Chapter 5: Chapter 5
Just before we get into the chapter, I'm sure some of you had heard about a person called Akira Toriyama who had passed away earlier this week. His creations, especially Dragon Ball, was a huge part of my life when I was younger and even now that I am older. Dragon Ball was one of those shows that holds a special place in my heart and so I was truly saddened for his passing which I am sure many of you are, even if you watch/don't watch anime.
When you got entire governments of multiple countries mourning his death, that's how you know how much of an impact the man and his creations had on the masses.
Though HP and DB have pretty much nothing in common, for all the DB fanfics out there, I'd like to dedicate this chapter to you.
Let me know what you think as always!
Chapter 5
July 3rd, 1996
It was a very tired and exhausted Tonks, that made her way into the house just after nine o'clock to sounds of laughter and aromas of delectable food wafting towards her.
"I'm home!" She said with a small shout; her shoulders sagging from fatigue as her body reverted back to a form she felt most comfortable in.
"In here!" Her mother replied from somewhere within.
Tonks didn't get to even take a step from the door before she stood face to face with the still deathly pale, black-haired boy that had wormed his way into her heart.
"Where does it hurt? What happened?!" Harry frantically asked, flaying his arms around her as if it was a way to inspect her for any injuries.
Tonks didn't think her fondness for the younger wizard could grow anymore but she was deftly wrong and couldn't help the large grin the came up on her face.
"Relax, I'm fine, just a tad exhausted shortstack." She replied, affectionately tapping his cheek causing him to poke her side in return, scowling at his nickname much to Tonks' amusement as she squealed away.
"Clearly, if you're able to jump around like that you idiot. We were having dinner before you rudely interrupted." Harry quipped, grinning as Tonks indignantly shouted "Hey!" at the name.
He grabbed her hand and began tugging her over to the kitchen; Tonks barely having time to take off her boots as she hopped along with him.
"I've found the source of our disturbance." Harry said as he went back to his seat opposite Andromeda.
"Mother dear, your only daughter has returned." Tonks exclaimed dramatically before she threw her arms around Andromeda and kissed her on the cheek.
"Dora," Andromeda said warmly, rolling her eyes with Harry at her daughter's juvenile behaviour, "How are you dear?"
"Could be better." Tonks shrugged as she plopped herself next to Harry and was about to dig into all the lovely food that she figured was prepared by Winky before her hand was slapped away as she went to reach for some wonderful steak.
"But mum…" She whined.
"No child of mine sits at the table dressed in work clothes and smells like they went food hunting with a bunch of mountain trolls." Andromeda said matter-of-factly at Tonks who looked as if she swallowed a lemon at being compared to a troll causing Harry to snort.
"Lady Nymmie must bathe now! Winky has prepared fresh clothes so yous be go go go!" The little female elf said as she appeared next to Tonks, putting her hands on her hips and looking sternly at the young woman.
"Winky, I thought I told you that you were to call me Tonks, nothing more, nothing less." Tonks frowned.
"Ah, yes I can answer that." Harry chuckled grinning evilly at the older woman.
"When Dobby and Winky told Andi that you told them to call you Tonks, well let's just say Andi didn't agree." He finished.
Andromeda sat there on her chair, sipping her tea in indifference as if the topic of her daughter's name was brought up at least once a day, much to said daughter's annoyance.
"I've told you numerous times that your name is Nymphadora and that's final." Andromeda stated as she looked pointedly at Tonks.
"See. We're quite similar, you and I," Harry began before Tonks could start, having had a feeling that an argument was to commence if he didn't say anything, "Like you, I don't really like my actual name Hadrian although, unlike you, I can live with it." He finished smugly.
"Why you…" Tonks said as she narrowed her eyes at the barb and began to pinch him in retaliation.
"Ow…OW!" He yelped as he started slapping her hands away and began pinching her in return which slowly escalated when Tonks started throwing stinging hexes at him.
"Alright that's enough!" Andromeda glowered at the pair of them as she placed her cup back on the saucer.
"She started it!" Harry howled as he began mercilessly rubbing his right arm in relief.
"What?! You litt-" Tonks was about to begin a myriad of colourful swear words but she was cut off by her irate mother.
"And I'm ending it!" Andromeda scowled at the pair. "Nymphadora, go upstairs, take a shower, and come down for dinner, Hadrian sit down and finish your food." Giving them no room for refusal.
Tonks sighed as she muttered a quick "Yes Mum", at the lost battle which was followed with a sullen "Yes Andi" by Harry.
She gave one more glare to the youngest in the room. "Don't even think about eating that last steak, it's mine."
"Just because you said that, I'm going make sure I stuff every bit of it down my throat." Harry snarked.
"Nymphadora..." Andromeda said slowly when she saw Tonks beginning to respond, the threat very clear.
Tonks huffed in response and stomped towards the stairs followed by a glowering female elf.
"Winky, forget what my mother said, just call me Tonks."
"Winky's sorry Lady Nymmie, but Lady Andromeda said to call you by your first name only." Winky replied morosely.
"But Mum…"
Kids Andromeda thought with a sigh.
Once again, she wondered why her daughter disliked her first name so much. She shook her head as her thoughts moved onto her second child who was bickering with the other elf who amused her to no end.
"Dobby for the last time, I already told you I've eaten two bowls of salad already. I promise you; my stomach won't be able to fit a third." Harry grimaced as he pushed the bowl away from him which was instantly pushed back towards him by Dobby.
