Chapter 11: Chapter 10 Part 1
New chapter! I know its been awhile but its been a couple of hectic months :(( the original chapter had more than 25k words and I realised that would've been too much so I had to split it into two. The previous chapter announcement won't be till chapter 11 which will be released next week!
The content in this chapter was important to get through so for those who wanted Hogwarts just gotta wait one more week, I promise!
Lastly, this chapter will have themes people will be uncomfortable with. This story is rated M for a reason so you have been warned. There won't be a future disclaimer so read at your own peril.
As always let me know what you guys think!
Chapter 10
July 25 th , 1996
The ornate doors opened letting the trio into the expansive room. The chairs from earlier were gone leaving a pair of identical couches opposite one another in the middle with a small table in between; a familiar basin sitting on top of it.
Harry's lip curled as he saw Lucius Malfoy sitting as if he didn't have a care in the world, a cruel smirk plastered on his lips which was identical to the one his ferret son was wearing.
Honestly, is that the only face they can pull?
The beauty that was Narcissa Malfoy sat on the other side of her son looking as prim and proper as ever. A visage of elegance if there ever was one. She flinched when they walked in, her normally apathetic face cracking at the sight of Andromeda.
"Potter." Lucius sneered.
"Tut tut Malfoy, you forgot to add Lord." Harry grinned, escorting Andromeda and Tonks to their seats on either side of the empty couch before sitting in between them.
Lucius' sneer deepened. "How a child like you was permitted to stand with the upper echelons of society is pathetic."
"You can thank Voldemort for that. He gave me the means." Harry shrugged, enjoying the way the Malfoys flinched at the name.
"You are a fool to speak his name, Potter." Narcissa spoke softly after a moment.
"To fear a fabricated name… did grandfather teach you nothing, Cissy?" Andromeda replied just as softly; her face betrayed nothing whilst Narcissa's eyebrow twitched.
The sisters sat opposite one another. Backs straight, posture immaculate and yet, Narcissa couldn't help but feel like Andromeda spoke as if she was looming over her.
"So… the blood traitor speaks." Lucius goaded, sending a hateful glare to Andromeda, who sneered back at him.
Harry smiled pleasantly, emulating Dumbledore's usual benign joviality before in a flash, his eyes turned as cold as ice. A noticeable pressure that was felt by all descended into the room instantly.
Lucius chuckled darkly, ignoring the slight trembling of the ground, he leaned forward and locked eyes with the teen. "You think you frighten me, Potter? You, who hides behind the back of that crackpot, old fool?"
"-And then you must wonder why your Master, with all his attempts on my life, still hasn't managed to kill me, Malfoy."
"You are merely a worm in his eyes, Potter, albeit a slippery one at that I'll admit… Ironic, no? How well you emulate your parents. They too, were slippery until their overzealousness cost them dearly." Lucius shook his head derisively, his voice dripping with venom. "How tragic it must have been to be betrayed by their very own friend. The same traitor who continues to scurry around like the rat he is. The traitor that poor, innocent Sirius had broken out of Azkaban to kill and he too fell short before he could have his revenge."
Lucius then cast his wicked gaze at Tonks who sat opposite him, eyes blazing in molten rage whilst her hair turned a darker shade of red.
"-And now only one of the famed Marauders remain… the cowardly werewolf who cavorts with a woman old enough to be his daughter." The blonde snorted as Tonks' ears reddened. "The very same woman who is obligated to hunt his own kind. Betrayal, it seems, is a commonality within the Light. Potter's parents betrayed, the blood traitor spawn betrays her sworn duty by protecting her halfbreed lover and finally…" His gaze turned cruel as it locked onto Andromeda, "…your mudblood husband, murdered at the hands of someone he thought he could trust."
The words felt as if she was physically struck and for a moment, the world around her began to spin.
She always knew, always had a suspicion of a feeling that Ted's death wasn't the result of simply being in the wrong place at the wrong time and here was the kicker, the confirmation that shed light to all her fears.
He was betrayed.
By whom?
Judging by the smirk plastered on her brother-in-law's face, he would never reveal the identity but rather was content to watch her suffer knowing the killer was still out there.
There was no doubt to Andromeda that her late husband's murderer was still alive.
It took considerable strength for her to remain completely unfazed at the revelation. She had, after all, spent a lifetime honing her composure to perfection and even when her heart shook inside her chest, she forced herself to remain calm.
She wouldn't give the smug bastard the satisfaction.
But her daughter… she was not so restrained as her thunderous expression betrayed her turmoil.
"Blonde, fucking shitstain-"
"-Whilst watching wizards scratch at each other's throats is gratifying, I hope I do not need to remind you where you currently are." Bloodfang warned with a dangerous smirk, choosing that moment to enter and with him was another familiar Goblin. "May I present the most esteemed, Overlord Ragnok the Third, Head of the British Branch of Gringotts. Naturally of course, the Overlord will be overseeing the Ascension Ritual today."
Lucius' cool mask slipped on seamlessly which was replicated by his family who all straightened up as the Goblin duo walked in, the older of the two sitting down on a chair that had mysteriously manifested between the two parties.
