Biblically Accurate Angel - High School DxD

Chapter 26: Tiamet came

Chapter 25

In the core of the city, where the rich and strongest lived, a battle could be seen taking place. Six figures were fighting an eyeball-like monster with a diameter of five meters and two pairs of wings glowing with a golden color akin to a flame.

The six figures, all of them without exception, were high class; granted, only two clan leaders were at the top of the high-class hierarchy while the rest were at the bottom, but still. For another high-class being, especially for one that is not at the very top of the high class, to fight against all six of them without losing ground would be unheard of. At least for those without sacred gear or help from a third party who is of a higher tier than them.

Then there is Moon, who is pushing and steadily gaining ground against them. The only reason for them being capable of withstanding this long is their loyal subordinate rushing toward their death, which is Moon. Without caring about their lives or what will happen to those left behind by them. Granted, for those who have such zealots, loyalty is rare and far between. But through generations upon generations of selective incubation by the clan's chiefs, they had a sizable amount of zealots who were ready to lay down their lives.

But no matter how many generations there are, it is impossible to have an immense number of them since a living being is a by-product of desire and will, and to direct that desire and turn it into loyalty is hard. So there were only about three or so hundred zealots currently alive inside the city despite hundreds of years of existence of their city.

Which is dwindling by the second.

From the six high-class beings' perspective, especially the two clan leaders, the situation couldn't get any worse.

They were burning through their stamina like crazy, using immensely powerful attacks or spells every minute or so. And the number of their zealous subordinates is lessening and lessening. To add salt to the wound, the monster they were fighting was only getting stronger and stronger every time it devoured the souls of the fallen, becoming bigger, faster, and stronger. Causing them to have no little amount of despair as they fought. The only silver lining, that is, preventing them from giving up and fleeing or just giving up and letting the inevitable happen, would be their clansmen who are currently evacuating and their loved ones, who were depending on them.

But one's perspective is never right, as unknown to all of them, the monster they were fighting against, the one that was pushing them to the brink of despair, wasn't feeling so good himself.

"I am going to puke," Moon thought as he tried to stop himself from puking out all the souls that he had eaten today. His wings started sometimes contrasting and twitching against his will, and he started hearing the begging of those souls inside his mind, sometimes even the flashes of their lives.

Their wails as they struggle to break free from his clutches. The mothers that are begging for their sons' and daughters' souls to be freed. Some fathers' souls worming their way to where their families were located and covered their souls with theirs as they struggled and protected their loved ones even in the afterlife.

The nauseous feeling that permeated and became stronger every time he devoured a soul, every movement he made after, only made it worse.

"Please, just my son, please." He heard one of the souls wailing inside his mind. And along with noises and shrieking that came along with it.

With a flash, a brief life history of the soul came into his mind.

She was a prostitute who was, as a child, sold to the brothel by her parents and forced into the path of low life itself. Every day was hell for her, as she was used and played with like a toy just for the scraps that those would-be customers left behind. They whipped and hit her as they enjoyed themselves, as she was only a low-level prostitute among the hierarchy of the brothel, even below the cleaners, as she was a slave, not a worker.

Every day, it was torture.

Every second ticked so slowly that she just wished she could just end herself here and there. But unfortunately, the slave choker that was around her neck prevented her from doing anything deemed unprofitable to the brothel.

She shed enough tears to fill up a large pool.

She was raped more times than she could count.

Her eyes slowly lost their luster as she slowly died mentally. With only the cheap smell of cigarettes and disgustingly thick, cheap perfume as her only constant company.

Just as life seemed to be an endless abyss without an end, a miracle happened.

She gave birth to a child. Who, despite being born from a harlot of the lowest degree, was beautiful and pure. In sharp contrast to her, who already started losing her feathers despite only being in her mid-twenties.

Her baby had black feathers growing from her back, in contrast to her dull brown and pure, jewel-like green eyes that reflected her appearance. Like a calm lake where she once went with her father, when her father wasn't a gambling addict. And her mother wasn't a drug addict.