"Dobby bes sorry Master Harry but Winky told Dobby to make sure Master Harry eats the third helping of salad." Dobby moaned in return as the little elf shivered at the withering look he had received when he had tried telling Winky otherwise earlier.
With an exaggerated sigh, Harry stabbed the broccoli with his fork and begrudgingly began eating the salad, the grimace on his face deepening after each mouthful of vegetables.
Andromeda couldn't help but smile at the scene.
Hadrian had always disliked eating his vegetables when he was young and Andromeda was glad in a way that she was still able to see his displeasure over the bowl of vegetables even now after so many years.
She always wondered whether the little things, the good and the bad, that she had seen when he was a babe had disappeared for good, but she was happy that even though he had experienced many horrors in his life that would indefinitely change a man, he was still her little Hadrian.
"What's caused you to smile?" The source of her smile asked with a small smile of his own.
Harry loved it when she smiled.
He had realised that probably, throughout her life, she hadn't given many smiles except for when she was with Nym, so any that adorned her beautiful face, he took it with great pride.
Andromeda's smile grew wider as she looked into Harry's green eyes.
"I am just so very happy Hadrian. I haven't been this happy since the last time all three of us were together and that was back when the three of us went on an outing in muggle London." She looked away, her eyes glazing as she had a faraway look in her eyes.
Harry beamed before his face grew resolute. He gently took one of her hands in his as Andromeda refocused and looked warmly at him.
His eyes seemed to glow ever so slightly, enough for Andromeda to notice, but apart from her eyes widening in surprise, she chose not to say anything as it clearly looked like her son was about to speak.
"We'll make plenty more memories in the future. We have the rest of our lives Andi, and I assure you, I will make that a reality. For the future of our family, for the future of yours and Nym's lives, this I promise you." Harry finished intently; his eyes seemed to glow even brighter once he finished. She could practically feel the power and his assurance behind every single word.
Andromeda was no fool.
Judging from everything her daughter had told her over the recent years, the current administration was a pathetic excuse of a governmental body.
She was very much aware of the destruction the old administration had caused due to their negligence of not tackling Voldemort and his followers sooner rather than later and because of their inaction, multiple ancient magical lines had been killed off and countless lives had been lost due to Bagnold and her pathetic group of simpering idiots. Fudge unfortunately, was worse.
His hard denial of the return of that madman for over a year, allowed even more deaths and disappearances. And by Merlin, she wouldn't forget the way he and the Daily Prophet loved to slander and insult her son. Nevertheless, here was her son in all but blood and his promises empowered her. If there was one person who could end this war, it was him and she believed it with all her heart.
She could see it in his eyes, his determination and resolve and she vowed she will do whatever it takes to help him every step of the way.
It was about ten minutes later when Tonks joined the duo.
She immediately began stuffing herself with food, especially the steak she called dibs on earlier; essentially vibrating with happiness that Harry didn't keep to his promise. She then puckered her lips dramatically and leaned towards him but pouted when he leaned back causing him to roll his eyes.
Andromeda watched the interaction warmly which Harry couldn't help but smile as he noticed. He realised to himself that he had been smiling a lot more now. More times than he's ever done throughout his past years, but he simply ignored that train of thought.
He definitely did not want to go down that hole.
Conversations began as Harry like Andromeda, wanted to know everything and anything about his new family and so the trio began asking each other about things they liked. From their favourite colours to Tonks' favourite band. Tonks and Harry had even had to sit through a ten-minute lecture from Andromeda on why a job in Healing was superior to a job chasing 'stupid fools' much to Tonks' rebuttal.
"Favourite show?" Tonks asked after a while as she munched on some carrot cake.
"Well, the days the Dursleys weren't home, I used to sneak into Dudley's room and watch this show called Dragon Ball on Dudley's computer and I absolutely loved it. I didn't understand a single word of it because it's in Japanese, but it's definitely my favourite show. It's about this guy called Goku who is sent to earth and becom-"
"Never 'eard of it." Tonks mumbled with her mouth full of cake as Andromeda glared at her for her poor dining manners.
"How have you never heard of the greatest hero to ever live?" Harry asked incredulously.
Conversation seemed to move on until they came upon Tonks' call in at work.
"One of many attacks," Tonks began when Harry asked, "Death Eaters attacked a place called Lavenham. It's where my group was sent to. By the time we got there, it was too late. The whole village was razed to the ground. Apparently some idiot Death Eater couldn't control their Incendio Charm. The whole place was reduced to dust. Not to mention what happened to the poor muggles. They were slaughtered." She finished with a grimace as Andromeda rubbed her hand sympathetically.
Harry sat there with his fork in his hand, idly pushing around a broccoli as Tonks explained what happened.
He hated the feeling of not being able to help but Andromeda was right. At this moment, there was nothing he could do and he just had to stay put no matter what he felt otherwise. Didn't mean he liked the decision though.
"You know, you never told me how and when the both of you met again." Andromeda asked after a lull in the conversation.
Andromeda immediately picked up on how her daughter's face seemed to light up which was a stark opposite to Harry's, as his cheeks began to lightly stain in pink.
Harry discreetly looked at Tonks' direction and instantly knew that if she relayed the story of their meeting, he would probably pass out in humiliation and so he decided in that moment, that he was going to instantly nip this in the bud.
"In my first year." He hastily began, "Nym was in her 7th. We kinda walked into one another and we sort of hit it off." Harry finished, giving Andromeda the obvious impression that there was more to this story.
Tonks snorted into her glass of wine and the wide smile she had on her face proved to solidify that there was more to this story.
