Billionaire Playboy

Chapter 18: Chapter 18

" Wooo. What a night huh? I cannot believe how much I fucking ate. I felt like I ate like a fucking pig or something. "

" Same. That Yacht party was something else huh. "

" Haha— Tim dude, you remember when you fucking hit your head on that pipe? I was weak as hell. "

" hahaha. "

" ahaha! Oh yeah! Shit was funny ! "

" It wasn't you fucking jerks! "

" well. I see the same old same old, party animal co- workers is early today. " Grim stated as he walked into the meeting with the rest of them.

Yugi was already inside, sitting at one of the tables in the chair, as Grim walked in and sat beside him and Melissa.

" Hey Yug. "

" .. mm Hey, Grim. " Yugi said briefly.

" you alright? " Grim asked.

" Mhm. " Yugi said with a small smile before turning his head back around and scribbling down some notes.

" You sure? You seem— I don't know— " Grim said before Melissa jumped in.

" depressed. " Melissa remarked. Grim looking over at Melissa before back at Yugi.

Yugi sighed. " guys, really. I'm fine. "

The last comment Yugi said before everyone heard footsteps approaching, and seen that Mr. Sennen opened the glass door and walked into the meeting.

Yami was wearing a solid black silk suit with an unbutton top white shirt underneath, and some dangling diamond red earrings. Along with some solid black high heel shoes with red at the bottom.

" Good morning ladies. " Yami would say first before speaking once more. " and gentlemen. "

" good morning. " everyone said in unison.

" I hope you all had a wonderful evening, yesterday. The yacht party was a success. So we can clap for that. " Mr. Sennen told them.

Everyone clapped, as Yugi clapped briefly before stopping, as Yami continued to talk. " This week we have new ideas, new goals, and also new launch business products that not only will be launched this year in China. but it will be also in Australia. "

People were chattering amongst themselves in excitement as Yugi slowly sat up more looking around briefly before looking up at Yami. Yami smirked a bit at the chatter as they all seemed ready to work.

" I know. I know darlings, which is why I am thrilled to tell you all as well that. This could be something for you all to try and strive to get involved with. " Mr. Sennen continued to say.

" Which is why the rest of the board after discussing it with them, has allowed me to invite one of you to travel with me, to sale and market these ideas in Paris France. "

" holy shit ! You serious? " Grim said amazed.

" Why yes! Yes I am. " Yami said with a wink.

" this— this is wonderful ! " Melissa stated aloud.

" .. wow. " Yugi whispered.

" Yes. So I recommend you all to reach your quota's by the end of the week, if you wish to have a chance at this grand opportunity. " Mr. Sennen explained.

Someone raised their hand.

" yes? " Yami said.

" So.. the format will be launched in Paris, France first then in china and Australia? " a colleague asked.

" Correct. " Yaami stated.

" Someone from this corporation will travel with me to Paris, France to attend a conference, to discuss the new project. From there, we will dine not only in the most ravishing and expensive taste that my homeland has to offer, but we will also be able to exchange key information with the grand ambassadors. " Yami continued to tell.

" With this key information, they will hear our proposal, seal the deal and give us the necessary approval to proceed with advancing our project towards China and Australia. "

" I already have companies in these locations but these are new project ideas that I need help with launching. However, with someone coming from my first office here. It'll give any one of you a chance to get a promotion, and have your own small company you will run under me. "

" are you serious!? We will get our own business company that we will have with you?! " Grim said happily.

" small. " Yami stated.

" it is a starting point. yes. I assure you, but it will grow in time, but that person must be willing to relocate in eight years, as the office will be in Tokyo Japan. Not here. " Yami proclaimed.

Chatter was heard amongst the people in the meeting as Yugi sat there in awe. He couldn't believe what he was hearing right now.

Not only if he got this chance and opportunity, he'd be able to travel the globe and launch new projects with the founder. It was like a dream, and also felt like it was way out of his league.

" Do not be discouraged if you are new. Many of you have been hired in the past weeks here and some of you are fresh meat, ripe. Nevertheless, this opportunity is equal to all. " Yami explained to everyone.

