Berserk : The Deviant

Chapter 16: chapter 16 : The succubus and the deviant

Deep in the forest, Casca was running, pushing her body and her last strength to their limits in order to quickly join the others and bring reinforcements to Guts, but as she was running, several Tudor mercenaries who had stayed behind saw her and started chasing her. 




They started yelling at her, but as the four men were about to catch up with Casca, an arrow came out of nowhere and lodged itself in the eye of the closest one, two seconds later, a second arrow hit the second one directly in his genitals.

He immediately rolled on the ground screaming in pain. The other two tried to hide, but as they were running, a third arrow hit one of them in the neck and the other hid. 

 "She's here, I see her..." Casca listened to a familiar voice and it was Judeau who immediately got off his horse with the others and Griffith in front to come find her but suddenly, Judeau took one of his knives and threw it at the place where the last pursuer who had hidden was hit in the shoulder. 

Groaning in pain, the man tried to flee when an arrow hit him in the back, reaching his heart which was pierced. 

"It's thanks to their screams while chasing you that I spotted you from higher ground. Where is Guts ?" Ros said as she came out of the woods.

"GUTS...GUTS...he...he's seriously injured and lured them to give me a chance to flee...come, follow me...FAST WE HAVE TO SAVE HIM" She said and they immediately took the horses to follow her while she was in the front on Griffith's horse.

They arrived where Casca and Guts split up and she pointed the direction Guts ran and after a while, they started to see the bodies, a multitude of cut up and mutilated corpses on the ground as crows started to feast on some of the corpses. 

"My god !!! " 

"Unbelievable !" 

Rickert: Guts did this ? 

Corkus: Fucking monster... 

"There must be over 150's terrifying!" Judeau said as Ros immediately got off her horse to look for him while shouting his name just like the others. Ros searched for him as she began to panic as she inspected the large corpses when she finally found him.

Further away, on a mound of about 9 corpses Guts was on his knees with his sword stuck in the bodies and the ground at the same time.

His inert body with 7 arrows stuck in his back was hanging on his sword that was supporting his weight at that moment, as if it was the last thing he had held on to before dying as the sun's rays through the trees lit up this place.

He looked like a saint who had fought in the name of God to find rest after the battle. 

"GUTS!!" Ros ran towards him with Griffith as from where she was, Casca collapsed on her knees to cry. 

"Boss..." Pippin said sadly as he lowered his head as Rickert cried near Judeau who consoled him.

Judeau: (sighs) Guts , your last performance was really incredible…

"HIS HEART IS STILL BEATING, WE HAVE TO HURRY!!" They heard Ros scream and rushed to help bring him back to camp as quickly as possible where he received emergency care.

There, Judeau said he had something to help and brought the fairy dust he had and the doctor forbade him to approach the injured man with unknown substances but Judeau insisted strongly that it would save his life. Griffith listened to Judeau and trusted him by instinct, he applied the substance on Guts himself and when the doctor tried to intervene again, Griffith looked at him in a way that made his blood run cold.

Fortunately, the dust quickly took effect and Guts' multiple cuts as well as the other wounds immediately stopped bleeding, giving hope and deep questions about the origins of this powder to everyone. (…) 

(Elsewhere, in a place or a dimension that seemed unreal) 


*breathing noise* 


Barkha was having sex with a female entity who was none other than Slan, one of the God Hand. They were making love wildly in a strange place because it was made up only of moving tongues that secreted an aphrodisiac mucus while Barkha's hip movements were faster and faster between the thighs of the succubus who kissed him sensually while her fingers scratched his back because of the pleasure.

Exactly five months ago, Slan visited the new deviant in the form of a lucid dream (it's part of the astral world), she wanted to have fun with him and torture him but was surprised by one thing while sleeping with Barkha who had welcomed this dream with pleasure and carelessness without knowing that they weren't really dreams .

Slan, by sleeping with this deviant, had regained the sensations of her mortal body by sleeping with him. 

Bodily pleasure, the warmth of touch and all these sensations had returned to her physically during the act whereas since her transformation into God Hand, she no longer perceived these things except psychically through the emotions of humans that she catalyzed during orgies, tortures and other stimulating activities.

Surprised by this, she had been completely seduced by Barkha who was for her the object of ultimate pleasure, not to mention the fact that she was seduced by his way of living the present moment.

Where other humans lived by ambition, by survival or just by hope, Barkha lived the present moment by finding pleasure where he could. 

