Black paradise:Killing every mage till i reset the timeline

Chapter 9: Blood circle

"What's blue salt?" Willaim asked the travelers, Ruby looked curious as well. Sebastian looked up at him, "you don't know what this is?" William nodded, "No."

"Really?" Sebastian said; he looked away and got up, then looked at him.

"It's a magical element, like argyle or wolfsbane, supposed to aid or boost magic; in this case, your friend here is using it on a barrier spell, blocking us from entering."

"Maybe it's just for security, they said he travels after all"

"Then what would he leave behind that's so important to go through all that trouble?" William said; Ruby looked at the ground,d, thinking about it.

"What worries me is that if he did travel he'd have to put the salt outside. Unless." He looked down again and saw the gap on the door, he turned to Stockwell and said.

"You know what I'm thinking don't you?"

"A little"

"Can it be done"

"Perhaps, but the stance, it'll be very difficult to do it with that stance. He could have hurt himself."

"Captain! You're doing that thing again!"

"What is it, Pride?."

"I'm right here, talk to me too. I don't understand anything you guys are saying."

"I don't either," William said.

"Me too," Ruby said.

"You've really got to learn to follow along, Miss Pride."/she grumbled and murmured something inaudible, probably a curse. "We were discussing if it was possible to cast the spell from the outside."

"Yeah," the three of them said, trying their best to follow along.

"The caster would have to make contact with the salt to activate the spell."

"Oh so you don't think he could've done it from the outside," William said.

"Yeah, I was gonna ask that!," Pride said.

"Well, it's not impossible, but that stance, you need a proper stance to cast such powerful magic, and to do so, you have to make contact with either your wand or any fine point in your body."

The three of them nodded along as he spoke; pride was lost again, and her eyes were going dizzy.

"So he must have done it from the inside!" William said

"Chances are he did, but the report that he traveled and his absence all points to him leaving, so being of the talents worthy of a successor, he could have done it with very minimal side effects. Don't you think so, Stockwell?"

"Not really boss." Sebastian smiled and said, "Care to wager?" A smile ran across Stockwell's cold face. He looked like he was just trying to stretch his mouth, "I'm sorry, sir, but you're still owing me from the last time."

"Just ten grand, only ten grand, I'll win this one for sure."

"Alright," he said, quickly conceding as he knew Sebastian would press him till he succumbed.

"Hey captain, can I get in on the action?"

"Shut up, Pride. you're too young." Pride melted away, his words drained her of all her excitement as she stood there with a frown on her face. "Alright, Stockwell, get the door."

Stockwell nodded and reached into the inside pocket of his black suit and pulled out his wand. You two may want to get out of the way," he said.

Ruby and William quickly got out of the way, the captain moved a few steps back himself and everyone kept as much distance as he did.

Stockwell pointed his wand at the door; he arched his left shoulder back and stuck one of his legs out front; he looked like he was in a duel with swords. Willaim felt like a fanboy, his stance was so immaculate, he thought.

His wand had golden engravings of whirling circles. Willaim held his breath; he didn't do so intentionally. He was just stuck at the moment.

He realized that these people, no matter how crude they seemed, were actually master practitioners of magic, even the quite laughable Pride.

Stockwell focused on the door and took in a deep breath; he knew this spell would take a lot to counter; had it been a simple spell, Sebastian would have gotten Pride to handle it, but his expertise in counter spells had made him the proper man to cancel away a level ten warding spell.

He flicked his wrist as he uttered a magic word under his breath; the golden engravings lit up, and instantly, the door was blown open, and a heavy gust of wind brushed against them as the whole building shook slightly.

Pride turned to Willaims saw his mouth open, and said, "You dropped your jaw, kid," William jolted up out of his trance, closed his mouth, and looked down; he seemed to be looking for his jaw, then he fully realized himself and pride burst out laughing.

"You really looked," she said,

"What is it, Pride?" Sebastian said

"Oh you missed it, captain."

"Boss!" Stockwell called; he immediately turned to him. Stockwell had dropped his stance, and he was returning his wand to his pocket. "You have to see this," he said.

