Bloodlust Legacy: Carnage

Chapter 9: Thane's Factory

'I still can't believe that dad works in such a place. It's so massive and it's in another fricking region in the kingdom,' Ezekiel thought. 'I've seen so many things in less than a day, including learning the fact that he also has a blood magic enchantment.'

Ezeikel was still trying to process everything when Kennedy suddenly spoke.

"You still haven't told me what you think about everything. Do you think you can work here, or do you still need to see more places first?" He asked, snapping Ezeikel out from his daze.

"Huh?" Ezeikel responded, then remembering what he was asked, he continued. "I think I can work here. I mean, the conditions aren't as bad as the other place. Plus, I am good with wooden appliances, of course."

"Maybe that's why you always made a mess of my kitchen whenever I wasn't watxhing you when you were little," Kennedy mused, shaking his head. "Anyways, it's a good thing that you like it here, because once I meet with the head of this section and talk to him, if he decides to give you the job, then you'll be starting work from today."

Ezeikel nodded his head, glad that everything seemed to be turning out alright. From complaining to his father about his predicament earlier that day, to him following Kennedy to a city built for the elites in vampire society, and now, he was in one of the five major factories in all of Nefaria.

It was like a dream come true, in more ways than one.

"Let's head to the office of this division's head," Kennedy said as he started walking towards another door placed in the room besides the exit. After walking for a couple minutes, they both made it to the door, and just like everywhere else, there was a guard present in front of the entrance.

Once the formalities were done, they both stepped into an office where a man who lokled to be in his late thirties could be seen seated behind a large desk on the other end of the room. Up until the doors leading into the room were open, he had his eyes fixated on the documents sprawled all over his desk.

"What seems to be the matter?" He asked, his fingers curled as his elbows reated upon the desk's surface. His name was Asher.

"Pardon the intrusion, sir. But I would like to speak to you about letting my son here join your woodworks section," Kemnedy started off. "I know that job openings are quite scarce these days, but I was hoping if there was still something available for him. He's very talented when it comes to woodworks. I'm sure he won't disappoint you."

After hearing everything Kennedy said, Asher took a moment to process everything before responding.

"Is that so? In that case, I'll hire him on probation. However, if he fails to meet the standards of my division, then his shortcomings will influence your salary since you were the one who brought him here instead of Mr Emberlin issuing out job opening slips out to the general public," Asher explained, his voice cold.

"I understand, sir. I assure you that won't be the case," Kennedy replied, bowing his head and kicking Ezeikel to do the same.

"Yes, sir. I promise I'll do my best not to disappoint you," Ezeikel said, as well.

"If that is all, then you both can leave my office. As you can see, I was busy before you came in," Asher gestured for them to leave his office, and they both bowed down once more before obeying his instruction.

Once they had left the office, Kennedy immediately turned to Ezeikel, his gaze filled with urgency.

"I'm warning you, boy, if they deduct even a penny out from my salary, I'll give you the ass whooping of the century," Kennedy growled, not caring that the guard stationed at the door had sweat trailing down his face from his threat.

'What a savage,' the guard thought, feeling sorry for the boy.

Ezekiel's heart rate increased upon hearing the threat, his hands shaking as he struggled yo meet Kennedy's gaze, though, he managed to muster the coirage to respond, same as he did earlier at their house.

"I won't disappoint you, dad," he responded, his gaw shaking with each word he spoke.

"Alright, then. If that's the case, then let me just show you to the person that will help you get started before I headback to my own station," Kennedy said as he lead Ezeikel to one of the many people working in the large room.

They had arrived at a particular work station where a woman could be seen toiling away at her job. Upon calling out to her, she paused from what she was doing and turned around to face the both of them.

"Good day, Gina. You know my son, Ezeikel, right? The one I'm always telling you about? Well, today's his first day of work here, and I was hoping if you could help him get started with things since you're directly under Mr Asher in terms of rank, so basically you're the one who puts people to work once they get past him," Kennedy said. "Please, don't go easy on him. I don't want him doing a bad job and end up getting fired. I know I can count on you."

Gina was a woman who appearance made her look like she was in her mid forties with curly black hair and wrinkles forming on her face. From the clothes she wore, her lean muscular build could be seen, evidence of her many years of work in the factory.

She looked at the boy he was talking about with a rather disinterested expression. She looked at him from head to toe, observing the fear in his eyes as they darted away from her and Kennedy.

"This young blood looks scared for his life!" She said as she burst out laughing. "Relax, kid, we're not gonna eat ya. Stop acting like we're a bunch of monsters."

Although she said this, Ezeikel wouldn't agree with her, especially after what Kennedy told him before bringing him to her.

'You're right. You people aren't monsters, you're goddamn demons,' Ezeikel thought, his face covered in sweat.

Shaking her head, she turned her attention back to Kennedy.

"Don't worry, Ken, I'll look after your boy for ya. You also need to get back to work," she told him, waving her hand.

'Did...she just wink at him? Gross,' Ezeikel noticed her actions towards Kennedy. 'All these old folks and their PDA. Man, get a room.'

"Alright, then. I'll meet you both once the shift for today is over," Kennedy said before leaving them abd heading back to his station.

Once Kennedy was away, she looked at Ezeikel with a smile on her face as she spoke.

"Alrighty then. Since you're Ken's boy, I'll do my best to make sure you learn how to do yer job properly. Now, follow me," she ordered.

'I've heard those words way too many times today,' Ezeikel thought, obeying her instructions.

While all of this was going on, back in Fluxton town, Kyle was still going about searching for any available job openings. However, just like every other day, he was having no luck with securing a job.

"Hmm...I haven't seen Ezeikel today. I wonder where he is?" Kyle asked himself, deciding to call it a day and heading back home. "At least my mum doesn't give me a hard time about getting a job since she works as a guard in Green City thanks to her being a grade two vampire. The salary she earns is more than enough for us to live a decent life here in Fluxton."

"Maybe his dad finally decided to help him find a job. It's about time that old man stopped giving Ezeikel such a hard time. At least now one of us is off the streets, not like we're high class escorts, or anything," Kyle wanted to punch himself for making it sound like he was talking about something else.

"Besides that, I still hope that they solve the mystery of all these deaths taking place. I don't like the idea of the town being on high alert on crimson day, it's going spoil the mood of the celebration. Crimson day is less than five days away, and I don't even have a date to the event. I guess no one wants to go with a young, handsome, charming guy like me with shitty blood magic. Well, Ezeikel and I barely have blood magic, so both of us are gonna be single, at least," Kyle laughed to himself as he made made it back home.

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