Chapter 19: Chapter 19
" Wow. I never ate here before. Do you come here all the time for your lunch breaks? "
" Not necessarily. I enjoy the fine dinings, the luxurious seafood buffet, or the exquisite chow mein foods. It really depends on the time of day, to which I finish my work. " Yami remarked.
The two sat down at a nice restaurant called " The La Ma Crab Remo. " it was an expensive location but only just a few miles from the office. Yugi had picked up a menu and noticed the prices to which his eyebrows did the talking.
Yami noticed this and formed a small grin in amusement on his cheeks. Yugi's eyes slowly looked up noticing the gesture and shook his head.
" What? "
" You. "
" Hm? "
" I know you cannot afford this place. Do not worry. I shall pay for your meal. Just get what you desire, yes. " Yami told him.
" ... how do you know what I can afford? " Yugi questioned with a brow.
" Why do you take bus and train home then? " Yami replied.
" .... Maybe I — just like public transportation.. " Yugi said as his eyes go back to the menu in embarrassment.
Yami chuckled cutely again, as Yugi hearing him made him look at his boss again. Hearing Yami laugh in such a way, was not only attractive but highly adorable.
He had a very unique laugh that wasn't obnoxious nor irritable to hear. His laugh was brief and soft spoken, almost like an innocent child.
" You humbleness is what amuses me, Mr. Mutou. "
" Oh? " Yugi said.
" You truly believe — that I believe you love taking smelly public taste? — if you had true taste you and I both know— one does not like the open world. We both know how fowl and tenacious it truly is... "
".. Perhaps the open world is something, someone should continue to discovery. You will find plenty of things of amusing fun to do in the open world, Mr. Sennen. " Yugi replied.
Hearing Yugi's reply, Yami took an interest in hearing more, as he slowly placed his hands on his lap. " Such as? " he asked him.
Yugi looked up in a frozen look for a second, as he didn't think Yami would've even took an interest to ask. Before the male could reply, the waiter came by and spoke.
" Good afternoon Monsieur Sennen. And good afternoon sir. Today's specials are the crab la soup, with seashells and ja fi. & lobsters tail with lemon pepper sauce and some succulent fruit. " the waiter finishing saying.
Yugi from hearing what the male said, all he could hear was pricy, pricy, and pricy. However to Yami's ears it sounded marvelous and all delicious.
" I shall have the lobsters talk with lemon pepper sauce and some succulent fruit, with a hint of lamagu and poise lavender champagne. " Yami ordered.
" ah! Wi Wi ! Very good Monsieur Sennen. And — for you? Sir? " the waiter asked Yugi, after taking Yami's order.
Yugi looked up at the waiter and took the menu as he looked it over again and pointed at an item. " I — I'm sorry I'll take the — umm.. " he started to say, trying to read these French words.
Yami watched as his legs were folded underneath the table as he took a dinner napkin and covered his mouth in another small chuckle.
" give him the la me doujr shrimp with champagne toast. " Yami said towards the waiter ordering for Yugi.
Yugi folded the menu as the waiter held out his hand and took both of their menu's for them and replaced the menu with the dessert menus as he spoke before walking off.
" Ah-ha, Right away Monsieur Sennen, right away. "
" ... yeah you definitely come here often. " Yugi said with a little laugh.
" Well, they know my face here. "
" your face is one to remember. " Yugi said quickly as the waiter came back and put down two glasses of water on two coasters before walking away.
Hearing what Yugi said Yami kept his legs folded crossing over one another as his right hand was resting in his lap, while the other hand held the glass water.
" Really? What about it? " Yami asked taking a sip.
Yugi took a sip as well from the glass as he gulped the water down before looking up at Yami confused a bit with a nervous laugh.
" What about what? — "
" my face. That it is something to remember. "
" oh— I well— " Yugi said fumbling, as he was feeling himself a bit sweaty and his cheeks warming up.
" Come — Come Mr. Mutou— if we are to become more than employer and employee you must learn to speak to me normally, no? "
" well.... It's extremely hard— to speak to you.... because — "
" I'm what? Intimating? Witty? Straight-forward? Alluring? Intellectually honest? Fire-spirited? Cunning? .... Ravishingly charming? " Yami questioned as he took another sip from his glass while eyeing Yugi.
" ..... yes.. " Yugi said to it all.
Yami chuckled a bit more as he put the glass down and slowly sat up a bit more in a lean over the table sort of way.