"That's putting it mildly." Tonks said with a giggle.
"I don't know what you're talking about." He floundered.
"Oh, come on Harry, she's going to eventually tug it out of either you or me. My bet's on you by the way." Tonks finished with a wink which caused the glare on Harry's face to deepen considerably.
Harry looked at Andromeda who only raised an elegant eyebrow at him, her face passive but he could clearly see the amusement and curiosity dancing in her eyes.
"Ugh fine." He grumbled, much to Tonks glee.
The stain on Harry's cheeks deepened as he could feel the blush creeping up his neck as he began his tale.
"You know now that I didn't get out much back at the Dursleys, so when I was to live in an old magical castle, naturally, my… inquisitiveness got the better of me. I was wandering the castle one night before dinner and I happened to ACCIDENTLY find myself in the prefect's bathroom on the fifth floor and the door happened to be unlocked."
At this point Harry happened to look at the two women to gauge their reaction.
The younger one was full blown laughing, tears coming out of her eyes as she held onto her stomach and laughed her annoying but addicting laugh. He looked over at Andromeda and he could instantly tell that she was trying her hardest to not laugh at his misfortune. Her hand was used to cover her mouth to stifle her giggles as her eyes danced in mirth which caused the blush on Harry's face to deepen considerably. It was clear she knew exactly where this was headed.
"Look! Long story short, I somehow made into the actual bath and saw this idiot showering. She somehow caught me and that basically became the most embarrassing day of my life. Not to mention when she grabbed me and put me under the shower with her. With my robes on." He added with a grimace which was adorably turned into a pout due to his face resembling a tomato.
"Don't forget the fact that I wouldn't have found you peeping if it wasn't for the fact you slipped on your arse." Tonks guffawed.
"Language Dora." Andromeda lightly reprimanded which fell on deaf ears as she herself had begun giggling out loud.
"Merlin, don't remind me besides, I wasn't peeping. You're the idiot the didn't lock the door." Harry moaned as he palmed his face with both his hands wishing that memory could simply just vanish.
"Since that wonderful meeting," Tonks gushed as she pulled him to her chest with her arm, "We kept tabs on one another throughout the year. It was only after I graduated, that the convos seemed to die down." She added with a slight frown.
"I guess it was nice to have someone outside of your house to talk to even if she is an annoying, maladroit oaf." He gave a full grin to Tonks who had pushed him away with a scowl in return.
"To be honest, I am surprised I even managed to even continue speaking to you after we first met." Harry added as he scratched his chin in thought.
"In what way?" Asked Andromeda.
"Well, I wasn't the biggest fan of speaking to adults in general. It makes sense I guess now, on why I found it so easy to talk to you." Harry added with a warm smile to Tonks who returned it with a smile of her own.
Andromeda looked on fondly at the pair of them.
"By the way Andi."
"I never asked the story about my name."
"What about it?"
"Well, this entire time, I was pretty sure my name was Harry until I got my Lordship. I then found out my actual name is Hadrian." He said with a perplexed expression.
"Ah, I once again forgot that you had received your Lordship for the Potter house. Remind me to begin your education in etiquette."
"Andi…" Harry whined as he fought the grimace that appeared on his face; he had no intention of learning how to be a pureblood but knew that she wouldn't let him go. Especially now that he was a Lord. She had mentioned before about tutoring him, but he was hoping she forgot. Clearly, that wasn't the case.
"As I was saying," She started, seamlessly ignoring him, "Your name has always been Hadrian and not Harry. Honestly, I still am a bit confused on how the world wound up calling you by a name that mainly only Lily and James had for you."
At his confused look she added.
"Your grandmother, my great aunt, Dorea, named you after you were born. Now that I do think about it, I do remember hearing that Grandmother Melania, may had a hand in your name also." She added as she scrunched up her nose in thought.
"Dorea's sister-in-law. She was the Lady Black during the time Arcturus Black, my grandfather was the head of house. Your name Hadrian is based on the Roman Emperor Hadrian. It was either Hadrian or Hardwin after your ancestor, but Aunt Dorea went for Hadrian in the end to give it some diversity as there had never been another Hadrian before in the Potter line and your parents agreed. It was your mother Lily who would call you Harry when you were a babe which began to spread throughout the Manor until everyone began to call you Harry." She said with a tender smile, "Well everyone apart from me and your grandparents." She finished with a chuckle.
Harry like a sponge, absorbed all the information in. He knew nothing about his family, so he was eager to learn more.
"Could you tell me more about them? About my Grandparents I mean."
Andromeda gave a gentle smile in return. "Of course, dear."
"Well, your Grandmother Dorea was one of a kind. A kind, compassionate but deadly woman if you crossed her in the wrong way." Andromeda fondly chuckled. "She was a Black before she married your grandfather Charlus and such a marriage between the two was unheard off. A family like the Potter's marrying a woman from the notorious house of Black was unthinkable and many were shocked that such a union could take place. Nevertheless, it happened, and they married for love."
"Both your Grandparents were war veterans Hadrian. Dorea, a medi-witch served with her brother Arcturus and Charlus on the front lines. She and Charlus, seemed to grow a bond during the war and afterwards, wed, much to the chagrin of many families yet, none would dare utter a word against either of them as both Charlus and my Grandfather Arcturus were war heroes. The whole world owed the pair of them a large debt as it was due to their sacrifice, that a lot of British wizards and witches were alive when the war reached our shores. It was because of her, that I became a healer at St Mungos." Andromeda finished; wiping away a few tears that had escaped her eyes as she thought fondly of the two people that had taken her in during the lowest point of her life.
