Chapter 4: Chapter 4
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§Parseltongue§ = Parseltongue
Chapter 4
July 3rd, 1996
"You bloody idiot! You could've warned me before you did that. I thought my stomach was going to jump out of my throat!" Harry hissed as he tried not to fall on his backside.
They arrived in a narrow alley, outside a quiet and small neighbourhood. The streetlamps providing light to the now dark sky as evening began settling in. Thankfully, it didn't have the unnatural similarities to the muggle houses that he was used to seeing the majority of his life.
Some houses were joined together, some separate, some front gardens were well taken care of while others had the bare minimum done. If Harry knew one thing, it was the fact that it was a pretty normal neighbourhood. Well normal apart from the fact that a wizarding family lived on the end of the quiet little street and definitely more normal than Privet Drive.
"Would you stop being such a child. S'just like what happened back at the Dursleys. It's best to side-along apparate you when you're not paying attention. Less chance of you-" Tonks began, giggling at his misfortune.
"Yeah yeah, I know. Splinching." Harry ended with a grimace.
"I thought you said you couldn't apparate from the Alley." He asked with scowl as he patted himself down.
"I said you can't apparate into the Alley. Never said anything about apparating out, now come along. We've wasted enough time already." She tapped the non-existent watch on her wrist before pulling on his hand towards a house which was separated from the others. Not unnaturally so, but clear enough to a person that the people who resided there, enjoyed their privacy. Much like himself he mused.
It was during his thoughts that he realised that they were getting closer and closer to their destination and panic began to set.
"W-Wait Nym, m-maybe this isn't such a good idea. It's probably best we come another day don't you think? I-I'm sure Andi wouldn't mind waiting another day or week…" Harry began lamely as he rooted himself and her, so they stopped walking. He could feel his chest constrict in nerves and his stomach fill with butterflies.
"I swear to Morgana's tits Harry, if you don't come with me now, I'm going to put a sticking charm on your feet, and I will drag my mother out here instead. It's up to you. Personally, I wouldn't want to show a free, heartfelt performance between two people who haven't seen each other in more than 14 years to all my lovely neighbours. Usually, people pay for those types of events." She replied sarcastically.
Harry ran a hand through his hair, his new Head of House ring glinting from the light from the streetlamp. He gave a shaky sigh in response before nodding his head in defeat.
It's not that he didn't want to see Andromeda after all these years. That wasn't the case at all. He was just afraid that maybe she had changed. Maybe she wasn't the same person that took care of him all those years ago, that she probably moved on with her life and didn't need a person like him with so much baggage on his hands, barging in. He certainly didn't want to do this out in the open that's for sure.
Tonks sighed as she looked at his pale face and saw the turmoil. She could practically see the nerves and rightly so. His normally vibrant emerald eyes looked duller than usual. His lips were pressed in a thin line with a look of resignation on his face.
If she was in his shoes, she would've been exactly like him if not worse, but she knew that this was something that had to happen. Not just for him, but especially her mother too.
She didn't need to be a genius to know that her mother missed the child that she essentially raised but had pretty much, unwillingly, forgotten about. It broke her heart to see her mother in so much pain over the years and the fact that she couldn't do anything just added to that pain. Until now that is.
Tonks' face softened.
"Look, I know this is tough, but trust me Harry, everything will be okay, you'll see." Tonks said as she quickly closed the space between them and gave him a reassuring hug. Eventually breaking the hug, she dragged him along with her up the pavement to the gate of a beautiful two-storey oak cottage.
"Tough? Facing a bloody Horntail was tough. This is worse. A hundred times worse." He mumbled out quietly and scowled when Tonks began to snigger.
He felt some basic wards wash over him before they reached a small gate. The house itself looked beautiful. The path and surrounding ground to the large brown door were taken care of to a good standard with all kinds of wonderful flowers and shrubbery which ornamented the permitter of the walls. Though nothing too extreme like the one back at the Dursley's he was forced to maintain.
"It's beautiful." He said with awe as he looked around.
Tonks grinned, "Right? Mum takes good care of everything around here. I sometimes feel bad that I can't do much." She frowned. "It's just her most of the time even though I try to come visit every other day. She's a Healer you see, so she spends most of the time at St Mungos but somehow, she still manages to take good care of the house. She's especially handy with household charms."
She began wiggling her fingers at him, "Mums got this knack, you see, of getting stuff to fit itself in neatly. She even manages to get socks to fold themselves! Can you believe it? Socks!" She exclaimed maturely as they continued walking, their joined hands swinging back and forth between them.
Harry merely rolled his eyes at her antics. He was pretty decent at household charms in his humble opinion. No way near on the level of someone like Mrs Weasley, but enough to do basic things like fold his clothes or pack his trunk albeit very slowly. He was surprised when most people his age weren't as adept as him at household charms. Probably because of the number of bloody chores I had to do for those pigs he thought irritably.
Tonks continued, oblivious to his thoughts, "She used to get incensed every time I would make a mess anywhere but would always clean up after me, bless her. I on the other hand, pretty much suck at anything and everything house related and, anytime I do try and help, she would just get annoyed and kick me out of the room. S'not my fault if the dining table intentionally tripped me up that one time I was carrying that plate full of shepherd's pie. Seriously, ever since then, whenever I would come round for dinner, she would never let me near the kitchen. I've told her many a time to replace the bloody bothersome table, but she would never budge." She finished with a huff much to Harry's amusement.
"Wait. So you dropped a whole plate full of shepherd's pie and you blamed the table? And you wonder why she never let you go near the food again." He sighed good naturedly. "Why am I not surprised." He drawled loud enough for her to hear and chortled as she swatted him across the arm.
It was as if he blinked and before long, the duo had finally closed the distance from the gate to the door. Harry took a deep breath and steeled himself and with one last squeeze of her hand and an encouraging smile, Tonks opened the door.
Harry could hear practically feel the butterflies doing the salsa in his stomach as the door opened to open plan floor.
"Mummy dear! Your beautiful and lovely daughter is home and she's brought someone for you to meet so come quickly!" She yelled.
"Nymphadora! How many blasted times have I told you not to shout inside the hou-"
Whatever response that Andromeda Tonks nèe Black had was cut off with a smash, as she walked around the corner from the kitchen, dropping a teacup and towel that she was drying, from her hands onto the light wooden tiles of the floor. Her eyes wide and all she could do was stare at the young man that was standing there next to her daughter.
Harry's breath hitched as he took her in. The uncanny resemblance to her sister Bellatrix had made his hand twitch more than once for his wand but, he held down on the emotions of fury he felt for the one who took his godfather from him.
Dressed in a modest but simple black dress which flared from her hips and just about reached her ankles, the eldest Black sister had barely aged from the memory he had of her from back when he was a baby. She looked just as beautiful as ever.
Her face had remained the same. The high cheekbones, the sharp jaw and nose were all still there. If not for a few wrinkles that were on her face, it would've been like looking at the same memory.
If there was one notable thing that was different, it would've been the silver eyes she had. They were warm, but no longer held that same warmness that Harry could once remember from when he had sat on her knees all those years ago. Her lips were pressed incredibly thin, and he could see a shaky hand rising to cover her mouth and a myriad of different emotions such as disbelief, confusion, and longing that was etched onto her face. It was clear there was an ache for something or someone within her and it shot a pang of sadness into Harry's heart as he studied her.
"Careful Mum." Tonks said softly as she quickly casted a silent Reparo onto the broken teacup andsummoned both it and the kitchen towel. Her reprimand fell on deaf ears however, as the two other individuals in the room stared at one another. Tonks decided to remain silent and was slightly wary to see how everything was to play out.