Upon seeing her, her first instinct was to protect her and escape from this hell together. But that wouldn't be possible as she was marked to live all her life as a slave. So, despite her reluctance, she gave her up to an orphanage just a week after her birth. Her instinct at that time screamed at her that she was no better than her parent and that she truly deserved living like this, but the logical part squashed that part of her mercilessly. Causing her already dull eyes to dim even further.

Her hand at that time trembled, and her leg nearly gave out, but she endured it and left her daughter outside the orphanage using one of the rare favors that she managed to gain through the years.

From then on, she had something to look forward to. Something to hope and dream. Hoping that one day, her daughter would live the life she never could and enjoy the delicacies that only she dreamed of.

Every week or so, she would scrape everything she had and send it to her daughter. In hopes that she would grow up healthy and energetic, as the food situation in the orphanage wasn't that good.

As every year, one or two children would always starve to death.

This cycle continued for a few years. Her baby, although she couldn't meet and talk to her, grew up beautifully. Raven-black hair and emerald-like eyes sparkled with innocence and curiosity.

Her daughter was a curious one, as she would always want to learn many things. Using what she had and a few nights without sleep, she even managed to get her a book. A decayed and old book was all she managed to get, but her daughter loved it. As she saw her always carrying it around whenever she was playing or doing some simple chores.

In contrast, she, on the other hand, started losing weight, her skin started losing its healthy color, dark circles started appearing under her eyes, and she started losing the few customers that she had, causing the already meager scraps to reduce. But still, thinking that she probably wouldn't live that long, she gave what she had to her daughter.

And about a day ago, her body finally gave in, and she was discarded into the streets. The one who would bury her would come the day after tomorrow. Until then, she would wait for her death, slowly waiting for the inevitable that will happen.

At that time, her mind was hazy, and some random question appeared in her mind.

"Why did they not finish me off?" The naive part of her asked the weary and torn side of her mind.

And the torn and broken part of her replied. "Because they don't want us smelling like shit when that person who would be burying us came around."

The naive side of her nodded with an innocent expression with big, wide eyes that reflected a calm lake, an expression that the broken side had long forgotten.

"Would my daughter be okay?" The naive, childish side asked, her voice chirping like a bird, energetic and happy.

Her broken and ripped-to-pieces side of her mind replied. "Probably would die; the situation of the city is getting worse."

The naive side nodded, her expression still one of innocent wonder, the kind only a child could have. It was a part of her that had never grown, always clinging to the hope of that fateful day when her parent would finally come to take her away.

Away from this nightmare that was her life.

Away from the harsh truth that the possibility of her daughter ending up the same would be high.

Just as it seemed like she would find her eternal peace. The monster came.

That thing devoured and consumed everything without differentiating anyone or anything. 

That thing didn't favor the strong, nor did it pity the weak, for that thing, all beings were equal. Its monstrous eyes didn't even show a ripple as it consumed all who were unfortunate enough to get in its way.

That thing at first glance looked like a truly awe-inspiring being, with its pristine wings and deep and, for some reason, calming aura it had. But at the second glance, it appeared like an eldritch monstrosity, and the fact that it was massacring everything and everyone didn't help, only making it even more paradoxical beast.

Causing her heart, which had stopped long ago, to throb once more before her eventual death.



Moon blinked as he felt his mind return to the present. The sudden clarity gushed into his brain as he awoke from that flashback that he got from that harpy's soul. The third one that he had since he started absorbing souls in such high volume. The first one caused him to lose focus for a second, and the second one caused him to lose focus for half a second. Now, it was only one-fourth of a second, a massive improvement. A thing that he should be happy about.

But he wasn't, as every time he had a flashback of the souls he devoured. He felt like he was losing a small part of himself. A part of him that made him Moon, a part of him that made him who he was, forever.

He felt terrified and lonely every time it happened, but just a millionth of a second after it happened, he would regain his calm, a calm that one should have while relaxing on a rainy day, not when one is fighting and massacring countless. And the small part of him that was foreign to him, reveling in the change for that part, viewing it as a boom instead of a curse. Which caused Moon to start panicking only for it to disappear the next second.



