Billionaire Playboy

Chapter 21: Chapter 21

Yugi arrived at Mr. Sennen's office and knocked on the door gently. It was already half way opened as Yami was on the phone.

He motioned Yugi to enter, as Yugi quickly came inside and stood by the door. Yami was speaking in French to someone on the phone as he allowed the two to speak.

Yami continued to talk, and eventually from the sound of it he was telling the other person goodbye. Mr. Sennen had eventually hung up the phone and place it back on the holder.

It was silent briefly for a moment, as Yaami stared at his phone for a second, before his eyes locked towards Yugi.

The awkwardness was evident in the room. A pen could drop and it would've been the loudest thing in there. Yugi felt his ass cheeks clenching together, as he couldn't breathe.

He felt like wanted to faint in that moment. Something about always being in Mr. Sennen's presence gave him an unease feeling.

The unease kink feeling that he could never explain. His heart was pounding through his chest, and in that moment he didn't know what to say or do.

It wasn't until Yami watched in silent before he tilted his head a bit.

" You going to stand there, Mr. Mutou? or do I need to force you to have a seat? " Yami asked.

Hearing the words, Yugi blinked and shuffled a bit and slowly sat down in the chair. He still didn't reply or say anything until after he got a bit adjusted.

" .. sorry.. " Yugi said softly.

It was once again silent, before Yugi didn't know what else to ask beside what he was going to. " ... sooo... um.. you.. wanted to see me? "

" Yes. I did. " Yami remarked.

" I've been — going over your stocks and your investments with my company. " Yami started to say, as he clicked through his computer.

Yugi in a way felt disappointed. Hearing that it wasn't what he assumed he would be called in the office for. Nevertheless, he listened towards his boss.

" Oh? " was all Yugi could muster to reply.

" and— I came across something rather interesting. "

" ... like what.. did I — do something wrong? "

" ... well... on the contrary you've done something rather exquisite. " Yaami said towards him.

Yugi was a bit taken aback but continued to listen intensely now.

" I — I have? "

" yes. I just got off the phone with Monsieur Alejandro Jour. you remember him yes? the ceo and business owner of Fashion and design. " Yami told him.

Yugi continued to listen as he nodded.

" yes I remember. "

" well, he just informed me that the rest of the board members have invited me towards another board meeting, but only in New England. " Yami explained.

Yugi in an instant felt his heart drop, as his mouth wanted to do the same. However, he couldn't muster to make any expression, not even happiness.

His face felt dry, almost as if he needed some air or something to slap him. He felt his eyebrow twitch briefly, but he felt his mouth say something.

" ... shit.. " he felt himself say in a whisper towards himself. Something Yami didn't manage to catch as he looked puzzled.

" I'm sorry? " Yami asked.

Yugi blinked and immediately cleared his throat as he fixed his face a bit and smiled.

" mm.. excuse me, sorry I said, wow that's— that's wonderful. Wow... New .. New England .. that's.. extremely far... " Yugi stated.

" Well yes. It is. But I've been further. " Yami pointed out, as he begun to ramble a bit.

" It is a wonderful opportunity, something I've been looking forward to going too. As it will help launch the company even more. I will break headlines with my new ideas. " Yaami continued to tell.

Yugi wanted to feel happy for his boss, as he continued to just nod and listen.

" Of course, this also means that I will be gone, for a long extended period of time. " Yami would finally say.

" ..... oh.. " Yugi said almost in a broke voice.

" h.. how long exactly? " Yugi asked.

Yami hearing his question, slowly pushed his chair back and got up from the seat. Yugi didn't even notice the male had gotten up, as Yami walked around and sat on his desk a bit.

Yugi slowly glance up a bit as Yami watched carefully at the young male. It was another silence between them, as Yami parted his lips to reply.

" A very long time. " Yami remarked.

Yugi continued to listen towards his boss and for a moment he felt as though his soul left his body. In a blink all what he thought was going to happen didn't.

Frankly, he didn't know what he was expecting but it wasn't that type of answer he'd assume. His complexion changed, and almost it was like his face became empty.

Yami eyes shifted away and their gazes no longer met one another. Yugi swallowed a bit harder, his throat feeling bone dry even.

He cleared his throat a bit, making spit go down before he parted his lips gently to reply towards Yami.

" I see.. " Yugi stated.

Slowly rising from the chair as he turned his back towards Mr. Sennen gradually. Yami watched him and rose a brow a bit, wondering why Yugi was getting up.

" I'm sorry.. am I keeping you from something? " Mr. Sennen asked him curiously.

Yugi turned in an angle as he nodded a bit while staring at the ground for a moment to reply. " uh— yeah.. yeah.. these um.. papers have a deadline.. remember? I — just don't wanna miss it. " Yugi replied a bit more vaguely and dead toned.