Harry stood there. His mouth dry, thoughts racing at a thousand miles per hour. His heart thumped wildly in his chest and he could hear his pulse beating in his ears. He hadn't even had the chance to take in his surroundings but merely had his eyes trained on the older woman in front of him.
He had to break the silence that was beginning to get uncomfortable the longer they stared at one another somehow, but he was lost for words. Before he could begin to say anything, Andromeda began to slowly walk towards him as if she was in a daze.
It was as if time began to slow down for all the participants in the room. Slowly she walked, taking a step, one at a time in her dark green slippers that softly grazed the floor every time she dragged her feet towards him. He stood like a statue as she advanced and didn't say a word.
Tonks waited with bated breath as she eyed her mother advancing on Harry and momentarily stopped breathing once Andromeda eventually reached him. This was in a way the first time either of them have met since all those years ago and usually it wouldn't have been such an awkward encounter but, here they stood opposite one another like a predator sizing its prey. Her mother stood a foot or two taller than him. Relatively the same height as her if not a tiny bit shorter.
Harry looked up into her silver eyes, of the black-haired woman. Unshed tears had welling up in them before a single tear fell down her rosy cheek as Andromeda slowly raised her shaky hand towards his face. He didn't shy away, never from her but just stood stock still as he felt himself begin to tear up. However, before she could touch him, her arm stilled, a glazed look descended on her eyes as she slowly retreated her hand into her chest in an act of comfort and confusion but never once breaking eye contact from the young man opposite her as more tears began to fall from her eyes as she slowly stepped away from him.
She couldn't take it anymore. "Mum read this; it'll help. Everything will make sense, Mum please." Tonks pleaded with a sob as her heart was breaking at the scene. Whatever this nightmare was that held back their memories of each other, Tonks just wanted it to end.
She slowly slipped the letter Harry had given her prior to leaving the Bank into Andromeda's left hand while placing a comforting arm around her mother's shoulders to stop her from retreating.
After hesitating a second, Andromeda averted her eyes from Harry and began to slowly read the piece of parchment.
The person in question just stood there and watched her eyes move from right to left as she read word for word just like he did with Tonks back at the Bank and saw the glazed look in her eyes slowly ebb away after each word was read. A second goes by, five seconds, a minute, until finally, Andromeda finished reading and gradually looked up from the letter that she had let go off, causing it drift down onto the floor, forgotten, as if nothing mattered except for the stranger opposite her.
Silver eyes found and locked onto the emerald orbs that had once again filled up with so much emotion and life as he realised that she remembered.
Leaving her daughter's arm, Andromeda stepped forward to Harry.
Her shaky hand rose to find his cheek, and once contact was established, Harry involuntarily leaned into her touch and placed his own hand over hers. The feeling of the soft hand of the individual he missed so very much became too intense for him and he began to weep.
He wept at the injustice; wept at the fact he was separated from his family for all these years. He wept for the loss he had always felt that was there deep within him. Different from the loss he felt when he remembered seeing his mother and father back in his first year in the Mirror of Erised. All he felt now was bittersweet euphoria.
"Hadrian?" Andromeda whispered hoarsely as she broke the silence.
He gave a watery smile, a genuine and heartfelt smile. A smile he had hardly ever given to anyone or anything ever since he was left at the Dursleys all those years ago and simply bobbed his head up and down in affirmation.
"Hello Andi."
Andromeda closed the gap between the two in an instant and hugged him. Hugged him for dear life as one hand closed around his thin shoulders while the other instantly went to his hair. The same hair she would run her hand through as she held him close whenever Lily would leave for work to stop him from crying. The same hair she would wash whenever it was time for a bath. The same untameable hair that would tickle her neck whenever he would always sleep in her arms instead of his cot no matter how much she tried otherwise.
She began to sob as she felt that same silky but unruly, jet-black hair of his and finally that empty part of her heart had filled up once again. The baby of her closest frie- no. Her baby, was finally back in her arms once again. After all these years, he was finally home.
"Welcome back Hadrian." She whispered loud enough for both Harry and Tonks to hear as she buried her face in his hair and kissed him on the crown of his head. The latter joining them in the embrace silently crying tears of joy at the reunion of her family.
"I'm home Andi."
Hundreds of miles away, in a large ancient castle, in a medium sized office, a small old instrument shattered into a million pieces.
Harry Potter was finally home.
"Corban, I hope for your sake that you have good news."
Yaxley gulped wondering how his Lord would feel after he finished relaying the information he gathered as he knelt before Voldemort.
"M-My Lord, sources within Diagon Alley have reported seeing the Potter boy and that blood traitor, Andromeda Tonks' whore daughter leave Gringotts." He finished with a snarl at the latter.
It would be unwise to order a full-scale attack on the alley at the moment. Even more so to try and subdue the Goblins though they wouldn't be much of an issue, however it would severely cripple his ranks in more ways than one especially with Dumbledore's Order running around in the open. Unless he had his full army on standby, fighting a battle against two fronts would be disastrous.
A problem he was sure he could rectify once Dumbledore has been taken care off.
"And yet, I sense your report has not concluded Corban." Voldemort drawled.
Yaxley cleared his throat, he could feel the density of the dark energy leaking from his master in gentle waves as the temperature of the room began to slowly drop.
"We know of the reason of the boy's visit."
"And pray tell what that reason isss." Voldemort hissed as he leaned forwards slightly, the tip of his wand began glowing a murky brown.
With another nervous gulp, eying the wand, Yaxley replied, "The P-Potter boy has claimed his Head of House Lordship."
Voldemort's aura flared up considerably as he heard the news causing Yaxley to cower even more.
That shouldn't have been possible. How was Potter able to receive the Lordship of his house especially as he had not reached his majority? And then it clicked. That blasted tournament!
Voldemort snarled as he reeled his raging aura back down. "Inform Lucius, attempt to revoke the boy's Lordship at the next Wizengamot."
"It will be done my Lord." Yaxley replied in relief, thanking all the gods that he wasn't subjected to his master's ire.
"What news of his current location?"
"Still unknown my Lord. Apart from the sighting at the Bank, he has yet to be found."
Voldemort gritted his teeth in anger and frustration at the boy's illusiveness.
"Triple your efforts, it's time you send word to Fenrir. Order him to send a squad of the half-breeds and begin to comb the bottom half of England… discreetly. See if they can pick-up on the boy's scent. It would be a great advantage to us if we can deal with him before he goes back to Hogwarts where it'll be nigh high impossible to reach him. Make sure the mutt remembers that Harry's life is mine and mine alone. Kill any who attempts to protect the boy."
"At once, my Lord." Yaxley replied bowing low, knowing he had been dismissed, quickly scurried out of the room.
Voldemort leaned back on his chair after the door had shut, closed his eyes and sighed as he began to contemplate.
§"It won't be long now Nagini."§
Voldemort softly hissed as he stroked his familiar as she coiled around his feet, her head resting on his armchair.
§"Soon Dumbledore will fall and Harry Potter with him, and then, we will claim our place above the pathetic beings of this country. We will rule them and then exterminate all the disgusting muggles that have spread across the land like a disease. We will slaughter them like cattle and the world will finally understand true fear. The power of Lord Voldemort. And no one, certainly no 'Chosen One' will stand in my way."§ He hissed as a maniacal grin spread across his snake like features, his red eyes blazing as his intoxicating and deadly aura spread around the room causing the Manor he resided in to tremble in power.
