Cavorting with Death

Chapter 10: Chapter 9

Apologies for the delayed upload. Been real busy irl :(


Chapter 9


July 23rd , 1996

Banishing the soot from his robes with a wave of his hand, the old man regarded his surroundings with wonder.

The foyer was imposing and yet, spectacular. A dazzling chandelier hung from the centre of the soaring ceiling containing hundreds of crystals which illuminated the grand room. The flooring, he realised, was polished white marble, complimenting the beautiful aesthetic of the area and what he presumed, the rest of the manor.

"Dobby welcomes the barmy old codger to Potter Manor!"

Albus Dumbledore chuckled. "Good evening to you too, Dobby. I see you have been making good of my suggestion."

Dobby's large eyes sparkled as he nodded happily.

"The great Master Harry insisted Dobby keep calling the barmy old codger, the barmy old codger!"

Dumbledore laughed harder. "Of course he did."

"Albus. A peculiar surprise it is."

Dumbledore turned to a wall and saw a painting of a man staring back at him. Hazel eyes regarded ocean blue with more than a hint of curiosity.

"It has been a while, Fleamont. How are you?"

Fleamont chuckled. "I am a painting Albus. I am as well as I was when my image became one with this canvas. Nice to see you are still alive after all this time."

Dumbledore offered Fleamont a wistful smile. "Not for much longer I fear."

"Time always catches up to us in the end. Just look at me. Anywho, Dobby, inform my great-nephew of Albus' arrival."

"No need, Uncle." A voice interjected.

Opposite the fireplace, Dumbledore saw twin staircases on either side of a wall, curving around until they met each other at the top and standing on the landing was a familiar figure.

Glowing, killing curse eyes regarded him with indifference as the young man Dumbledore was so fond of looked down on him.

"Must you look at me with such apathy, Harry?"

Harry Potter drummed his fingers on the banister of the staircase before walking down the steps.

"In the past month, I have heard quite a few things, Professor. Some good, some bad. It's the latter part, however, you always seem to have a hand in." Harry ended, meeting the old man at the bottom of the stairs.

Dumbledore's shoulder sagged.

"Your safety has always been paramount, Harry."

"That remains to be seen. Shall we? The drawing room is this way." Harry said curtly, indicating to his right as Dumbledore nodded.

"The Goblins have been efficient as always. The manor looks just as astonishing as when I had last visited many decades ago." The older man praised, taking a seat with a sigh on a plush armchair which Harry had offered. "You do know how to spoil an old man."

The young wizard shrugged. "I'm not an arse, Professor."

Dumbledore chuckled before leaning forwards; sharp blue eyes regarded the teen intently. "I must be sure Harry… are you safe here?"

"It's been the home of my forefathers for generations. Discounting Hogwarts, there is no place safer."

"And yet-"

"-It was attacked…" Harry's eyes darkened until he sighed. "Much has changed since then. The wards have been updated to the highest grade the Goblins can offer. Hopefully you could also provide some of your own support at another time?"

"-And I would be more than happy to help with any additional protections and yet I cannot help but implore you to reconsider moving back to Grimmauld Place, Harry."

"No longer Privet Drive then?" Harry enquired with fake amusement, enjoying the uncomfortable look on Dumbledore's face.

"The additional protections are still active but as you have repudiated it as your home; the Blood Wards have fallen."

"Not like the Blood Wards would have done anything anymore." Harry muttered.

"Indeed… Something which I had regrettably overlooked." Dumbledore said with a forlorn sigh.

"Grimmauld is not my home, Professor."

"It is now the safest place for you outside of Hogwarts." Dumbledore corrected gently.

"The Fidelius is not infallible, Dumbledore." Harry whispered with an to edge his voice. "Besides, the wards of the ancestral home of the Blacks will kill Andromeda the moment she steps onto the property and I don't plan on moving anywhere where she can't visit me, which is why I cannot go back."

Dumbledore leaned back into his chair. "And where is Madam Tonks? I had presumed she would be taking part in this conversation."

The double doors opened coincidently at that time displaying a woman who eyed the two men with an indiscernible expression.

"Madam Tonks." Dumbledore greeted as he stood up, offering Andromeda a small bow.

"Good evening, Headmaster Dumbledore." She acknowledged impassively before her lips quirked into a small smile when Harry had walked up to her. "Hadrian."

"Glad you could make it." Harry grinned, taking her hand and leading her into the seat next to him.

"Silly boy." She said, shaking her head fondly.

Andromeda gracefully sat down and cast her eyes at her ex-Headmaster who watched the interaction very closely.


"Yes, Lady Andromeda?" The female elf curtsied when she appeared.

"Some tea and some bisc-"

"-Treacle ta-" Harry tried.

"-Biscuits. Please." The older woman swiftly spoke, raising an eyebrow in Harry's direction. The teen pouted petulantly before reluctantly nodding at Winky who had turned to him for the final verdict.

"Forgive me," Dumbledore began after taking a sip of the warm tea that Andromeda had poured, "You have me at a conundrum. I cannot for the life of for me, figure out the nature of your relationship…"

Andromeda looked over to Harry, effectively giving him the floor to answer the old man's unasked question.

"Before that," Harry began, "I should call for my grandparents. Grandpa, as you know, has been eager to meet you, Professor. Dobby."

A pop was heard before the jubilant elf appeared in front of the young Lord.

"Yes, Master Harry?"

"Would you go get my grandparents' portrait, please?"

Dobby nodded enthusiastically before he immediately popped away and within half a second, popped back with a large portrait he was struggling to hold with his hands.

"Shit. Let me-"

"Language Hadrian." Andromeda and another feminine voice admonished.

"-help with that. Thanks Dobby."

The eccentric elf beamed up at his master until he popped away as Harry handled the portrait and placed it on a couch between the two parties. He offered his scowling grandmother and Andromeda a sheepish smile before he sat down next to the latter.

"Albus Dumbledore." A deep, amused voice said from the portrait.


"-You are lucky I am dead Dumbledore otherwise I would have dug out your throat with my wand!" An irate voice interrupted.

All eyes went to Dorea who looked incensed beyond belief, gripping the arm of her husband's tightly as she stared daggers at Dumbledore.

"Dorea." Charlus tried, rubbing his hand over hers.

The older woman eventually calmed down once Charlus whispered something in her ear but her steely grey eyes never wavered as they continued glaring at a contrite looking Dumbledore.

"I know my actions over the years have not been favourable and that you all have many questions, but I have always done what I had believed was the best for Harry. It was never my intention to cause him any harm."

"Let's start with the questions then, Professor." Harry began after a long pause. "Will you honestly give me some straight answers this time around?"

"I will answer the questions I can, Harry."

"-Fine." Harry said immediately when he saw Andromeda about to interject.

Harry's eyes went cold as ice.

"Why? Why did you place me with the Dursleys."

Andromeda dug her nails into the younger boy's forearm as her face went completely still.

Dumbledore sighed deeply. "I had deduced that the protection that Lily gave you the night Lord Voldemort attacked was through a sacrificial ritual she had devised. What was evident however was that her sacrifice had survived through the blood you both share. Blood magic can be highly temperamental Harry and yet, when it is used effectively, it can be mighty. I knew Lord Voldemort had not perished that night and that due to the prophecy, you'd still be in danger and so, the only way I could ensure your utmost protection was to utilise the same protection from your mother as a catalyst to erect Blood Wards."

"Through Petunia." Harry reluctantly nodded. It seemed his theory he had on why he was stuck with the Dursleys was right.

The headmaster nodded.

"Petunia was your mother's last remaining blood relative and as such, the perfect candidate to ensure your continued survival as long as you stayed with her until your seventeenth birthday."

A silence settled as everyone digested the news. That was until Harry began to laugh. A cold chilling laugh that raised the hairs on everyone in the room.

"I find it ironic that you tried so hard to protect me from Voldemort and yet couldn't protect me from the evil within."

Dumbledore gave a completely defeated look as he sagged back into his chair.

"They were fucking scum old man. All three of them." Harry hissed. His rage threatening to boil as angry tears filled his eyes. "They treated me as if I was beneath dirt. Abused me; physically and emotionally whilst I begged every day for someone to save me from the hell I was subject to or to end my pitiful existence. Because of you, I resented my parents. Blamed the drunk and the bitch for getting themselves blown up in a car crash." He mocked, enjoying the tears that fell down Dumbledore's face as he hung his head in shame.

"Did you know?" Andromeda whispered. Tear marks stained her beautiful face as she gazed impassively at the wizened wizard.

"I always had a feeling-"

"-Put that down, Andromeda!" Charlus' strong voice cut through as Dumbledore raised his head and was met by the tip of Andromeda's glowing green wand as the witch stood at her full height, tear stricken grey eyes burning with hatred and anguish at the man opposite her.

"-The moment I saw him walk through the doors for the Sorting Ceremony. It was only after the events of Harry's fourth year, when I happened to see Poppy examine him, that all the fears that I had made myself believe was not true… came true. Words cannot describe how sorry I am for my neglect, my inaction. I did what I thought was right. I wanted to protect you so much that I became blind and conceited which cost you years of pain and suffering at the hands of your own kin. I am so, truly sorry, Harry." The old man wept, looking pleadingly past Andromeda's glowing wand, to look at the boy he had wronged and failed so many times.