The Malfoy patriarch was under strict orders from his master to not antagonise Gringotts in any way, not until he was ready to overthrow the bank himself.
Though it loathed him to show any kind of respect to mere animals, Lucius would abide by his orders dutifully. He couldn't afford to anger his master any more than he had done already. The Dark Lord still didn't even know about the condition of the diary he had entrusted to him, something Lucius had hoped his lord had forgotten about.
Harry, realising the importance of the situation, gripped Tonks' trembling arm tightly, minutely shaking his head when she looked angrily at him. His memory from Hagrid telling him not to mess with Goblins resurfaced and the last thing he needed was an incident because Tonks couldn't keep her hands to herself no matter how much the arrogant, idiot deserved to die.
The two parties greeted the Goblins stiffly, Ragnok smirking knowingly back at them as his one remaining eye gleamed in the light. "The two candidates for the position of Lord of the Noble and Most Ancient House of Black; Lord Potter and Heir Malfoy… rise."
The two teens rose in tangent; Draco wore a conceited expression on his pale face whilst Harry kept his impassive.
"The ritual is very straightforward wizards. Before you are two daggers. You will each take one and whilst placing your right hand over the basin, make a small incision on the tip of your ring finger and allow your blood to flow freely. The family magic will instruct you on how much blood is required. When the magic has judged you appropriately, only one of you will remain standing wearing the lord's ring." Ragnok finished with a toothy grin.
Glancing one last time at Tonks and Andromeda, Harry mirrored Draco and picked up the dagger. Without even a flinch, the sharp edge of the blade easily cut through his skin and at once, blood began dripping down into the obsidian basin.
The room shook, the walls croaked, the witnesses watched enraptured at the scene whilst their hair swayed violently by an unseen force as the air thickened with ancient magic.
Without a moment later, both teens suddenly shouted, "Toujours Pur!" and a darkness as black as night, basked the room, blinding all watchers.
Like a snail's pace, the blackness ebbed away, the familiar light of the magnificent chandelier slicing through until everyone's focus went back to the two teens, their hands still outstretched over the now clear bowl. The only difference was on one of their hands, contained a dark, onyx coloured ring, the House of Black's coat of arms displayed proudly on its front.
"And history has been made… on behalf of the Gringotts Bank of Magical Britain, I congratulate you on your ascension to the Head of the Noble and Most Ancient House of Black… Lord Hadrian Potter.
A small smile danced on Harry's face as he basked in the power of the Black Family Magic coursing through his veins. He could feel the ring pulsing on his finger, sending pleasant shivers up his arm and into his chest.
He never knew why he had doubted anything in the first place.
Everything felt right. Perfect, even.
As if he was born to be the Lord Black.
"This is an outrage!" Lucius jumped up, his grey eyes burning with hatred whilst Draco crumbled down on to his chair with a look of pure disbelief and curiously, Harry noticed, a hint of fear crossing his features as well.
"The more worthy of the two was chosen Lord Malfoy." Director Ragnok began with a menacing look. "Unless… you are not insinuating that there was any foul play at work here...?"
A vein throbbed on Lucius' forehead.
"My son," He began with a hiss, "Due to the blood of his mother, has the stronger claim. Tampering with his legacy… I will have your head for this, Goblin-"
"-How dare you, wizard scum…" Bloodfang growled, barking out a command. Within a blink of an eye, two Goblins armed to the teeth in gold rushed into the room, their halberds trained on the Malfoy patriarch threateningly.
"-Our truthful dealings are our pride. They have the same equivalence as gold." Ragnok began with a calmness even Harry had to raise his eyebrows at as he held up his hand to halt the guards.
"In terms of blood, Lord Potter supersedes Heir Malfoy as the one who has the stronger claim to the House of Black as determined by the ritual."
"Impossible…" Lucius began before catching onto the insinuation as his eyes roved over to Andromeda who sat perfectly in her seat, a small smile dancing on her lips.
The blonde's face turned into an ugly snarl.
"What have you done?! You blood traitor whor-"
Lucius didn't have time to finish his sentence when he felt himself thrown violently off his feet. Eyes wide with surprise, his body flew across the room and into the wall where he crumbled down in a heap with a sickening crack. The blow knocking him unconscious.
Eyes burning like green eldritch flames, Harry slowly stalked towards the down man with his arm outstretched. An unfamiliar and sinister smile slowly graced his features for every step he took; the expression sending chills down the horrified observers' backs as they watched on, shocked at the power of the wandless magic.
Harry felt his magic roaring to him, tempting him to eradicate the fool who had halted his wrath but he reluctantly pushed it aside as he turned to face an enraged, old Goblin.
"As your reaction is warranted, I am willing to overlook this incident." The Overlord growled lowly before his remaining eye darkened, "What I will not do is be the reason my people are subjected to another sanguinary war because of your actions, wizard."
Harry silently weighed his options in his mind. Killing the blonde ponce would be a deadly blow to Voldemort no matter how much his usefulness has dwindled. Judging by Lucius' desperation, it seemed to be not that much.
Looking at Tonks, Harry's resolve to end him strengthened whereas turning to Andromeda, his anger tempered immediately.
The teen's explosive emotion-fuelled rage was something he had been training to control for incidents just like this and it seemed he had slipped again.