§"Yes… Not long now."§
Harry didn't know how long the three of them had stood there in the middle of room embracing one another. His eyes were shut the entire time, drinking in the feeling of the person that had meant so much to him and he couldn't, no, he wouldn't, let her go. He felt so safe in her arms, safer than he's ever felt. It had the same familiarity as Sirius' but, it was just entirely different. The way her hand felt as she would gently run it through his hair gave him chills. It felt so nostalgic, so right.
He had locked away these feelings ever since he'd seen his aunt fussing about Dudley when he was sick or that time when the idiot had walked into the coffee table and stubbed his toe because his hands were so full of food he couldn't see.
He remembered another time when he was five and came home sporting a broken arm courtesy of another bout of 'Harry Hunting'. He recalled being so confused when he showed his broken, bloody arm to his aunt and no matter how much he cried, how much he begged for relief, she would not touch him.
Instead, she just regarded him with cold, unsympathetic eyes as if he was an annoyance, an irritating bug she wished she could get rid of and just threw a pack of frozen pees at him, snubbing his cry of pain as the bag landed roughly on his broken arm.
Harry recalled standing there, tears following down his face as he whimpered and repeatedly called for her but to no reply; watching her retreating form and heard her muttering about freaks and burdens. That was when he realised, at the tender age of five that his family didn't care, they hated his very existence. He knew he would receive no love, no acknowledgment. And that's where things went downhill.
Andromeda's hug, although tight and secure, was infinitely better than the smothering, bone-breaking hugs he would receive from Mrs Weasley and not once did he want to remove himself from her arms. He felt secure.
At some point, Tonks had managed to guide them over to a large plump couch, Andromeda not once had removed herself from him, content with holding onto him as if he would disappear the moment she lost contact. They sat down on the couch with Harry between the two women once Tonks went to go make some tea for the trio.
He realised that his presence was the only thing at that moment that was keeping her from completely shutting down and he was just content to let her take as much time she needed to compose herself.
It was a good ten minutes later when she had raised her head from which it was on top of his, as he was leaning against her shoulder. Taking his face gingerly in her hands, she took a moment to gaze at his features.
He looked so much like his father yet most of his facial features were slightly softened. He had Lily's powerful emerald eyes that was for certain and her ears. He even still had the small freckle that was on his right brow. Yet something was wrong. Severely wrong. He was deathly pale, his face gaunt as if he hadn't eaten in many, many days. The shine to his eyes were dull and he looked extremely exhausted.
"Dear Morgana, what happened to you Hadrian?" Andromeda exclaimed as she began waving her wand about his face, casting all types of multi-coloured diagnosis spells at him.
Harry and Tonks shared a look and both grimaced when they heard a very sharp intake of breath from Andromeda as she slowly put down her wand. On her face was a look of absolute horror.
"There is some kind of magical bind on you that I cannot seem identify. It seems to have restricted you completely not to mention your magical reserves are dangerously low. Too low." She whispered. "You shouldn't even be alive, yet here you sit before me." Panic began to set as she went to stand.
"Wait Mum! Just calm down. Harry will be fine. Everything will be explained." Tonks went on to say but immediately regretted that she had, due to the withering glare her mother gave in return.
"Fine?! Look at him Nymphadora, the boy looks like he could drop dead at any second! You damn well better have a good reason why I shouldn't be hauling his backside to the ICU." Andromeda hissed.
Tonks blanched. The fact that her mum used her actual name and swore was a clear indication that she was pissed.
"And Harry will be explaining just why that is." Tonks quickly added with a nervous chuckle as she avoided her mother's fury.
Harry snapped his neck towards Tonks with a look of incredulity which immediately turned into a glower as the metamorph cowed behind a pillow. He slowly turned back round to face the older woman and audibly gulped as the glare was redirected to him.
He sighed as he ran a tired hand through his hair.
"It's a long story Andi."
Andromeda was furious and on the verge of completely flipping out and yet, the defeated tone from her youngest abated her anger completely and so she quickly schooled her face into a stern look. Years of pureblood upbringing and countless life and death cases at St Mungos had allowed her to be prepared for anything yet nothing could've prepared her for what she was about to hear.
"It's a good thing we have plenty of time for you to explain everything and I mean absolutely everything." She replied tensely giving him no chance to refuse.
It was odd.
Throughout his life, Harry had made sure he had kept a rather firm handle on his feelings and the past events that had deeply affected him.
Not even Hermione, Ron or even Tonks for that matter had ever heard about all the things he had gone through at the hands of the Dursleys and only a handful of people know of what transpired throughout his school life at Hogwarts.
Harry liked his privacy. He only needed his privacy due to the crazy life he had to live and so he welcomed it with open arms, even though it was insanely hard to keep everything within closed doors.
But here he sat, next to the person that he felt the safest and he wanted to tell her everything.
He wanted to tell her how he was sent to live with his aunt and uncle after his parents' death and how terribly they treated him. He wanted to tell her everything that had happened in his five years at Hogwarts and everything that had happened since Sirius was killed.
And so, Harry did.
He omitted some of the more graphic abuse he had suffered at the hands of the Dursleys as he could feel the growing anger radiating from Andromeda and even Tonks as he told them how they neglected him. He didn't mention all the physical, emotional, and mental abuse he suffered at their hands simply because he had accepted it and moved on.
He had realised over the years that there wasn't anything he could do when it came to the Dursleys. They were a sort of people that would never change. Sure, he could report them, get them punished and so forth, and then what? It didn't take away the years of suffering he felt at their hands.
Satisfaction? Maybe but he still despised them. He hated them with every fibre of his being, that wouldn't change, but their treatment of him is something he had moved on from already.
Nevertheless, it still wasn't something he would openly advertise to anyone for that matter and so he downplayed quite a lot of the happenings at the Dursleys. He just didn't want to open that can of worms. Didn't want to see their pity.
Harry told them his First Year, how he came face to face with Voldemort and how Voldemort used Quirrell's already dead body as a vessel to try and steal the Philosopher's Stone. Tonks decided to add her own two knuts as she was there at Hogwarts as a Seventh Year and the fact that he had told her himself as they spoke often during that year.
He showed them the mark of when the basilisk had bitten him and explained the scar that started on the side of his neck and reached to his lower back, courtesy of the Horntail's tail, slashing him during the First Task.
He showed them the wound that was caused by the cursed knife that was used by Wormtail in Voldemort's resurrection.
He told Andromeda how he went to save Sirius at the Ministry, the infernal prophecy, Sirius' death at the hands of Bellatrix and how he was possessed by Voldemort in the Atrium before Dumbledore duelled him.
Fresh tears had begun trailing down her Andromeda's face when he finished, a look of pure shock stared right back at him as he fought to calm his anger as he remembered Sirius dying once again.
"Bella killed Sirius?" Andromeda asked in a whisper.
Harry replied with a sharp nod as his face contorted with rage. His head dropped down; his bangs covered his eyes preventing either of the two women from seeing them, but his once dull emerald eyes had begun to flicker with dangerous power as he remembered her laughter.
"I-I remember chasing after her. I remember being so angry. I wanted to kill her, I wanted to erase her very existence from the face of the planet. I wanted to cause the same amount of pain that I had felt and so I did. I used her own spell right back at her. I cast the Cruciatus on her," He said as he ignored the sharp intake of breath from Andromeda, "But it didn't do anything. Merely stunned her for a second. She was probably surprised that someone other than her master would use an Unforgivable on her let alone itty-bitty Harry." He said mockingly.
"No matter how much I wanted to hurt her, to want to make her pay, I was still weak. So utterly pathetic. I couldn't even avenge my own godfather." He finished with a cold, humourless laugh as he paused taking a moment to compose himself.
