Chapter 256: Chapter 253
"Hm, so Peter, you interested in sports?" Brad asked.
I shook my head, "neah, sports are boring. I'm more of a man of science myself."
"'re a nerd," Yama, the asian wimpy kid, said with a snort.
I nodded, "yup. I'm a huge nerd. Got a problem with that?"
"No," he replied quickly.
I smiled, "good. Now, why don't you guys tell me a little about yourselves?"
The conversations were so boring, typical teenage drama. May participated actively, I'm honestly surprised she hasn't moved past this part of her life yet. But then again she isn't my kid, it must be the MJ in her.
The end of school couldn't come fast enough for me. May and her friends invited me to hang out after school, and since I really didn't have anything better to do, I accepted.
A few hours later:
I groaned, "why did I agree to this?"
"Oh shut it Bruce," May said with a chuckle, throwing a top onto the ever growing pile of clothes on my arms, "you get to spend the with three beautiful women! You should be happy!"
Nancy grunted as she walked away while Dani smiled, winking at me. I smiled at the girl, "well, maybe you're not wrong...but do you have to get so much?!"
"Yeah, we're girls," Nancy snorted throwing a shirt on my head, "we tend to wear more than just a pair of jeans and a crappy ironic shirt of a retro superhero."
I glared at the girl, "hey! They ran out of Spider-man shirts okay!"
"Oh, you a Spidey fan Bruce?" Dani asked.
I smirked, "I am...I mean, I was," I shrugged, "but now I think he's kind of over rated."
"Damn straight! Cause now there's Spider-girl in the house!" Dani cheered, much to May's quiet joy.
We took over an hour to finish shopping and but then it was nearing nine in the evening. We walked out of the store just as they were shutting down. And as the only guy in the group I was elected to carry all shopping bags. Yay, feminism.
I grumbled as was walked down the road to the train station, "why can't we just take a damn cab?"
"I live in the Bronx," Dani shrugged, "it's safer for me to take the train."
"Wait, if you live in the Bronx, why do you come to school in Queens?" I asked.
Dani smiled, "Midtown high has the best basketball team and the best science department in the city, so the fifteen minute journey is totally worth it."
"Yeah," Nancy huffed, "I'm from Northern Queens, so Penbrooke would be easier for me, but Midtown has the best basketball team, so here I am."
I whistled, "I didn't realise Midtown high's sports teams were that good."
"Yeah they are," Dani nodded, "in fact it's thanks to coach Flash it happened. His first year he managed to take everyone to the finals! He's been knocking it out of the park ever since."
I grumbled, "Flash huh, how nice."
"You have a probably with Coach Flash?" Nancy raised an eyebrow.
I grumbled, "no...well, it's complicated. I-"
"-Stop," came a dead cold voice as suddenly a white man dressed in a black hood came out of the shadowy alley holding a knife in his hands, "give me all your cash and you won't get hurt."
"Kya!" Nancy shrieked as she moved back in fear, I dropped the bags immediately and stepped forward, May grabbing her friends and pulling them behind her for safety.
"Hey now man, you don't have to do anything risky okay," I said slowly holding up my hands.
"Give me your fuckign wallet!" he cried out.
"Alright," I said, "I'm just going to reach into my jeans and take it out okay," he looked jumpy, scared, nervous, first timer, figures.
I looked back, "May, keep them safe," she nodded, not questioning my orders. I slowly reached into my pocket and took out my wallet, displaying it to him, "here, see, wallet. Just take it, we don't want any trouble."
The man looked at the wallet, he reached forward, I tossed the wallet, he came to grab it, I was about to leap kick his fucking jaw off when suddenly, "oh no you don't!"
We all turned and looked up to see a figured in red and blue come swinging down on a rope, double kicking the crook in the gut, sending him flying into a building's side, knocked unconscious.
"Yeah! Scarlet spider for the win!" she cheered landing before us doing a little dance, "that's why you don't mess with the Spider! Yeah!" she paused, slowly turning around and realizing we were all staring at her, " alright citizens?"
I looked her over, she was clearly a woman, that ass and legs gave it away. She was dressed in a skin tight red costume with a blue hoodie on with a spider stitched on the front.
I blinked in surprise, 'isn't that Ben Reilly's Scarlet Spider costume? What the shit?!' "Ah, who are you supposed to be?"
She struck a superhero pose, "I'm the Scarlet Spider!"
I looked her over, legs went on for miles, ass that you could bounce a quarter off of, and a great physique. I groaned, I found myself forgetting a large part of May Parker's life in the comic books, it's been over a year since I last read a comic book, obviously some things became foggy. But I know this woman before me was apparently important in some way.
Hello everyone. I want to inform you that the novel "Caught in the Web of The Spider" is now available in PDF format in the Store section. It consists of 8 volumes, each with 100 chapters or more, from chapter 1 to 831. If you want to read the entire novel, go to my Ko-Fi and buy it now!…
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