Harry sighed, his anger abating with his breath. His grandfather would not be pleased when he heard about this.
"I want him gone." The young Lord said tersely.
Ragnok snapped his fingers and the two guards were instantly at the unconscious man's side.
"Summon the Goblin liaison and have him transfer Lord Malfoy to the wizarding hospital. If questioned, ensure Lord Potteris held liable."
Harry grunted but nevertheless acquiesced. Great… another headache.
The guards gave a short bow before they marched away with Lucius in tow. The action snapping Draco out of his shock as he hastily moved after his father.
"Sit down, Malfoy. There's something I want to tell you." Harry said, stopping Draco and in extension, Narcissa who had rose after her son.
Draco turned and sent a hateful glare towards his nemesis.
"Want me to face you while you attempt to kill me too, Potter?!"
"Grow up Draco, your father is a fucking scumbag." The teen sneered whilst Narcissa and Andromeda hissed at his language.
"Don't say a word against my father!"
Harry scoffed, rolling his eyes in the process. "Just shut up and sit down."
"I'll be dead before I listen to a word you say, Scarhead!"
Harry gritted his teeth, turning to Andromeda who pursed her lips.
"I told you this was a waste of time-"
"-Sit down, Draco."
Draco looked incredulously at his mother who stared back sternly.
"-Sit. Now." Narcissa commanded, eying the seat next to her.
The Malfoy spawn scowled before reluctantly taking his place, crossing his arms petulantly.
"Would you excuse us please?" The young Lord asked the two Goblins.
Ragnok nodded, telling him to call for a guard when they had the affairs in order and eventually, Harry took his seat between Tonks and Andromeda, crossing one leg over the other.
The teen eyed the two blondes impassively.
"Pick a side."
"Excuse me?" Narcissa questioned with a raised eyebrow.
"A war is coming. A war far more brutal and severe than anything you've seen and right now, you're on the side that's going to be annihilated." Harry explained coldly.
Draco made to speak but was swiftly shut down by Narcissa with a sharp glance. Her mind raced with conflicting thoughts and fears as the gravity of the situation she was in became known.
"Y-You believe you can win?"
Harry smiled, his green, killing curse eyes shimmered with restrained power that raised warning bells across Narcissa's senses.
The blonde beauty gulped discreetly. "Why? Why offer us this chance?"
Like a flame extinguished, Harry's expression softened minutely. Setting his lips in a straight line, he turned to look at the woman who sat next to him.
Grey eyes met identical grey and the blonde woman's carefully built walls began to fall. The same eyes that not long ago, looked at her with such disinterest, held an ocean of emotion- care, affection and a deep, aching regret. It caused Narcissa's heart to swell and her lips to quiver as years of supressed longing threatened to break free.
Andromeda spoke with a whisper, holding onto Harry's hand with dear life. Her voice was thick with remorse as tears filled her eyes.
"My only regret from leaving the family all those years ago was abandoning my baby sisters. Morgana, Cissy, you were only twelve years old! I-I cannot imagine how you felt when I left."
"You abandoned us, me… We felt lost without you." Narcissa began hoarsely. "One day you were braiding my hair, telling me all sort of stories about Hogwarts and the next… you disappeared. No note, no whisper, no… goodbye. We- I at least deserved that, did I not?"
Andromeda swallowed hard, her gaze lowering to her and Harry's intertwined hands.
"I had to get away, otherwise I would have been trapped forever. Forever hating and condemning my life, the life I would have been forced to live. I would have rather died than be subjected to that." Guilt marred deep lines on her face as she struggled to continue. "There was never a day I did not think about you, Cissy. Never a day I did not miss you."
Narcissa took a deep, shaky breath. "Nor I… Andi. I-I had always hoped you would return."
Andromeda wiped an errant tear, her lips curving up into a small smile before her expression grew determined. Leaning forwards, she bore her eyes into Narcissa. "I am here now and I will never abandon you again, Cissy. Never again. I promise."
The words hung in the air, a lifeline thrown across years of separation and betrayal. Narcissa felt her resolve wavering, the world she had stood and supported for many years, beginning to shift beneath her feet.
Narcissa turned to Harry who watched the situation unfold silently.
"Lucius, f-for Draco's sake, will he-"
"Make no mistake Mrs Malfoy," Harry interrupted, his voice infused with quiet vitriol, "This offer is for you and in extension… Draco… The next time Lucius and I clash, I will put him down like the grovelling bastard he is." He hissed while Draco's eyes flashed in fury, his face contorting with rage.
"Enough with this!" The young Malfoy heir shouted as he stood up, his hand twitching towards the wand he didn't have.
"-No mother!" He spat, recoiling from her touch. "I won't sit here for another moment whilst Potter insults our family!"
Tonks let out a derisive snort. "I heard my brat of a cousin was an idiot but I didn't think he was that much of an idiot." She crossed her arms whilst said blonde sneered at her.
"Draco… just listen-" Narcissa pleaded again.
"-We'll see who's the idiot when you find out firsthand the consequences for going against the Dark Lord!"
"Your ignorance is going to get you and your mother killed, you stupid git! Don't you even care?!" Tonks shouted back, matching his energy.