"And that's when I heard him." Harry began with a whisper. Instantly the two women in the room felt a cold chill run down their spine.
"He appeared like he was always there. Like a phantom. He taunted me, goaded me on, explained what I needed to do to make the curse work. I was filled with so much hate that I didn't even care anymore. I just wanted to see her suffer and so I let it consume me."
He took a breath as a few tears escaped him, but he never once raised his head to see their reactions. He was ashamed. He didn't want to see the same disgust he saw on Neville's face when he told him what he had done to Bellatrix, on theirs.
The young wizard balled his fists tightly, causing his nails to dig into his flesh hard enough, that blood began to trickle down his hands.
"I remember his emotionless laugh in the background as I subjected her to the curse for Merlin knows how long. I enjoyed her screams as she flayed around the floor the longer I kept her under it. But before I knew it, it was all over. I had been banished away by none other than Dumbledore. The person who seemed to think I didn't exist for an entire year, had ignored me countless of times, just appeared, and that's where he and Voldemort duelled until I got possessed." He finished quietly with a shiver as he remembered the possession.
Nobody spoke for a few seconds as the two women absorbed what they were told. Not once did Harry look up from his lap. He felt dirty, contaminated. He felt he was just as bad as the Death Eaters and that sickened him. He could still hear her screams as he closed his eyes and see the crimson blood dripping down from her mouth as her throat was pleading for reprieve.
Harry jumped as he felt Andromeda softly pry his fingers from his fists. The action caused Harry to hiss slightly at the pain and he watched curiously as the cuts in his hands began to heal instantly.
Gently, Andromeda took his hand and interlaced her warm fingers with his and pulled him towards her chest, raising her other hand to run through his messy hair.
He stiffened as this was the last thing he thought she would do but, couldn't help himself melt into her embrace, his anger instantly dissipating at her touch. He felt another hand gently being eased into his other hand and briefly locked eyes with Tonks who gave him a nod and a look of determination.
"You know, the day after I married my husband, I had received a letter from none other than Bellatrix." Andromeda started. "Do you know what she said?" She could feel Harry shake his head against her chest in refusal and she locked her silver eyes with her daughter's who looked towards her with rapt attention as she had never been told about this.
"If I were to ever get my hands on your mudblood husband and any of the filthy children you bring into this world, I will torture them into insanity after I rip their throats out just so that they don't sully my ears with their disgusting voices while they beg for death." She finished monotonously. Her eyes betraying her face as a lone tear slipped down her cheek.
Andromeda closed her eyes taking a deep breath not seeing the looks of absolute fury come across both Tonks and Harry.
"To think, my own flesh and blood would ever say something like that. To her older sister no less. The same person who would once follow me around when we were younger, like a lost puppy." She scoffed humourlessly.
"I adored the Bellatrix I knew. A passionate and fierce girl that was more stubborn than any of us. She meant the absolute world to me. But she knew how much Edward meant to me as well, how badly I wanted a family of my own and yet she cut me deeper than any blade with her words."
"I remember being there, after Voldemort was gone the first time, in the Wizengamot courtroom. There she stood with Rodolphus and Rabastan Lestrange for the despicable things she had done to the Longbottoms and all her other victims. Not a single shred of remorse was seen on her face. She looked monotonous when they were sentencing her. A look of madness was in her when our eyes locked as she was taken away and it confirmed what I already knew but wished wasn't true. That the Bella I knew and loved had died years ago. That her mind and ideals were twisted and reformed by evil people, until she became the monster you saw in the Ministry. That sort of person must pay for their sins because there is no forgiveness. She must be judged, and she must answer for the minds she has broken and the lives she has taken."
Andromeda placed a small, loving kiss on Harry's forehead and reached out and gripped Tonks' hand; rubbing her thumb over her daughter's clenched fist. She turned Harry's head around to look at her. Softly brushing his bangs away from his eyes.
"You are a strong and powerful wizard Hadrian." She gently began, "To want to cause suffering to the people who caused you pain beyond measure does not make you a bad person. It makes you human. The difference between you and the Death Eaters is that you want to cause pain to ones who do so out of leisure. It's a simple as that. That doesn't make you a bad person. I can't say I agree with you on your choice of spells. Then again, gods know how I would react if either one of you were taken away from me but were you a lesser person, you would not be where you are right now questioning the morality of your choices."
Her posture changed as she cupped his cheek with her hand, "You are a Potter, and you are a Black Hadrian. Family is all we have at the end and if someone threatens family, we reply in force. Our family has been taken away from us and for that, the ones responsible must pay in equal or more measure." She finished with a look of grim determination.
Harry could only stare at the powerful woman in front of him as the words he had read in the letter from his father and mother resurfaced. Nevertheless, he nodded and all he could was agree. Too many people he cared about was killed and they ones that caused that suffering, needed to pay. He would make sure of that, and he was more than reassured to find out that Andromeda shared the same views as him.
"Wow mum, didn't know you had it in you." Tonks exclaimed with a grin as she broke the tension.
"You forget dear daughter, that although I may not be a Black no longer, I still carry their blood in my veins." Andromeda replied slightly sticking her nose in the air as she sniffed haughtily.
Andromeda's words confused Harry but before he could voice it, she spoke.
"Okay, we're getting distracted, carry on with the story."
As he thought about what else to catch her up on, an ethereal white light entered the small house in the shape of a Lynx and a deep voice came from the animal which had knelt right in front of Tonks.
"Tonks, there's been another attack. The boss wants you immediately at Headquarters." The voice said as the light slowly flickered away.
"Well, that's me, duty calls." Tonks quickly stood and began transforming into a lither build as she headed towards the door.
"I'm coming with you." Harry spoke as he made to stand up.
"You will do no such thing!" Andromeda commanded as she grabbed his hand and pulled him back down onto the crouch.
He hissed as he glared at the older woman. "If you think for a second that I'm going to sit here when there are innocent lives being destroyed by a bunch of pieces of shi-"
"Hadrian you can barely keep yourself from falling over, your magical reserves are depleted and even casting something as simple as a lumos would cause you to pass out into a coma. Not to mention that somehow your core has been bound so no matter what you do, you can't use any magic. You will stay put in this house or by Merlin, I will cast a sticking charm so powerful that even that old goat Dumbledore will find impossible to remove." She finished, fire burning in her eyes that bore into the teenager next to her as her chest heaved in anger.
With neither person giving an inch, the two carried on staring at each other before the younger of the two reluctantly deflated. He looked over at Tonks who had watched the scene unfold, wondering whether to get involved or not but decided on the latter.
"Be safe, don't do anything stupid. Please." Harry begged out. A hundred situations played across his mind in the different ways Tonks could meet her end. He truly didn't know if he could take it if someone got to her.
A look of affection came over Tonks as she quickly ran back to Harry and Andromeda and purposefully gave a wet and sloppy kiss on the former's cheek, grinning at his discomfort as he went to wipe the saliva. She went to give another, but much more sedate kiss to her mother, giving her assurances of her wellbeing before rushing to the door.
"I can't promise but I'll be sure to be extra careful squirt." Came the reply from over her shoulder, as she gave him a quick wink before quickly hopping out the house, wiping an errant tear away that only Andromeda managed to notice.
Tonks wouldn't admit it to the prat, but the words he said meant the absolute world to her. She hadn't had many people concerned over her wellbeing during her life and the fact that Harry had been worried for her filled her with warmth. A new feeling of determination came over her as she now had another person worth living for that cared about her just as much as she did for him.
"Thank you." Andromeda said as she wrapped her arms around Harry.