Sebastian saw the look on his face, he turned to the others, "wait here," he said. He walked up to Stockwell and turned his head towards the door. The whole room was dark as all the windows were shut, but he saw the little, the light illuminated.

He remained silent, and the others anticipated what he had seen; he turned back to Stockwell and said, "Well, it seems I owe you more money."

William and Ruby gasped, they suspected something cold and sinister to the way he spoke and William knew what Sebastian losing the bet meant.

"What does that even mean!" Pride yelled; he turned and saw her walking up the door; she got to the door, looked in, and said, "Oh, that's it, I had to stay behind for that. Jeez, captain, you've gotta stop treating me like a child."

William wasn't sure anymore, what going on he wondered, he turned to Ruby and she walked off towards the door,

Hey! Sebastian yelled, "Don't, you don't want to see that! William walked up and stood by her.

"Then what's in there," William asked.

"Stockwell, alert the guard, get them down here; we've gotta investigate."

"What's in there"

Well it's your little rival, he's having a little nap

A forever nap, pride said. The captain looked at her with fury in his eyes, "what?" She said, "I was trying to break it gently," the captain said.

"Jeez that's your idea of gentle, it's confusing, captain, he means your friend is dead by the way, I know that wasn't clear"

"What!" They screamed in unison. The captain turned away and walked into the room Stockwell behind him.

The light that came in illuminated the bed, and at the foot of the bed were blue fingers poking out of the darkness; that was mostly what they had seen as they looked in; a coldness escaped the room.

Stockwell, lights please! Stockwell waved his wand, and all the windows flung open; when he looked down he gasped; the whole room was covered in snow, and the body lay frozen on a cryptic circle drawn out of the blood.

"I guess he was a little bit under the weather," Sebastian said, chuckling to himself. Stockwell didn't find it the least bit funny, he hated his uncanny habit of making jokes at the worst possible time.

"Well, let's check out the corpse; tell the others to stay back!"

Sebastian walked over to the corpse and looked closely at it; it was a young boy, about William's age, in a suit. His face had gone green, and his hand was holding onto the bed sheet; that was how they saw the blue fingers.

"Shit!"Sebastian said, Stockwell looked at him oddly and said

"What is?"

"We didn't bring a picture."

"Of what?" He looked at him even oddly now. "Stockwell," he said. "I know how easily you are affected by your empathy but please try to keep a leveled head. We have no means of identifying the body."

Stockwell finally realized it but he also realized what it intelled. He looked at Sebastian, they shared a glance. "Get them in here," he said. Stockwell nodded. "We don't have time," he added.

He turned back to the body and looked closely at the blood circle, examining it. Then he heard them at the door. As he turned, he heard a gasp; it was Ruby.

As he looked at her, he couldn't help but feel a bit sorry, she had her hand over her face and had begun to cry bitterly. William was stunned; his face had gone pale, and his mouth shuddered.

The room was so cold, and breath was visibly around all but William; time had stopped for him; he wasn't breathing now, he knew it, he knew it bitterly, and he felt it was his fault somehow, he killed himself, he thought, all because I won. Tears slowly escaped his eyes.

Sebastian looked at William, "have you identified him?" His countenance reflected the temperature of the room.

William and Ruby nodded. "But you're standing all the way over there, please. I need you to take a good look."

Pride looked at them. She felt the captain was being too much; they had already seen enough, she thought. Ruby took a step forward, and Pride felt an immense urge to pull her back, but before she could, William stretched at his arm in front of her; she stopped and looked at him. He was looking at Sebastian.

"I'll do it," he said. He had a deep frown on his face that made his skin red, he looked deadly serious despite the tears on his cheek.

He walked over to him and walked past him. Sebastian said, "Be careful where you step."

Williams stopped as he saw the body in full light, greenish, grey, and frozen but his eyes were open and in them, he saw a rival, and in a strange way a friend even if they had never been on the best if terms, he was the reason he was beyond his years in magic, the challenge he had presented to him had forced him to live up to his fullest potential.

"I'll never thank him," he thought. He walked over to the body and got down on one knee beside it. "Be careful, watch out for the blood circle." Without a word, William reached out and shut his eyes and said,

"It's him," he looked at Sebastian, "it's Blackzad."

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