" Mr. Mutou— I can assure you, nothing would give me more satisfaction than to watch you admire me from an awe, but— alas I simply wish to have a hint of better discussions with you on a mere day to day standpoint, si? "
" u—huh. " the young male said trying to follow along with how Yami was saying his wrangles.
Yami could tell that he was losing Yugi, as he tried to inhale a bit before speaking once more in a more mere English term.
" In light speaking. I wish to simply know you like a colleague. If you have interest please share them. I may be your boss— but I can also be .. something more. "
Yugi arched a brow.
" something more? "
Yami sipped his drink before replying.
" A listener to fill your heart with warmth when someone around you is listening to what you desire. "
" .... You mean a friend? "
" ... a friend? " Yami asked.
" yes. The term I believe you're trying to remark is— a friend. "
" ah— well then yes in the limited English terms, yes. A friend. " Yami replied.
" well— thank you Mr. Sennen. I — I appreciate it. "
" Yami. "
" ... hm? "
" My name is Yami. However I'm positive you already knew that. Yet you insist on saying Mr. Sennen. "
Yugi recollected himself a bit before he sighed softly trying to take a breath before replying. " yes. I knew your name, due to the board saying it at the yacht party. However, I thought I should continue to call you by your last, since the formalities. "
" Ah. Indeed. Formalities — it's respectful, however I can assure you, Mr. Mutou I am not much older than you... Mr. Sounds like my father day in and out— and I would rather — not. "
" yet you call me Mr. Mutou. "
" is that not your name? "
" mm— my last name — yes. "
Yami twitched a brow in a shrug nonchalantly demeanor. " ah. Well— would you rather me call you by your first when we are not in the office together? "
" Yeah.. I would, if from your words you wish to become ' a listener to fill my heart's warmth so you can hear what it is that I desire.. ' " Yugi replied and mocked.
Yami grin ear to ear hearing Yugi recite the same wrangles back towards him as Yugi took another sip of his glass, as the waiter came back with both their champagne's and their food.
" Your food Monsieur Sennen and Sir. Please enjoy the— "
Yami shooing the waiter away, as the male never broke eye contact with Yugi the entire time. " and what is it— that you desire?~ " Yami would think to ask.
The waiter seeing Yami fan him off, he would nod without a word and walk away, as Yugi had picked up his fork and was about to eat when Yami asked him said question.
Yugi blinked for a few and shrugged a bit as he looked at Yami in the eyes. Trying not to be mesmerized by his appeal and his hues.
" ... I — idk — "
" I believe you do... " Yami chimed in to say.
Yugi looked at him again, it was the same stare they both had developed when Yugi saw Yami with Monsieur Alejandro Jour. That feeling of warmth and tension started to come up again in his stomach.
" I — desire... a successful career I suppose.. " Yugi would finally say. Yami looking deep into Yugi's eyes, knowing that Yugi desired more than he was leaning on, but decided not to push the issue.
" If you say so. " Yami would finally speak before he would slowly close his eyes and stay silent for a moment.
Yugi watching the male quietly as Yami would reopen his eyes and pick up his fork and knife and check his food. Yami then would look up at Yugi and nod.
" Enjoy the meal. I can assure you— you will love the flavors and boast of color. It is truly a riveting and divine combination. " Yami proclaimed as he started to cut his food and eat.
Yugi looked down at his plate before contemplating if he should remark on what Yami had stated. ' if I say so? What does he mean if I say so? Does he not believe me? ' Yugi thought.
" ... Mr. Se— I mean.. Yami.. " Yugi was daring to ask.
Yami continued to eat his food, as he was chewing softly and looked up at Yugi to hear him. Yugi slowly placed his knife down and decided for a moment that he would ask.
" Forgive me for asking but— I'm simply curious, is it — custom to be so— so — flaxmboyantous? In your culture to the point where it may seem that you are — "
" In love with men? " Yami would finish saying before he continued to chew and eye Yugi. Yugi orbs shot open a bit as it always seemed that Yami would know what he was going to ask.
" I— I'm sorry I shouldn't be — asking such things it's not my business.... " Yugi said quickly as he started to cut his food.
Yami continued to chew before he placed his hand against his mouth a bit, as the fork dangled in his hand as Yami swallowed and then spoke.
" You're correct it is not your business. However, since you asked. No. It is not accustom to act such ways, per se— but you shall find my wording comes from my homeland a bit. " Yami would say.
