Biblically Accurate Angel - High School DxD

Chapter 27: Out of the Underworld

Author note: a friendly suggestion: Try to read it slowly.

Chapter 26


Moon shot towards the mink clan's castle, his wings becoming an afterimage as he flew, cutting through the air despite his humongous size that otherwise should have slowed him down immensely. The wind resistance and the sheer weight would be too much, but fortunately, the laws of this world were weaker and more bendable compared to his previous life's world. Or it might just be that there are more primordial laws compared to his previous life.

And in just a second, he was almost at the castle. A mere meters away, there was the castle window, and beyond, about twenty meters away from him, were Kale and Katu, standing outside the vault. And in the hands of Kale lay a totem that radiated an undeniable aura of space. Quite possibly the artifact.

At least that was the thing he hoped; if they did not, chances are, he probably wouldn't be seeing the rising of tomorrow's sun.

But unfortunately, just before he crashed through the walls of the castle. A humongous shadow suddenly appeared behind him and loomed just a few meters away from him. Bearing down an immense pressure upon him as it quietly stood, watching. After that, it was a blend of confusion and dizziness as he was sent flying by the thing that appeared behind him.

Time seemed to suspend as he traveled with the speed that he had never had as he crashed through houses like sand castles and city walls like a twig as he consecutively burst through them.





Following behind him was the trail of destruction in his wake as the holes he made and the houses that he sent through slowly fell apart and crashed to the ground. And through the forced flight that he was forced to take, ten or so civilians were crushed. Some, because the house they were in crashed onto them, and two, because they were in the way of his trajectory, right where he was sent flying.

They were crushed into bits of gore and flesh as they both blended into one big pile of flesh.

(RIP for the mother and daughter pair who were hiding in the closet.)

And just a second after the crash, Moon shook himself out of the dizziness and confusion and flew towards the sky. His wings cut the air apart as they cleared away the smoke and dirt that had risen.


He spread his immense two pairs of wings in full display and his eye blazed akin to a sun as he prepared a spell of his own. While looking at the Mink clan castle and its surroundings. But there was nothing, absolutely nothing. Nowhere was the shadow that appeared behind him.

He expected an instant follow-up attack, even an explosion of spells raining upon him. But there was none.

Nothing suggests that anything attacked him.

Nothing to show that he was attacked except for the purple bruise that he got and the flight path that he was forced to take.

Instead, there was only a blend of calm chaos and burning houses with only a few beings present in the city. "Where?" Moon muttered as he surveyed his surroundings.

Then suddenly a dark shadow appeared in front of him. Casting its shadow into him and almost fully blocking the sun from reaching him as it towered over him. The being was a pale blue Western dragon with celestial blue scales that seemed to suck the very essence of the sky itself, and the thick draconic pressure that accompanied the being was one of which he never saw as it nearly felled him.

Only nearly as this time, Moon was prepared.

He transformed his body into a flame for a brief second, just when the claw of the dragon swept through him, burning the claw in the process, and while in the flame form, he gathered a huge amount of holy energy enhanced by his flaming ability and sent it towards the chest of the dragon in the form a flaming spear. 

[Infernal Javelin] Moon silently though in his mind



A massive explosion happens as Moon's attack hits the dragon point-blank. First, it was the deafening roar that split the very air apart, shaking the very ground around him into smithereens as it tore open the sky, revealing the permanent twilight color of the underworld sky.

Then it was the screeching of the explosion that tore open and shook the very particles of the world as it covered the world in chaos. Rupturing the eardrums of any being who was unfortunate enough to be beside them.

A massive amount of heat accompanied the sound soon after as it blasted away and drowned the part of the forest they were on, turning any trees into charcoal and evaporating lakes until there was nothing left, along with all the fish that inhabited it.

For a brief moment, time seemed to stop between them as Moon and the dragon, which Moon was guessing to be Tiamat the Chaos Karma Dragon, locked gazes.

Moon's inhumane gaze that never once blinked since its existence against Tiamat's blue platinum draconic slit pupils that spoke of power.

Then it was the silent showdown between them, a challenge that was never spoken, and the rules that were never uttered as they both locked gazes, waiting for the other to blink and for the time to resume once again.

They gazed at each other in the silent world, Moon inspecting Tiamat's body and the wings, and Tiamat gazing at the Angel's eyes and wings, which for some bizarre reason contained thousands of souls. Who, just like the angel in front of her, was gazing at her with their own gazes. Some were filled with hope and some with madness as they clawed at her.

Most of them were still squirming and resisting as they crawled towards her, through the binds of the angel before her, as if she was a beacon of hope for them. The only beacon they could find in the endless hell that awaited them.

She slowly shifted her gaze towards the angel's pupil, to the inhumane gaze of the angel who had that innocent and pure glint that all angels who haven't fallen had.

