Chapter 26: Chapter 26
Hours had passed and for the most part Yugi remained inside the hotel room. He did however go down to the lounge, the gym, the tennis court, and indoor swimming pools.
The hotel had alot to offer, including a sauna and spa areas for the people that used suites. This place was a gold mine for rich people to bask in their riches.
Yuugi never would've imagined he'd be half way across the world and in a nice expensive room with all these wonderful and highly decorated furniture.
He continued to walk around and admire, before he found himself sitting on the couch watching some Netflix. He was amazed that the hotel already had these installed.
He hadn't seen his boss however for awhile, after he had eaten and claimed he was going to the gym. That was eight hours ago. Now it was going on 4pm.
He didn't know if he should call his boss, or ask him if he was okay. He didn't want to be nosey, but he was being nosey. The thoughts raced through his mind, as he continued to eye the clock every now and then.
Hell even the thoughts of him with Alejandro right now crossed his mind too. Even saying his name in his thoughts made the male's nose and eyebrow twitch.
Yugi reached over and grabbed some more popcorn, as the dim lights in the suite dimmed down on their own automatically. The male was quiet for a while, before the sound of the door unlocking happened.
He turned his gaze towards the door, before Yaami came inside with a brand new attire on, and some shopping bags along with a drink.
" Bonjour ! " Yaami stated aloud.
" ... Bonjour... " Yuugi said somewhat softly as his voice and brain was more confused on curiosity and eyeing yaami's sexual silk jumpsuit.
" .... Holy... " he whispered towards himself, as Yaami quickly looked over and asked. " .. what? "
" Huh? " Yugi said pretending to be dumbfounded.
" Did you say something darling? .. " Yaami asked.
" Huh? I — oh no .. no. " Yuugi said quickly back.
" Ah. Well do you mind assisting me? " Yaami asked him, as Yuugi shook his head and got up from the sofa.
He walked over into the kitchen and looked into the bags and saw foods, wine, different kinds of meals. " what's... all of this for? " Yuugi asked him.
" Well.... Since we shall be using this suite for a few months, it is best to fill up with food. " Yaami explained while putting stuff in the fridge.
" I decided to go and do a bit shopping, I do not like always food in hotels. " he explained.
" Ah... so you're a cooker? " Yuugi asked him, while talking some of the items out and looking, before placing them in the cabinets.
Yaami taking some wine out the bags, and placing them in the mini fridge that was in the living room. " wi. I am quite a chef.. and developed... skills to assist with what I like.. " Yaami proclaimed.
This was interesting to Yuugi as he hadn't heard Yaami saying he could cook. It intrigued him enough, for the male to form a small smile and chuckle a bit.
" Wow, I would've never guessed. " Yuugi said retorting.
Yaami finishing up with the rest of the items, and slowing putting the bags into one another as he eyed Yugi a bit. " why.. because I rich? You think everyone does meals for me? "
Yuugi said nothing, as Yaami finished up with what he was doing, before looking at the male again, as Yuugi couldn't help but shrug with an awkward expression.
Yaami slowly dropping his jawline, with a fake wow expression. Yugi and him chuckling a bit, which was odd considering Yugi was typically shy.
However right now, it seemed like the two of them were talking normally and casually like two friends. " Well... " Yaami started to say.
" You no wrong. " Yaami said with a grin a bit before he walked past Yuugi and went towards the dangling glasses and tried to reach one.
" But... u—ugh! " Yaami grunting as he was jumping up and down trying to reach one of them. However they were tall up and dangling from the ceiling.
Yugi laughing a bit as he watched his boss struggle. It was a side of him that Yugi never seen before. He tried his hardest to hold in his laughter, looking away even.
Yaami slowly placing his hands to his side, as he turned his head and noticed Yugi laughing. He smirked and tilted his head back.
" Ah.. funny hmm? " Yaami questioned.
Yuugi immediately opening his eyes and waving his hands back and forth in a no no motion. " No— no... I .. haha.. sorry.. " he told him.
" Maybe I can help you. " Yuugi added on, as he went over and tried to reach, however he himself was also short, and actually a few inches shorter than Yaami.
" Here — here I got plan. " Yaami stated as he went to go grab a chair. Before Yugi could comment the male came back and placed it in front of Yugi.
" Hold chair, I will reach and get glasses. " Yaami stated and stepped on the chair with his socks as Yugi had no time to react or speak and immediately grabbed the chair holding it.
His face was down for a moment as he wondered if Yaami was able to grab the glasses. " did you get them? " Yuugi asked as his face naturally looked up when he asked.
Although, when he rose his face, Yaami's front body and his member was directly in his face. Seeing the gigantic bulge through the one piece that Yaami was wearing.
His face lit up like a Christmas light, and turned his head away the second it happened. ' fuck! ' Yugi said in his mind. As Yaami looked down and spoke.
" .... You okay? " Yaami asked him.
Yuugi nodding without a word or looking at him, having his hand down entirely. Yaami started to slowly come back down as Yugi seeing his legs bend immediately released the chair.
" Well, we shall be drin— "
" Be right back i need go to the bathroom ! " Yugi said quickly and fast racing off towards his room before Yami could finish and respond.
" ... O.. k? " Yami said as he watched as the male disappeared closing the door quickly and hearing a lock sound.
Yugi raced into his bathroom and collapsed on the floor feeling his heart pounding. His mind filled with lustful, thoughts that were making him feel sealed.
Yugi had taken another shower after a while, and had on sweatpants along with a tank top. His bulge in his own pants started to form harder and harder.
Grasping his cock, through his pants as he felt a throbbing sensation. A loud knock on the door, as Yugi panicked and heard a familiar voice.
" .. Mr. Mutou? ... Yugi... are you alright? " Yami would ask behind his bedroom door.