"-You don't know anything!" Draco retorted immediately. His chest rising up and down as his pale face flushed with anger.
A tense silence descended into the room whilst both parties glared at one another. Harry's gaze flickered between the two Malfoys and eventually, his patience grew thin.
"Voldemort will die." The young Lord began with a sigh, standing up eye to eye with Draco. "His followers will fall with him. I will ensure that will happen. You walk away from here today and it'll be clear to me that you've picked a side. I won't offer you this chance again, cousin."
Draco scowled at Harry with contempt, but a glimmer of fear travelled through his eyes. For a brief moment, his mask of bravado slipped.
"This conversation is over." He eventually said stiffly, turning on his heel and making his way to the double set of doors. At the threshold, Draco turned to see his mother and saw a pained expression across her features as she shook her head pleadingly at him, her grey eyes briming with unshed tears.
Faltering for a moment, Draco blinked away his fears and doubts and took a deep breath.
"I'll be waiting outside, mother." He finished softly.
As soon as the doors shut behind him, Narcissa's composure crumbled entirely. She staggered forward and fell into Harry's chest. Her small, dainty hands clasped on his shirt desperately as she sobbed whilst the teen looked down indifferently.
"I'll do anything you ask! Please… my son… he's all I have. Please don't forsake him!" She pleaded. Everything she had been holding in came undone. The stress of harbouring a Dark Lord in her home, her crazed sister, her estranged husband and the future of her son's life became too much for the usually composed woman.
Harry scowled.
"You heard him, he's made his bed-"
"Please!" The raw desperation in her voice even making Tonks wince.
Harry looked helplessly at Andromeda who looked back at him imploringly.
He was thankful that she hadn't been making decisions for him throughout this entire ordeal, opting to provide useful advice and allowing him to make his own choices from that but in this case, it seemed he didn't really have a choice and that irritated him considerably.
Judging by her face, she knew exactly how he felt in the current moment and yet she still didn't falter.
"No promises." The black-haired teen eventually gritted out after a tense moment of silence, hastily moving to catch Narcissa who lost the strength in her knees as soon as he spoke.
Though angry at the distraught woman, he nevertheless, carefully guided her back into her seat, though before he could move away, Harry felt her grab his hand.
Pulling him down gently next to her, Narcissa grasped him by the cheek with the palm of her hand. Hopefulness shone brightly behind her eyes and Harry was immediately aware of Andromeda and Narcissa's resemblance as she whispered thickly.
"I have made many mistakes in my life. Most… I wish I could take back. Despite that, you have given me hope again. Another chance to right a wrong. Draco's personality… is a byproduct of his father's upbringing. Underneath it all, h-he is truly a very sweet boy. I know he can be difficult but…" She shook her head, "I have firsthand, experienced the dangers of a world ruled by the Dark Lord. There is no future. For both sides. I will not forget what you have done for me and my son, my Lord." She had truly felt that a massive weight had been taken off her shoulders.
Running her thumb across his eyebrow motherly, Narcissa gave a watery smile to Andromeda who returned one of her own after sitting down beside the blonde, gently clasping her other hand.
"I can see why my sister adores you so much. You are a special person, Harry Potter."
Harry swallowed and offered the woman opposite him a plastic smile.
He didn't want to tell her that he was doing it out of the goodness of his heart, doing it out of concern for her...
If it wasn't for Andromeda, he would've let the Malfoys burn for all he cared. Their overall condescending façade and despicable views, not to mention their corruption, was felt by all, most definitely him. Narcissa's indifference, Harry was sure, was another reason for the way Draco turned out the way he did. He had no doubt that she also commonly turned a blind eye to Lucius' abhorrent actions as well.
The teen could feel the power of the Black Ring persuading him to accept and provide support for those that shared the Black blood and yet he vehemently pushed its influence away. It was not through the power of the ring that he agreed but only because of Andromeda.
As Narcissa continued to gaze at him with affection, Harry felt the weight of his decision pressing down on him. He had decided he would give Narcissa and Draco a chance but that didn't mean he wouldn't cut them down if he even sensed a modicum of betrayal. If that was the case, he'd eradicate the family personally regardless of what Andromeda thought.
Though the risk would be immense, a plan was made that Narcissa would feign ignorance, discreetly informing Harry on Voldemort's proceedings or any valuable intel gained.
Dumbledore may trust Snape unequivocally but that wasn't to say Harry did. Nevertheless, another spy in Voldemort's ranks certainly wasn't something he was against having.
It wasn't a moment later that the Malfoy matriarch left after an emotional goodbye with Andromeda, tears glistening in both sisters' eyes as they embraced for the first time in years. Before departing however, Narcissa warned the trio on Bellatrix Lestrange's growing infatuation for the young teen.
To say Harry was shocked was an understatement but to hear the utter disbelief which quickly turned into rage in Andromeda's voice definitely put the whole disturbing situation into perspective.
A mad woman, who now happens to be family, who is also conveniently Voldemort's most loyal has become obsessed with him of all people. Harry truly felt he was living in a nightmare. The absurdity of the situation would have been comical if it weren't so terrifying.
Curse my luck.