"Your Grandfather Charlus on the other hand, was a mischievous, loud, and witty man. He would be able to light up the room with his laughter and intelligence and it was obvious where James got his temperament for trouble, much to the annoyance of your Grandmother." Andromeda started, as Tonks giggled, and Harry smiled widely.
"Yet behind his personality as a fun and loving man, was a powerful and dangerous wizard. He and my grandfather Arcturus were solid friends even though their houses were at the complete opposite ends of the spectrum. The Potters, a historically light sided family, whereas the Blacks, the staunch leaders of the Dark Faction. So how could two entirely different people, both with completely different views happen to not only become strong allies but family as well?"
"Charlus and Arcturus both served together in the Great War against the Dark Lord Grindelwald and his followers, who were known as the Acolytes. Make no mistake Hadrian, they were both extremely gifted in magic and the power they exuded brought fear to each side alike. I have heard stories from my Father when I was a child over my Grandfather and great uncle's achievements on the battlefield. Three times Hadrian. Three times they fought together against Grindelwald himself to a standstill. The fact that Grindelwald stopped going after the pair due to the stagnation the battle would cause, only added to their achievements. The stories he would tell me, to this day, still gives me the chills."
"They complimented each other in battle well. Arcturus, with his expert knowledge and powerful control over the Dark Arts would even give someone like Bella a run for her money. And then there was your Grandfather Charlus. His control over Battle Magic was ferocious. The two made a deadly duo and only the combined forces of the Acolytes or Grindelwald himself, could oppose them in battle."
"Battle Magic?"
It was Tonks who answered.
"Formidable, devastating magic Harry. It's something that can't be learnt conventionally. It was an art that was passed on within a family only and honestly, not much is known about it. Mad-Eye once told me that if a Battle Mage was ever seen near a battle, you better run the other way. But I didn't know that Uncle Charlus was a Battle Mage." Tonks finished wide eyed.
Andromeda nodded at her daughter. "Battle Mages were a thing of legend and absolutely no one knew that the Potters originated from a long line of Battle Mages. Some powerful wizards or witches could tell but none could confirm it. Your house's history is very obscure Hadrian."
Harry listened intently. His mind was already spinning from what Tonks had said but now apparently he was from a house that was known to be something called Battle Mages?
"Now that I think about it, your Grandfather once mentioned that Battle Mages were users who are extremely gifted in the magical arts of the arcane." Andromeda said as she crossed her legs.
"In the olden times, the time of Merlin, Battle Mages were very prominent. It was said that when Arthur Pendragon became King and brought forward the New Age with Merlin by his side, countless kingdoms across the world wanted to take Britain for their own and to usurp the throne from him. Battle Mages, employed by Merlin, fought countless wars against foreign dynasties until many practitioners of the art were wiped out until only a few families remained. Britain's Battle Mages were completely wiped out though the Potters survived. And so according to legend, a Battle Mage would enter battle only when the state of the war was grave. The ones gifted in the art, would bring devastation and destruction onto their enemies with magic so obscure and deadly, that they could wipe entire armies by themselves."
"Gifted?" Harry asked, his mind reeling with information. If he were to learn Battle Magic, maybe he would actually have a chance in ending this war.
"Some have the natural gift; some get taught by gifted users and end up just as powerful to those gifted." Andromeda replied.
She continued, "When I had found out that Uncle Charlus was a Battle Mage, I had thought that the art was hereditary because like your Grandfather, his father, William Potter was also a Battle Mage too. Unfortunately, your father James, did not have the gift nor did he possess the ability to learn from Charlus. It was always a sore subject for James." Andromeda finished.
She looked at her son and could still see the intrigue in his eyes and she gave an understanding smile to him.
"I'm sorry baby, that's all I was told and know. The art itself is heavily secreted. Battle Mages were once heavily sought after as the tide of a battle could switch if someone had one on their side."
"I see." Harry sagged.
"No no, I just thought that maybe, if I could learn this Battle Magic, it would be another advantage against Voldemort." Harry added softly.
A silence came upon the room.
"It's late. Up up, big day tomorrow." Andromeda broke as she stood up, her chair scraping back on the floor, snapping Harry out of his thoughts.
Winky and Dobby popped in and began clearing the table much to Andromeda's displeasure. She had still not gotten used to the fact her son had bonded to elves and even though she had grown up with elves at her home, it had still been a long time since then.
"But I still have many things to talk about." Harry said but frowned when he looked over at Tonks who had begun slowly drooping her head, her eyes half closed as she fought to stay awake.
Andromeda smiled as she walked around the table to where he sat and pulled him up for a hug. He instantly melted into her arms as she ran her hand through his jet-black hair.
"And we'll have plenty of more time to talk and talk my dear child, but for now, it's time to go to bed. I have a feeling that you're going to need as much rest as possible for tomorrow's trial Hadrian." She finished lovingly as she lay a kiss on his temple.
"Ugh fine." Came his muffled reply as he revelled in her embrace. He could already feel the fatigue attacking his muscles and bones.
They broke apart as Andromeda went over to her daughter who yelped when Andromeda poked her in her side. An angry retort on her tongue as she had thought it was Harry before it died when she saw the narrow eyes of her mother.
"Yes Mum." Tonks sighed as she stood up and pushed her chair in.
"Come along brat, I'll show you to your room." Tonks said as she scratched her side and began walking towards the stairs.