"For what?" He replied as he happily fell into her embrace. She just had a hug that felt absolutely perfect.
"For coming back."
He smiled as he wrapped his own arms around the older woman. "I wish I came back sooner." He whispered into her chest.
They sat there in a comfortable silence, content in just holding one another until Andromeda pulled back, not letting go of his hand and composed herself.
She gave him a look which he instantly knew meant that he was to continue with his story.
With a sigh, Harry began once again.
"A Horcrux?"
"It's a certain type of dark magic Andi. It's basically like a container where one would break off part of their soul and hide it in said container. This ensures that if they are killed, part of their soul lives on."
An involuntary shiver ran down Andromeda's back. She was sure that she had heard all manners of dark magic due to her heritage, but this sounded repulsively foul.
"And how are they made?" She asked, dreading the answer.
"Through murder."
A silence took over the room as Andromeda gripped Harry's hand tighter than before.
"On that night all those years ago, he was planning to use my death to create another."
"Another?" Came her whisper.
Harry nodded as he leaned into her shoulder.
"The stupid, bald-headed nutter, in all his infinite wisdom, made more than one. How many exactly, we're not sure but it's definitely more than two." He finished with a grimace, his mind going back the diary he had destroyed in the Chamber of Secrets. He once again revelled in the warmth he felt from the woman next to him as the memories of his Second Year played through his mind.
"Dear Morgana."
"Anyway, when he cast the killing curse on me, the spell rebounded, and it struck him instead. His body was destroyed, his soul split and because a soul cannot survive without a host, it latched onto the closest thing it could find." He said as he sat up and looked at Andromeda and raised his hair which covered the inflamed famous scar.
Lifting her shaking hand, she slowly and gently caressed the famous scar. "You're telling me that you've had part of his soul within you since that day fifteen years ago?"
He replied with a sharp nod.
"Until S-Sirius died, I felt fine." He rolled his eyes at the look she gave in response, "Okay maybe not fine fine, but I was healthy enough. According to the Goblins, the Horcrux during my younger years was simply a sort of block. Its qualities were dormant because it was weak and because it needed to survive. It was quite happy in not doing anything but feed on my magic to ensure its survival."
Andromeda didn't need to be someone versed in the art of Healing to know that Harry was physically not well, even if he claimed otherwise. He was much too thin for someone of his age, and not to mention his height. He was after all, quite short for someone who is almost sixteen years of age, which didn't make much sense as James, when he was his age, was almost as tall as Uncle Charlus and he was well over six feet tall. It could be that he was naturally small but from what she heard of Potter men, they were all generally tall people.
"However, since I had been possessed by Voldemort in the Ministry, the Horcrux within has become… active. It's not natural for a soul to be split let alone be in another body, so when I was possessed, the Horcrux in me wanted to return to its host. This caused what you are seeing now to happen. The parasite is attacking me, draining me of my magic as it's become unstable. If it isn't removed soon, I-I'll… die." He finished quietly as he noticed Andromeda's complexion paling the longer he spoke.
"The situation is under control!" Harry hastily added. He took a deep breath before sipping his now cold tea to calm the anxiety and fear he felt for the procedure he is to undergo tomorrow.
"The Goblins believe they can remove the Horcrux through an exorcism ritual that will be taking place tomorrow morning. They seemed… optimistic, I guess? I don't know. They've never removed a Horcrux from a living body before." He deflated.
It was automatic, like a reflex, but Andromeda could feel the fear Harry felt for the upcoming ritual and did what any mother would do for their child when they were distressed and hugged him tightly, instantly forgetting about her own fears and thoughts, as she ran her hand through his hair.
"I'm scared Andi." Harry said warbly, gripping tightly onto her dress.
She chuckled humourlessly.
"I'd think you were a fool if you weren't."
"It's only been a day or so since I've finally turned my life around and it could all be for nothing. I- Every promise I've made to myself, for the people who had sacrificed themselves for me, will be for nought if I don't survive tomorrow." He finished bitterly.
Andromeda sighed as she pulled away from him and grabbed onto both of his hands.
"Look at me Hadrian."
Harry reluctantly looked up at her. Emerald met silver as she spoke.
"Since I was young girl, I've been taught the Dark Arts. I'm by no means an expert but I know that there are some magicks out there that shouldn't be practiced, and such magic is Soul Magic. The basics of Soul Magic is that every being has a soul and the soul is sacred meaning, it's something that shouldn't be touched." She took a moment to brush his hair away from his forehead, so his scar showed.
"The fact of the matter is, you are not an average wizard. Think about it child. Your adventures during your years at Hogwarts is proof of this. I agree that most of the life and death situations you escaped from was due to dumb luck but there was skill and power behind it all just as much. What twelve-year-old boy can kill a seventy foot Basilisk with a sword, regardless of the fact that a Phoenix managed to blind its deathly gaze? What thirteen-year-old can produce a Corporeal Patronus and use it drive off a hundred Dementors? A Patronus Hadrian! Most adults can't even produce the shield! And don't get me started on the 14-year-old Champion of the TriWizard Tournament." She said with a growl.
She sighed and brought her hands to cup his cheeks and looked directly in his emerald eyes.
"You are a skilful, powerful, and courageous wizard Hadrian. Far more formidable than the average fifteen-year-old and I truly believe that one day, you will be remembered as one of the greats. No, not because of what happened on that night, but because of what you will accomplish. You have so much potential Hadrian and once you really leave your mark in this world, that's when people will recognise you for who you are and not for what you were known for. Every journey begins with your first step and that first step is tomorrow. Your body, magic and soul are your own. No outside influence can say otherwise, and tomorrow, you must prove to yourself, to your parents and to the people who have lost their lives to that madman and his followers, that their sacrifices were not in vain."
Her eyes softened as she brought him back into a warm embrace, "I am proud of you, my little Harry. So very proud. Everything you have been through and will go through in the future, I will always be proud of you child, and I will always love you."
Harry stiffened in her arms and could only burrow himself into her chest as he clung tightly to her. The words on his tongue died out as he didn't know what to say. Never in his life had someone told him that they loved him.
Of course, he's heard people say it. He remembered the times when he would walk through platform 9¾ and he would hear a parent or child convey their love for the other. He remembered the bitter feeling whenever his aunt never failed to point out her love for her Dudley in front of him just to spite him, to mock him, to let him know, that no one would ever do the same for him.
Yet here he sat, with a woman that he had more memories of as a child than his own mother and said woman just told him that she loved him. The first ever person to ever say it and he could tell that she wasn't lying with the way her eyes softened and how her voice filled with so much emotion. Yet he didn't know how to feel. He had no memories of his real mother till his third year and that sole memory was filled with pain and suffering but all he could remember of Andromeda was joy and affection and safety.
If Andromeda sensed his turmoil and lack of response, she didn't say anything. She only held him tighter. Hoping the gesture conveyed how much she loved him and how much he meant to her.
The tell-tale signs of abuse gave her an idea that Harry's childhood wasn't pleasant. His avoidance of specific topics and details regarding his younger years, the scars that littered his back when he showed the scar from that blasted dragon, the way he didn't meet her eyes when he would speak of his home life at his relatives practically told her that he was abused. Mentally, physically, and emotionally.
They would naturally pay of course. When she found out the facts, either from Harry or someone else, she would raise hell and that was set in stone. No one will be exempt. No one hurts her child, and she would make sure of that.
She gave him a kiss on his cheek before standing up, "Let's stop for now. Come, let's put some food in you. Unfortunately, we don't have an elf so you're going to have to bear with my cooking." She finished with a smile as she started to walk to the kitchen.