After calling back the two Goblins and calming an incensed Andromeda down, Harry spoke up with a sigh. "I guess the first order of business, in officially capacity, is to reinstate Andromeda and Nymphadora Tonks back into the House of Black."
Through Tonks, Harry knew how much being kicked out of the family had affected Andromeda, the pain of being known as a blood traitor still raw after all these years and so he was more than enthusiastic to bring her back.
"Thank you sweetie." Andromeda said softly, kissing him gently on the cheek whilst Tonks offered her own misty smile, her hair shifting to a warm, happy pink.
"I will send off the necessary paperwork to your Ministry's department that handles family affairs." Bloodfang responded blandly, making a note in his binder.
"Also, as Andromeda has agreed to become my proxy at the Wizengamot whilst I am at school, it is only appropriate that she becomes the new Lady Black."
"Hadrian?" Andromeda whispered in shock as Harry grinned mischievously.
"A blood traitor like you as the matriarch of the infamous House of Black, I would want nothing more than to see a few of those prejudiced old fools keel over at the news."
Tonks snorted whilst the Goblins smirked.
"If nothing else, Andi, the title alone will give you protection when I'm away. People will think twice before insulting you again." Harry said simply, running a hand through his hair.
Andromeda swallowed thickly; her lips trembled whilst her eyes filled with tears. "I would be honoured."
Smiling toothily, the teen side hugged the emotional woman, feeling a warmth in his chest at being able to give her back a part of her identity she had lost so long ago.
"What about you, Nym? Fancy new title for yourself?"
Tonks snorted derisively. "What do you think?"
Harry chuckled.
After a few more minutes, ironing out the smaller details, the time came for the trio to leave.
"Is there anything else, Lord Black?" Bloodfang questioned as he rose.
His lips quirked at the title.
"No, I think that's it. Like I said, I'll pop round sometime in the future to check out the vaults. I can count on you to take on the business' side of things right, Bloodfang?" Harry said mirroring the Goblin's action, offering his hands to the two women who also rose.
"Yes Lord Black. As the Potter and Black houses have been united under one individual, I will now correspond with Griphook regarding the two estates. Are you sure you do not want to merge the two estates together?"
"Perhaps in the future. For now, I'll keep them separate." Harry answered whilst Andromeda nodded approvingly.
Ragnok cleared his throat, promoting the two parties to look at him.
"As you are now the head of two prominent families, with the Blacks being one of higher standing than the Potter's, the Potter's will now be officially elevated into the same standings as the Blacks. Your official title is interchangeable. Depending on the situation, you will be regarded as Lord Potter or Lord Black."
"Is there any benefits to such a change?" Harry asked with a raised eyebrow, curiosity piqued.
"Prestige, Lord Potter. As one of the founding wizarding houses in this country, the House of Black is naturally well known throughout the world. With it now is the House of Potter. There will not be a single soul that will not associate the two houses together anymore. A boon, maybe, but perhaps a curse too." Ragnok cackled, the sound like nails on a chalkboard.
"Great." Harry said sarcastically before his face grew inquisitive. "When you say founding wizarding houses, what do you mean exactly?"
"The House of Black is what is known as a Coloured House." Andromeda began as Harry turned his attention to the woman, "Coloured Houses are houses named well… after a colour. These houses are very old and very influential. Heralded as the founding houses of a magical country. Nobody knows where or how they originated, even why they were named after colours but most of them have died out save a few who have only grown in power and wealth since their inception."
She continued. "The House of Black, House of White of France, House of Crimson of the United States, House of Amber of Spain, House of Azure of Italy to name the most prominent."
"You are well knowledgeable of the old houses, Lady Black." Rangok remarked.
"I was the heiress at one point in time, Director. During my tutelage, my grandfather had insisted I read up on the Coloured Houses." Andromeda replied neutrally.
"Arcturus did well to educate you. Among the Coloured Houses, despite all their influence, none could match the might of the House of Black. Though I suspect that is not the case anymore due to its recent history. If I may, allow me to give you once piece of advice before you depart."
Ragnok grinned toothily. His wrinkles and scars stretched, causing the two women beside Harry to flinch imperceptibly at the ugly expression.
"Due to your predecessors, none of the Colours are your allies however, I do not believe they would openly oppose you. Despite the fall of the Blacks, the name still holds weight in the prestigious circles."
The Director leaned in closer, "It will not be long before they contact you and if you were wise, you would not ignore such a summon. There may only be a few remaining but their influence spans continents. The House of White, for instance, essentially controls magical France from the shadows. The Crimsons have their tendrils deep in both magical and muggle politics in the Americas and the Ambers… they've had a hand in every major magical discovery in Spain for the last five centuries."
Warning received, it was a pensive trio that left the opulent room before running into Dumbledore and the rest of the group.
"Judging by young Mr Malfoy's expression, I suspect congratulations are in order." Dumbledore said with a twinkle in his eyes.
"Can I tell 'em?" Tonks asked excitedly whilst Harry rolled his eyes but nodded his head, unable to supress a grin himself.
"My lil' bro is the new Lord Black, people!" Tonks announced proudly, throwing an arm roughly around Harry's shoulders causing him to wince as he had to bend down due to his height.
