanted to take his clothes, Casca wanted to help him but he told her that he could handle it alone.
Clearly, he hated her even more and she realized the atrocity of her attitude towards someone who saved her life by taking a lot of damage in her place.
Casca: Do you even know why I am like this ? Do you know what my meeting with Griffith was and why I joined the Falcon ? I-(interrupted)
"Please, no. I don't want to hear you, ungrateful lady. First you hit me for saving your life and now you want to tell me your life story ? No, fuck off. I'm tired of being here with you." Guts said while carrying his stuff and Casca just looked at him silently, she had pissed him off again.
She wanted to speak but Guts asked her to be quiet. They suddenly heard the distant voices of men who seemed to be looking for them to be rewarded by Adon. They were discussing how to kill Guts as a group before having fun with Casca if she had survived.
They were no longer safe there so Guts told her that they had to leave, Casca told him that it was a bad idea given her condition but he assured her that if they stayed there, they would die.
They then left there to walk in the forest to try to find the others that they hoped had gone looking for them. After a little over 20mn of walking, Guts despite his condition kept up the pace and asked Casca to make a little more effort.
She wanted to answer him when suddenly, he closed her mouth and took her behind a rock while they heard a lot of footsteps further away and the voices of adult men. It was the enemy looking for them and they knew it.
"They are there, we can't move forward anymore. (sighs) Here's what we're going to do, you're going to stay here and I'm going to lure them somewhere else to serve as bait. You're going to wait a little longer and when the path is clear, you're going to leave without looking back." Guts whispered to her.
Casca: What? But this is suicide ! You're not in any shape!
"Do you have any idea what they'll do to you if they catch you? By the sound of the footsteps, there are more than 50 men so it's better for you to get out of here. I'm going to fight, it's in moments like this that I really feel alive and if I die, I'll take a lot of these bastards with me." He said holding his sword.
Casca: Wait...maybe...we'll find another solution.
"There isn't another one and you know it. Just do me a favor, find my body and don't let it rot here." He said before running, she wanted to stop him but he had already gone behind the trees.
"LOOK, HE'S There ! CATCH THAT BASTARD..." She heard Adon yell at his men as her eyes became teary and she hid so as not to be seen then, when she judged that the way was safe, she left from there.
Guts ran as he did to be followed by his pursuers when a barrage of arrows cut off his path as he was surrounded by Adon and his men.
Contrary to the main reality, they were not 100 but 223 men exactly and Guts looked at them laughing at his own situation.
"So Mr. Commander with the big sword, are we not being so smart now ? I, Adon, will bring your head back to Tudor to increase the privilege of the Coborlwitz family." Adon said before laughing out loud.
Guts : (spits) You coward, come fight like a man if you dare. If you have a minimum of dignity then come face me in single combat.
" don't...don't deserve me to waste my time against you and...and besides I will have no honor in beating a wounded animal. KILL THIS DOG!" Adon gave the order to attack and the archers began to shoot at Guts who rushed quickly towards the enemies in front to start slicing them while holding his sword with one hand and mixing with the enemies to prevent the archers from shooting properly.
"I may die today but you will accompany me and as for you the commander without honor, if you don't come to me then I'll come to you..." Guts said before smiling frighteningly and he rushed towards Adon cutting all the men in his path but while he wanted to reach Adon, Samson, a heavyweight knight and little brother of Adon intervened armed with his shield and his great morningstar.
Guts, much faster and stronger than the one in the main reality at this stage of the story even with only one hand saw Samson and without slowing down or hesitating, he quickly thrust the tip of his great sword right in the middle of Samson's face while the tip of the blade came out at the back of the latter's skull right in front of Adon, he had attacked at such speed that Samson himself had not even had time to attack.
"Sam...Samson? WHAT ARE YOU ALL WAITING FOR? ATTACK, I INCREASE THE REWARD OF THE ONE WHO BRINGS ME HIS HEAD... "Adon screamed in fear as he backed away and his men attacked Guts who cut them up by spinning around at high speed with his sword before moving quickly, killing the archers first.
A few arrows were able to hit him as the enemies surrounded him again.
"No, dying or living doesn't matter anymore. (To his sword) Show me How far you can take me..." He said before taking Artorias' position, this time with a truly useless arm.
He began to pace his breathing and look at all his enemies, these people wanted to end his life.
He forgot his pain, his fatigue and his fever to focus on the only thing that mattered, his rage.
Guts that morning was going to kill Adon and 221 men all by himself but, he faced them all and took blows but he remained focused on his rage so well that after a while, it took over him and that's when it happened, the first time.
Guts had entered a berserker state for the very first time in his life, the world around him no longer existed and there was nothing left for him but things that the sword that was now the perfect extension of his body could cut.
It's a dangerous state that could have cost the lives of his allies by his hand if they were present, there were no more enemies or allies but just targets for the blade of his sword as a wild smile was on his lips. The state of berserker had plunged Guts into a literal murderous madness.