" On another note. As you all know, since I am a board member now— I will eventually in a matter of the end of next year, will have to turn this corporation over to a second CEO. "

" This is for my more elite management team. Grim, Melissa, Brad, Richie, Samatha, Darl and Maxine. You all have the opportunity to become the next CEO of my company. To run my business higher while I am away and prove to me, you deserve to run my company for me. "

Everyone that Yami said was listening intensely. Yugi was watching Grim as Grim had a determination in his eyes.

While on the way home, Grim was explaining how being on the board works for Mr. Sennen. Since he is now a board member he basically needs a right hand man or woman to run his company for him.

He himself will be too preoccupied and busy to run the company in New York as being a board member requires an exponential amount of traveling.

Therefore Grim was more excited than ever with all these grand openings that was available. In a way Yugi was devastated, this felt like when he was a child and all his friends had to up and leave him.

If Grim became the new CEO then Grim would no longer be able to really speak to Yugi on a more personal level. He would be so focused on making sure the company continued to run smoothly.

All the while Yami would no longer even be in New York. He would be somewhere across the globe doing his business elsewhere and traveling and launching more of his projects.

It was all bittersweet for Yugi, which was alot for the young male to dwell on as tons of people continued to ask questions. Eventually, Yugi had zoned out for some of the meeting before he had reached its conclusion.

" Meeting is adjourned. I hope to see one of you with me by the end of this week attending the Paris France conference! " Yami stated.

Yami had eventually walked out of the conference room as everyone had gotten up from their chairs and some stretched while others went straight out the office.

" lunch? " Sarah asked Yugi.

" Mmm you go ahead, I have some work I wanna finish first. " Yugi told her, as she smiled at him and started to head out the door.

" Hey Yug. Wouldn't it be amazing for me if I got the CEO position? " Grim asked Yugi as he was packing his things up and grabbing his laptop.

" mm.. yeah, it would. I'd be happy for you. " Yugi would say.

" yeah... and hey! That opportunity to travel seems like everyone could have a shot at that. Even you. So you should try and reach that so you can get a promotion. " Grim told Yugi.

Yugi hearing Grim's words slowly started to stand up from his chair and head towards the door as Grim and Melissa followed suit.

" He's right, Yugi. I mean I've seen how you've been doing your sales lately, and if you keep this paste up, you will meet a very good quota by the end of the week. " Melissa proclaimed.

" ... thanks guys, I appreciate the words of encouragement. " Yugi told them both.

" Anytime! ... so lunch? "

" No thanks. I will catch up later, I want to get some more work done real quick. " Yugi told them.

" Alright! Well don't work too much, breaks are also just as important. " Melissa stated as Grim waved goodbye as the two of them went off to lunch.

Yugi watched as the two walked away, as he walked down the hallway past several others and headed to his own office. Reaching his office he opened the glass door and went inside, placing his laptop and paperwork down.

He signed a tad before sitting down in his chair and rolling over to his fax machine. Turning it on and starting to file and fax some paperwork away.

Before long it had been an hour and a half went by. A small sound of knock against the glass door, as Yugi didn't bother to look up to see whom it was, but told them they could come in.

" .. Mr. Mutou. " Mr. Sennen stated standing in his office.

Yugi orbs shot opened a bit before he looked up and stopped working. " oh.. apologize Mr. Sennen— I was just — "

" working and haven't went to lunch? " Yami said cutting the male off.

" .... Not really hungry. " Yugi said shrugging his shoulders.

" mmm pitch posh— you could stand to use a break. Besides I am not running a sweat shop— " Yami retorted before motioning his hands for Yugi to get up.

Yugi slowly placed the pen down on the paper and moved his chair back before standing up from his desk. " I do not need you overworking yourself— and what type of CEO would I be if I didn't make sure all my employees went to lunch. "

" a concern one I suppose. " Yugi remarked.

" concerning — indeed. " Yami stated as he arched a brow a bit before he turned his back on Yugi and spoke.

" Come! We shall go to lunch together. "

Yugi pupils lit up.

" Lunch? Together? Just us? " Yugi questioned.

Yami stopped in the hallway to turn around and look at the male confused. " Is that a problem? "

" I — no! No— I just — "

" Then follow me. " Yami said swiftly before continuing to walk down the hallway, as a confused and curious Yugi followed behind him headed to lunch.

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