" U.. uh.. ye.. yes! Yes! I'm.. I'm fine.. just .. needed to go to the bathroom real quick ! " Yugi shouted as he quickly got up from the floor and turned on running water.
Splashing his face and grabbing a towel and muffling his screams into it. This unbearable pain of wanting and wishing was driving him insane.
Why did he agree to go with this man. Why did he agree and was foolish enough to allow them to be alone together? This was a disaster! He had all these emotions and couldn't do anything about them.
His throbbing member was aching, as he continued to have flashes about Yami's massive bulge. It clearly had to be big considering it was so pressed up against his attire, like it had no room to breathe.
Another knock was heard as Yugi instantly got scared and didn't respond for a second, before another loud knock was heard.
' Fuck..... just leave me be for a sec.. ' Yugi thought.
" U—ugh.. y-yes ! Yes! Yaami? "
" Do you need come in? " Yaami asked.
" Huh? " Yugi asked, not comprehending Yaami's broken English. Which he noticed that he doesn't typically have broken English when at work.
He found it cute that Yaami had broken English when speaking normally that didn't pertain to working. Although, he couldn't even think about those thoughts as deeply, due to his inability to withstand the hormones he was feeling.
" Do you need me, come in? " Yaami asked again.
" No! " Yugi said quickly.
" I — I promise, I'm fine— just — finishing up now. " Yugi said as he awaited for Yaami to respond.
" ... very well, I shall start cooking then. " Yaami stated as he walked off. Although Yugi didn't know if he did or not and waited for a few minutes before he slowly got up.
His pants felt tight, as he pulled them down and his boxers showing. He could see his dick rock hard touching it and massaging it.
He tried hard not to make a sound, as he muffled himself in his sleeve. Sitting on the toilet, trying to keep quiet the entire time.
Yugi after being in the bathroom for a minute came out and looked around. Noticing that his room was empty and the door closed.
He stepped out and was wearing entirely different attire. He had on some black pants, along with a long sleeve shirt.
He exhaled deeply, before fixing himself in the mirror and walking to the bedroom door. Unlocking it before gently opening it up, and smelling something rather refine.
His nose immediately couldn't help but inhale deeply, as he could smell seafood, along with some rice. Turning his head towards the kitchen, he noticed Yaami was inside.
He must've went inside his room to relax for a minute, as Yuugi could hear the music playing inside his room as well.
It was definitely in French, as he didn't understand the music or language at all. However, it was soothing to say the least. The male feeling against his neck, as he massaged it.
Stepping closer towards the food, and seeing that it looked divine. He didn't realize that Yaami was good at cooking. It made him feel as though he misjudge him entirely.
He just hoped he didn't offend the male in any shape or way. Yaami's door had suddenly opened, as he had came back out. He must've finished showering as his hair looked a bit damp.
Yugi turning around as he noticed the male coming out. Yugi tried to smile, but felt it was now some awkwardness between them.
" Uh... listen.. I'm sorry.. if .. I seemed— rude. " Yugi stated.
Yaami arched a brow, and crossed his arms, as he shrugged. " do not mention it. I guess something you ate? " Yaami asked him.
Yugi not knowing if he should acknowledge this or remark about it being something else. He decided he should probably take this statement, instead of Yaami guessing what it could've been.
" Uh.. yeah, most likely. " Yugi stated.
" I hope you showered again. " Yaami said as he walked over towards the kitchen and walked around Yugi.
Yugi turned around and chuckled a bit before arching a brow and looking at him. " uhh.. yeah? Why. "
" because you went poop. How will someone make love if you just went poop. " Yaami said bluntly.
Yuugi immediately felt a flustered over his face, as he looked away, and tried to hold in his thoughts. He wanted to really laugh aloud, at how blunt Yami was being.
He didn't know that his boss would be this outspoken, but perhaps he shouldn't have been so surprised.
" uhh.. well I don't .. I mean im not .. " Yugi said fumbling over his words as he was leaning on the counter in the kitchen.
Yaami looking up a bit before he started chopping some onions rather quickly. His technique was fast and easy, as he slid them into a mixing bowl.
" ..Wow... " Yugi said watching him.
Yaami seeing that Yugi was staring started to smirk a bit and then make a remark. " ... didn't know I could, yes? "
" huh? Oh.. well... I mean.. yeah. You're really good. " Yugi stated as he nodded.
Yaami shrugs and started to pour the rice in with the sea food, the ingredients, along with the rice he had already steamed and prep.
" I learned a very good deal, from someone — a long time ago... " Yaami stated as he spurn around the food inside the dish.
Yugi listening towards Yaami's words couldn't help but wonder who that someone could've been.
" And... ? " Yugi asked listening intensely now.
" ... And... " Yaami started to say.
" ..... I became .. busy with life. that I — never got to say bye when she passed away. "
Yaami finishing stirring the food, finished with a nice golden, and steaming dish. The male walked over towards the counter top and grabbed two plates.
Handing one towards Yugi, as Yugi took one of the plates, and looked at Yaami. He could tell that speaking about it, was deep.
Though curious to wonder about the woman, he speaking of. He knew he shouldn't push it further, as he wanted to end the night good.
While Yami was still minding his business, Yugi suddenly got closer and looked at Yaami. Yaami suddenly in a moment notice gazing his eyes with Yugi.
" Well.. for what it's worth. " Yugi started to say.
" I'm grateful that she taught you, because you definitely have a wonderful talent from it. "
His words flew like angels, towards Yaami's ears as he listened to such loving and kind words from someone. Let alone, a young male that was still somewhat around his age.
Yaami immediately felt a chuckle of compassion, as he smiled softly towards Yugi. Yugi in return couldn't help but do the same as the two of them, decided to have dinner together.