From his nature as a deviant to whom everything smiled and with a free will completely outside the power of the God Hand and causality, he found pleasure everywhere.

He found pleasure in fighting, forging, hunting, fucking prostitutes, doing battles, stealing and especially having gold in his hands. This guy did what he liked and that only pleased Slan.

Void had warned Slan and the other God Hands by telling them that they were not infallible despite their colossal powers and that before them there were other God Hands who were killed by the previous deviant, King Gaisurik.

(In chapter 362 of the manga while Hanarr shows the vision of the king facing the God Hands of a thousand years ago, we see Void alongside four unknown God Hands who are no longer there.

I have the impression that their disappearance has something to do with the king to the point where the Berserker armor killed him. 

During the sacrifice of the band of the falcon, Zodd called S.K the one who condemned them to darkness for 1000 years. I don't know why but I have the impression that he was talking about the disappearance of these God Hands and it's quite strange because Zodd is not even 400 years old.) 

He had warned Slan about her little game with Barkha, that this deviant was even more dangerous and stronger than the previous ones but especially the reason why they were so dangerous.

The deviants, totally outside the laws of causality, destiny and astral logic had the intrinsic ability to directly touch the soul, spirit or essence of astral beings or even entities like them, that's why she could feel this physical pleasure with him. 

That meant a scary thing, if he attacked her and managed to touch her, he could really hurt her despite his nature of being practically divine.

He did not have their phenomenal powers that could change the world at will but the simple fact of being totally dissociated from causality and its laws gave him the ability to reach them.

All this, Barkha himself didn't know and did not care, he didn't even know who Slan was and it was not the first time he dreamed of sex, he just took pleasure in it knowing that in these strange dreams, he was completely lucid and that his sexual partner gave him enormous pleasure.

Void had given them a simple piece of advice, not to make an enemy of him. There have already been deviants who have lived without suspecting the existence of the God Hand and died peacefully so despite the fact that Barkha was a particular deviant even among his peers, he just wanted to have a good time and earn gold.

As for his interactions with S.K and his hunt for the apostles, he did it only for the stimulation of the fight and the pleasure of earning gold without really getting involved and it was totally true, Barkha had nothing against the apostles and he even found them familiar to him. 

It had been 5 months that almost every week, Slan and Barkha gave themselves completely to each other in a spiral of completely wild pleasure in the lucid dreams of the deviant who really appreciated what he was experiencing with the succubus, he had no reason to complain and even if he knew who she was, that was not going to stop him from sleeping with her. 

 When Barkha woke up, he was in his big converted wagon and he was lying completely naked with Corell in his arms. He had slept with her before he fell asleep and while his body was resting, his mind was with Slan.

He got up and walked out of there completely shirtless, outside, four of his men were there and sitting in full relaxation so they greeted each other before he went to bathe in the lake near which they spent the night. 

"Guys, send the chains." Barkha asked his men. 

"Boss, this lake is really big and deep, you already dove 7 times yesterday. Are you sure about this ?" One of them asked. 

"You want me to leave my gold at the bottom of these sinister waters ? I can literally hear my treasure calling me at the bottom of this lake, do not argue. " He said with a grim face and they shrugged their shoulders before sending him a first chain which he grabbed before diving with it and swimming to the bottom of the lake.

27 minutes, he stayed underwater for 27 minutes (A MONSTER !!) before his body came to the surface and his men immediately came to get him to revive him because he had drowned.

Barkha suddenly spat out the water from his lungs before coughing like an old smoker and when his men asked him if he was okay, he lay on his back before laughing like a maniac.


"I did it, I found this fucking treasure..." He said in ecstasy as an erection was visible in his pants, the excitement was at its peak this time. His men looked at him silently without saying anything, they were already used to this guy's madness.

After catching his breath, he dove back with four other long and thin chains at the end of which there were hooks. He followed the trajectory of the first chain to find his way more easily to the treasure. 

There were 7 chests filled with gold and precious objects. He hung the chains on four chests before moving strongly on one of the chains to ask his men to pull the chains to bring the chests to the surface.

He repeated the operation again and when all the generous treasure was out, Barkha went to cry with emotion while grabbing the gold in his hands, he had killed an apostle for this gold and had even drowned himself for it.

Barkha : Let's go celebrate in the nearest city, food, drink and women for each of us.

"Boss, that's why we love you"

"The best leader in the world"

"Handsome, strong and generous"

"We'll follow you to hell." They said, applauding him before loading the treasures into another metal wagon a little smaller than Barkha's and they left from there to join the nearest city.

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