The one which they wore as they massacred all who stood against them, not caring whether they were elderly or children for their one and only GOD. As if any action they did, under their God's will, became righteous and fair, they executed his will to burn down millions and cast more to eternal damnation. But just a second after they executed God's will, they would return to those normal, peace-loving angels who were willing to sacrifice their lives and help those in need without expecting anything in return.

But she wasn't one to judge, as she had done worse things.

After all, she didn't earn her title as a dragon king by just lazing around or sparring with fellow dragons.

But suddenly, something changed.

The air twisted. It was thick, as though it clung to her scales, then thin, as though it evaporated altogether. The world around her seemed to bend, not in the way the wind might shift, but in ways that made her aware of every breath, every movement—unnatural, like the very space was breathing her in. And then, that angel's gaze… it shifted. But no, that wasn't right. It wasn't a shift—it was a tearing, as if the gaze tore open a void or portal.

Then, she felt a gaze, an eldritch, wrongful gaze that cast its twisted ideology upon her mind as that being observed. The owner of that gaze warped the space around her as it extended its reach towards her. As if wanting to drag her to it.

Maniacal panic set in as she tried to force her way through it, but it was to no avail, as if the very space around her solidified into an extremely solid block as it blocked her and prevented her from moving a muscle. But she didn't stop or give up, as she continued trying to break free despite already learning it was futile, just like how it was instinct for any being to struggle until the end. While her body was busy struggling against it, her mind went through her ancient memories rapidly as it looked for ways and clues to what was happening. Through the ancient memory akin to the oldest of grimoires, one that recorded her eons upon eons of experience. In one corner, on the edge of the forgotten. Under the heavy dust, she remembered the warning of the ancients.

The only instance in her ancient memory when she saw those primidolol dragons tremble as they warned her. A word that they, after minutes upon minutes of shaking and breakdown, managed to utter.

"Beware of the horrors beyond the stars, those who cast despair even to those already dead. Outer Gods" Her mind, uttered without her notice, took a sharp intake of breath in the frozen world as her pupils rapidly changed sizes and her scale. "Is the owner of this gaze an Outer God? No, it feels different from the ones the ancients spoke of." A small part of her, her logical side, continued to look for ways to survive this ordeal.

Outer Gods, A whisper that was never spoken clawed at the edges of her mind, an echo from the abyss. They did not speak in words but in concepts, unraveling any being's understanding of time, of reality. All primordial gods and ancient dragons spoke of them in hushed tones beneath the cover of the sun; they spoke of them as beings beyond every possible concept, law, and existence itself.

They warned the younger ones never to utter their name or even mention them, as if they do, the very existence itself might cease to exist. For those who live beyond the stars might find them or make them aware of their fleeting world and existence.

The platinum blue scale took on the shade of deep ocean blue, as if turning pale as her claw scarred the ground. Then she noticed it, the feeling, this cursed feeling that she was feeling was coming from the angel in front of her.

One, which she thought was annoying and weak.

One that, she thought, she could easily get rid of.

The wings of the angel in front of her were changing, contrasting, and morphing as they moved, not as wings but something more. More than what a limb can do, more than a wing could possibly do, as it dug into the very space itself.

Her breath caught—not from pain, nor from shock, but from the stark, undeniable realization that she would die soon. No action, no desperate struggle, would change that outcome. Her body accepted it before her mind did. Yet her soul refused.

The Soul of Tiamat, the Chaos Karma dragon, refused as it rampaged. Cursing her feeble body and instinct that for some reason bowed before her, the true owner of the body did. Her mind reddened until only blood remained, and she prepared to give up any reasoning as she prepared herself to go on a mad rampage.

As any being, whenever they were the strongest of gods or even the very Outer Gods, would have to pay a deep price before killing her, as she would never go down easy, for she was a Dragon King, the strongest among dragons.

But at the next second, that distorted moment that spanned centuries disappears as if reality itself returns to life as Tiamat's eyes snap open, and she uses her ability.

"Cause and Effect"

And an ancient, deeply distorted voice sounds from her mouth as the reality corrects itself to its rightful place. Which is the unknown angel, for some reason, attacking himself without any reason. The Tiamet, the chaos karma dragon, did not miss the attack that she threw towards the angel, as the angel hadn't managed to dodge her attack by dematerializing his own body in time.


This time, with an attack that surpassed even the initial attack, Moon was sent flying towards a distant mountain. This time, he broke through boulders and ancient trees like a needle that flew at light speed as he cleared a straight path through them.

But Tiamat wasn't done yet, as Tiamat's body, unknown even to her, as if making up for giving up earlier than her mind, charged up an immensely powerful fire breath and shot it towards the angels. Hitting it just a second after it landed on the mountain.

Hitting the angel right in the eye while creating a mushroom cloud that reached into the very limits of the sky. Which bloomed the second after as it covered the sky fully.

(Tiamet POV)

"What was that?" Tiamet mutters with consorted eyes as she takes in a sharp breath of air, her scales dimming and her body twitching and contorting as she suppresses herself from shaking in terror or falling over to the ground.