"You're so damn lucky I can't use magic." Harry mumbled as he poked Tonks in retaliation who scowled and hit him in return.
They were just about to begin another argument before they were interrupted by an icy voice.
"If either of you raise another limb at the other, I will show the both of you what a true stinging hex feels like." She said sweetly causing the both of them to shiver at the tone of her voice.
Not wanting to irritate her mother even more, Tonks said a quick love you and goodnight to her mother before bounding up the stairs and into the bathroom leaving Harry at the bottom of the stairs, seemingly frozen.
"Hadrian?" Andromeda asked as she eyed her son who stood at the foot of the stairs. She couldn't see what was going on from his face as he stood faced away from her.
A moment passed where he stood still before he turned around and slowly walked over to the now motionless Andromeda as she watched him carefully.
He stood in front of her, a head shorter than her and in a flash, closed the distance between the two, his arms circling her slender figure.
If Andromeda was surprised, she didn't show it but if Harry had looked her in the eyes, he would've known. Her shock lasted only a second before a warm loving smile came upon her face as her eyes softened and she encompassed him in her arms, a hand going to his head as she ran her fingers through his hair.
They stood there, embracing one another for thirty seconds or so before Harry spoke in a whisper. "I am also, so very happy Andi. I can't remember the last time I was so..." He sighed as he inhaled her scent. "I feel complete, like a part of my heart that had been empty has now been filled. It's an odd but pleasant feeling but with you and Nym with me, I feel like I can do anything, and I'll prove that to you both and to myself, when I complete that ritual tomorrow." He finished as he broke the hug and looked directly into the older woman's tear-filled eyes.
"You are my child Harry." Andromeda began as she cupped his cheeks with her hand, her thumb tracing his eyebrow while the other hand tried fixing his untameable hair to no success.
"You've never stopped being my child even after all these years. Tomorrow, your legacy will begin and even though I was not able to see the child you grew up to become, I promise you, I will be here every step of the way, to see the man you will grow up to be. I love you my darling son, so very much." She finished as she brought him back into her embrace, laying a gentle kiss on the top of his head.
He stood there in her arms, and he once again didn't know how to respond. She brought out so many emotions that he thought had left him ever since he was a child, and he didn't know what to do. He didn't know what to say.
Love? Was the feeling that was pooling up in his chest at her declaration, love? Was the feeling he felt when she would smile or laugh or hug him or kiss him love? He felt like he knew the answer, yet he couldn't say it. It didn't feel right for him to reciprocate, someone who had received no love since he was one, ironically, from the same woman in front of him. She meant so much to him, yet he felt so stupid over the fact he couldn't express the same affection and that ashamed him.
"I-I…" He began lamely, his mind going blank as he struggled for the words he knew he felt but couldn't say.
He didn't know how she understood as she broke the hug and held him at arm's length. Her warm silver eyes showed the same emotion he felt as a gentle smile graced her beautiful but slowly aging face.
"Shh… In time sweetheart." She soothed as she brushed away the tears the slid down his cheek that even he didn't notice.
"I'm sorry, I-I…"
She once again, gently cut him off as she cupped one of his cheeks.
"I already know, my dear, and that's all the matters." She smiled beautifully at him.
He would protect that smile, to his dying breath, this, he vowed.
He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. He gave a watery smile as he looked up to her.
"Goodnight, A-Andi."
She gave a warm smile in response as she replied, "Goodnight Hadrian."
A few moments later, he found himself on the second floor and stood face to face with a soft smiling Tonks who had instantly engulfed him in an embrace.
She spoke warmly, "You've already proved yourself Harry and I too, am so proud of you." She finished; the love evident in her voice as she held him close.
"Thanks, Nym. I am happy you're back in my life again." He replied softly.
She gave him one last squeeze before giving him a quick peck on the cheek as she broke the hug.
"Now head to bed, you look like a ghoul who hasn't slept for days." She giggled as she pulled and held his two ears in the shape of elvish ears causing him to glare at her.
He smacked her hands away, "Yeah well, you look like a familiar pink toad." He retorted as he rubbed his ears.
Tonks' eyes widened, "DID YOU JUST CALL ME UMBRIDGE?!" She screeched.
"NYMPHADORA!" Andromeda thundered causing both to wince.
"If I must come up these bloody stairs, I promise neither of you will be able to walk properly in the morning once I'm through with the pair of you." She hissed.
A panic expression came over the pair of them; an angry Andromeda was a very scary creature and one you didn't want to anger.
After muttering a quick goodnight to one another, Tonks hastily went to her room and shut the door before Harry headed to the bathroom and got ready for bed.
A few minutes later, a tired but overjoyed Harry lay on his comfy, queen-sized bed as he looked up at the ceiling of the room in thought.
He had a family, a family he had forgotten against his will but was reunited again. He had people who loved him. Him!
It was weird. It had barely been a day since he found out about the true relationship he had with Tonks and Andromeda and instantly, they were at the centre of his life.
His thoughts went back to Andromeda; his face becoming slightly flushed as he covered his eyes with the crook of his elbow in embarrassment.
He had almost called her mum!
Though now that he thought about it, it was weird on how natural it felt. All these new feelings he had for Andi confused him. He could remember bits and pieces of the time he spent with her and Tonks when he was a child yet, the only memory he had of his real mum was of the final moment before she died.
It wasn't even a memory either. Just her pleading voice and Voldemort's mocking laughter was all he could remember. He couldn't even see her face. It was even more crazy to think that he wouldn't have remembered even that if it wasn't for the bloody Dementors.