"You could've placed me with someone else. I could've stayed at Hogwarts or a wizarding family. Anyone would've been better than them."

"If I had placed you within the magical community, the risk someone identifying you increased considerably whereas placing you in the muggle world, that risk was completely mitigated. I could not take that chance Harry. Not after hearing about the many, many magical black-haired, green-eyed baby boys that were murdered after Voldemort's fall." He whispered, closing his eyes painfully. The heart-breaking screams of the children's parents replayed in his mind like a broken record.

Harry let out a shaky breath, sagging slightly in his seat as he ran a hand across his face. He didn't know about the other children being killed just because they resembled him. It wasn't his fault but he felt horrible. He couldn't imagine what the parents of those children felt and what they had gone through.

They probably resent me…


"Master Harry?" The female elf squeaked; her small hands were clasped tightly on her skirt as she stared miserably at the young Lord.

Harry offered the small elf a warbly but comforting smile, placing his hand over hers until she relaxed.

"A Calming Draught, please."

"Yes Master Harry."

The green-eyed wizard then stood up and walked over to Andromeda. Placing his hand over the hand that held her wand whilst snaking his other hand around her shoulder.

"Andi… it's okay."

"No, it is not." Andromeda spoke harshly.

Harry sighed, his hand tightening over hers as the green light on the tip of her wand began growing brighter.

"You're right it isn't… but there's not much to be done now."

"We can hold him accountable. For what he did. F-For the pain and suffering he caused…" She whispered, her wand arm trembling at her anger.

"And then what, Andi? We call the Aurors, they arrest Dumbledore and then they have him charged. If that happens, we might as well offer the entire country on a silver platter to Voldemort."

Andromeda's nostrils flared as she whirled around and glowered up at Harry.

"That is not what I said!" She hissed.

"-And yet, that's what'll happen. Everything that is going on in this country is bigger and more important than the past decisions of a meddling, misguided old man." The teen said with growing frustration.

More tears filled Andromeda's eyes as she gripped Harry's shirt tightly. "My children… they are more important than anything, Hadrian. Anything."

Harry's eyes softened. He brought her into his chest and as if she was a puppet who's strings were cut, the older witch fell apart and began to sob whilst he rubbed her back comfortingly.

He hated seeing her like this.

"I don't know what I'd do without you or Nym in my life either Andi, which is why I need Dumbledore more than ever before. I cannot even imagine hoping to end this war without him."

Dumbledore looked up at that. "Y-You forgive me?"

Harry regarded his headmaster with cold, green eyes. "I honestly don't know. It's clear you had my best intentions but your tendency to be in control cost you my trust and support. As I've said, I've got bigger priorities. If ending this war means that I have to tolerate you and your deceit, then that's what I'll do. When your time comes, Professor, it'll be you who'll have to face my parents, those very same people that had trusted you implicitly to do the right thing and then you'll be judged according to your faults."

The old wizard hung is head. "You are a better man than most Harry… I will never forget what you have done for me today.

The young Lord spared Dumbledore with one last look before guiding the distraught woman in his arms back to the loveseat whilst offering her the Calming Draught. Andromeda eventually regained back her poise and managed a weak smile before her and Harry began speaking in quiet tones to one another.

"Winky," Charlus said, kissing a distressed Dorea on the forehead as the woman stared emotionally at her grandson, "Some of Ogden's finest please. The nice batch is in the cabinet in the study. I fear it will be a long evening."


"H-How? How did you come across that word?" Dumbledore questioned; his ocean blue eyes now bright as ever as he loomed over an irritated Harry.

"For the fairness of transparency, I'll tell you, although, I was hoping you'd bring it up yourself Professor, but even now you continue to hide things from me-"

"-Who?" The old man demanded.

Harry scowled. "The Goblins. That's who."

Dumbledore's shoulders dropped as he fell heavily into his seat, placing his hands over his head. "What have you done, Harry?"

"Something you should've done a long time ago old man." The teen hissed.

Dumbledore's head snapped up as he looked at the younger boy warily. "I do not understand."

"Do your scans. I know you want to so let's just get it over and done with and then you'll see."

Harry got up from his seat and walked over to Dumbledore who mirrored the action with wide eyes.

Surely not…

Raising his fringe, the angry red mark that was supposed to be there on Harry's forehead was no longer visible. A faint outline of the once famous scar was all that was left as Dumbledore couldn't help but trace his finger over its shape.

"It is not possible…" He whispered, his face pale as his brilliant mind went into overdrive. The normal shiver he would've felt when sensing Voldemort's magic in the scar was no longer there.

Dumbledore shot out his wand from his sleeve in a blink of an eye, unaware of the teen's curious gaze drifting towards the knobbly looking stick.

Crackling sounds escaped Dumbledore's lips as he began to mutter in a foreign language that sounded just as harsh on the ears as Gobbledygook. The old man slowly traced the tip of his wand across the scar whilst Harry cringed; snapping his eyes closed.

He felt as if his head was being squeezed by two giant hands from each side.

Eventually the sensation stopped and Harry slowly opened his eyes to see Dumbledore looking back at him gobsmacked.


Harry grumbled. "If you're referring to the cause of the random mood swings, headaches and visions then yeah… it's gone."

"H-How?" Dumbledore asked with growing wonder. He placed his hand on top of Harry's head and closed his eyes. He extended his senses as wide as he could, searching for an ounce of Tom's magic lurking in his young charge.

"Exorcism ritual." Andromeda supplied quietly with haunted eyes as Dumbledore's eyebrows shot up. "It was one of the most horrific scenes I had ever seen someone undergo." She shivered. Her son's agonising screams still echoed in her mind when she closed her eyes.

Dumbledore's already pale complexion became two shades lighter.

"I imagine it was not pleasant." He whispered horrified.

"Worse than Voldemort's Cruciatus… Regardless, I'd do it again in a heartbeat just to make sure the Horcrux was gone for good." Harry added with a grimace before raising an eyebrow at Dumbledore who's stupid blue eyes began to twinkle. "Judging by your expression, I'm sure you had concocted some other insane plan to remove the Horcrux from my head, right Professor?"

Dumbledore faltered slightly. "My plan was not a guarantee…"

"-Then I'd rather not know." Harry began, halting Dumbledore from continuing, "I'm just glad this worked out instead. The Horcrux was limiting my magic and growth. It's why I look so different now."

Dumbledore nodded until he grew serious once again. "It is as I surmised. Who else is aware?"

"Apart from my grandparents, Andi and Nym… just the Goblins." Harry shrugged.

Dumbledore got a contemplative look in his eye as he ran a hand through his long beard.

"Yes… it is not likely the Goblins would willingly part with such sensitive information…"

"If you're thinking that they'll sell me out then don't. I had already paid them not to. It was part of their payment for doing the ritual in the first place besides, if there's one thing I've learnt about Goblins, when it comes to gold, they'll do everything by the book. Even keep secrets."

"Very well. It is imperative no one else knows."

"That Voldemort's created more than one Horcrux?"

The old man sighed, indicating for Harry to take his seat before taking his own. "Tom's greatest fear has always been death…"

"The Goblins mentioned that he'd have to had created anywhere between three to seven." Harry provided.

Dumbledore frowned. "I do not appreciate the Goblins so willingly imparting information on such abhorrent magic."

Harry rolled his eyes.

"Well in case you forgot, I had one of those abominations in my head so I think I deserved to know. If you think I'm going to go make myself some Horcruxes, relax, I won't. I'd rather not kill anyone that doesn't deserve it…"

"Harry…" Dumbledore pinched the bridge of his nose.

"-After everything that's happened, if you seriously believe that I'm going to show mercy to any of Voldemort's followers, then you've gone completely senile." Harry growled.

"Attaboy!" Charlus nodded proudly.

Dumbledore looked incredulously at the painting. "How can you endorse this, Charlus?"

Charlus turned and narrowed his eyes. "My son and my daughter have been taken already by that madman. I'll be damned if my grandson dies too because he adhered to your pacificist ideology! This is war Albus! Have you forgotten the things you yourself have done in the war against Gellert?!"

Dumbledore's mind flashed back to the war against his former lover and the horrors he committed just so he could he end Gellert's tyranny. If it wasn't for his considerable prowess in Occlumency, he'd have likely gone insane from the things he had witnessed and the despicable things he had carried out.

The old man looked helplessly at Harry's grandmother who stared longingly at Harry before her grey eyes turned into ice once she cast her gaze at Dumbledore.

"Hadrian is my grandson. My blood. My family. If someone wishes harm on our family, they deserve to die a thousand brutal deaths. It is what Arcturus would have said too." Dorea finished, offering a smile to Harry who beamed back at her.

Dumbledore turned his head to regard the teen. A sorrowful expression was displayed on his elderly face.

"I have failed you, Harry…"

Harry's eyes glinted ominously in the light. "I was lost a long time ago, Dumbledore. The moment I was chosen for this fate… the moment my parents were taken away from me. Despite losing all hope, I have finally found a reason to continue fighting after Sirius died and if I have to kill every single person that gets in my way to reach my happily ever after, then that is exactly what I will do."

