Billionaire Playboy

Chapter 20: Chapter 20

It was now August 16th, what was weeks soon became months, Yugi had risen to the expansion of knowing the company ins and outs. So much so, that he had gotten a bit of a promotion.

He wasn't able to travel towards that trip but he did manage to gain some respect around the office. Still maintaining his reputation being Mr. Sennen's personal assistant.

It was a Wednesday morning as Yugi was sitting at his desk typing away the time and not noticing in the blink of an eye that it was almost lunch time. A small knock against his glass door as Yugi motioned whomever to enter.

" Hey, Yug! " a familiar voice spoke.

Yugi hadn't still noticed someone, as he was typing an essay report up. He continued to look at his screen as he spoke in reply.

" Leave it on my desk please. I'll look at it when I can. I am rather busy right now, typing up this report for Mr. Sennen. "

" oh really? "

" ..... yes? " Yugi said with a raise of a brow, still not looking up.

" hmm that's interesting, too busy to even speak to your best friend who came all this way just to see you, on your birthday week? " Sammy told him with a smile and arms out for a hug.

Yugi immediately stopped typing, as his orbs lit up. A gigantic smile plastered against his face, as he launched himself from the chair and squealed a bit as he hugged Sam tightly.

In response Sam chuckled and smiled feeling the greeting warmth of his dear friend. Patting his backside again and again in friendly comfort.

Sam's eyes locked with Yugi and gazing around his office in awe. Immediately, the young male turned and placed a bag down on the glass table.

" My — My. " Sam would start off to say.

" You really have moved up in the corporate world huh? Haha— I feel like one of those fancy guys who is sleeping with their boss. " he continued.

Yugi shook his head at his friend remark with an eye roll. Grabbing Sam's hand and looking around first before speaking.

" You are positively too much, Sammy... " Yugi remarked.

" and yet you love me. " Sam replied.

Yugi chuckled at the remark and Sam continued to talk. " So! Got any plans this weekend? luckily your birthday falls on a Saturday! "

" hmm yeaa but- "

" but what? " Sam rose a brow.

" I think I'm not gonna do anything ya know? I think imma just relax at my apartment. Maybe watch a movie or something. "

Sam watched as Yugi went back towards his desk and sat down as the male continued to give Yugi a certain ridicule look.

Yugi glanced up slightly and tilted his head a bit knowing how Sam would react. Yugi tried not to laugh at how his friend was behaving.

" uhh ! wait wait - let me get this straight. I came all the way out here for your ass, just for you to tell me you don't wanna do anything ?! " Sam shouted a bit.

Yugi hushing him a bit in a whisper.

" No ! No — fuck that Yugi Mutou. We are doing something okay ! You're about to be twenty-six years old. You have a wonderful job! You need to start treating yourself good. "

Yugi rolled his eyes a bit and shrugged.

" Sammy, ugh. look you know I never care about that kinda stuff, besides, I don't have the funds to try and go all out. I still have these student loans I'm paying off— not to mention- bills. "

" blah blah blah blah blah ! " Sam retorted.

" Excuses, Excuses, Excuses, Yug all you give me are those excuses. Yes those things are important but you know what else is important ? " Sam asked Yugi turning his chair towards him.

Yugi sighed watching his friend bend down and look him in the eyes. " ... what? " Yugi asked.

" Breaks. " Sam said in a more serious tone.

" I mean come on? When's the last time you and I hung out? What at your apartment a whole two months ago! " Sam stated.

Yugi didn't reply as he continued to sit there and listen towards his friend. " You deserve it. All your hard work is paying off. You need to spend some time — just for you. " Sammy explained.

Yugi looked down a bit away from his friend, and sighed once again before looking at Sam. Sam watching Yugi's expressions, as they stared at each other.

His friend slowly starting to wiggle his eyebrows as he took Yugi's hands and started to swing them in a playful way. This making the young male chuckle a bit a shrug.

" okayyy ! okay. " Yugi finally said giving in.

" Yes! Yes! " Sammy said in a cheer as he did a little dance.

Yugi shook his head.

" You're way too happy about this. " Yugi said with another laugh.

" Why wouldn't I be ! I finally get to hang with my BFF ! Omgosh we are gonna have so much fun! " Sam stated as he sat down in a chair across from Yugi's desk.

" We're gonna get drinks— then imma take you to go see this wonderful theatre play— oo and then afterward we can book this nice little boat ride— " Sam continued to go on and on with the plans.

It wasn't until Yugi spotted Mr. Sennen walking down the hallway that his attention darted in that direction. Since that lunch with Mr. Sennen Yugi and him never really spoke personal anymore.

Yugi had felt it was because he was disappointed in Yugi's performance that he didn't go on the trip. Which derailed him going in the direction he needed to go.