She took a slow step forward, but her legs gave out when she put weight behind it. Causing her to kneel down despite how humiliating this was.

She desperately tried to stand up again, but no matter what, no strength traveled towards her leg, and no amount of the Dragon Power that she radiated in desperation made her forget that fleeting horror. A horror that left her just as fast as it came.

A mirage, madness she would like to call it, but she knew deep in her heart. That thing was just as real as her and everything that existed in this world and was somehow connected to that angel.

Time fractured around her as she knelt, a being equal to the very Outer Gods who could deny the existence of the world just by merely existing. It was real, wasn't it? The horror that had gripped her chest. Or was it? A fleeting moment, a fragment of an impossible thought—had it happened at all, or was she already lost to the twisting of reality? Nothing felt certain. Nothing felt right.


The burning smell of her flesh and the pain that accompanied it stole her attention away from her fractured mind as she looked down towards her chest and her claw. Which burned, despite her already using her ability, changing the cause and effect so that the angels' attack never hit her, yet it remains.

Her consorting pupil slowly stopped changing sizes as she tried to put out the flame, dousing it with thick Dragon Power. But it didn't work; instead, it only made the flame stronger and caused the flame to change hue to platinum yellow.

Then she tried a few spells like [Frost Rain] and [Winter's Wrath]. A rare few spells she learned in her long life. Which also didn't work.

So she tried cutting out that part of her body along with the Dragon Power that, for some reason, started resisting her will. Not moving as she wished and harming her body despite being one of her own.

It worked, as all the Dragon Power, along with some scales, was thrown out beside her. Then she started looking around for that angel. Though she didn't know what she should do with it, as normally she would crush those who trespassed into her territory without a single thought. But for that thing, she wasn't sure. That angel felt like it was as strong as the very outer gods and weak as the Ultimate class. At least to her, ultimate class was considered weak, as she killed plenty of ultimate class beings.

Unknown to her, that angel whom she was worrying about was quite a few kilometers away, crawling towards the mink clan's castle.

(Moon POV)

Moon could be seen crawling towards the mink clan's castle using his wings as spider's legs, as every feather that was once on his wings was burned to a crisp, leaving behind only the burned flesh.

Tuc Tuc Tuc

Tuc Tuc Tuc

Though calling it crawling could be the wrong word, as he was moving with a speed surpassing even leopards speed towards the city. And in just a few seconds, he was inside the city, rapidly going towards the mink clan castle.

Midway to the core part of the city, he saw Kale and Katu, along with their bodyguard, running towards him. But his eyes were blurry as his eyes, which he thought to be as tough as adamantium, were cracked in several places, and one part was even open, golden liquid was dripping down from his eyes.

And to add salt to a wound, for some reason, just when he and Tiamat, the dragon king, were having a stare down, everything for some reason darkened; he woke up on a distant mountain, injured quite badly, along with a considerable amount of souls, about half of the souls that he managed to collect gone with no sign of where or what exactly happened. Frustrating him to no end, the temporary boost that he was getting disappeared, and the only silver lining that was preventing him from vowing a blood vow towards Tiamat was the fact that the souls he now had were enough for him to ascend to the Ultimate class without a problem.

When he got close enough to them, he heard Kale stop in front of him. Her eyes were wide, and her mouth was hanging open in deep shock. "What happened to you?"

A question that he didn't answer, as he was in a rush, putting it lightly. "A̶r̵t̶i̵f̶a̶c̵t̶ ̷N̶O̷W̶,̸" he demanded in his eldritch voice, as for some reason, he wasn't capable of normal speech currently.

Kale's leg falters as if in shock, and she takes a step, but Katu, who stood behind her mother, hugs her mother and whispers. "Mother, questions later."

The hug from her daughter seemed to bring down her shock as she took out the artifact and activated it. Soon, a blue circle appeared around them as it teleported them to the human world. But just before they teleported away, Moon turned right where he saw Tiamat flying up straight towards the sky; probably haven't seen them yet.

Just a second before they left, Moon, using his eldritch, cursed voice, spoke. "T̸i̷a̷m̸a̴t̷ ̶o̷f̸ ̴t̶h̵e̷ ̶d̶r̶a̸g̷o̶n̴ ̷k̵i̶n̴g̵,̷ ̵I̶ ̵s̴h̵a̵l̶l̸ ̷r̵e̵m̵e̵m̶b̷e̷r̷ ̵t̵h̴i̵s̷ ̶s̸l̶i̴g̵h̴t̷,̷" Moon said as he disappeared from the underworld. His voice, eldritch and cursed, reached Tiamat only a second after he disappeared due to how slow sound traveled.


Authors note : i edited the chapter several time, but i still couldn't get the perfect vibe, also i added a bit of a foreshadow. Do tell me your suggestions as i, for some unknown reason, just couldn't get that perfect vibe, heck it even probably came out as a bit cliche.

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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