"You have changed so much in such little time…" Dumbledore whispered.

"Losing someone you considered family does that to you, Professor." Harry snarked back.

"You are angry." Dumbledore observed with a sigh.

"Because your opinions frustrate me!"

"I do not want you to become a killer, Harry!" The old man pleaded.

"You will not change my mind, Professor. Anyone who supports Voldemort in any kind of way, is my enemy and if those people choose to go after me or the people I care about," Harry began, squeezing Andromeda's hand, "then I will rip them apart."

Dumbledore sagged down on his armchair and rubbed his temples in a circular motion, hoping the action will stave off the impeding headache.

Harry had changed so much from the small, wide-eyed boy that had walked in to the Great Hall all those years ago. Here he sat opposite him, on the cusp of his sixteenth birthday and physically, everything about the young man described everything he was not.

He looked healthy and happy. Both things one would see in any fifteen-year-old boy but it was those expressive eyes of his that told any acute observer something entirely different.

Behind his smile and voice, there seemed to be a hidden darkness that appeared to be waiting to be unleashed. Nothing evil, no… Perenelle would have said something the moment she had laid eyes on him but the young teen that had seen horrors that no child should ever experience, coupled with the murder of his last remaining family, changed Harry and Dumbledore wasn't sure if he liked it.

"There is no light or darkness Albus, only power… Look around you, look at the destruction you have caused to get to me… We could have done it, mein Freund… You and me, we could have revolutionised the entire world for we are titans of magic... It was always within you, the power to induct change and yet, your cowardness held you back… Just like it chains you again as you refuse to kill me…"

After the war against Grindelwald, Dumbledore knew he could never raise his wand to hurt another. Gellert was everything to him and in his anger at the atrocities his lover had done, Dumbledore became the very same thing he swore to never become.

A killer.

He sighed deeply, casting a discreet gaze to his gloved-up limb.

His countdown had already begun and there was still much to do.

"What happened?" Harry asked, startling Dumbledore from his reverie.

The old wizard admired the teen with a soft smile when he saw the boy staring intently at his hand. "You are getting better. I was sure I had hidden it well. Tell me Harry, what do you feel?"

Harry lightly coughed, hiding his embarrassment at being caught. "I-I don't really know. It's something sinister though.

"Concentrate. Extend your senses." Dumbledore encouraged.

Harry closed his eyes and pushed out his magic the way Charlus had taught him and instantly, the elements surrounding him reacted. He focused intently on Dumbledore's hand and instantly recoiled as if he had been slapped.

"You've been cursed." Harry gaped as Dumbledore nodded softly.

"My hubris cost me dearly unfortunately."

"Let me see." Andromeda demanded, vacating her seat and walking off towards Dumbledore who took off his glove, showing a blackened hand.

Andromeda began rapidly casting diagnostic spells; her eyebrows climbing up higher and higher after each result came back worse than the other.

"I have never seen anything like it before…" She whispered before looking questioningly at Dorea.

"A Withering Curse. An obscure and highly potent curse." Dorea stated after a moment with a neutral expression once she and Charlus were carried over by Harry. "You can identify it by the crooked, thorn like streaks from the point of contact. A ring?" She nodded towards Dumbledore's ring finger.

"Yes…" The headmaster began with a sigh, "This particular ring was imbued with a powerful compelling charm which provided a difficult challenge to overcome."

"You don't seem the type to fall to such compulsions, Albus." Charlus frowned.

"Not in the normal sense, however, circumventing magic that was cast by Voldemort was too much for me."

"The ring was Voldemort's? Why on earth would you even go near such a thing?!" Harry questioned.

"It was a necessary endeavour my dear boy. You see, this particular ring belonged to Tom Riddle's mother." Dumbledore's eyes lost their twinkle completely. "Tom had turned it into a Horcrux." He finished gravely.

"Is it fatal?" Harry questioned with a whisper, looking intently at his grandmother who wore a neutral expression.

"Judging from how much it has progressed, you have a year, perhaps less before the curse reaches your heart."

"It is good to hear a second opinion especially from someone as highly regarded as you Dorea." Dumbledore said with a small bow whilst the woman looked away, muttering under her breath.

All eyes turned to Harry as he stood up and began pacing.

"This can't be happening… I'm nowhere near strong enough to kill him..." He mumbled. It was the first-time doubt entered his mind.

Without Dumbledore, the entire country would fall apart and Harry was not ready to face Voldemort. Not yet.

"Which is why you'll be ready before then Hadrian." Charlus began. "If the prophecy is true, then he needs to be trained Albus, and I can think of no one better than you."

Dumbledore's mind whirled.

He had already began taking initiatives for his eventual demise but there was one thing he hadn't had got round to doing and now that he thought about it, if he could teach Harry, he would be the most ideal candidate for the role.

There was honestly no one else better.

"I have a few conditions."

"…What?" Harry asked warily as Andromeda and Dorea narrowed their eyes at the old man.

The old wizard held his hands up. "Nothing nefarious, I assure you. I, as you may or may not know, hold the title of the Premier Mage of Magical Britain. Do you know what that position entails, Harry?"

Dumbledore continued when the teen shook his head. "When the Ministry was founded, along with the positions that came with the ministerial body, one such position was the Premier Mage. This was the person who in laymen's terms, was the strongest witch or wizard in the country."

"You want me to become your successor?" Harry questioned with a furrowed brow; effectively reading between the lines.

"Yes." The old man said simply. "It is a position that is solely passed on from the current holder to their apprentice and as I do not have an apprentice of my own, I see no issue in you becoming my next successor. You are more than skilled enough."

The young Lord sat back down with a thoughtful expression on his face. "Say I become your successor, what would I have to do."

"Think of it as an ambassadorial role. As each country has their own Premier Mage, you essentially become the delegate for Britain and hold Britain's seat at the International Confederation of Wizards."

Charlus' eyes gleamed. "The position provides you immunity from prosecution as well, Hadrian."

Harry's eyes went wide as he looked at an uncomfortable looking Dumbledore.

"Yes… not completely but to a certain degree." Dumbledore exhaled; sagging down into the armchair. "I am not fit for war Harry. Not anymore. I cannot do what is needed to be done and although I abhor it, with every fibre of my being for putting you in such a position where I am effectively giving you carte blanche to kill without reparations, I cannot deny that there are some individuals for which Azkaban no longer suit..."

Harry looked over to Charlus who shrugged at him. "If you're going to get rid of vermin freely, at least you won't get sent to Azkaban. A little politicking won't hurt you in the long run."

The teen grumbled at that. "What's the other condition?"

"To learn about Voldemort more so, of his past. The past years, I have been collecting memories of individuals who have interacted with Tom Riddle in the hope of finding out clues on what he has used as his Horcruxes and where he has hidden them. It is how I was able to find his mother's ring and destroy the Horcrux but as you can see, it was not without issues. I can find no one else I can trust more to help me in this task Harry."

"What about Snape?" Harry questioned.

"Professor Snape, is rather preoccupied with his own tasks and though I trust him entirely, I would rather not burden him even more than he already is."

The teen's lip curled before he frowned. "Not that I'd be opposed to helping you but where do we even start? We don't even know how many Horcruxes he's created."

"There is someone who Tom Riddle as a student, was close to. This professor I imagine will be the key of finding out exactly how many Horcruxes Voldemort had created and I would like your assistance with this for when the time is right. Those are my conditions, Harry."

Harry absentmindedly fiddled with Andromeda's fingers as he contemplated everything that Dumbledore had said.

The answer was a no brainer.

He vowed he would do whatever it took to end Voldemort and keep his loved ones safe and if it meant stepping into the spotlight even more than he was already and learning about Tom Riddle's favourite bedtime story, then he'd do so.

"Fine." The young Lord began with a sigh, "I accept. When can we start?" He couldn't quite keep the excitement out of his voice. It wasn't every day when one trains exclusively with someone as highly regarded as Dumbledore.

The old man chuckled at the teen's enthusiasm. "How far has he come along, Charlus?"

Charlus scratched his chin. "He has always had a pretty excellent control of his magic, able to pick up whatever I have been teaching him very quickly and such. Hadrian, however, lacks foundation, Albus. Basic duelling knowledge and stratagem. His power is unique. It's what has ensured he has survived up until now. Nymphadora has been practicing with him but because of her irregular schedule, they haven't had much time to implement his knowledge. There's only so much one can practice by themselves of course."

Dumbledore hummed, drumming his fingers on his knee.

"I will call for Professor Flitwick and see if he is open to teach you the basics, Harry. I struggle to think of anyone else more accomplished than him in that regard. I am sure Alastor would not mind teaching you a few tricks of his own either. Once term begins, I will take over your training. With your current progress and potential for growth, you will be more than ready to trade spells with me." The old man said with a smile.

Harry felt a bit bummed out that Dumbledore wouldn't teach him of the bat but he could understand the reasonings. As long it'll make him a better fighter in the end, then the goal of getting there was irrelevant.


"How were your OWL results?"