"Ah, yeah um, about that Andi."
She raised one well-manicured eyebrow at him before both eyebrows went up when Harry called Winky.
"Master Harry calls?" Came the calm squeaky voice of the female Potter elf as she curtsied slightly.
"You've bonded with an elf?" Andromeda asked in surprised tone.
"Two." He said sheepishly before he also called Dobby.
"Master Harry called Dobby?" Came another squeaky voice which sounded far too happy as Dobby hopped up and down.
"And you have another one dear Morgana." The older woman pressed a hand to her forehead.
"Dobby should bow after responding to Master Harry's call." Winky scowled.
A panicked expression came over Dobby's face, "Dobby is so very sorry Master Harry!" He exclaimed as he ran over to Harry's leg and grabbed it in a death grip and began to wail.
Harry didn't get a chance to respond as the male elf was swiftly followed by his female counterpart who was attempting to pull him off Harry as she began to bicker and admonish Dobby's behaviour.
"Bad Dobby is not showing proper respect!" Winky squeaked, the sound being incredibly high pitched as she began to tug on his clothes.
"Dobby is sorry Master Harry! Please don't punish Dobby!"
"Guys please!" Harry groaned as he tried to placate the two amid Andromeda's giggles as she failed to hold her laughter at the scene in front of her.
It took a good minute before both his elves calmed down and he turned them around to face Andromeda.
Harry cleared his throat, "Dobby, Winky, I want you to meet my mo-" He almost finished before he caught himself yet couldn't protect himself from the strong blush that attacked his face at his blunder as he broke eye contact with Andromeda and failed to see the absolute delight that adorned on her face which was quickly schooled to not cause more embarrassment to him.
Hopefully one day, Andromeda thought wistfully.
He cleared his throat again before speaking but couldn't avoid the pinkness in his cheeks that didn't go away, "I want you to meet Andromeda Tonks." He looked directly in her eyes and gave one of the most genuine smiles that he had ever given before speaking again but failed to hide the emotion in his voice, "She… She means everything to me, so I hope you'll show the same respect you show me, to her."
No matter how much training she had received during the years of her life to keep her emotions schooled, none could prevent the smile she gave in return. It was so bright that it could fill the entire room twice over and it filled Harry's heart with so much happiness.
"Andi, this is Dobby and Winky." He gestured to each elf which they bowed respectfully to the elder woman.
"A pleasure to meet you both." She spoke as she smiled warmly at the two elves who beamed in return as Dobby and Winky began to bob up and down, the latter less but in equal enthusiasm.
"I'm sure there's a story behind the elves?"
Harry merely grinned in response.
Andromeda sighed in return but couldn't help the corners of her mouth from twitching in amusement. He clearly learned a few tricks from Sirius, she thought as she shook her head in resignation.
"Winky will handle dinner Mistress!" Winky quickly exclaimed.
"I wouldn't bother arguing otherwise if I were you." Harry said before Andromeda could protest.
"Lady Andromeda should spend more time with Master Harry. Come along Dobby, wes be preparing dinner." She finished before quickly dragging the male elf away into the kitchen.
"Well," Andromeda started before gracefully sitting back down on the couch next to Harry, once again taking his hand in hers, "They are both very unique elves."
"Right? They're amazing." Harry replied with a fond smile.
A pleasant silence came over the pair as they relaxed into the couch, absentmindedly listening to the bickering coming from the kitchen.
"Would you come with me tomorrow morning for the ritual?" Harry asked tentatively.
Andromeda chuckled in response before pulling him so his head rested on her shoulder and hers on top.
"Foolish child. If you think for a second, I will ever leave you alone again, you are sorely mistaken."
"Thank you." He replied with a small voice.
The relief in his voice was proof enough to Andromeda that this specific topic was on the forefront of his mind. She couldn't imagine the dread that was going through his head for the life and death ritual that was to be conducted tomorrow. Nevertheless, she would never abandon him again. Never would she allow him to go through anything alone ever again.
"Did I ever tell you that when you were born, you were born without any eyebrows?" She tittered as she looked at his gobsmacked face.
Clear clouds gave way to a clearer night sky. The glimmer of moonlight shone through dark, green curtains that silently sashayed from a light breeze courtesy, of a big open window where one could see a magnificent view of an impeccably well-maintained garden.
It was well known this garden. In high society, it was the only one that could be compared to the Enchanting Gardens of the Longbottom Estate. The prestige that came with such a comparison was always great pride for the residents that dwelt on these lands.
Green curtains gave way to a large room housing only one occupant. A young woman, entering her final years of adolescence.
She sat on an expensive vanity. Faultless, long blonde hair was placed over a dainty shoulder as her hand held an equally expensive hairbrush she used to smooth out and detangle the knots that were formed throughout the day. It was a ritual, a routine she had done daily, ever since she was young. A metaphoric feeling of brushing away all the unsavoury emotions she would experience from the day. A way to start anew for the next.
She wore a cosy but modest nightie that extended all the way to the bottom of her ankles, topped with her favourite pink slippers. The pair had the perfect amount of fluff to house her blue painted toes which brilliantly, matched her fingernails.
The young woman was the epitome of beauty. All those she had come across could never deny it though none would voice it. Her once disreputable name now held power and when people found out who she was, they remained away and she was perfectly content with that. It wasn't anything new.
Her father was dangerous. Not like Lord Malfoy but not unsimilar either. Matthias was unpredictable. A true Neutral and it was his unpredictability that made him so risky. An easy reason for people to stay away. Nobody liked to deal with uncertainties and his notorious reputation provided protection to his family which naturally extended to her.
That was why no one saw the contract coming.
A house so powerful and ancient as hers that despite its tarnished history, officially aligning themselves with the Warrington's; a lesser house that although were purebloods, rather had not much to their name. They were completely unknown; hence, none knew why such a contract was finalised.
She had accepted it. Not like she couldn't. Her father's word was absolute after all.
She turned her head as she heard a pop next to her and saw an elderly house elf; her House's crest displayed proudly on his breast.
"Forgive Alby for disturbing your night Young Mistress, but the Lord of the Manor requests your presence in his office immediately."
"Thank you Alby. I will be there promptly."
Her voice was cool; a touch of indifference was laced within it for as long as she could remember.
The elf bowed before vanishing with a soft pop and the young woman turned to look at her reflection in the mirror.
Half lidded eyelids held powerful electric blue eyes that sat on high cheekbones and a small nose. The only blemish on her flawless skin was a small birthmark on the corner of her pouty lips which only enhanced her features.
Daphne Greengrass, Daughter of the Most Ancient House of Greengrass rose from her seat silently.
Standing at a height of just shy of five foot ten, she was one of the taller girls in her year and she reckoned she still had a little more growing to do. One need only look at her mother and father for confirmation.
Her ears held diamond earrings she had found that matched her prominent eyes one day when she was window shopping in Hogsmeade. It was one of the few luxuries she could afford from her monthly stipend and so she of course, instantly snatched it up.
She went over to her expansive bed and picked up her dressing gown in which she donned and took a minute to survey her room.
It was her haven. The one place she could unwind under the safety of prying, judgemental eyes and yet it looked as barren and lifeless as her social life.
With a small sigh, Daphne turned around after fastening the gown tightly around her frame and gracefully strode out into the now darkened halls of the Ancestral Home of the Greengrass' to her destination, her father's study.
Moonlight illuminated areas on the floor tiles through many symmetrical windows allowing her to see where she was going and eventually, after traversing through the numerous halls, she had arrived in front of a large, oakwood door.