The thoughts continued to cloud the male's mind, watching his boss walk straight past his office and disappear around the corner.

In an odd way, it hurt the male, knowing that his boss seemed to be no longer interested in him. Interested in knowing more about each other or a friendship level.

The short male eyes felt heavy, almost like he was locked in a trans of thoughts. He couldn't escape the possibilities of questions raising in his mind.

Whenever he tried to ask Mr. Sennen about this, he couldn't. He could never catch him alone, or catch him at his office, or anywhere else for that matter.

That lunch they had felt like eons ago now, it was as if it was a distant memory that no longer existed towards him. Perhaps, Yugi was just fooling himself, and allowed himself to be warped thinking that they could get along.

Yugi's ears started to come back to the conversation as he heard Sam continued to talk but then call his name.

" Yugi? Yugi! " Sam shouted.

" Huh! W—what? What? " Yugi said back startled.

" Jesus, Yugi take a picture it'll last longer. " Sam said in a tease.

" Huh? What? Wh- I - no, I was just— "

" Staring at your hot boss again. yea I know. " Sam stated abruptly.

This made Yugi blush a bit before he fixed his face and shook his head. Slowly standing back up and grabbing a stack of papers and folders.

" What? Haha.. no. I was just— ya know thinking, about stuff you said. " Yugi replied.

" mmmmhm. " Sam remarked.

The male got from the chair and stood beside Yugi as Yami came back around and head back in the direction he came in. The two of them whisper together.

" So, what's going on with you and your boss? You had another lunch with him or what? " Sam asked.

" ... no... " Yugi stated. " I don't know, it just feels like now he wants nothing to do with me... "

" I mean one minute he's this intriguing, educated, interesting person then the next he's acting as if that never happened. "

Sam shook his head a bit.

Yugi sighed and exhaled briefly before Yami disappeared again, as Yugi walked out his office and Sam followed.

" Really? Man... that's gotta be tough. That's really weird that you two don't seem to talk anymore. " Sam replied.

" What you think he might be — I don't know, upset or something and just needs space? " Sam questioned.

" I'm not so sure. " Yugi said.

" I mean if he didn't wanna be bothered by anyone, why even come to work. He literally is a billionaire. He wouldn't even have to come into work if he didn't want too. "

" True. " Sam added.

" Not to mention he was gone for three months, and went off to china to conduct business. That was after I didn't get the traveling deal. " Yugi explained as the two of them walked to the copy room.

" Really? " Sam whispered as other co-workers walked around the office.

" Yeah. " Yugi stated.

Sam ended up shrugging a bit.

" I don't know, Yug. I think you two should talk. " Sam pointed out.

Yugi chuckled a bit in a sarcastic tone.

" tch. "

" I'm serious. " Sam stated.

" I mean Yugi, from what you told me at that lunch. I don't know I think you and your boss really had a connection. Maybe something more than that. "

Yugi started to copy papers as Sam talked and stopped suddenly. Glancing over at his friend with a rose eyebrow.

" What? Are you insane?! " Yugi angrily whispered.

" No. I'm not. " Sam whispered back.

" What you are suggesting, is that my boss and I are — ya know what and I can assure you, we are nothing of the sort. " Yugi said as he finished his papers.

" Oh yeah? Then why is he coming this way. " Sam asked looking out the copy room as Yugi quickly dropped his papers hearing Sam's words.

Turning his head around quickly only for it to be a cruel joke pulled by his friend.

" Aaahhh gotcha ! " Sam said laughing hysterically while clapping.

Yugi a bit annoyed, slowly bent down and started to clean up the papers. " That wasn't funny, jackass. " Yugi stated.

Sam watched as Yugi finished picking up the papers before Sam grabbed Yugi's arm before he stormed out.

" Hey. You know I'm right... Yug... as much as you hate admitting that I am. You and I both know.... I'm right. " Sam said softly.

Before Yugi could respond a co-worker knocked on the glass door. Both Sam and Yugi turned their heads to see Yugi's co-worker Sarah.

" Oh. Sorry to interrupt, but Yugi. Mr. Sennen would like to see you in his office. "

Yugi gulped a bit, as his eyes shifted towards Sam and Sam towards Yugi and back at Sarah.

" uh.. o—okay, tell him, I'll be there in just a second. Thank you. " Yugi said with a bit of a shutter in his voice.

Sarah walked away, as Sam watched and looked back at Yugi. Yugi looked over towards Sam as Sam said nothing else, as Yugi licked his lips a bit and walked towards the door.

Yugi stopped briefly for a moment to look back at Sam as Sam stood there stiffly. " Lunch? " Yugi asked him.

" Yeah. I'll see you at lunch. " Sam stated as Yugi quickly walked off and headed towards Yami's office with his arms filled with paperwork.

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