Harry shrugged. "Os in Defense, Transfiguration and Charms. Mostly EEs with one or two As. Oh and a Troll in History thanks to my little episode but I doubt I would've passed anyway."

"I expect better results for your NEWTs, Hadrian." Andromeda said primly as his grandparents agreed in the background much to Harry's displeasure.

"I am sure you will do splendidly m'boy!" Dumbledore began with a beaming smile before he checked the time. "I think it is time we call it an evening. After this morning's Wizengamot session, I regret to say that I am not as spry as I once was."

The old wizard felt as if a massive weight had been lifted off his shoulders and though he knew the relationship between him and his student would likely never return to what it once was, he was happy the air between them had been cleared.

Harry couldn't help but agree. Today was the day he was introduced into the Wizengamot and he had never been so bored in his life. Dressing up in those stuffy robes he had bought and sitting for hours through members talking and talking, wasn't the best environment for someone as active as Harry. Though he did find some enjoyment riling up Malfoy and his ilk.

Thinking about the look on Lucius Malfoy's face when he was forced to call a sixteen-year-old Lord, was something Harry likely would never forget.

"When will we meet again?" The teen questioned as he stood.

"The reading of Sirius' Will, two days from now," Dumbledore began with a sympathetic smile before he frowned. "Yes… that is another situation which will be unfortunate."

"How so?"

"The estate of the House of Black, Harry. I have on good reason that Sirius had left the estate to you and yet, due to the House of Black's requirements, the estate will likely fall into Draco Malfoy's hands as the stronger claim lies with him." The old wizard sighed. "That reminds me, I have to ensure we vacate Grimmauld Place as soon as possible before the reading of the Will. The last thing we need is the Order to become exposed."

A smirk appeared on Harry's face, one which Dumbledore caught as he minutely narrowed his eyes at the young teen.

"Have I misspoken?"

"Not at all Professor. Let's just say… not everything is as it seems." Harry added innocently, flicking his eyes at Andromeda who had a beaming smile full of love on her face.

"It seems I am, what you youngsters say, out of the loop." Dumbledore chuckled. He could only wonder what the mischievous boy was up to.

"Rest assured, the situation is under control."

"May I know?"


"Very well. I will leave it in your capable hands." Dumbledore said with a smile as he shook his head at the teen. "Is there anything else that you would like to tell me, Harry."

Harry furrowed his brow for a moment before looking at Charlus, asking the silent question about whether he should let Dumbledore know about him being a Battle Mage. He got his answer when Charlus shook his head.

"I think that's it."

"Very well. I bid you a good evening, Harry. Charlus, Dorea, though I wish we saw each other in better circumstances, it was still good to see you two again."

"And you." Charlus said whilst Dorea nodded coolly.

"Madam Tonks, the tea was wonderful, thank you."

Andromeda pursed her lips. "Allow me to see you off."

"That is very kind of you."

Harry made to follow but after a look from the woman in question, he dutifully stayed behind as he watched his headmaster walk out the double doors.

"I have not forgiven you, Albus." Andromeda spoke after they had reached the fireplace. Fleamont, the one who's portrait was placed over the pit, had conveniently dozed off.

Dumbledore bowed his head. "And I do not expect you to Andromeda. I have made many mistakes in my long life and yet, Harry is the one whom I failed the most."

Andromeda watched the sorrowful man carefully. "Hadrian hides it well. Convinces himself that the sufferings he had undergone in his early life was something to be forgotten. Something to move on from. He has become obsessed Albus. Obsessed with defeating Voldemort that he is willing to do whatever it is to win even… ignore the trauma that was given to him by those pigs." She hissed. "He may be willing to ignore it but I will not."

"What is it that you plan on doing exactly?" The old wizard asked warily.

"That is none of your concern. All I need you to do is to ensure my baby survives. Good evening." Andromeda said curtly before turning around and walking away.

Dumbledore watched her retreating form with a frown on his face. The nature of Harry and Andromeda's relationship continued to elude him. He was clearly missing an important piece of this puzzle and hopefully he would find out what it was in the near future.


"Fuck off."

"Madam Bel-"

"If you make me repeat myself again, I'll carve out your gut and shove it back down your throat." Bellatrix Lestrange said sweetly; her voice dripping with venom as she stared daggers at a brown-haired man.

The man shivered; his eyes darkened with lust as he looked adoringly at the mad witch. "Your wish is my command, dear madam."

Bellatrix watched him scuttle away with a damning sneer. She would have exterminated the insect long ago if only it wasn't for her master forbidding her not to. She had, to her master's extreme displeasure, killed more recruits than her enemies combined and because of that, unless it was her master, there were to be no more murders between allies.

"Piece of fucking shit…" She muttered before scoffing to herself, "There's only one man who can have me… mmmm…"

Bellatrix turned to look at a window, her reflection staring back at her. She could imagine him standing behind her; his alluring killing curse eyes gazing down at her as he bred her from behind.

Moaning sensually, her sapphire eyes darkened with lust and longing. She could feel her nipples hardening and heat pooling in her womb as she completely lost herself to her delusion. "Not long now my love… S-Soon we will be reunited… Soon."


Bellatrix growled, thrusting her wand at the fool who dared intrude on her time with her love.

A crazed expression appeared on her face as she cackled. "It seems that everyone has a death wish today… Yaxley! My… thank you for offering yourself! What an incredibly lovely thing to do…"

"What the bloody hell do you think you are doing you mad woman?! Put that down!" Yaxley glowered.

Bellatrix tsked. The tip of her wand began glowing silver. "My time with my love is limited and you had the gall to interrupt-"

"-The Dark Lord!" He scrambled, "You attack me and you'll be disobeying the Dark Lord!"

She snarled but nevertheless relented, lowering her wand but not putting it away. "Mustn't upset the Dark Lord… bad Bella…"

Yaxley let out a sigh as he watched the insane witch mumbling to herself. He really hated dealing with her.


"Oh! If it isn't Cor-ban! Still crawling around are you, like the ickle crup you are?" She giggled, adding insult to the injury.

Yaxley's faced reddened but he took a breath to remain calm, sneering all the way. He didn't want a repeat of before.

"Where is that sister of yours, Narcissa?"

"What do you want with itty bitty Cissy?" Bellatrix demanded; her expression guarded.

Yaxley held his hands up. "To ask her something, nothing else!"


The pale, blonde man scowled angrily. He really didn't want to discuss this with her.

"I-If Andromeda had said something about me-" He couldn't quite keep the hopeful tone out of his voice.

Bellatrix blinked once, then twice, staring blankly at the man.

"I-I said-"

"-I know what you said you cretin!" Bellatrix shot back before she took a breath. Her mind was definitely playing tricks on her.

Yaxley paused his rebuttal when he eyed the woman.

"Y-You don't know, do you?"

The black-haired witch was getting irritated now. "Know what?!"

"A-Andromeda. Your blood traitor sister was the Potter brat's date for the Ministry Ball." Yaxley said slowly, a bead of sweat building up on his forehead. He was known for his hard, domineering personality but as he stood in front of the crazy bitch, even he knew he was treading on dangerous waters.

Bellatrix's eyes widen comically, the wand in her hand trembled violently, sending dangerous sparks down to floorboard as Yaxley quickly stepped back to avoid being burned.

"You lie-" She hissed. She could feel the blood pounding in her ears as her heartrate sped up.

Despite the situation, an affronted look came up on his face. "-I have no reason to-"

He had no chance to fully articulate his reply before he was sent careening towards the back wall, his legs cramped up as it felt like his back was on fire. He could faintly hear the sounds of heels clicking as he painfully looked up into glowing sapphire eyes.

"The Dark Lord-" He was interrupted with a cry as Bellatrix pressed her heel down hard on his hand.

"Harry chose Andromeda?" She whispered; her empty voice cutting through.


Bellatrix raised her heel before slamming it down with such pressure that it pierced through his flesh.

"Yes! Yes! He fucking chose her!" Yaxley cried pitifully. Coupled with the concussion he had received from banging his head against the wall and his pierced hand, he just wanted the excruciating pain to stop.

"-Enough Bellatrix!"

Severus Snape slowly stepped out of the shadows with his wand drawn and walked over to the pair until he stopped just out of Bellatrix's reach.

The woman turned to the voice with such vitriol that Snape faltered for a second, his hand tightening around his wand.

"Step away from him, Bella… If the Dark Lord were to witness this, even you would not escape his wrath."

The mention of her master gave Bellatrix much needed clarity as she lowered her wand before painfully stepping off the downed man. Blood and small bits of flesh shot out from where her heel had penetrated whilst Yaxley howled out in abject pain.

Without so much of a word, she turned on her feet, paying no mind to the two men and strode off.

The sounds of her heels slowly became quieter and quieter until all that remained was Yaxley's whimpering as Snape watched the sobbing man with a grimace.

"Are you a fool, Corban?" Snape hissed, tightly grasping Yaxley's other arm as he helped him up.

"S-S-Severus… please… the pain…"

The greasy haired man sneered at the blonde. Swishing his wand towards the wounded limb, he cast a localised numbing charm and began shuffling towards the room which Voldemort had given to him for his use.