Light conversation could be heard from the other side which sounded masculine. Clearly her father was speaking to someone but nevertheless, she was called and so, here she was.
Her knock interrupted the voices and one of the two answered with a deep voice.
She took a breath and strengthened her occlumency to hide her nerves before opening the door to the study, her eyes taking in the bookshelves, the coffee table and desk, and even the ugly vase that sat in the corner of the room.
Two men were inside the room who both stood when she entered. The one with his back to her turned around and Daphne stiffened ever so slightly, recognising him immediately.
"Good evening Lord Warrington."
When one would see Malakai Warrington, the first thing they would notice is his silver, white beard. Covering his entire lower face, one would have to really look to see the outline of his lips as if it were hiding in the expanse of his hair. His features were sharp in some areas, most notably his nose and his eyes. The same eyes that locked on to hers.
Sharp, brown orbs surveyed her and Daphne had to really force herself not to flinch in fear.
The man was dangerous. Extremely so. Most couldn't tell but she could. She always could.
Malakai's eyes and demeanour spoke of an unassuming predator that would strike the moment's its prey dropped its guard.
Daphne was never overtly sensitive to magic around her but she had this feeling that she would always get, when she was in the man's presence and it frightened her tremendously. She had known the Lord since she was young after all.
Malakai's voice was baritone, sending chills down her spine whenever he would speak and there was no change this time either. There was a pause before he spoke again, turning around to look at the other individual in the room.
"I shall take my leave here. Good evening Matthias." Malakai spoke as he shook the proffered limb of the other man.
"Yes…It has been a lucrative night. Good evening old friend." The other man responded.
Matthias Greengrass was an imposing man. Standing at the same height as Malakai Warrington of six feet two, his electric blue eyes shone with intellect and cunning.
It was clear where Daphne got some of her most prominent features from. Her looks were all her mother's not to mention her physical assets.
Ellanore Greengrass' body was what some, less favourable individuals, would describe as sinful and an icon of lust, something which she passed on to her eldest which was both a boon and a curse.
But it was Daphne's eyes, hair and height that was all Matthias'.
Malakai strode past Daphne and besides giving a nod in her direction, offered her nothing else as he walked to the fireplace and disappeared with a swoosh leaving her alone with the man who had summoned her.
Electric blue locked onto electric blue. Matthias' blonde hair swayed ever so minutely as he indicated to her, to the direction of the chair in front of the desk he stood behind.
A simple command filled with no emotion. He was her father and she, his daughter. Apart from that relation, there was nothing more between them.
Daphne smoothly went to the chair, her hands going underneath her dressing gown to smoothen out any wrinkles and sat upright just like she had been taught at a young age.
He, unlike her, did not sit and instead remained standing.
"Something quite interesting happened today which I wouldn't have normally believed until I was able to verify it myself." Matthias said, an unreadable expression on his face.
Daphne knew he wasn't finished so instead said nothing as she watched her father curiously.
"What can you tell me about Harry Potter?"
"What would you like me to say that you don't know already?" Daphne asked.
"Humour me."
"Quiet though expressive when challenged. A lot of rumours surround him that cannot be verified. He seems to be involved in some incident or the other every year but just like the rumours, they also, cannot be verified. His grades are just about above average. In DADA, however, Potter has remained number one in our year consistently from our First Year which may indicate that he has received tutoring but, that would not be accurate, considering his fluctuating grades in our other subjects. His choice of companions would imply he is firmly with Dumbledore or at least supports his views." Daphne droned on monotonously. She only knew from what she had heard after all.
Matthias' expression never wavered.
"He's proficient in DADA? Even in the year that's just gone by?"
Daphne nodded. Even she had to work overtime to ensure she at least managed a passing grade.
"Curious." He said.
Daphne couldn't deny that she was more than interested on why she was being asked about Harry Potter before her mind froze.
Surely not.
Her mind scrambled as the memories of that one specific evening pushed into the forefront of her mind.
It was a moment of weakness. Something that shouldn't have happened. Something that shouldn't have been found out.
She cautiously looked up at her father and saw a contemplative look on his face as he stared at the wall on his side.
"May I ask what this is about father?" Daphne asked reluctantly. If he had somehow found out what had happened between her and Potter, she didn't what he would do.
Matthias did not reply and instead threw something in front of her.
"I must say, this was something I did not foresee." He whispered as he watched her hesitantly reach for the item.
Daphne pulled what was a newspaper towards her and couldn't help her eyes widen slightly as she read the title.
By Michael Loften.
Inside sources in the Ministry of Magic has revealed that Harry Potter, the 'Chosen One', received and accepted the Lordship of the Noble and Ancient House of Potter today afternoon at around 4:00pm.
We at the Daily Prophet further confirmed this after questioning the Department of the Wizengamot Administration Services and then with the Goblin Liason Office who doubled down on the rumours.
"Yes, it indeed is true that today afternoon, the DWAS had received documents from our liaison at Gringotts that pertained to the Lordship of one Harry Potter. It's seal and stamp confirms its accuracy and validity, and these documents will be eventually forwarded to the Minister of Magic's office so that the inauguration of a new Lord can take place in a future Wizengamot session." An individual who wished to remain anonymous, said from the DWAS.
This is a momentous occasion for the House of Potter who has not had a Lord govern its House since the legendary War Hero Charlus Potter (read more about him on p.g 7) as James Potter, Harry Potter's father, regrettably was not able to claim the Lordship due to the tragic events of Halloween 1981.
For the readers who are unaware, for one to become Lord of their House, they must be of age and among other things, so how the Boy-Who-Lived claimed his house's Lordship is truly a mystery that the Goblin Liaison Office refuses to disclose.
"Clientele information will remain confidential just like it has been for centuries. Our reputation is our law now clear off wizard!" Harsh words from a Goblin teller at Gringotts.
We have been unable to receive any kind of response from Harry Potter himself and we hope to hear from him in the future regarding the historical news and…
Daphne closed the paper and put it back on the desk. She looked up to see her father watching her carefully.
"Quite a few people are not happy that such a story got leaked so very quickly and a few others are quite outraged that a boy barely sixteen years of age, received his House's title." The elder Greengrass said. He had a thoughtful expression on his face as he stared at Daphne from across the desk.
"Why have you summoned me Father?" Daphne figured the time for mincing words was over.
After a moment of silence where neither Greengrass spoke, Matthias began speaking again as Daphne watched interestingly.
"The war has officially restarted. With the re-emergence of the Dark Lord, my role as head of this house is to ensure its safety, continuity and wealth. As neutrals, we are in a unique position as instead of those who claim neutrality, but on the sly, have picked a side, we on the other hand will remain in the middle. Just like we had done in the past." He said as he walked to over to a small table and poured himself a small measure of Firewhiskey.
"And yet," Daphne began, using a finger to brush back a strand of hair behind her ear, "We have picked a side." Her voice not betraying how she truly felt on this specific subject.
"For now." Matthias turned around, slowly swirling the alcohol in the glass.
"Your sister, my heir, though it is none of your concern, has done admirably. She has secured the future of this line and I am beyond confident she has the skills and acumen to curb any improper behaviour from her betrothed." His lips curled as he stared sharply at her.
Daphne sneered. "He is a Malfoy. Draco is an imbecilic foo-"
"Enough!" Matthias commanded, his electric blue eyes narrowing as he gripped the glass in his hand tightly.
"I will not deny that I had hoped that Narcissa Malfoy was more involved in the boy's upbringing considering who she is, but I have had the pleasure on meeting him myself and despite a few spoilt tendencies, there is an intelligence to him that seemed to have been nurtured by Lucius at a very young age. There is also the case with his inheritance. The return of the House of Black will shift the entire political field on its head. We are lucky that we will be on the correct side for when that comes about. Yes… Astoriahas done well indeed."