Harry growled as he thought of the foul beasts that had attacked him last year that almost caused him to get expelled.
He turned onto his side; looking out of the window, as he peered at the full moon, and drank the soft, cool breeze that came from the slightly opened window.
Regardless of his newfound memories and family, he would make the world they lived in a better place, just to see the smiles on their faces every day and for that, change had to occur. Certain individuals needed to die, and he would be the one to send them to the afterlife. No longer would he remain passive. No longer would he allow the people he cared for to be threatened.
A war was on the horizon, and he would make sure that he and his family, would come out victorious and in one piece on the other side.
July 4th, 1996
"Yes Andi?" He replied as he finished the last spoon of his porridge. He had an odd feeling that it was a wise idea to eat as less as possible today.
"Be a dear and wake up Dora, would you?" Andromeda asked as she sat opposite him, sipping her morning Earl Grey tea.
He grinned. "With pleasure."
He made to stand up but stopped when Andromeda spoke again.
"After you finish that last spoon." Nodding her head towards the bowl of porridge.
With a roll of his eyes, he sat back down gracefully, and finished his bowl of food like a respectable pureblood Lord. Ever since the night before, she had woken him up early in the morning and had begun his tuition in pureblood etiquette starting with his dining manners. He wasn't lacking in this department much to her pleasure but, that pleasure instantly died when she found out the reason why.
Since he was young enough to do chores, his aunt had drilled in manners of a well-bred citizen, as she liked to call herself and her family bar him and how to act like one.
The sole reason why was because Vernon had entertained an abundance of well-bred citizens in their home to curry favours and brown-nose so deep, hoping for that extra promotion or that extra business deal to go through. Sometimes, there was a possibility that these businessmen and women would ask about him and so it was essential he knew how to not act like a freak. Pulling out chairs, how to lay out the table, how to hold cutlery etc. He was a fast learner, that he had to admit, and it wasn't one of the things that his aunt could try to hate him about much to Dudley's disappointment.
This eventually stopped when he was eight years old. His uncle had told his business associates about the accident that befell his parents. Calling them druggies and good-for-nothings, and that it was out of their kindness that they took him in and cared for him.
That had been the tipping point.
After a severe bout of accidental magic that had caused the windows to crack violently and the fire alarm to go off, it had been the last time he had ever joined them again. The lashings he received that night had been one of the worst.
He shook his head from his thoughts. He dabbed his mouth with a napkin and plastered on a smile he was sure looked like more of a frown. He quickly tucked his chair in as he got up and headed towards the kitchen where he procured a cup and filled it up with water from the tap, his past thoughts receding to the very depths of his mind as he focused on the present. Giving a large innocent grin to Andromeda who raised an eyebrow regarding the cup in his hand, he carefully climbed up the stairs and headed towards Tonks' room. He had a task to do.
A mousey-brown haired Tonks dragged herself downstairs into the kitchen, an expression of great displeasure had marred her beautiful features until she locked eyes with a grinning teenage boy who sat on one of the dining table's chairs, sipping some tea. Displeasure quickly turned into irritation.
"If you ever wake me up by throwing water on me again, I will make you cry."
"Now you know how I feel." Harry replied curtly, dusting of imaginary lint from his shoulder.
"Don't test me Hadrian." Tonks warned. "Trust me, there are worse ways to wake someone up than just by poking them." She said, wiggling her finger towards his direction.
"You forget who my father and godfather were Nymphadora, if there are worse ways, believe me, I know." Harry replied in equal fervour.
"You forget, little brother, I am also related to them as well." Tonks smirked but inwards, grimaced at her name.
Harry's eye twitched at being called little but before he could retaliate, Andromeda walked into the room.
"It's too early in the morning for both of your nonsense." She said, glaring at the pair of them who relented under her gaze. "Dora go eat your breakfast and get ready, Hadrian go and get changed. We haven't got long now." She commanded before she walked out the room.
"I didn't know you were coming." Harry asked once Tonks sat down and gulped down her coffee.
"You didn't really think I would miss this." She asked incredulously.
He shrugged. "I don't know. Thought you had work or something." He replied but couldn't hide his smile.
Tonks' eyes softened as she noticed his smile. "Fuck work. It would take Voldemort himself for me to not be there at Gringotts today." She grinned as she took his hand and looked him seriously in the eyes. "I will always be there for you Harry, rain or storm, if you need me, I'll be there."
Harry couldn't help but smile further but looked away to hide his embarrassment much to Tonks' amusement.
He cleared his throat, "You do know, rain or storm is pretty much the same thing."
"It really isn't, you prat."
Unknown to the pair, Andromeda had stood on the side of the room and had heard their conversation with a beautiful smile on her face as she listened to Harry's sniggers.
"Ready?" Andromeda asked, her arms threaded through her children.
"Let's do this." Harry answered as he grabbed the gold quill Tonks had offered.
After a familiar tug, the three were whisked away until they landed in the same white room Harry had woken up in after passing out in Gringotts.
The room was different this time. It seemed to have been expanded to a much bigger size with high ceilings and a larger contingent of Goblins were walking around the room.
Some wore long white robes carrying staves as tall as them whereas others, walked around in expensive suits, a quill and parchment floating alongside them as they seemed to be taking notes regarding something in the middle of the room.
All Goblins halted in their activities once they realised the main guests had arrived and the trio were greeted by Ragnok and Xenox.
"Lord Potter, Miss Tonks." Ragnok and Xenox acknowledged with an incline of their heads.