"What happened, Corban?"

"I-I only wanted to k-know if A-Andromeda said something to N-Narcissa about m-me. That was until that m-m-mad bitch went bat-shit c-crazy…"

Snape grimaced.

So… she knows…

"Mentioning her blood traitor sister in her presence… you truly are foolish Corban." Snape muttered, shoving the man onto a chair whilst he fiddled around in his cabinet before plucking out two murky red potions.

"Y-You don't understand Severus…" Yaxley began with a grimace as he downed the blood-replenishing potions, "She didn't care for Andromeda…"

Snape's hands stilled as he slowly turned around. "What?"

"I could see it on her face. It was that halfblood… Potter. The moment I mentioned him, it was like her entire demeanour changed…"

"What… exactly… did she say?" Snape asked with his usual drawl, masking his true interest.

"That Potter chose Andromeda." Yaxley spat with an angry scowl.

"I… see." The sallow skinned man said before he strode away from the injured man.

"Wha… Severus, aren't you going to patch me up?" He spluttered, waving his blood covered hand.

"I am not your custodian, Corban… attend to yourself." Snape said curtly before slamming the door behind him.

He knew it.

He had warned Dumbledore that ever since Bellatrix's fight with Potter, the woman had changed. Snape had noticed it first when he accidently brushed her surface thoughts weeks ago and he couldn't believe what he had seen… Even he had to admit that the crazy woman's infatuation with Potter was disturbing.

Usually, Snape would be less inclined to help, Potter be damned, but the promise he had made to Dumbledore superseded that. Even now he could feel the magic influencing him to devolve the information and he was none too happy about it.

Damn Potter! Damn him and his blessed father!


July 24th, 1996

Harry hated mornings.

It was perhaps one of his major flaws… leaving the comfort of his warm bed but today was important that he did so in a timely manner.

Everything was ready for the Mage ritual.

It had been something he and his grandfather had been preparing for a while and now that Harry had access to Potter Manor, a place where he still hadn't moved in yet, he was on a bit of a time crunch to ensure he completed and recovered from the ritual before tomorrow's Will reading. Something he was not looking forward to for obvious reasons.

"Hadrian! Don't make me tell you again!" Andromeda shouted from below whilst the teen groaned loudly.

Swinging his legs out from the cosiness of his blanket, the cold air of the room helped wake him up as Harry got up and walked over to his mirror.

Though Charlus was a taskmaster when it came to training, the young Lord couldn't deny that the man knew his knowledge because Harry was sure that he hadn't looked quite so good in his life.

Shoulders wide, waist small. Harry flexed his arm and saw actual definition in his muscles as opposed to just regular pale skin and bones. Moreover, due to training outside with the summer sun every day, he'd developed a nice tan that definitely got rid of the sickly look he had been sporting for all his life.

Harry turned when Hedwig hooted from the corner of his bedroom, a letter which had his name written on in an elegant scrawl between her beak and the teen couldn't help the smile from appearing on his face.

"Hey girl. That for me?"

Hedwig looked at her owner's outstretched limb before turning her head away whilst Harry rolled his eyes.

There was probably no one more pompous than his snowy owl.

"Why are females so difficult…" He muttered.

The young Lord then proceeded to shower his spoilt owl with all his love, petting her in all the places she loved especially the spot behind her head whilst Hedwig cooed delightfully. Thirty seconds afterwards, she finally relented, vacating the letter into Harry's hand.

"Thank-you." He said, smiling at the way she nibbled affectionately on his finger. She may act like a prissy little princess but he wouldn't trade her for anything.

Harry eagerly tore through the envelope and opened the letter; jasmine and vanilla assaulting his nose as he read its contents.

Dear Harry,

So, your owl's name is Hedwig… a beautiful name for a beautiful owl. She definitely is one of a kind! Don't get offended though, but I do think she prefers me to you…

"Traitor." Harry muttered to Hedwig who batted him with her wing.

Hobbies hmm… Well, I do enjoy studying. Definitely not as much as Granger but it's always fascinating to learn new things. Oh, and I do dab my hand a bit in fashion. If you saw my wardrobe, you'd probably be in awe! Even I don't know how many clothes I have… And no, before you ask, I dislike Quidditch so if you ever had the thought of getting me on a broom, banish it from your mind.

"We'll see…" The young Lord murmured with a growing smile.

How about you? Colour me intrigued; I am curious in what the famous Harry Potter gets up to in his spare time. A little birdie told me you go around the country saving damsels in distress and then take them home and have your wicked way with them… surely that can't be true, can it?

Harry gaped before shaking his head in disbelief.

I don't mind you asking at all! My family are… set in their ways? Perhaps that is the best way to describe them. They are quintessential Slytherins: our family have always been since I can remember. I'll be honest, though they have no issue with muggles or muggleborn, that isn't to say that they're too fond of them either. Maybe that tells you everything about us.

We're a Neutral family and one that is highly respected and much of that is due to my grandfather and father. Things had been… difficult in the past, but it wasn't until my grandfather that our recognition finally took root again and since then, my father has tripled his achievements and has built quite an empire. We live a comfortable life because of that. I have a roof over my head, food on my plate and clothes to wear. It's more than I can ask for.

I offer you all the strength for tomorrow. Though you haven't told me who had unfortunately passed away, judging from the way you had described him, I am sure he had meant a lot to you.

I find that I enjoyed the time we spent together at the Gala and even writing and reading these letters. My apologies if my responses seem a little formal… I've never really written letters to people outside my family before and well, I couldn't find myself to just ignore your ugly scrawl even if I wanted to!

We probably won't see each other again until the new school year begins and if it's okay with you, I am not completely adverse to continue sending letters to one another…

Harry snorted.

Like I wrote before, you're not that bad, Potter…

Don't get a big head!

Actually, I changed my mind, you better return my letters!



Daphne really brought about the strangest feelings within him and whenever he'd read her letters, that feeling quadrupled.

Harry had found himself initiating their first letter much to his own disbelief and since then, he'd never looked back. Conversing with the intriguing blonde made him happy.

He had been searching for a distraction to his crazy life and Daphne had filled that hole and he struggled to find anything wrong with it. She understood him, in a way no one else had and he found himself looking forward to the time when they'd meet again because even though sending letters was good and all, it didn't compare to the time when they were together at the Gala.

No… that was something entirely spectacular, something… his teenage mind wanted to experience again…

"Oh, you're up." Andromeda said from the doorway, looking as pristine as ever.

"Yeah," Harry began with a cough, attempting to distract Andromeda from the flushed face he knew he was sporting, "Morning, Andi."

"And a good morning to you too, sweetie. Breakfast's ready. Why don't you go brush your teeth and I'll meet you downstairs." She finished with a smile before walking away.

Harry sighed once she left.

He really needed to get a handle on his thoughts…

Later, after breakfast was served, he spent the time conversing with Tonks and Andromeda, the former who he hadn't seen much of.

According to Tonks, Voldemort had been very quiet as of late, too quiet for what seemed to be normal and it was putting everyone on edge. This however, allowed her and the rest of the Aurors who were always on active duty, to catch up on some much-needed paperwork, something Tonks never failed to remind him how much of a chore it was.

Eventually, the Metamorph had to leave for work and not long after, the time had come for Harry too as well though, he was sure his grandfather wouldn't be too happy about his time management skills. He was supposed to be at the manor for the ritual twenty minutes ago.

"You sure I shouldn't come along, Hadrian?" Andromeda asked worriedly as she released him from a long hug.

Harry smiled warmly at the smaller woman.

"I'd love for you to be there Andi, truly, but since we're not tied by blood, grandpa can't determine whether your magic will interfere with the magic of the ritual. Just to be safe, it's better if you stay away for now besides, Dobby will be with me, so I'm in pretty good hands." The teen said, chuckling at the way his elf puffed up his chest at the compliment.

"I don't like this, Hadrian," Andromeda muttered, brushing her hand through the teen's hair, "Just come back to me in one piece."

"When don't I?" Smiling cheekily at the woman who scowled at him, Harry took Dobby's proffered hand and after a pop, they left an apprehensive looking Andromeda and arrived in the basement of Potter Manor.

"It's about bloody time! I told you to get here at half past eight and it's now eight fifty!" Charlus grumbled whilst Harry rubbed his neck sheepishly.

"My bad, I was kinda hungry and lost track of time. I'm here now though."

"Leave him alone, Charlus." Dorea absentmindedly said, her eyes roving through a tome within the painting.

"You spoil him too much, Dor."

"He's my grandson, it's my duty to spoil him."

"See. This is why I like grandma more than you grandpa." Harry smiled widely when Dorea winked at him.

Charlus rolled his eyes. "Cheeky brat. Just shut up and strip and then go stand in the middle of the circle. Dobby, ensure that Griffin claw is pointed at ninety degrees and not nineteen and make sure that goblet is squeaky clean. Could've swore I saw some dust falling into it earlier."

"Yes sir!" Dobby saluted before running off.

"Do I really have to take everything off?" Harry moaned, wincing at the colder than normal temperature of the room, discarding his shirt.