"Mental!" The twins exclaimed with wide eyes before beaming smiles came up on their faces. "Congrats, Harry lad. It was rather you than that blonde twit."
Harry snorted, "Thanks Fred."
"Lord Potter and Lord Black… Wicked mate." Ron gulped, unable to keep the awe from his voice.
"Close your gob, Ronnikins." George mocked with a smirk whilst Ron scowled, his ears turning red.
"There's never been a Lord of two houses before," Hermione gushed with a look of wonder that caused Harry's heart to swell, "D-Do you realise what this means? Responsibilities, titles, not to mention business ventures, dealings and even more responsibilities…"
"Hermione…" Harry groaned, halting her eventually endless tirade but he couldn't help the fond smile that tugged at his lips. Her enthusiasm was infectious, even if the prospect of all those responsibilities was staggering.
The bushy haired girl smiled sheepishly before she jumped at him, crushing Harry in a hug that caused his stomach to flip a couple times.
"How on earth will you cope, Harry?" She asked, her face inches from him whilst the teen struggled to keep his eyes from her full lips, acutely aware how close they were.
"I… uh…" He stammered, his brain suddenly short-circuiting due Hermione's proximity.
"Hadrian will have me." A voice said from Harry's left.
Hermione blinked before she hastily detached herself from the taller figure, a bright blush appeared on her freckled cheeks as she hesitatingly met her brown eyes with the grey of Andromeda.
Andromeda stared coolly at Hermione who flinched; unwillingly comparing the older beauty to her infamous sister.
"Andi…" Harry warned quietly.
The woman in question rolled her eyes before her face softened. "Hadrian has named me his proxy. I will be handling his official duties until he has finished his education."
Hermione stuttered for a second until she took a small breath. "That's… relieving. I… you know I'm always here if you need help with anything, right Harry?" She said earnestly.
Harry smiled gratefully. He couldn't count the amount of times she had saved his hide or helped him out when he was struggling with something and it was why he knew she meant every word.
"Say Harry," Ginny began with a small blush on her cheeks when his powerful eyes regarded her, "The ferret kept going on about him having the stronger claim or whatnot so how'd he end up getting nothing?"
"Turns out he was wrong." Harry shrugged with an easy smile.
"Though Draco can be, well… Draco," Hermione began with a strong grimace, "I don't entirely think he was lying, Harry…"
Harry hummed thoughtfully before turning to Andromeda and raised his eyebrow, asking the silent question. He didn't want to lie to his friends but he knew how important family secrets were.
Andromeda pursed her lips. Her eyes locked onto the guarded ones of one Molly Weasley and her lip curled as she nodded.
"It was quite a simple solution actually," The young Lord began with a fond smile, "Andi blood adopted me."
"She what?!" Molly exclaimed; shock written plainly across her face along with the others except Dumbledore who's eyes twinkled madly.
Harry frowned but before he could question Molly's outburst, Andromeda's ice-cold voice cut through the stunned room.
"Is there a problem… Molly?"
A palpable tension fell upon the group whilst the two matriarchs glared at each other, neither willing to back down.
"Molly…" Arthur whispered sharply, placing a hand on his wife's shoulder warningly.
"I was just wondering whether such a… drastic change was necessary, that's all, dear." The smaller woman said with a strained smile whilst Andromeda sneered.
"Hadrian's connection through his grandmother for the Black Lordship was not strong enough on its own. Without the blood adoption, Narcissa's son would have superseded him regardless of whether Sirius had named Hadrian his heir."
"But Harry dear," Molly began, ignoring the black-haired woman entirely causing her nostrils to flare, "This blood adoption… you both are family now… mother and son. Is that truly what you wanted?"
Andromeda's eyes flashed dangerously, the tension in the room rising up another notch. "Are you implying that Hadrian would not want me as his mother… Molly?"
"I'm simply concerned about his wellbeing, Andromeda!" The Weasley matriarch shot back, her own famous temper flaring. "This decision is life-altering!"
"Mum-" Ginny tried; her ears red with embarrassment whilst Ron looked confusingly at the two.
"-A decision that was Hadrian's to make!" The new Lady Black hissed, "Or do you think him incapable of choosing for himself?"
Harry deciding this was enough, chose that moment to interrupt, squeezing Andromeda's hand to draw her attention. His face was set in a stern scowl, his emerald eyes narrowing as if he could read the doubts and fears swirling in the woman's mind.
Looking up, Harry addressed the group firmly. "It may seem drastic at first to you all but to me, this feels natural. My parents will always be my parents, ones who loved me so much that they gave up everything to ensure I survived but I know that in hindsight, this is what my mother and father would want for me. For someone who makes me feel safe, loved and wanted and I-I," Harry sighed before looking affectionately down at the now tear-filled woman, "Couldn't have asked for someone better than her and I'd like you all to accept that."
Molly opened her mouth, looking as if she was going to say something before closing it and sighed. Her eyes turned to rest on the young man she had come to see as another one of her children. She wanted nothing more to be the mother he so desperately needed but now as she watched how tenderly he looked at Andromeda and she at him, it was clear, not just to her, that Andromeda was the one who had taken that position.
