Build The Strongest Family in the Prirate World

Chapter 88: Chapter 88 : Confused Five Elders

Blood Wolf Hogg, the pirate with a bounty of 290 million berries who had planned to retire after this final mission, met a brutal end. Darius cleaved him in half with a single swing of his axe.

Two other pirates, each with bounties in the hundreds of millions, were swiftly beheaded by Draven's deadly flying axes.

Above the battlefield, Swain's crows darkened the sky. The corrosive birds swooped down mercilessly, tearing open the skulls of pirates or plucking out their eyes with ease.

The pirates, who might have seemed strong in the first half of the Grand Line, were utterly helpless before the overwhelming power of Swain, Darius, and Draven.

Numbers alone were meaningless against such top-tier warriors.

Adding to the chaos, the soldiers of the Noxian Empire fought with unmatched ferocity. Driven by their belief in equality and fueled by the promise of military rewards, they displayed terrifying determination.

Unlike pirates and bounty hunters who fought for wealth, the Noxian soldiers had something greater—a belief in their cause.

The sea turned crimson with blood, shattered ships drifted aimlessly, and lifeless bodies floated on the waves. The devastation spread like wildfire, carrying news of the massacre to every corner of the first half of the Grand Line.

"When did such a powerful nation emerge in this part of the Grand Line?" the blond Five Elders asked with a frown.

"This sea has already seen enough chaos lately!"

Since the rise of the Valoran family, instability across the seas had reached levels unseen in years. Even the World Government could feel the pressure.

"It's just another small kingdom that appeared out of nowhere," said the curly-haired Five Elders dismissively. "How many nations have risen and fallen in these seas over the centuries? This is nothing new."

For 800 years, the World Government had watched countless kingdoms and factions rise and collapse. From the once-mighty Germa that conquered the North Blue to tiny island nations with populations of barely 100,000, all were fleeting compared to the World Government's enduring rule.

"Today they rise, tomorrow they fall," the elder continued. "The World Government stands eternal."

"But this nation feels... different," another elder remarked.

"Their policies focus too much on equality and reward through merit," he said, his voice sharp. "This goes against the natural order!"

"Gods are supreme," he added coldly. "And the common people exist only to serve beneath them!"

The bearded Five Elders spoke solemnly.

He didn't care about the Noxian Empire's grand victory. They had only defeated pirates, bounty hunters, and the armies of three small kingdoms. To him, it was insignificant.

What truly concerned him wasn't the empire's strength in battle but its foundations.

The Noxian Empire accepted all races and bloodlines without discrimination. Respect was earned solely through ability.

Their system of rewarding military merit made them a relentless force, always expanding, always conquering.

"I'm not worried about their military merit system," he said calmly.

"History has seen countless empires rise with strong militaries. But the moment they suffer one or two major defeats and can no longer reward their soldiers, they collapse."

"What bothers me," he continued, "is their idea of equality. It's utterly infuriating."

The bald Five Elders, who held the First Generation Kitetsu, responded coldly, "Then just erase them.

"It's just a small country. We can create any excuse to destroy them—just like we did with Ohara." His tone was sharp, his words laced with murderous intent.

"No," the curly-haired Five Elders interjected, shaking his head slightly.

"If we recklessly attack countries that aren't World Government members, it will stir unrest across the seas."

"Today, we might justify attacking a non-member nation. But tomorrow, that same logic could allow us to interfere with the internal affairs of member nations."

The World Government, after all, was a coalition of over 100 kingdoms and nations. It was formed under the pretense of maintaining world peace, with the Void Throne symbolizing equality among all member states.

Yet the truth of Im, the hidden ruler who sat behind the World Government's decisions, remained the greatest secret in the pirate world.

The curly-haired Five Elders continued, "Besides, haven't the Spring Uranus Kingdom, Summer Uranus Kingdom, and Winter Uranus Kingdom recently applied to become World Government members?"

"If they can't pay the Heavenly Tribute in full, let it slide for now. Just approve their membership."

The blond and bald Five Elders exchanged frustrated looks, but before they could argue, the curly-haired elder spoke again.

"It's not appropriate for us to intervene in conflicts between countries that aren't yet World Government members." His voice was calm but firm, ending the discussion for now.

"But if this so-called Noxus Empire dares to attack a country under the World Government," declared one of the Five Elders, "then they will face the full power of the world!"

"God's order is eternal!" he continued sternly. "And God is the world itself!"

The other Five Elders nodded in agreement and quickly summoned the envoys from the Three Seasons Kingdom, granting their kingdoms membership in the World Government.

But it was already too late.

The Noxus Empire had crushed the last elite forces of the Three Seasons Kingdom in battle, along with the coalition of pirates and bounty hunters they had hired. The kingdom's fall was inevitable.

The Noxus Empire wasn't solely to blame, though.

Darius and his forces had moved swiftly, capturing the Summer Uranus Kingdom—the closest target. Soon after, chaos erupted in the remaining Spring Uranus Kingdom and Winter Uranus Kingdom.

News of the United Army's defeat spread quickly. Hearing this, other pirates and bounty hunters turned on the kingdom. They invaded the capitals, plundered the royal treasures, and massacred most of the royal family.

Not every pirate or bounty hunter had been willing to serve the Three Seasons Kingdom from the start.

Many had only joined for personal gain, and even those who agreed to the bounty saw no reason to remain loyal. The moment they sensed the tides turning, they set their sights on looting the kingdom itself.

This kind of betrayal was nothing new among pirates and bounty hunters. Greed was their only compass.

Unfortunately for them, their luck ran out when they faced the Noxian generals. Swain and his allies left no room for retreat or treachery.

But for others, those who hadn't yet clashed with the Noxian Empire, the fall of the Three Seasons Kingdom signaled a golden opportunity. Without any real resistance left, they turned the remaining kingdoms into their playground.

The Three Seasons Kingdom, once relying on its military strength to fend off pirate attacks, now lay in ruins. Its fall wasn't just at the hands of the Noxus Empire but also the very pirates and bounty hunters they had desperately relied upon.

Ironically, many countries under the World Government had become safe havens for the same pirates and criminals that terrorized non-member nations.

When the Five Elders received news of the kingdom's destruction, their earlier plans to admit the Three Seasons Kingdom into the World Government seemed meaningless.

Their expressions grew grim.

The World Government had long used pirates and lawless individuals as tools to destabilize non-member countries, but this time, those tools had gone too far. The pirates had moved too quickly, bringing about the collapse of the Three Seasons Kingdom before the Five Elders could act.

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