Charlus snorted, "You never had a problem running around like an exhibitionist when you were tiny."

"I was like barely one!"

"Just keep your boxers on if you're that embarrassed."

Harry walked over to the middle of a massive magic circle that had taken ages to carefully draw with the help of Charlus' guidance and sat down.

"Don't sit, stand!"

"Ugh… fine… just want to reiterate, grandpa, this ritual will allow me to finally begin using battle magic, right?"

Charlus nodded, "Among other things, but yes."

"Other things?" Harry questioned, rubbing his arms up and down to generate some warmth.

"It will strengthen your magic in general and give you better control of your magic too." Charlus said vaguely. "It's difficult to explain. Just trust me."

"Okay, I'm ready." Harry said after a moment.

"Alright son, just like the way we practiced: allow the ambient magic to fill you up until you feel like you cannot contain it anymore and then expel it out. That's when the ritual will begin, the Potter magic will judge you and the three trials will commence. Power the runes containing each of the ingredients starting with that sopophorous bean, remember go around anti-clockwise until you finish with the Griffin claw and then it's the blood part." The old veteran instructed with Dorea latching onto his arm, watching the proceedings nervously.

Harry took a deep breath and when he heard the clock chime for nine, he pushed out his senses and flared out his magic, building it up within him before directing it towards the sopophorous bean and instantly, as if someone had drained all the blood from his head, he became light headed.

"Here we go…" Charlus muttered as he saw the magic circle glowing white.

Harry felt an overwhelming sensation threatening to engulf him as it felt like an elephant the size of his manor had jumped on his back.

So… this is the first trial… The teen thought with a small wince.

The magic was judging him and he could feel his fear building up within. He was scared that the overwhelming pressure would crush him and somehow, he was to overcome it but as the sensation pushed against him longer and heavier, Harry came to the realisation that though his fear wanted him to stop this foolishness and let go, the force of the pressure didn't feel like much at all.

After having that revelation, his fear vanished as if it was never there in the first place.

Taking a moment to compose himself, Harry took a deep breath and focused. Clenching his fist tightly, Harry batted the wall of pressure aside as if it were a common fly, flaring out his magic whilst doing so and in that moment, the sopophorous bean disappeared and curiously, one of the three runes that surrounded an ornate goblet that was branched off the main magic circle, lit up.

"T-That was quick!" Dorea pointed out, releasing a breath as she saw Harry's shoulders sag in relief.

"The was only the first trial. I knew he was powerful but I didn't know exactly how strong he really was." Charlus muttered with awe. To complete the first trial so effortlessly… I've never seen anything like it before…

Almost as soon as the rune surrounded the goblet lit up, Harry felt pain rocket up from his feet all the way to tip of his head as he fell down onto his knees and screamed.

"Hadrian!" Dorea shrieked, her eyes wide in fear.

"The second trial has begun. It's testing his resilience and endurance now… the longer he holds on, the stronger the connection but the fiercer the pain." Charlus said with a grimace; his brown eyes wide with disbelief at how long Harry was holding on for.

Ten seconds turned into sixty, one minute to three until eventually, looking as if he were to pass out, the inexplicable pain stopped as quickly as it came. Harry could briefly hear Dorea shouting at him in the background prompting him to open a heavy eye as he felt a light blinding him from the side.

He painfully turned to look and saw the second rune light up and that's when reality came back to him.

One more…

Wincing in unbearable pain, Harry stood up and focused his attention on to the third and final rune.

Projecting his magic, Harry felt his eyes blacken and all he could remember was pain on his knees as he fell unconscious.

"The final trial…" Charlus whispered as he gazed into Harry's hollow eyes. "He's re-experiencing every dark day, every point in his life where he's felt indescribable fear and he is to overcome it."

Dorea whimpered, the implications clear, as she buried her face in her husband's chest.

"It's why we try and make potential battle mages take the ritual when they're young, when they haven't gone through such painful experiences. Even at his age now, he should've been innocent enough that such a trial shouldn't have affected him so much and yet…" The old war hero looked away from his grandson. It hurt to see him look at them with such dead eyes and he could only imagine what Harry was going through.

Charlus and Dorea watched with bated breath, their eyes never swaying from their beloved grandson who continued staring in their direction with blank eyes; a whimper leaving his throat every other minute.

Dobby could be seen in the background mumbling to himself whilst twisting his ears as he gazed forlornly at his master. It felt to him that the bond between his master and him was about to break and the eccentric elf never felt as useless as he did now.

After what felt like a considerable amount of time and in actuality, it was, Harry's tear-stricken face lightened as lucidity returned to his eyes.

"The goblet son… just one more step." Charlus encouraged tensely.

Harry raised his haunted eyes and eyed the ornate goblet which was surrounded by all three lit up runes. On all fours, he painfully crawled towards it, ignoring the voice in his head to stop but ultimately felt the joint in his elbow give out causing him to land painfully on the floor.

Looking up, Harry heard the cries of his grandmother and as soon as their eyes connected, he couldn't help comparing those same grey eyes to another pair of the same shade who was waiting patiently back at home for his return.

Remember why this is necessary…

With new found vigour, Harry continued crawling until he reached the goblet.

Charlus' voice once again cut through the room. The sound booming as if the whole room began to tremble.

"You have fought through the trials and have come out of it from the other side. You must now sacrifice and cleanse your body. Virtus inexorabilis… unyielding virtue. We are warriors, unyielding and resolute! Cleanse your powerlessness and be reborn as the future… The strongest battle mage the Potter Clan has ever known." He commanded, his brown eyes glowing unnaturally bright.

Grandfather and grandson locked eyes and so much was conveyed in that singular moment.

Love… joy… pride.

The teen sat up in a kneeling position and hovered his arm over the goblet, the same arm Wormtail had drawn blood from. Tracing his finger over the jagged scar, a cut was magically formed. He watched with a solemn grimace as blood spilled from the wound and into the cup where the moment it hit its surface, turned an iridescent white.

Once the cup was full, Harry exhaled a shaky breath as he watched the clear liquid swirl around. His grimace tripled at what he had to do next.

"Bottoms up..." Harry wheezed, raising his cup to his grandparents.

The metallic taste he was so unfortunately familiar with due to his excursions was absent. Instead, there was an intense burning that trickled down his throat the more and more he drank until Harry began to gag.

"Don't stop! You must drink it all regardless of how uncomfortable it may be."

Harry soldiered on at his grandfather's words even as the burning sensation grew until it felt like his entire inner body had been turned inside out. The moment he finished every drop, the magic circle lit up causing the observers to shield their eyes until the light dissipated and standing there, with a wondrous look in his emerald eyes was Harry.

"Dear Morgana…" Dorea whispered with wide eyes as she took in her grandson's body.

"Whoa…" Harry awed before lightly swaying on his feet.

"Dobby, the potions, now!" Charlus barked.

After taking a blood-replenisher and some pepper-up potions, the teen felt as good as new.

"What the bloody hell has happened to him, Charlus?" Dorea demanded as she took in the new additions to Harry's body.

"I think it's pretty cool-" Harry closed his mouth at the glare that Dorea was giving him.

"You should see the one on your neck, Hadrian." Charlus said with a grin before wincing when Dorea pinched him hard on the hand.

Harry looked confusedly at Charlus before picking up his wand from the stack of clothes.

The moment he did so, he felt a tingle run up his spine as he held his wand. The power he could feel wanting to escape from his wand felt immeasurable and addicting.

I could probably do it now…

"Careful now," Charlus warned, "Your magic is still assimilating so your spells may be a little overpowered."

Harry nodded. Thinking the image in his head, he swished his wand.

"Speculum factorem."

A long, full body mirror materialised, resting on the wall in front of Harry as a beaming smile appeared on his face.

"I did it!" He exclaimed, turning to face his grandparents who looked at him in astonishment.

"Took you long enough." Charlus exclaimed but couldn't keep the pride from his voice. The conjuring spell was something the late Potter Lord had watched Harry struggle to do during his training with him much of the fact because it was a NEWT level spell but seeing him do it now so effortlessly… Charlus couldn't be prouder.

Harry turned back to the mirror and his eyebrows shot up.

"T-This… is… different." He muttered, roving his eyes around his body.

The scars that had littered his skin had all disappeared but that was not all.

"Merlin…" Harry exclaimed, tracing the image of a dragon that looked oddly like the Horntail he had battled along the side of his neck and towards his lower back. Looking at the place where the Basilisk had punctured his forearm with its fang, he was not surprised to see a similar image of a snake coiled around the limb, its large head resting on the back of his hand.

Curiously, Harry looked at his other arm and similarly, an image of a bird with what looked like its wings enclosed around the limb, rested on his forearm. Its tail, which confirmed it was a Pheonix, coiled around his wrist.

"Well, Charlus? Are you going to explain why you have ruined my grandson's beautiful skin?!" Dorea demanded whilst her husband winced.

"I didn't ruin it, Dor… it's just the aftereffects of the ritual."

"What do you mean, Grandpa?" Harry asked, turning to the portrait.