Swallowing her pride and grievances with the woman, Molly walked up to the pair.
"You'll look after him, won't you?"
With an automatic, snappy reply on the tip of her tongue, Andromeda turned to speak but saw something genuine in Molly's eyes that caused her to pause.
She regarded the woman opposite her and it was clear to the new Lady Black that Molly cared for Harry a lot. Perhaps in another world, Molly would be in her position instead.
Locking her eyes with the blue of the smaller woman's, Andromeda spoke firmly.
"Till the day I die."
A moment of respite took place whilst Arthur began lecturing his wife with Dumbledore attempting to act as mediator.
As Tonks spoke quietly to Hermione, Ron and Ginny, Harry turned to Andromeda who's eyes looked distant. "You okay?" He asked softly, breaking her thoughts.
Andromeda's mask slipped for a moment, revealing the vulnerability beneath. "I am now," She whispered thickly, pulling the teen into a tight embrace. "My son. My Harry."
As Fred and George said their goodbyes, stressing over the fact that they had gold to pluck from wonderful little customers, the twins swept out the bank leaving the rest of the group at the entrance hall in the bank.
"So you ain't coming back to stay over for the summer then?" Ron asked, clasping Harry's hand with a small frown.
"I'll visit when I can but I've got a home of my own now, Ron. Besides, I've gotta get better. Every day I waste not preparing for the eventual showdown between me and Voldemort, is another day that I face him unprepared. I can't take that chance anymore, not with everything that's at stake."
"Your birthday perhaps?" Arthur suggested, after seeing Ron's face fall. "You're more than welcome to come celebrate it at the Burrow, Harry."
Seeing as Harry looked as if he was going to reject the idea, Tonks interjected. "It's just one day, squirt. I can forego your arse kicking just for one day." She teased whilst Harry scowled.
"Fine." The green-eyed teen eventually muttered out. "If that's okay with you Mr and Mrs Weasley?"
"Your always welcome dear." Molly said with a warm smile. "I'll be sure to make your favourites."
Harry cracked a smile at that whilst Arthur shook his hand.
"Come on then kids, we better get back."
"See you on my birthday then?" Harry asked, turning to Hermione with a small grin when she hugged him tightly.
"Don't be even a second late Harry Potter or you won't get squat from me." She mumbled into his ear, hugging him just a little tighter before she let go.
"Wouldn't miss it for the world." Harry grinned.
After hugging the rest of the Weasleys goodbye, Harry turned to Dumbledore who looked on pleasantly.
"Not only Lord Potter but now Lord Black…" The old man chuckled with mirth. "News will spread very quickly."
"I suppose. One more thing to add to my long list of things I will be known for." Harry muttered back.
"Big shoes to fill but I know you will do admirably m'boy. Do take heed however, you will find yourself thrust into the spotlight even more than before, with many seeking to curry favour or manipulate you for the own ends." Dumbledore warned.
Harry nodded, already aware that something like that may take place. He was grateful for the warning, nonetheless.
"Oh yes, that reminds me. Filius has agreed to take on your training though he has stressed that he will not be able to watch over you the entire time as he has made other plans already. Thankfully, Alastor will be taking on the days where Filius is unavailable."
"Cool. I'll let Professor Flitwick know that I can start whenever then."
"I'll tell Mad-Eye." Tonks suggested helpfully.
"By the way, regarding that assistance you needed my help with Professor…?"
"Horace Slughorn. Yes… an interesting individual though frustratingly illusive." Dumbledore began with a sigh. "Due to the current climate, he has somehow gone missing. The moment I locate him, I will be sure to let you know, Harry."
"Professor Slughorn? The previous Potions Teacher? From what I last remember of him, he was not too hard to miss." Andromeda piped up with amusement.
"Indeed, my dear. A good man though I dare say you could not find a truer Slytherin than him." Dumbledore chuckled. "I must be off. Do let me know if you need anything, Harry, everyone."
Harry nodded before the remaining group watched along as the old man strolled out of the bank with a spring in his step, humming along to an unknown tune, taking with him the privacy charm he had placed around the group.
An awkward silence descended as Remus shuffled about on his feet, making sure to look anywhere but at Andromeda who had her eyes trained on him like a hawk.
"That old man is one odd egg." Tonks tried breaking the ice with a forced chuckle whilst Harry looked on sympathetically. Even he knew that there was no backing out from the impending conversation.
"Are you not going to introduce me, Nymphadora?" Andromeda asked coldly whilst Tonks flinched at her tone.
"Uh… right. Well mum, this is R-Remus Lupin. Say hello Remus-"
Remus blinked before he hastily held out his hand. "R-Right. Hello, Madam Tonks-"
"-Black." Andromeda corrected sharply, ignoring the extended limb causing Remus to wince.
"-Forgive me, Black. Madam Black."
With an apathetic expression on her face, Andromeda looked Remus up and down before she trained her eyes onto her daughter.
"It's not like I wasn't going to tell you, mum…" Tonks scowled as she crossed her arms.
"Pray tell when that would have been? Instead, I had to learn of my daughter's relationship from my bastard of a brother-in-law." Andromeda hissed.
