Chapter 257: Chapter 254
I blinked, "how many spiders themed heroes exist in this town?"
"Ah, two I think" Scarlet chuckled rubbing her neck, looking over my shoulder to notice May and the others, "are you guys okay?"
"Y-yeah, thank you," Dani nodded.
"No problem!" she said enthusiastically before looking around and picking up my wallet that the criminal had dropped when she double kicked him. "Here, I think this belongs to you cutie," she said handing the wallet over to me.
I blinked, taking it from her, "ah...thanks, I guess."
"Right," she said nervously, "so...bye I guess!" she turned around and leaped onto of the fire escape, climbing up to the roof before leaping away.
I turned to May and the others, "who the fuck was that?"
"The Scarlet Spider," May grumbled, visibly pissed, "she's ah...she's new."
I nodded, "no kidding," I could see her jumping away, she wasn't very fast, meaning she was not superhuman, "does she have any relation to Spider-girl?"
May snorted, "she wishes. She just kind of showed up one day, nobody knows who she is though."
I blinked, "is that so," my interest was peaked, I needed to find out about this girl...who was she? I turned to May and the others, the normal girls looked scared, kept looking at the unconscious mugger in fear.
I sighed, "May, get Dani and Nancy out of here, I'll call the cops and wait for them to get here okay?"
"Are you sure Bruce?" May asked, "if you want-"
"-No, it's best if you three go," I motioned over, "I'll be fine. Trust me."
May looked like she wanted to argue, but one look at how frightened Nancy and Dani were she decided against it. The girls quickly left, May whispered a word of warning in my ears before she did, 'be careful'.
I called the police, told them exactly where to find the unconscious crook, and then hanged up. I turned to the rooftops, it was time to find out who this Scarlet Spider really was.
I climbed onto the roof easily enough, jumping from rooftop to rooftop. I spotted the scarlet Spider off in the distance, leaping through the air as if she was born to do it.
She had gymnastics training, I can tell as much. Maybe better than Felicia, but she was still raw, inexperienced. I could see it in her stance, she knew what to do, but now how. Her movements were too robotic.
I followed her, jumping from rooftop to rooftop, using all the parkour skills Natasha drilled into my head to free run the rooftops. And then, for a second, I lost her.
I spotted her doubling back around, coming behind me, trying to sneaking up behind me. She was almost there when at the last movement I moved, grabbed her by the arms and pinning her to a rooftop door.
"Damn, you're good," she replied, already struggling to break free.
I smiled, "thanks, I took a few self defence classes."
"A few huh?" she smiled before sweeping my legs, and pushing me to the ground, getting on top of me, pinning my arms to the ground, straddling my waist, "but not good enough."
I was immediately hit with a strange sense of deja vu...wait, wasn't this the same way I met Felicia?
"So then, why exactly are you following me?" Scarlet asked.
I looked at her, "I...I wanted to know who you are."
"Isn't that the point of a mask?" she chuckled.
I blinked, "I guess...who are you?"
She chuckled, "well...if you must know," she brought a hand up and slowly pulled her mask up. I was eagerly waiting, I didn't even realise she had release my right arm. Her mask was halfway up her face when she brought her hand back down, pinning me to the ground before pressing her lips to mine.
"Mph!" I cried out in shock as I felt her kiss me hard. Her fingers pulling me up into her as her tongue entered my mouth. She moaned into the kiss before suddenly pulling back, my shocked face staring back at her.
"That's who I am," she leaped off me and landed on the roof edge, "see you later alligator!" before jumping away.
I got to my feet and watched her use a grappling hook to swing around a building. I blinked, 'did that really just happen?' Now I had to find out who she was!
I stuck to the shadows and followed her, this time she didn't see me, I didn't let her see me. I followed her from a distance, watching her move towards the upper east side. Rich people, gah, I hate these damn apartments too stupid looking. Waste of money.
I watched her swing around for a bit, fighting street crime, nothing so dangerous that I had to step in. I'll say this for her, she knew how to handle herself.
It was half an hour later when she finally returned home. A very nice apartment on the Upper East side. I watched her from across the road, kind of creepy I know, but hey, she decided to where my symbol, I needed to know who she was.
I watched as she drew the curtains, cutting my line of sight. I cursed, "damn it!...wait," I took out my red tablet and turning it into a helmet, putting it on, "Sexy, find out who lives in that apartment, I looking for a woman, around 5 feet 9 inches, maybe taller. Gymnastics background."
Hello everyone. I want to inform you that the novel "Caught in the Web of The Spider" is now available in PDF format in the Store section. It consists of 8 volumes, each with 100 chapters or more, from chapter 1 to 831. If you want to read the entire novel, go to my Ko-Fi and buy it now!…
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