Chapter 25: Chapter 25
Hearing the door closed behind Yuugi thought that he could breathe easier, as he exhaled drastically and turned around and froze.
He watched as Yaami locked the door behind them both and immediately Yuugi's face turned red. He tried to hide his complexion, as he tried to speak fast.
" Uh.. what... I .. " he fumbled to say.
Yaami turning heel, as his heels clicked on the hard marble floor, walking over towards Yuugi only a bit.
" .. What? " Yaami asked.
" Oh? You expected us to have different suite? We do. This is your half— and mines is adjacent to yours. They have a connected side door that separates the two. "
Yuugi looking around this massive and luxurious space, noticed that indeed they had a connected door that side open with both sides. The massive kitchen, with marble floors and marble tables.
Bar stools, handing chandeliers, and glasses that dangled from a rack. In addition the view was breath taking, as they had gigantic windows overlooking the inner hotel water fountain in the lobbies.
On the opposite side, there were other large windows that viewed England's beautiful and vibrant landscape and towers. Yuugi knew this was beyond something he could ever afford.
Watching as Yaami was walking over and past the male, he headed towards the side door. Yuugi watching him carefully, as Yaami spoke some more.
" We do not share living corridors, but we do share the kitchen. You have you own bathroom, I have mines. You also have a mini fridge, hot tub on you side, as do I, and we both have to share liquor cabinet. "
" Oh! If you shall need room service, you may call at any time and put it on the ' company bill ' my business owns 5% of this hotel, so the meals are free when I visit. "
Yuugi immediately without noticing replied.
" I had no idea you already been to New England. "
Yaami looking at him his expression was emotionless, as you couldn't tell if he was offended or confused.
" .. and I never said I hadn't. " Yaami stated with a grinning remark.
Yuugi liked the little back and forth place they sometimes did together, it was now them again, alone in the same space.
Yaami standing by the split door, as Yuugi was standing by the couch lounge of the suite. Yuugi felt as this was his chance to try and do something different about him.
Say something, that was more confident, and makes conversation. He remembered what his friend Sammy continued to say, and those words ran through him like a cd player.
" If you need assist, you have a booklet beside your bed that shall help you know what numbers to call at this hotel. " Yaami stated explaining more.
Yuugi hearing his words, he was beginning to sound more and more like a professional boss rather than a friend. Could this be, his chance now? To break that barrier of boss and subordinate?
" .. I .. " Yuugi started to speak, as Yaami opened his side of the door and was about to walk in when he turned slightly to hear Yuugi.
" .... Thank you. " the male stated, as he sighed at himself for that's all he could muster to reply.
Yaami hearing him, stared for a small moment before nodding a bit and blinking as he slid the door closed. With that— the male was now alone again, and only but a mere inches from his bosses room.
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After about an hour or so, Yuugi had settled in a bit along with hopping out the shower. The steam from the shower exiting the bathroom, and fuming in his room.
He felt refreshed and relaxed now, more than he was before. He didn't like being dirty, and that entire time— he simply wanted to really get cleaned.
He looked over at the clock beside the bed, and the time was now 9:30am. It was weird, considering he didn't know what to do now. If the business meeting didn't start until tomorrow, what was he going to do today?
He didn't know whether to treat this like a vacation and could go out and see things, or he needed to stay by his boss's side and ask for permission.
His mind ran through numerous thoughts, as he heard sounds from outside his door. His head tilting up a bit, as he slowly and quietly approached his door.
He didn't really open it all the way, but he silently grabbed one of the handles and very gently pulled it back to take a peak. He was still in his bath towel, so he didn't wanna open it too much.
His grey orbs peaked out from the small window he gave himself, as his orbs widened a bit to see Yaami in the kitchen. He was wearing something more relaxing.
Some fitted black tight garments that seem to be workout clothing, or maybe something relaxing to wear. However the biggest notice was a white button up collar shirt.
Although the shirt wasn't closed, and neither was he wearing something underneath it. Yuugi's cheeks warmed up immediately, as he stepped back from his door.
His heart racing every inch of a minute, as he tried to relax himself. He felt his hands, arms and legs turn heavy, like he was sinking into the ground.
He couldn't believe he was alone in this hotel with his boss, whom obliviously had no idea that Yugi was observing him. Yugi slowly went back towards his door, and peaked again.
Only to find that Yaami was gone, in a panic he closed the door not wanting to even know where the male had gone. Even in that small glimpse he noticed Yaami's figure, like he did at the gym awhile ago.
His toned body, abs, and bubbly butt that clearly indicated he worked out daily. He hadn't seen him dress down like this since that, and that was months ago.
Now, here in New England together, he could only imagine what else was going to happen. Soon the male dropped his towel, and started to put his clothes on.
He wore a long black sleeve shirt, and some shorts with some black socks. He didn't know what to really pack, formally, as he had more ' normal attires than professional ones. '
The male was sitting on his bed, texting Sammy, and letting him know he was safe and landed. Sammy replied, back to what was happening, and with winking emojis.
Yuugi immediately gave a mad face, at Sammy stating that he might end up getting ' lucky ' if he played his cards right. This only intensified, Yuugi's already warm cheeks.
Suddenly a knock was heard on the door, as the male startled a bit spoke aloud. " Uh... just a second. " Yuugi said towards the person, assuming it to be Yaami.
He immediately checked himself in the mirror, and placed his phone down on the night stand before walking over towards his door. Slowly opening it to reveal Yaami.