" Yes.. of course. However, don't you want to know the rest of why I called you in? " Yami questioned as he folded his arms.

" ... there's more? " Yugi asked his voice still a bit damp.

" Of course... I mean... I was planning to invite you.. but judging by how you are reply towards me .. it seems to be a waste of an invitation... " Yami stated while getting up and nonchalantly walking back behind his desk.

The alarms were going off in Yugi's mind, as in the mist of Yami explaining and talking casually, Yugi had said what in the mist.

His facial expression changing almost instantly as he approached closer towards the desk again. His face becoming much warmer, and his voice clearing up a bit.

" wait ... what ?! " Yugi asked astonishingly.

" you... want me.. to come? "

Yami sighed a bit hearing Yugi's flabbergasted tone to which it didn't appeal towards the male. He rolled his eyes a bit before he replied towards the shorter one.

" Yes.. do your ears bleed with dumbfounded noises? I'm sure you weren't expecting me to call you inside to simply tell you I was leaving town for awhile. " Yami said sarcastically a bit.

" Well.. I — " Yugi started to say.

" Because I can assure you Mr. Mutou I am not that shallow... " Yami said as he stepped closer towards the male.

They hadn't been this close since the gym incident that happened what felt like an eternity ago. Yugi's mind and body pounding like a drum, wanting to faint at any given moment.

Yami shrugged a bit.

" Well... sometimes I can be. " he teased, with a small smug look before, gazing his eyes back towards Yugi.

" Considering you've been working so diligently, and posed. I figured you could use some exposer once more... I could tell how ... disappointed you had been when you didn't get that trip to Paris. " Yami stated towards Yugi.

Sennen was indeed correct, Yugi had been a bit down in the dumps about not attending the conference. He felt he not only disappointed himself but disappointed his degree in which he worked hard to achieve.

To others like Yami, Grim, Melissa and the rest his degree was simply a stepping stone. However, for Yugi it was a badge of honor, that he wore due to how much he had to sacrifice to achieve it.

Yugi nodded a bit at Yami's words, and felt a heavy burden against his shoulders. He didn't know what else to say, in that moment for a second.

He was in awe that Yami would reward him, as he felt that this entire time his boss was ignoring him. Yugi slowly locked eyes with Yami once again, as he spoke.

" I ... I thought.. " Yugi said swallowing hard.

" ... you thought? .. what? " Yaami said confused.

" ... nothing... nothing! sorry, I — wow this, thank you. Ya- I mean Mr. Sennen this— this is a huge honor. " Yugi said with his cheeks warming and a smile against his face.

Yami nonchalantly shrugged and proceeded to walk back towards his desk as he continued to explain himself.

" Mmm well, do not thank me just yet. It hasn't happened. Never celebrate too early, when you haven't sealed the deal. " Yaami quoted.

" y—yes of course. " Yugi replied.

" Besides, I think you and I.. could.. well get to see what you really are like with that bachelor's degree of yours. It's another conference, but I can assure you, you'll enjoy it. " Yaami proclaimed.

Yugi nodded.

Sennen had risen from his chair again and looked at Yugi as he sighed with a bit of boredom.

" Enough. Chitchat. I will email you all the details. The trip will be this weekend. I trust to see you Saturday 5am sharp. " Yami questioned.

" ... s.. Saturday? .. 5am? " Yugi said a bit shocked.

" ... yes? Something wrong..? " Mr. Sennen said a bit puzzled.

Yugi was conflicted, he felt like he was once again being torn between his job and his friend. Sammy seemed to be looking forward to hanging out and now this.

Yugi eyes sank a bit, as his expression became worried and more unsure. Yami could see in his eyes he was battling a mental fight, and shook his head briefly.

" ... You do not have to tell me an answer right now, Mr. Mutou. "

" ... I don't? "

" no. " Yami responded.

" ... Come Saturday morning if you aren't at the location I send you in your email. I will assume you have turned down my offer. " The male explained as he walked towards his door.

" ... and if I ... did? turn it down? " Yugi asked in a voice that sounded more unsure.

Yugi walking a bit out of the door as Yami watched him and looked Yugi directly in his eyes and spoke.

" ..... then I will know .. precisely why you got a bachelor's degree... " Yami would go on to say as he stepped his face inches a bit closer towards Yugi's too whisper it.

" ... instead of a master's.... " Sennen teased to say as he gradually stepped back and closed the door on Yugi.

Yugi heard the sound of the slam as he watched as Yami walked back towards his desk. Yugi hearing those words was like claws, scratching against his skin.

It made it even more frustrating to hear those words coming from Yami himself. Almost like an insulting gesture to put more pressure on his decision.

Yugi felt anger in that moment, and immediately smacked his lips a bit and walked off in a hurry. Mumbling to himself as he did so.

" ..fucking jerk. " he would say towards himself as he would head off and head for lunch.

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