"That's not my fault-"
"-How long has this been going on for?"
"S-Since Christmas of last year." Tonks finished quietly.
"Chris-" Andromeda forcibly stopped herself before her face turned ice cold. "This is to continue no longer."
"Excuse me?!" Tonks shouted whilst Remus' shoulders sagged. The Metamorph's exclamation causing onlookers within the entrance hall to turn to the group and when they recognised Harry, whispers began around them, something which mother and daughter ignored completely.
Harry sighed before throwing up a privacy charm, turning to watch the fireworks unfold.
"This man is almost double your age, Nymphadora!" Andromeda said with a hiss.
"H-How did you-" Remus stuttered before he bowed his head; understanding making its way to his mind. "You know who I am."
"Of course, I know who you are." The black-haired woman snapped back. "All James could talk about was him and his merry little band."
"Then you know what kind of person Remus is." Tonks said hopefully. She remembered hearing stories from James and Sirius of how good of a person Remus was even, though he had never visited her when she stayed at Potter Manor all those years ago.
"I know exactly what kind of person Mr Lupin is. Tell me, after Hadrian was sent to his… relatives… did you attempt to see him? Make sure he was safe? Well looked after?" Andromeda questioned with an expressionless voice.
"I figured." She pressed when she saw Remus look away in shame. "Your dead best friend's only son and you didn't think to visit once in the eleven years he was there. I know your kind, Mr Lupin…"
Remus flinched.
"The kind that shuns responsibility. A coward." Andromeda finished frostily whilst Tonks' hair turned into dark red.
"Alright let's stop here for today." Harry interrupted, standing in between the two women before Tonks looked as if she was going to explode. "We can discuss this another day with cooler heads and less gawkers."
Andromeda looked sharply at her son who raised an eyebrow in response.
The two had a staring match, neither willing to back down until eventually, the older woman let out a huff before she turned around and walked off towards the doors of the bank where she stopped and waited, tapping her foot impatiently.
Harry sighed, feeling the beginnings of a headache forming.
"You coming?"
"No. Not until she takes back what she said." Tonks replied with an angry growl.
"Well, that's going to be a while then. You know how stubborn she can be."
"Too bad then." Tonks huffed, mirroring her mother as she walked off as well whilst Harry groaned. Like mother, like daughter.
"Take care of her Remus." The young Lord added to which Remus replied with a smile that looked more like a grimace before he joined Tonks.
As Harry observed the pair walk off, he had only one thought in his mind as he walked over to a now scowling Andromeda who had watched her daughter walk past her without uttering a word.
It's going to be a long, couple of weeks…
"Thaddeus. You have news?" Voldemort questioned with a drawl, swirling around a cup of aged Elven wine.
Nott bowed before walking up to the throne in which his master sat. "News I'm afraid that is quite a heavy blow for us all, my Lord. This was just released in today's Evening Prophet."
Voldemort took the offered paper with a curious and yet foreboding frown before his hairless eyebrows shot up as he read the title of the front page.
The Dark Lord's crimson eyes burned with hatred as the air grew heavy with malevolence. He crumpled up the newspaper with his fist, igniting it at the same time with a scream that shook the manor to its core, sending terrified Death Eaters in its confines, scrambling.
"Bring… me… Lucius… NOW!" Voldemort hissed, the door behind Nott slamming open.
Bowing once again, the Death Eater shuffled out. Thaddeus felt a semblance of pity for Lucius but that emotion quickly went away before irritation took over. The re-emergence of the House of Black under Potter's banner no less, was a catastrophic blow for their cause. One that threatened the unravel many carefully planned years of manipulation and conquest.
The political landscape had shifted seismically. International alliances, already fragile, would be harder to manipulate. The Blacks' influence was a cornerstone in his Master's strategy for domination; without their allegiance, the other families would not submit so easily.
France especially, which would've been next on their agenda after Britain, would be reluctant now. Negotiations would have to begin anew with House of White and Nott only hoped it would be as smooth as before but somehow he doubted that now.
No… the situation most certainly did seem to be troubling. Potter's growing influence in the Wizengamot would need to be curved, and quickly and yet he struggled to think how that was possible now.
Yet…not all hope was lost, for now anyway. There was a light at the end of this bleak tunnel and he was sure his Lord realised it as well.
The Blacks reputation was not a good one. With Potter inheriting the mantle, the families who had immediately sided with him after he received the Potter Lordship would falter. Publicly allying with a family as dark as the Blacks did not come without reparations and if Potter were smart, he would have thought about that before accepting the Lordship.
At least he was able to pass that troublesome Werewolf Action Bill before Potter's influence in the Wizengamot was cemented. With the Bill now in effect, werewolves would be persecuted more than ever before leading the less battle adverse wolves straight into that mutt, Greyback's, claws.
Thaddeus sighed, scratching at the greys of his beard.
Things would only get more problematic from here on. With the Blacks now again in action and their name well known, business and dealings would suffer regardless of who headed its family. One thing was clear however and that was that Potter was not alone. Someone has been feeding him knowledge and information regarding politics. If it was that bastard Arcturus and he was the one who had been supplying Potter with acumen, then perhaps Augustus had been right along.
Politics will not win this war.