Chapter 10: Thane's Factory (Part 2)
"Let me explain how things work around here for you," Gina said, as the both of them arrived at an empty workstation unequipped with raw materials and equipment. "In order to get the necessary raw materials needed to manufacture all these goods, the retrieval unit travel all across the country to mine essential mineral stones as well as cut town the required trees to produce everything the settlement uses.
"Of course, their activities are licensed abd authorized by the red emperor and his council, so as long as we don't overuse the natural resources, then the crimson ores can keep on replenishing them," she explained.
"Crimson ores? You mean those mystic crystals with the power of restoration?" Ezeikel asked, turning his head. "How do they even work?"
"That is something I can't tell ya. Certain information is only known by those higher up the ladder. Maybe one day, if you keep working hard and get promoted, then you'll find out," she responded.
Although Ezeikel was annoyed to hear this, there wasn't anything he could do about it. Instead, he decided to ask her more about his current duties.
"So, how do I get started? I don't even have anything to work with yet," he said.
"Just give me a minute. I'll get everything ready for you," she replied back.
The work shift was a busy one, to say the least. After hours of practice on the job, Ezeikel was starting to get the hang of things. Once the shift was over, a ding sound was heard all over the factory, signalling the end of the day. The workers began to talk out of excitement as they made their way to the exit in an orderly fashion, making their way out of the factory and heading back home.
Ezeikel was standing right outside the main gate, waiting for Kennedy to meet with him. During the shift, Gina had pulled him away from his work so that he could get his worker's ID, although he was still on probation, it made it possible for him to come in and leave whenever the shift was over.
But that wasn't all. Reaching into his pocket, he pulled out a small red gem that had a faint glow to it. Ever since receiving it from Gina, he was struggling to contain his excitement as his eyes remained glued to it in his grasp.
'A blood magic enchantment, I actually got one! Cool!' Ezeikel grinned inwardly, eager to test it out himself. However, since he hadn't talked about it with Kennedy, he decided that it would be best to do that first.
Not too long after, and Kennedy had stepped out from the factory, chatting with Garlon on the way out.
"I'm glad the day's finally over. Man, working like this almost everyday really wears me out," Garlon said, stretching his back backwards.
"Careful there, you might end up snapping your spine," Kennedy commented, chuckling to himself.
"You're talking like you're not the older one. I should be the one telling you not to overdo it with your age," Garlon replied back. "What? Aren't you like 167 years old?"
"166, you idiot. Besides, I'm still as vibrant and active as ever, unlike you. You're only 132, yet you're acting like you're near the end of your life. Maybe you should cut back on the extra meat, that might do you some good," Kemnedy suggested. "At least with your position in our division, don't you think you should save some of your money for more important things?
Garlon shook his head at Kennedy's words.
"It's only because you're older than me that I'm not going to beat the crap out of you. You have no idea how much I cherish the rich taste of well-cooked and seasoned meat," he retorted. "Anyways, how are things going on with you? Are you getting ready for Crimson day?"
"Crimson day, huh? Of course, I am. It would be a shame for me to just ignore the day when Kaiser Darkhaven became the first emperor in our history. Plus, you already know that I come out to celebrate it every year," Kennedy said. "Ahh, I see that Ezeikel is waiting for me. We'll continue our discussion tomorrow, Garlon."
"Sure thing. And also, don't forget to take it easy on the job next time," Garlon said before bidding Kennedy farewell.
"I should be the one telling you that, you obese," Kennedy replied. "Do your wife a favor and don't make her fry so much meat for you on Crimson Day."
The both of them burst out laughing as they went their separate ways, with Garlon heading out through the main gate, and Kennedy heading to meet with Ezekiel.
After watching the man leave the premises, Ezekiel's attention went back to Kennedy.
"I hope I didn't keep you waiting out for long?" Kennedy asked, his gaze falling on the gem in Ezekiel's hand. "Seems like Gina's already gotten you up to speed on how things work in her division. And they even gave you a blood magic enchantment. I'm sure you must be excited about it."
"Well, yeah, I am. But I'll still need to learn how to use it so I don't have to bother you whenever I meed to come here or head back," Ezeikel responded. "Also, today has really been challenging. "
"It should. That's how it alway is around here," Kennedy folded his arms. "Don't worry, once he get home, I'll show you how it works."
The both of them then made their way to the exit, and once they were out of the compound, Kennedy repeated the process of casting Mist Travel so that the both of them could head back to Fluxton.
Minutes later, and they stood at the entrance of their home town. Ezeikel was still finding it hard to believe everything he had done and witnessed in under twenty-four hours. He had travelled from the slums of Fluxton, all the way to the highlife city of everlasting flames. After seeing many spectacular things in Ember City, he was somewhat annoyed that he was back home.
"Fix your face. Do you think I like coming back here after work?" Kennedy side eyed Ezekiel.
'Is he a mind reader or something? How did he know what I was thinking?' Ezeikel quickly did his best to change his expression, looking away from Kennedy. 'But still, this place is a shithole when you compare it to the South. I really wish one day I can live there.'
After the guards inspected their workers' ID cards, they both stepped into Fluxton and walked back to their small house at the near end of the town, almost close to one of the large great walls separating Nefaria from the rest of the planet.
Upon making it back home, Kennedy went into the kitchen to prepare dinner for the both of them. It didn't take long until they were both seated on the dining table, enjoying a meal together as they normally would.
"Alright, then. Bring out your blood magic enchantment. It's time I teach you how to use it," Kennedy said once Ezeikel had cleared the table.
"Okay," Ezeikel replied, taking it out.
"In order to use the enchantment, you need to be able to concentrate on the power imbued within it. Without focus, you cannot make use of the power it has," he held his own enchantment in his hand as he explained. "Do exactly what I do"
Kennedy gripped the enchantment tightly, his eyes closed as he was deep in concentration.
'Do as he does,' Ezeikel repeated in his mind, mimicking Kennedy's actions.
"Do you feel something coming out from the enchantment?" Kennedy asked. "If you do, then try to grab a hold of that power."
'I'm doing exactly what he's doing, but I can barely feel anything. It's like yrying to grab a strand of hair falling from the sky,' Ezeikel thought. 'No, I can't be negative. Let me just try harder.'
Wrinkles began to form on his forehead as he applied more effort, yet, there weren't any changes.
'Is this thing broken?'
Kennedy opened his eyes, seeing Ezekiel's serious expression.
'This kid, I'm not sure if he will even be able to use the enchantment he has,' Kennedy speculated. 'Still, that doesn't mean he shouldn't try. Who knows, maybe a miracle will happen.'
'Try harder! Try harder!' he yelled to himself continuously, sweat starting to form on his forehead as he gritted his teeth. 'I understand that I'm weak, but come on! Am I so weak that I can't even make use of borrowed power? Am I really that useless?!'
"This is not fair!" Ezeikel yelled, raising his hand to throw the enchantment away when Kennedy tushed forward and grabbed his arm, stopping him in the process.