"You on the other hand, should be lucky that Cassius has had even an interest in you despite… everything." The elder Greengrass sneered before draining the cup and placing it down on his desk.
Daphne briefly looked down into her lap emotionlessly, fiddling with the ends of her gown's belt before looking back up at her father. She noticed he was staring at what seemed to be a picture frame on the side of his desk. It was one she had never seen before and because the frame had it's back to her, she could only guess who was in the picture. Judging by her father's expression, it wasn't her.
The soft expression looked utterly foreign on her father's face. The affectionate way he spoke for Astoria earlier was something Daphne had never remembered experiencing herself and though she had told herself over and over that she didn't care, there was this odd ball of emotion in the pit of her stomach that told her otherwise. It hurt.
"I… see." She said numbly after a pause. Showing not even a hint of emotion on her beautiful face.
Matthias took the seat behind his desk and gazed at Daphne apathetically.
"To ensure our survival in case things do not work out in the Dark Lord's favour, a contingency plan was made and that plan is the Potter boy."
"What do you want me to do?" Daphne asked. She realised early on that he wouldn't have called her here if it was for something he could do himself.
"You are to get close to the Potter boy. Allow him to trust you, become his acquaintance, his friend, his informant, whatever it may be. Paint yourself to be one of the people that is on his side so that if he somehow ends up winning this war, then we, by his side, will be winning with him." He finished, leaning back on his chair.
Daphne's eyes went wide.
"You want me to become Potter's friend?" She asked incredulously.
Matthias' eyes narrowed. "Did I stutter daughter?"
Daphne took a breath, attempting to retain whatever semblance of composure she could find to stop her whirring thoughts.
How in Morgana's name am I going to become acquaintances, let alone, friends, with someone like Potter of all people?! Me?! I don't even have a single friend to begin with! She thought morosely.
"Father," Daphne tried, "Surely there must be something else-"
Matthias abruptly stood from his chair and leaned over the desk; his electric blue narrowed into slits.
"You will do… whatever I ask of you. Do you understand, Daphne?" Matthias whispered coldly.
The young Greengrass looked down at her lap before replying softly.
"Yes Father."
Matthias stared at his daughter for a second or two before continuing.
"The 20th of July. That is the day the Ministry will be having its annual summer gala. A way for them to show that they are still in control and the reigning power in Magical Britain after the disaster the public witnessed the day the Dark Lord returned." Matthias snorted before his eyes grew calculating.
"I have, on good conscience, that Harry Potter will be attending the evening as well. The day of the gala is when you will initiate contact and once Hogwarts begins, you will continue to gain favour with him. Understood?"
Daphne nodded.
"Good." Matthias said before waving his wand at the door causing it open.
Message received; Daphne stood up. Dropping a small curtsy, she turned around and made her way towards the exit. Before she could leave however, the door slammed shut in her face.
"One additional thing," Matthias began with a whisper, his voice carrying across the room, "Do not even think about crossing that boundary with Potter, daughter. Acquaintances, friends even, finebutanything more, and the consequences will be dire. I will never allow this family to be subjected to humiliation as it once was before and so, do not even think about putting us in such a position. Naturally of course, this task is to be done quietly. None and I mean none, can know and certainly not the Warrington's. Do not speak of this to anyone, even the rest of the family. Have I made myself clear, Daphne?" Matthias hissed at his daughter's back.
Daphne's hands bawled the front of her dressing gown tightly before a resigned expression came upon her face.
"Yes Father."
She received no response except for the door opening again and so she woodenly walked out after closing it behind her. With a heavy sigh, Daphne walked back the way she came from, towards her room.
Her head was a mess. She had no clue how she could even approach Potter, let alone become someone he could trust. The guy was practically like those monster textbooks Professor Hagrid had given them in her Third Year, and yet, she was more than positive that he wouldn't open up no matter how much she stroked his spine.
What a peculiar sight that would be.
Daphne visibly shook away the images of her rubbing up and down Harry Potter's naked back away from her head as her cheeks grew impossibly pink. Where the hell did that come from?
It wasn't long before her mind once again returned to the present and to the upcoming gala where she would see Potter again.
The gala reminded her of her Fourth Year. Memories she had supressed and vowed never to think of again. The very last evening she was free. How ironic that she had celebrated it with Potter of all people and now she is to somehow invade his life again.
She closed her eyes, the evening of the Yule Ball rushed in to her mind. She would take it to her grave, but that evening was the most carefree she had ever felt. And perhaps the happiest? She recollected emerald, green eyes look at her with so much emotion and yet with so much confusion, that it was almost comical but it didn't diminish the deep, fuzzy feeling in her chest.
A dance for a dance. Something to ponder later.
Daphne stopped as she came upon one of the many windows of the manor. Walking up to the windowsill, she peaked outside and her mind came back to reality, returning with it her mood and it couldn't have gotten any worse.
Rain and rain, and even more rain.
"What a depressing sight." She mumbled as she watched the water droplets strike the window again and again.
Perhaps it was her emotions manifesting in to reality. If that was the case, then it would be an accurate description.
Daphne eventually got to the part of the manor that housed her room. Her mood was at an all-time low as she stewed in her thoughts during the walk there.
Anytime she had to converse with her father destroyed any aspect of happiness she would likely experience for the next week or so. Not to mention the near impossible task he had been burdened her with.
No… She felt completely drained, distraught and stressed. She blinked a few times to stop the tears attempting to fall from her eyes and somehow succeeded. She couldn't afford to cry here.
She hated her cursed life.
She hated that it was her birth that caused her family to hate her.
She hated that she had no one.
More than all… she hated herself.
Daphne stiffened at the voice before slowly turning around. She was so caught up in her own thoughts that she didn't see the door that had opened perpendicular to the wall that contained her room.
A small, golden head poked out from the crack between the door and its frame. She looked pale, her light green eyes had dark circles underneath from the lack of sleep and overall, she had a sick and meek appearance to her.
"Fiona." Daphne breathed as she watched her youngest sister rub her eyes with her small fist. She looked much too small for someone who would be starting Hogwarts in September.
"Daff-" Fiona began not before a violent coughing fit took over.
The elder sister watched agonisingly as Fiona's eyes filled up with tears from the coughs, enough to make her hold onto the side of the door frame for support and she couldn't do anything.
She reached out her hand only to stop midway, before dropping it back to her side completely, as she looked down in unimaginable guilt.
Her mother's harsh words began playing in her mind like a curse, ever since the day Fiona was diagnosed with the blood malediction.
Daphne's face went back to a blank mask, as she turned around and walked towards her room, ignoring the croaky voice of her little sister calling after her one more time.
She entered her room before sliding down against the door she shut behind her. Her hands cradled her head as tears fell freely down her cheeks. Tears that she had tried so hard holding. Her room was her haven. It was, the one place she could unwind under the safety of prying, judgemental eyes. The one place she could let herself cry because no one would know.
After a significant amount of time later, Daphne eventually wiped her cheeks before standing. She ran her hands through her hair and found little knots that once again, needed to be detangled.
"Back to brushing." She whispered despondently with dead, expressionless eyes.
She was tired. So very tired.
On the other side of the door, little Fiona Greengrass watched sadly as her eldest sister walked away and shut the door behind her. She stayed there for a moment, staring at her sister's door before she too, walked back into her own room.
The sounds of her coughs echoed off the walls before they too, slowly began fading away into the rainy night.