Harry and the Tonks nodded in return. "Director Ragnok, Elder Shaman Xenox, may I introduce my aunt, Andromeda Tonks." Harry presented with a smile to the older woman.
"And so, this is Arcturus' eldest granddaughter." Ragnok grinned sharply as Andromeda nodded with a strain smile.
After pleasantries concluded, Xenox cleared his throat.
"When you are ready Lord Potter, we can begin swiftly."
Harry let out a breath and slowly bobbed his head in agreement. "Let's begin. Could you give me a minute to speak to my family."
"Of course." Xenox replied before he and Ragnok turned around and started addressing the Goblins in the room to get ready.
Tonks was first to jump on Harry, grabbing him in a fierce hug and just held onto him for dear life. She eventually broke the hug, tears welled up in her eyes and the two seemed to have a silent conversation with one another. Soon, Tonks gave a small nod with her head, her eyes displaying her fear but there was also grim determination within them. After giving a small. lingering kiss on his cheek, she stepped back for her mother who looked like she was going to fall apart.
Harry instantly moved over to Andromeda embracing her tightly. Her hand instantly sought his unruly hair, arms wrapping around his entire body.
She wished he didn't have to do this but knew that there was no other way.
"You come back to me; you hear me? You come back to me." Andromeda whispered as she kissed him repeatedly on the forehead.
With great reluctance, he broke the warm embrace and looked directly in her red puffy eyes, tears cascading down her beautiful face. He gently brushed her tears from her eyes and leaned up to lay a small kiss on her cheek.
"This is not the end Andi." Harry began as he took of his glasses and gave them to the older woman. He took a few small steps back, letting go of Andromeda completely, his emerald eyes burning with unrestrained power. They shone brightly causing both females to gasp as they looked at him wide eyed. He was practically glowing with power.
"This is only the beginning." He finished mysteriously, turning around completely away from them and walked towards Xenox.
Ragnok guided the two distraught witches towards where the rest of Goblins stood. A makeshift viewing area was erected allowing the spectators to witness the extraordinary event. Ragnok began muttering a small enchantment and eventually snapped his fingers causing a white, translucent barrier to form between the observers and the participants.
Tonks looked towards the group of Goblins beside her, the quills that floated near the heads were writing furiously on the parchment next to them. Ragnok noticing her questioning look, decided to answer her unasked question.
"Never before has an exorcism ritual been used to remove a Horcrux from a living being before Miss Tonks. If this is to succeed, the knowledge that can be obtained can be extremely beneficial for our venture in the unknown magic that is Soul Magic." Ragnok finished with a gleam in his single eye.
"The findings of your research, will that be available to us wizards also Director?" Tonks asked with a slight harden of her voice as her eyes narrowed at the small warrior.
Ragnok's gaze turned to her, replying only with a sinister grin causing an involuntary shiver to cascade down Tonks' spine.
Andromeda, ignoring the conversation next to her, had eyes only for her son. Her mind was racing in a million thoughts a second and her heartbeat was erratic.
She was panicking yet she was confident. Her son had promised that he would return to her.
Many times, through her life, people had broken their promises to her and normally she would feel numb to such assurances, nevertheless she couldn't deny the eyes that looked at her with such determination and confidence. Her Harry believed he would return and so would she.
"I am ready." Harry spoke as he finished composing himself.
Xenox scrutinised Harry for a moment before he locked his old eyes onto the emerald fire that was Harry's and gave a nod of approval.
"So, you are." Xenox turned around to look at the observers.
"Overlord, my fellow Goblins, and guests. The exorcism ritual is about to begin. Once it commences, under no circumstances can it be interrupted. We are invoking powerful arcane magic which has been abnormally concentrated to remove the foreign soul from the living vessel. Under the teachings of the Old Religion, you are to remain stationary until the ritual is completed otherwise not only will the vessel's soul be forfeit, but everyone else's will perish also. This is the command that has been written and everyone will do well to obey." Xenox finished, looking pointedly at the two witches who gave a nervous nod in acceptance.
Xenox banged his staff on the ground three times causing an obsidian altar almost twice the size of Harry to appear in the middle of the room and turned to look at Harry's stoic face.
"Disrobe until you are only in your undergarments and walk towards the obsidian altar. You will then lay down and we will start immediately."
Harry nodded and disrobed quickly but paused before he took off his shirt.
He was aware that Andromeda and Tonks had their eyes on his back, and he couldn't help but grimace about what they were about to see.
Harry never explicitly told Andromeda and Tonks about his home life but after taking off his shirt, they were bound to find out how well he was actually treated at the Dursleys. He had taken the scars on his back from the numerous lashings and beatings he had received from the Dursleys as a trophy.
He left it so because it was a reminder that he had survived the darkest moments of his life. He knew most of the scars could've been healed using magic, but he didn't want that no matter how much Poppy would beg him to allow her to heal him. The begging got so bad that he had to force her to use her healer's vow that without his express permission, she wasn't allowed to say anything to anyone regarding his health.
As he took off his shirt, he couldn't help but wince and the loud gasps he heard from the two women behind him but couldn't help but show his surprise when he heard the harsh whispers coming from the rest of the Goblins in the viewing area.
Every scar was visible. From the lashings to the Basilisk, the cursed knife to the Hungarian Horntail's tail. None was hidden as the sound of the room doubled as everyone stared in shock at the young wizard.
Nevertheless, Harry ignored it all and began walking towards the altar. He shivered slightly due to the chill in the air and winced when he layed down completely on the cold black stone.