Charlus cleared his throat, avoiding his wife's glare. "As you know, magical creatures and wizards have lived symbiotically since long, long ago. It wasn't until when Battle Mages were most prominent, during the era of Arthur Pendragon, that magical creatures were deigned classifications on their level of danger. A single X being the weakest to five X being the strongest. Battle Mages rather cleverly, had used this metric to distinguish themselves."

"When you fight a powerful magical creature, their own magic leaks into yours if they somehow manage to wound you. A wizard's magic is usually more potent than most magical creatures therefore, if they do succumb to a wound, their own natural magic can counterbalance the creature's especially with the help of today's potions. However, if a wizard somehow gets wounded by a creature who are naturally much stronger than them, say a Manticore or… a Dragon," Looking pointedly at Harry's neck, "most of the time, regardless of medi-care, they will die."

"How did I survive then?" Harry asked with a tilt of his head.

"The dragon must've not been very strong."

Harry snorted. "We both know that's not true."

Charlus grinned. "Just making sure you're paying attention. Most likely, your own magic overpowered the dragon. Also adding in the fact that it was mostly a superficial wound. I could even surmise that Pheonix tears provided some extra protection as well. Yes… Albus' Pheonix truly was a godsend."

Harry agreed. He'd definitely need to bring over some treats when he saw Fawkes next. "So… the tattoos, Grandpa?"

"Oh! Right. Yes well, Battle Mages who, like you Hadrian, had survived their encounters with powerful magical beasts, would have their scars changed to resemble the creature they fought as a sort of, medal of honour."

Charlus then looked intently at Harry who was looking at the creatures with awe.

I don't think there's ever been a record of a Battle Mage with three tattoos before. One from the King of Serpents, another from the most dangerous dragon currently alive and lastly, from a creature generations of wizards could only wonder about its existence…

"So essentially, those blasted things cannot come off?"

"No, Dorea they can't." Charlus sighed.

"Why on earth would I want them gone anyway?" Harry exclaimed. "I think they look pretty cool, right Grandpa?"

The war veteran matched his grandson's grin, as his own eyes sparkled. "Damn right! Now you look the part of a Battle Mage, it's finally time to teach you the family magic. Hope you're ready, I'll be working you harder than you've ever worked before."

Harry met the challenge with a determined expression whilst Dorea huffed in the background.

"Hmph! Typical Potters. All brawn and no brain. Just wait till Andromeda hears about this."

And just like that, Harry's good mood plummeted and instead, he was filled with dread.


July 25th, 1996


"Y-Yes father?"

"Keep your head held high. These people… they are nothing. Not even worth the dirt on our shoes." Lucius said with a look of contempt.

Draco Malfoy nodded as he and his parents walked towards the white marbled bank. On goers whispered inaudibly; harsh words and looks of intense suspicion followed the trio as they climbed up the stairs.

How times had changed…

It hadn't even been a full year for Draco when these same peasants would look up at his family in awe. Now though, they had the gall to insult his family behind their backs like the cowards they were due to the drivel that was written about his father.

Reaching the top of the stairs of the bank, Lucius brushed his long hair out of his face, a gleam appearing in his cold, grey eyes.

"After today, all our transgressions will be forgiven Draco. Need I remind you how important the Black estate is, not only for the Malfoy's, but more importantly, for Him?" He questioned whilst Narcissa concealed a sneer.

"No father. It's my heritage. My future. Our future." Draco amended as he stood up straight.


"We must go." Narcissa interrupted, "Come along, Draco." She said before dragging him by the arm towards the doors as Lucius followed closely behind.

After they were cleared in the entrance by the bank's security, they stated their business to a teller before being escorted towards a beautifully designed pair of doors where two Goblins stood in full armour.

"Your wands." The Goblin escort barked, outstretching his hand towards the trio.

"I beg your pardon?" Lucius questioned with a sneer. The grip on his serpent cane tightening.

"For security purposes. To ensure there will be no… mishaps between all participants." The Goblin drawled before a dangerous smirk appeared on its gnarly face. "Now wizard, I will not ask again. Your wands. Now."

Lucius looked at the insufferable creature with disdain, reluctantly removing his wand from his cane before offering it to the Goblin. After receiving all three, the Goblin placed them in a small box and turned around.

"Open the doors."

The guards pushed open the doors and as the trio walked in, they were welcomed by stunned faces as all conversation halted.

"What the bloody hell are they doing here!" Ron exclaimed. His scowl deepened as he saw Draco's smirking face.

"First time out of that hovel you call home, pauper?" Draco taunted.

Ron raised to the bait as he stood up sharply with Ginny right on his tail, their ears red in anger and embarrassment.

"Now now, Draco, play nicely." Lucius' oily voice interjected with a condescending smile.

"I should've known you'd show your face here, Lucius." Arthur Weasley said as he stood up, ignoring Molly who called for him to ignore the blonde man.

The blonde's lip curled. "Arthur, ever so gracious. I trust you will keep your ilk in line?"

"Why are you here, Malfoy?"

"A foolish question, not that I expect anything less." Lucius goaded, enjoying the look on the blood traitor's face, "Of course, we are here for dear Sirius' passing, yes… a terrible little thing it was. Naturally, as Sirius has gone, the Lordship of the House of Black is vacant and as my son is the rightful heir… well… would you like me to fill in the rest for you, Arthur?"

Arthur grimaced. The Order had already been filled in by Dumbledore after all.

Ginny's voice was incredulous as she pointed at a pompous looking Draco. "Him? You can't be serious."

Draco bristled. "Of course it's me you stupid girl. I'm the heir! The next in line now that the main line's dead!" His voice dripped with arrogance.

"Harry's Sirius' heir!" Ron shouted.

The youngest Malfoy laughed loudly. "You really are an idiot Weasel! As if Saint Potter's going to be the next Lord Black. He has no claim. Weak, if anything."

Lucius sneered at the Weasley patriarch.

"Do you push your ignorance on to your children, Arthur? To think that not long ago, the Weasleys had some level of decorum…" His grey eyes became cruel as he gazed at Hermione who looked anxiously between the two parties, "No… instead, you squandered your wealth and titles, and began associating with muggles. Not to worry… in the not-so-distant future, your like will be cleansed permanently."

Arthur's face flushed darker than either Ron or Ginny. "How dare you-"

"-This is not the time or place, gentlemen."

The occupants turned at the voice, the majority sighing in relief. Just like them, the owner of the voice lacked his wand and yet his presence alone commanded power and authority.

"Well, well… Albus." Lucius glared.

"Lucius." Dumbledore replied neutrally before his smile turned pleasant. "Arthur. How are you?"

The man in question offered the headmaster a tight smile. "Well… despite the circumstances."

Dumbledore gave an understanding look. "Let us remember why we are here everyone. To put aside our differences and honour a brave and misunderstood man." The old wizard then turned to regard the Malfoys with a raised brow, "I trust we can proceed peacefully and respectfully."

Lucius curled his lip and walked away with Narcissa and Draco behind him towards opposite side of the room, well away from the resentful looks of the other occupants.

Not long after they moved away, the doors opened again presenting Tonks and Remus, the latter who looked positively sick.

"Wotcher." Tonks greeted, her usual spunk missing.

"Nymphadora, Remus. I am glad you could both make it." Dumbledore said pleasantly, overlooking Tonks muttering under her breath.

Remus shrugged helplessly, his shoulders drooping whilst Tonks rubbed his back comfortingly.

Tonks eventually left Remus in Dumbledore's capable hands and walked over to Ron, Hermione and Ginny.

"Wotcher kids."

Hermione gave the dark green haired woman a smile that looked like more of a grimace. "Hey Tonks-"

Tonks held up her hand as she took her seat. "Before you ask Hermione, Harry'll be here. He wouldn't miss this. Not for anything."

The bushy haired girl nodded reluctantly. "Sorry… I-We haven't seen him in a while not to mention his letters have been kind of absent as of late."

"He's been busy with stuff." Tonks shrugged.

Hermione cracked a small smile. "I saw. I read he's taken up his Lordship now and something about the Ministry Gala too the other day and-"

"-Hermione stole the newspaper before I could even read it and I bought the bloody thing." Ron interrupted with a huff, "These days, she'd read anything with words and it's not all books anymore."

Tonks snorted. "Why am I not surprised."

"I didn't steal it Ron, I borrowed it," Hermione shot back, her cheeks pinkening, "Besides, I left it back on your desk after I finished reading it."

"Dunno which desk you're talking about. Wasn't on mine."

"I didn't know you could read Ron." Tonks joked whilst the ginger boy scrunched his nose.

"Not if he can help it. He does the bare minimum and that's only to read anything relating to Quidditch." Hermione added with a glare.

"-Which I can't do without the newspaper you didn't return." Ron defended, ignoring the glare.

"I did return it!"

"Not to me, you didn't!"

"Oh yeah, it was me," Ginny piped up, "Remind me to return that back to you."

Ron blinked owlishly at his sister. "It was you? Why would you read the Prophet? You said you wouldn't go anywhere near it last year because of that Skeeter bitch."

"Ronald!" Hermione hissed, scandalised.

Ginny crossed her legs as she leaned back on her chair, a dreamy expression on her freckled face. "That was before they started publishing pictures of Harry in the paper…"

Hermione choked as Ron made gagging sounds.