His mind returned to the present as sound started registering in his mind as he viewed what happened outside his body. There he saw all of his enemies dead or half dead on the ground, and he in the sky, on top of them, about to devour their souls. But before he did that, he let go of the souls of both the daughter and the mother, along with hundreds of other children or beings who suffered the same fate. The fate of not being granted the freedom that one should have while living, not being granted the joy of living in the world of the living, so he granted them, the freedom in death.

Instantly, hundreds of souls rushed out of him and disappeared into the sky, some flying towards a destination while some just dissipating in the sky. But his size and power didn't decrease as the six high-class beings and the soldiers who were dying through the city still flew to him to get absorbed by him.

Slowly, he floated up to the sky as he basked in the light rain that had started just a ten or so minutes prior as he reveled in the monstrous power that he now wielded.

Some part of the power he wielded is Temporary, as only part of the souls and beings burned by him is absorbed, yet it is undeniable that he currently wielded a power equal to the ultimate class being. No, not just a low ultimate class; by his estimation, he is probably about peak mid-ultimate class.

And he had a feeling that after digesting these souls, he would evolve into a ultimate class being. 


A sky-breaking, earth-shaking roar sounded in the distance. Shaking the whole city in just one deafening roar that is akin to a shockwave of a nuclear blast as that sound spreads. With the shadow in the distance being the culprit.

"Third party?" Moon inquired as he turned around and flew towards the Mink clan castle, specifically towards where the artifact that was capable of teleporting him out of the underworld was located.

The sheer energy that the being in the distance radiated increased the gravity around him. Causing not a few low-class beings to fall to the ground, defenseless. And that is from such a long distance. "If that shadow came, it would be big trouble," Moon thought as he increased his speed even further and flew toward the mink clan castle as he knew by instinct that he was no match for that shadow in the distance.








Tiamet is an old dragon. Old even to the dragons - not just to humans and short-lived races. As one of the five dragon kings, it was expected for her to be old. But there were plenty of dragons even older than her, so she wasn't concerned. In fact, in dragon culture, ancient dragons are highly respected as those who have lived eons upon eons are most of the time extremely powerful or adorned with wisdom that surpasses any short-lived species.

But the words wisdom and Tiamet the Chaos Karma don't go well together, a fact that she knew. But still, she wouldn't call herself an idiot or something like that; in fact she was plenty smart, just that compared to other ancient beings like gods and other ancient dragons, she couldn't shine as much as she wished.

But she made up what she lacked with undeniable and pure strength that earned her rightful place as the strongest among dragon kings, which in prospect means that she was a being just below the dragon gods. Surpassing thousand upon thousands of other dragons and gods in pure strength. And thanks to her strength and senses, she was among the best. So when Tiamet sensed a holy energy of Ultimate class angel in the underworld, in her territory. It surprised her, but not so much, as she had just woken up after a good nap. A nap, She took a nap after she earned an artifact, specifically called Dragon Spear.

So she, in both curiosity and annoyance, flew to where she sensed the angel. And there in the distance, between the hills, she saw it.

That angel, which for some reason looked like a flying eyeball, was destroying the small city that inhabited her forest without care or worry, as if that angel had nothing to worry about.

As if that angel didn't enter the underworld, specifically her forest, but instead was in heaven or heaven's territory.

This increased her annoyance, as sometimes, every few decades, she would come here and take away some treasures as tax for living in her forest. "Now ?" , The tax she could have would probably be reduced as they would probably take a significant amount of time to recover, a time which they could have used to collect or create treasures for her.


She roared towards that angel, trying to stop it from doing any more damage to her sheep. No, her people.

The ground shook, and the wind blew as the trees around her bent as if an invisible giant was crushing them. while also causing the angel to stop in its tracks. But, just a second later, the angel flew towards one of the castles.

"What is that angel doing ?" She wondered as she gazed upon the angel. Who flew towards the castle instead of fleeing, like any being who met her probably should

Deciding that she should hurry up, in case that angel killed more of her peopel, she increased her speed and blasted towards the little city akin to a speeding bullet with the size of an multiple whale combed together.


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