Yaami making eye contact with him, as soon as the door opened, which made Yuugi's heart skip a beat. He didn't open it all the way, so they were speaking in the crack.
" uh.. yes? " Yuugi said softly, trying to conceal majority of his face due to his flustered face.
Yaami puzzled, and stunned a bit by the way Yuugi was asking, paid no mind towards the male acting a bit strange. " I — sorry, are you busy? " he asked him.
Yuugi for some reason instantly opened the door more and quickly responded with " No! I— I mean... no. " Yuugi said surprised by his own shocking actions.
The way Yaami had asked was soft and sweet, almost like a seductive whisper going against Yuugi's heart. Yaami chuckled a bit, as Yuugi's odd and strange behavior.
" You .. you funny. " Yaami said.
Yuugi blushing more as his cheeks grew massively warm, immediately turned away from his boss and pretended to fumble with something.
" I .. uh.. what do you mean?? "
Yaami walking into his room more, as the male still had his white collar shirt opened and visible to see his bare silk skin chest and abs.
" ... You're flustering and shyness... why do I make you so nervous.... I do not like repeating questions I ask... " Yaami said lightly.
Yuugi blushing more towards those questions sat on the bed with his hand down. Before he grabbed his phone and got in the bed while replying.
" Haha... uh you don't make me nervous, I just— you startled me that's all. " Yuugi said quickly and in a rush, as he went underneath the blankets.
Yaami watching, as his head tilted at an angle, observing the younger male, with his lying behavior. Yaami of course wasn't entirely oblivious, but he also knew there was more.
The male started to walk more towards him, as he carefully sat on the edge of Yuugi's bed. Yuugi watching out the corner of his eye, as he was playing candy crush on his phone.
He wanted to avoid complete and utter embarrassment and eye contact with him. However Yaami got closer and closer until he was only but a mere inches from him.
Just as Yuugi continued to play the game, he felt Yaami's hand slowly pull his phone down. Not once did Yaami break eye contact with Yuugi, as Yuugi gulped hard.
" ... Look at me. " Yaami demanded.
Yuugi closing his eyes for a second, before his grey bright hues met with a sharp, seductive narrow purple gaze fixed on him.
The two of them staring at one another for a moment, before Yaami parted his soft full lips to speak. " ... I may be your boss... Mr Mutou, but I am no fool... " Yaami said with a sly grin.
Yuugi feeling his chest tightened and feeling his hands becoming increasingly warm. Yaami inching closer and closer, as he was but a mere inches from Yuugi's face.
Yugi was stunned, and felt his entire face red as a tomato. A sweat dripping from his face almost, as he couldn't believe his boss was so close towards him.
He didn't even know what to say in this moment, or should he say anything. Perhaps this was a test or something, or did he know more than what Yuugi was letting on.
Yuugi tried to match this, intense moment, he needed to start listening to the advice he was being given. He slowly broke the eye contact to blink and try and ease himself.
" .... And.. what .. makes you say that... " Yuugi asked he cleared his throat and fumbled around with his phone again.
Yaami seeing as how Yuugi broke eye contact once more, the male slender fingers reached over and grabbed Yuugi's chin and made him look up.
Yuugi immediately felt his face being pulled, and met the gaze of the male again. Yaami eyes were like dark voids to an unknown place in his soul and heart.
Yuugi felt lost in his shimmering, dazzling unique coloring eyes, that made him want to look at them forever. He felt deeply for his boss, and it was obvious to him now that Sammy was right.
He had feelings for his boss, and not the kind that you should have when working with him. Yaami parted his lips, as his bangs bounced a bit with his gesture.
" You intimidated by me. I know. " Yaami would speak staring at him.
This in that moment, made Yuugi understand something, that his boss had no idea that Yuugi was romantically attracted to him. His first and only thoughts were about business.
Which of course from a boss standpoint, he saw that as intimidation, and shyness, that pours from a male who cannot meet someone's gaze. He was in a position that he didn't even know he was.
Yuugi slowly touching yaami's hand to move his hand from his chin. Their skins touching one another, as Yuugi felt a cold chill go down his spine. He never realized how rough but firm his bosses hand was.
That of a pure man's hand, that clearly did more than just talk big at meetings. Perhaps, he did more than just work and workout.
" I .. may be intimidated by you, but that doesn't mean I'm not ready for this trip. " Yuugi would finally reply.
Yaami watching him, and allowing the male to touch his hand, said nothing for a moment before the two released one another.
Yaami gradually getting up from the bed, as he looked down at the other. " .... Good. Anyways, order you some food, you haven't eaten since our plane ride"
The male turning heel to head for the door before he stoped and turned back around again. " I shall be at the gym. If you shall need me. "
" Uh.. they have a gym? " Yuugi asked.
" Do you really think I'd book an expensive hotel without one? " Yaami mocked.
Yuugi shook his head.
" ... Sorry, stupid question, sir. " He said softly as he leaned over towards the bed to grab the menu to take a look.
Yaami sighed a bit before holding into the door handle and about to close it.
" ... Call me Yaami. "
Yuugi shifting his gaze towards the door, as Yaami stood in the doorway. The male hearing the other telling him to call him by his actual name.
" ... Really? " Yuugi asked genuinely.
" ..... Sure... why not. Afterall... we shall have plenty of time to get to know one another better.... " Yaami said.
As he started to close the door before he closed it all the way. " Perhaps... we shall become very ... close... " and with that, he had closed the door completely.