"Yeah, the little squirt is no longer little anymore… if ya know what I mean." Tonks whispered suggestively as Hermione and Ginny blushed bright red.

"Just keep the paper… I don't want it anymore." Ron groaned as the others giggled.

Idle conversation went on between the small groups until the double doors opened again welcoming two tall, orange haired boys.

"There you boys are! We were all supposed to meet outside Gringotts Fred, George." Molly chastised as the twins both rubbed their necks guiltily.

"Sorry mum. There were a little extra owl orders this morning and Verity was off sick. Our hands were tied." Fred explained as the Weasley matriarch huffed in annoyance.

"But mother dear, look who we found along the way! Ta daaa!" George exclaimed before he and Fred simultaneously slid out the way admitting an amused looking Harry and Andromeda into the room.


"Hey." The boy in question said with a smile as everyone bar the Malfoy's went up to the pair.

Before he could get his bearings, Harry momentarily had the wind knocked out of him when a bushy haired woman ran into his chest and held him tightly.

Andromeda raised an eyebrow at the action and when she locked her eyes with her daughter's, Tonks grinned before shaking her eyebrows up and down insinuatingly.

So… this must be Hermione.

Harry, though briefly stunned, enclosed his arms around the smaller figure, a fond smile appearing on his face as he inhaled the sweet scent he had grown up recognising was his best friend's.

"Hey Hermione."

"Why'd you take so long, you prat." Hermione sniffled.

Harry rubbed her back. "Sorry, I was held up. Didn't wait too long I hope?" He couldn't deny he missed her but to avoid any curious eyes, eyes which he already knew were watching him closely, he reluctantly pulled apart from her.

Hermione had only grown more beautiful since the last time he had seen her and he couldn't help his heart flutter a little when her big brown eyes locked on to his.

Ron with his impeccable timing, chose that moment to jump in.

"Harry!" Ron beamed as he clapped Harry on the back.

"Alright Ron?" The boy in question asked with a smile. Ron, if it were possible, grew even more in height.

"It's been awful mate. Do you have any idea what it's like spending the summer with someone who lives and breathes books?" He bemoaned before yelping when Hermione kicked him in the shin. "It's true you bloody woman."

Harry chuckled as he watched Hermione lay into Ron and it was just as if it was like old times again. Though his relationship with his friends hasn't been the best, he couldn't deny he had missed them dearly.

"Harry dear!"

"Mrs Weasley-" He barely responded, accepting the bone crushing hug with a small wince.

Molly eventually backed off, before holding the teen's face in her hands. "My oh my, haven't you grown so handsome, definitely filled out a bit but could use a little extra feeding. Not to worry dear, I'll get you as good as new before you head off to Hogwarts."

"I do not believe that will be necessary, Molly." Andromeda interrupted coolly, grabbing Harry's arm and pulling him away from the mother hen.

Molly's eyes became guarded. "Andromeda. How… nice of you to join."

Andromeda sniffed haughtily, tightening her grip.

The two women glared at one another as a palpable tension descended in the room whilst Harry looked back and forth between the two.

"Er, who's that Harry?" Ginny asked with a hesitant voice.

It was only when Ginny asked that Harry noticed her, Hermione and Ron looking at Andromeda warily. He supposed he could understand why. Andromeda's no joke when she's rightfully miffed.

"Oh right, you guys haven't met yet. This wonderful lady is Andromeda. She sort of… well… she means a lot to me. She also has the unfortunate pleasure of being Nym's mum too." He added with a dramatic sigh.

Tonks threw up her middle finger at the annoying teen who grinned until Andromeda pinched his forearm. She offered the apprehensive looking group a stiff nod, her grey eyes lingering on Hermione a tad longer than the others.

"Good. It seems you are all here." A gruff voice said from the doors.

All eyes turned to a Goblin who held a folder in his claw-like hands.

"My name is Bloodfang. I am the account manager for the Noble and Most Ancient House of Black and have been for many a year now. For those who have received a letter from me regarding the late Sirius Black's Will, please follow me into the next room. For those who are here for other affairs, please remain until the Will is read."

In no time at all, the Goblin walked away with an entourage of witches and wizards behind him. Harry was just barely able to see Draco's smirking face before he was led away by Andromeda as they joined the others in a separate room off to the side of the waiting room.

Clearing his throat, Bloodfang unfurled a scroll and turned to address the group.

"Without any delay, I will now execute Sirius Black's final Will and Testament: I Sirius Orion Black, being of sound, mind, body and magic, void all…"

The whole event was pretty anticlimactic if Harry had to describe it.

Hermione was left with a stack of books from Sirius' personal collection which left her befuddled, Ron was given some mint Quidditch supplies which had him almost passing out in disbelief and it was obvious Sirius didn't know Ginny that well because all she was given was a bag of Galleons for her to use for whatever she pleases.

The twins it seemed were given the most out of Harry's friends probably due to how much Sirius liked them and how he perhaps wished in another life, he could've been them. It was safe to say though, judging from their faces, that they were more than grateful for the amount. The happiest people don't have the best of everything, they just make the best of everything… Fred and George almost wept at that line.

Molly and Arthur received a large sum for taking care of Harry during the summers he had briefly stayed with them and Remus was given a small cottage that Sirius had somehow manage to commission during his stay at Grimmauld. Along with the house, he was given a large amount of galleons and a multitude of clothes that the man reluctantly accepted.

Dumbledore was curiously given a single book that Bloodfang had mentioned that Sirius had taken from the Black library. Nothing more was said about the book but judging from the way the old man had winked at him, Harry would be finding out soon what it was.

Tonks was given a few of Sirius' personal effects and the largest sum of gold out of everyone. All Sirius had said about that was that it was for the future. Poor Tonks hardly got emotional but the way she had discreetly wiped a tear from her eye showed Harry how much the gesture meant to her.

Sirius had given Andromeda gold, jewellery and a deed to a small real estate business in the muggle world that he had started after he was kicked out of Grimmauld with the help of Harry's mother of all people. A source of income, just in case you find yourself in a pickle, my favourite cousin-

Harry brought a misty-eyed Andromeda into a one hand hug, gently rubbing her arm. She had often expressed to him how much she regretted not following up with the truth after Sirius was incarcerated and to see the same person leave so much for her, it must've all been too much for his usually stoic aunt.

Lastly, to Harry James Potter, my beloved godson, I leave everything else. My personal possessions, the remaining contents of my vault and any outstanding assets that have not been bequeathed to anyone else.

Harry; I have many regrets but my greatest regret is you. I hope that when your time is to come, many, many years from now, I can truly express how sorry I am.

Sirius Orion Black

Leaning his head on top of Andromeda's, the young Lord closed his eyes and reminisced about his misconstrued godfather. He was now so very thankful that he had that final conversation with Sirius during his exorcism ritual otherwise he likely still wouldn't have moved on from his death. Though their time was brief, Harry couldn't have asked for a better godfather than Sirius Orion Black.

"That concludes the reading of Sirius Black's Will. The transfer of assets will all be promptly distributed within the following days. Now, the ascension ritual for the new Lord of the Noble and Most Ancient House of Black is to commence immediately. Lord Potter and those he wishes to be there, please join me in the waiting room when you are ready. The others, I bid you good day." Bloodfang said curtly, before walking away.

Harry took a deep breath.

Moment of truth.

"M'boy, perhaps it is wise that I come along?" Dumbledore asked with a frown.

Harry smirked. "Though, I appreciate the concern Professor, between me, Andi and Nym, I think we got it under control."

The old man strained his eyes, looking back and forth at the teen and Andromeda before his eyebrows shot up into his hair as the teen grinned smugly.

Dumbledore then chuckled, louder and louder until his laughter became full blown whilst the other occupants looked between the two in utter confusion.

"I do not know how you continue to surprise me Harry but you certainly know how to keep an old man on his toes!"

"I aim to please." Harry smirked before offering his arm to Andromeda who took it with a smile. "Shall we ladies? I don't think I can wait any longer to see the look on my dear cousin's face when he finds out he's stuck with his daddy's name."

Tonks grinned as she joined the duo. "I'll make sure I watch from a good angle. Best make it into a pensieve memory so we can see the look on his face over and over."

"Wow, thinking ahead… didn't know you knew how to do that, Nym." Harry needled.

"Shut up twerp."

Expecting some sort of rebuke from Andromeda, Tonks looked over to her mum and found that Andromeda seemed to be in her own little world whilst she smiled happily to herself.

"What's up with mum."

Harry shrugged with a knowing smile. "Grandma said Andi's going through a phase."

Tonks guffawed.

Andromeda sniffed. "Well, when you both have children, make sure to remind me to tell you the exact same thing."

"Sucks for you mother, I don't plan on having kids."

The older witch sighed. "Not this again. Hadrian, don't turn out like your older sister."

Harry snorted. "As if-"

The perturbed group watched the trio exit out the doors they had entered with various amounts of growing confusion.

"What in Merlin's saggy testicles was that all about?" Ron asked dumbfounded whilst the twins cackled.

"Ronald Billius Weasley-"


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