" My attitude and persona is who I've always been, but I can sometimes put a mere flare in my mouth when I need too. " Yami stated.
" .... Are you implying almost like a— cover up? like— an — an act? " Yugi asked curiously.
" Not an act. But that — would make a good movie no? " Yami teased.
Yugi chuckled.
" Young Yugi, I can assure you that what I say and do is most genuine. I do put a bit of sass into me, as that makes me — me. I do not portray anything or anybody. Tis would not be boring if I was plain and dull— such as the board? " Yami stated.
Yugi smiled and laughed quietly a bit at Yami mocked the board.
" Old men sitting around discussing politics and refine things, all the while— I'm sitting twirling my fingers awaiting for the next Opera House show. "
" You're into Opera? "
" Yes. I am. I do love hearing such wonderful music and the thoughts of Leonardo Mou— and Delilah O'lyr filling our hearts with sung, and ooze as they whisper the percussion of voice through our ears. " Yami sighed in love.
Yugi hearing and watching Yami facial expressions moved him in the way of knowledge. He wouldn't have ever guessed that someone of Yami's stature was into opera music, at all or even knew it.
" I guess.. that's something we both like. " Yugi told him.
Yami slowly looked with a head tilt but then chuckled a bit as he cut his food. " you? Into opera yourself? "
" I am. " Yugi told him.
" I may not be the best when it comes to knowledge of business all around, but I know opera and it's lovely music. I am even into musical theater, broadway shows, and art museums. "
" .... Fascinating.... As am I. " Yami stated. Yugi looked up hearing Yami as the two stared at each other and Yugi grabbed his wine glass.
" Well cheers to that then. "
" cheers? " Yami asked.
" A toast. It means raise your glass in awe of admiration or agreement to something or someone as you both have common ground. " Yugi explained.
" Ah! Well then! — " Yami said as he took his glass. " cheers. " Yami stated as the two of them both hit their glasses with each other and drunk.
Time continued to pass them by and before long, Yugi and Yami were both laughing and chatting away the hours. It was practically two hours that they had been sitting at the restaurant talking.
" Haha— that is rather funny, So you ended up slapping that guy for it? " Yugi teased.
" Ha. Why yes, I indeed did. If anything it serves him right for intervene with my favorite ice cream " Yami finished explaining.
The two laughed together in unison as Yugi spoke up. " I'm sure you'll make a lovely husband one day, your company is rather pleasing when you aren't intimating me from afar. " Yugi remarked.
Yami slowly looked away and out the window hearing his words, it was the first time Yugi seen Yami take away eye contact from them.
In a way, Yugi felt he had said something wrong, and immediately put his fork down as he had finished his food. " I — Im sorry, did I say something to offend you? Forgive me... "
Yami turned back to look at him.
" No— no. I just— husband? I — never heard someone tell me that before— that I would make a good one or rather I be a married man. " Yami replied.
" You mean you don't think about marrying ? " Yugi asked him.
" .... No. I guess I have not really put time into my personal affairs. I am much — much to busy for settling down and starting a family... I believe the person who seeks such things from me, would be much too disappointed to know I lean more towards men than her, hm? "
Yugi listening as he didn't break eye contact with Yami as he revealed his sexuality in an indirect yet clear way.
" Yeah.. no.. no I totally get that. " Yugi remarked softly and understandingly.
" and you? " Yami questioned.
" m— me? "
" Do you think of starting family? " Yami asked the male.
" Me? Oh— well.. idk.. I mean— I was questioning who I was meant to become over the years, but then I — I guess I decided that five years ago..... when I thought—- " Yugi said as he stopped mid sentence realizing he remembered someone.
" nevermind.. " Yugi said breaking eye contact with Yami, as Yami watched as Yugi's head went down.
" You are homosexual? " Yami bluntly asked him not taking his eyes away from the male. Yugi immediately turned his face red and looked up at Yami a bit stunned.
" I — well— yes? I suppose I mean— maybe— I mean I like women... I'm just not .. attracted to them in that aspect I guess? " Yugi said.
" I see. " Yami would reply.
" Yea.... " Yugi said awkwardly.
" There is nothing wrong with that, Yugi. I promise. I have plenty of friends who question or are unsure of what they wish to be or feel. I do not have such confusions— but it is normal to have them— from what I've been told. "
" So you know what you are? " Yugi stated.
" Of course I do. Don't you? — "
" what you mean— I thought you had just asked me about— "
" That is not what I am implying. " Yami replied as he cut Yugi off. " You saw Monsieur Alejandro and I yes? Surely you do not believe I am an uneducated man in the social spheres, that cannot see you were eyeing me from the parking lot. "
Yugi face turns into a tomato.
" What are you sayi- "
" What I am saying is. I enjoy the company of other men. I do have taken fond interest of women as well, but my delicious taste for the ..... finer things in life— have to do with what I can appease in a gentleman.. "
" I am no way — shape or form, speaking that I need their charity, as I could buy three islands right now if I so desired— but I like to be — open minded that if men desire my company— I seek to get my own thrills out of the ordeal as well. Yes? "
Yugi hearing Yami speak about himself, Yugi noticed the Yami was almost speaking in metaphors or speaking indirectly with using certain phrases and terms to throw it off guard.
It was as if he was telling Yugi about his sexuality without telling him about it. Telling the younger male, that he uses men to his advantage without saying that he does those things.
Perhaps, Yugi had been reading to deeply into it, he could also be implying that men like Yami romantically to which he declines unless he can get a thrill out of something.
The male's head was filled with questions more than answers, but he knew one thing was for certain, that he didn't know what or where Alejandro and Mr. Sennen actually went or did.
For all Yugi knew he could've simply walked him to their car and left, or perhaps they did something more than just talk. Either way, it wasn't the young male's place to be trying to seek the answers, as Yami wasn't friends with Yugi just yet.
For all he knew he would never tell him what truly happened that night. Although the way, Yami was speaking about ' the board ' would also imply that — he dislikes all the members.
If that be the case then why would Yami join the board to begin with. Could it have truly been simply because of his company? Perhaps, blackmailing? Yugi didn't really know any of it.
Yami had rose up from the table after he had finished talking. He checked the time and to his astonishment it was 2:15pm. However, he wasn't someone to get easily shocked by time or circumstances.
" Ah. We have indeed went past your 30 minutes of lunch period. " Yami would speak.
" I — Omgosh! We did! Holy shit! I have to get back to the office and finish up all the paperwork! I have to file it to you and — "
" Yugi! " Yami said sternly as some of the customers heard Yugi's panic as Yugi looked directly at Yami and zipped his lips.
" You are behaving obnoxiously now. Hush your lips for someone who makes a fuse— shall never be able to function with the right knowledge. Have you forgotten I run the corporation you work for— so your panics aren't necessary. "
Yugi nodded in a hush as he continued to look at Yami as Yami pulled out his credit card and handed it to the waiter.
" Fret not about your workload. You can take it home with you and finish it there. I will let it pass this time since you were out with me. "
" ... thank you.. Mr. S— I mean Yami... "
" Come. I shall give you a ride back as well to the office. We cannot afford you to be later than you already are. "
The two of them eventually arrived back at the office together as the time was now 2:30pm. Yami had walked inside, as colleagues noticed that Yugi was along with him.
They immediately started to whisper and smirk a bit as Yugi noticed them from afar but said nothing. He was rather in a good mood, and decided he wouldn't let people ruin it.
Grim and Melissa along with Brad noticed Yami and Yugi walking together as they watched as the two stopped and talked in the hallway, as Grim slowly approached with the group but awaiting for Yami to speak to Yugi first.
Yami had stopped in the hallway, and turned heel to face Yugi. " I rather had a fond time of our outing together, Mr. Mutou. We should do it again some time, yes? "
Yugi hearing himself being called Mr. Mutou again, typically would make him feel like another employee, but considering that Yami called him that because they were in the office again, it felt like a secret to know his real name.
Yugi with a smile nodded and replied towards Mr. Sennen. " Agreed. Mr. Sennen. Thank you for the lunch I had a wonderful time as well. "
Yami motioned his head a tad bit as he looked over and saw the group and spoke briefly at them. " Grim. Melissa. Brad. "
" Mr. Sennen. " they all said in unison, as Yami walked away with his heels clicking in an echo as he got further and further away.
Yugi watched as Yami walked off as the group turned their eyes towards Yugi, as Yugi slowly looked at them all and arched a brow.
" ... what? "
" Nothing... " they said in unison, as Grim put both his hands up and made them both kiss each other with kissing noises, as the group smirked and laughed a bit.
Yugi simply rolled his eyes and headed to his office, walking past the group, but maintaining a small blush and grin.