Xenox once again banged his staff causing the lit room to be covered in darkness but allowed enough light for the observers to see what was going on. After barking loudly, six hooded Goblins came through a side door covered completely in black robes with runes which seemed to be etched in blood, stained the back of their robes. Four stood near each corner of the rectangular altar and the other two, stood between two Goblins on the longest sides of the altar.
Xenox then walked to Harry and began inscribing runes, one on each limb but drew a circular shape around his scar and the place where his heart was and then walked away from the altar.
Once the hooded Goblins were in position, they each began to softly chant in some foreign language and slowly took two steps back. Each of the different runes which were etched onto their robes in blood began to glow white as they made a hexagon around Harry.
Xenox then entered the hexagon and banged his staff onto the ground. Instantly a great pressure seemed to descend causing Harry to slightly grit his teeth. A white circle materialised on the ground surrounding the hooded Goblins that stood in a hexagonal shape around the altar and glowed magnificently, illuminating the darkened room.
The chanting began to increase in sound as Xenox slowly started walking around the altar and began to speak in a similar tongue and yet was completely different to the one that was being chanted, banging his staff periodically causing the already strong pressure that had fallen onto Harry to increase incredibly after each strike. Each strike caused a rune that was inscribed on Harry's body, one after the other, to light up in cerulean blue until they all were lit.
Xenox banged his staff once more, and it was as if the gates of Hell had opened. An unholy scream startled the observers bar Ragnok as Harry's emerald eyes turned a familiar crimson and he began thrashing about. Xenox immediately bound Harry's wrists and ankles, preventing him from wanting to escape the ritual circle as Harry himself began to scream.
Blood began leaking out of his eyes and mouth as Harry continued to scream over and over and over until eventually, his vocal cord broke, and Harry's own voice abruptly stopped yet the unholy scream carried on.
His body began to arch, and the scream became louder as the chanting of the Goblins and now also Xenox began to reach a new height in volume until finally, a black dense smoke started leaking out of his bloody scar and it carried on leaking until Harry's crimson eyes started slowly changing back into his emerald green. A blinding golden light started growing simultaneously from Harry's body and began to get brighter as more and more of the Horcrux was ripped out of Harry's scar.
The observers watched in rapt attention, unable to peel their eyes away from the spectacular spectacle.
Everyone except Tonks that is.
Tonks had her face in her mother's bosom, unable to continue looking at her brother's pain as she heard him scream himself to silence. She cried and cried, gripping her mother's clothes, begging her mum to make it stop as she looked over and saw the expression of absolute horror and agony drawn on his face.
She would never forget the sounds of his screams until the day she died. Never would she forget the look of absolute torture and pain. She wanted this nightmare to end; she didn't know how much more she could take.
Andromeda held her catatonic daughter in her arms as she continued staring at her son in silence. Her face was incredibly still, only betrayed by the streams of tears that marred her beautiful aristocratic features.
She watched as Harry was subjected to unimaginable pain and nearly lost herself when his eyes had turned crimson, and blood began pouring out of his eyes and mouth. She almost listened to her daughter's pleas to stop this ritual, consequences be damned, but stopped herself as she kept reminding herself of her son's promise, over and over in her mind. For him, she would also keep fighting.
The black smoke eventually began to fade away out of existence, taking the screams with it. It had been completely exorcized. All that remained was the bright golden light that covered Harry's entire body. After a minute or so, the light instantly vanished leaving dead silence which was only broken by Tonks' sobs.
Xenox and the hooded Goblins collapsed onto the floor, completely exhausted. When Xenox saw Andromeda out of the corner of his eye attempting to move, he instantly held is hand up telling her to stop.
"Stay back witch! If you don't want to be ash, you will not take another step." Xenox snarled harshly.
He cautiously stood up and walked slowly towards the altar which the Potter Lord lay on. He waved his staff over Harry's entire body but focused mainly on his head. After receiving the results, he repeated the same action three more times before he let out a sigh and turned around towards the observers and spoke.
"We have done what we can. It is now up to him to finish the journey."
Harry Potter, Boy-Who-Lived and recently proclaimed Chosen One woke up groggily to the sound of gentle waves and the soft chirping of birds. He blinked his eyes a few times to get his vision to focus but then noticed he had no glasses on, yet he could see clearly. Weird. Shaking his head slightly at the change, he tentatively sat up using his hands and looked down to his body.
He sat on warm grass in a white loose shirt with white cotton slacks. It was when he realised that he was no longer at Gringotts, that he began to retrace his steps and looked around attempting to find clues.
He saw a vast body of water with a small dock of to his left and next to it was a giant modern ship. There was no passengers or staff and it looked to have been decommissioned if it wasn't for the white smoke that was escaping from its funnel.
Opposite the immeasurable ocean was a lush forest, that seemed to be bigger than the Forbidden Forest and at the same time, didn't have the slightly oppressive feel he felt for the forest back at home.
Harry dropped his head into his hands wide eyed. As if Dobby had re-enchanted a bludger again, all his prior memories hit him hard.
This isn't home. Did the ritual fail? Am I… d-d-dead?
No. He couldn't be dead. He just started. He just found the rest of his family again and now he's died? What about Andi and Nym? His beloved family. He couldn't leave them now. Not when he decided to finally fight back. Not when he finally decided to take control of his life. Not when he decided to make his parents and Sirius proud.
The sound of the ship's horn rung in the background. It was as if time slowed down. No longer was there the sound of birds or the gentle whoosh of the wind and slowly, a displaced smile came upon Harry's face.
If he really was dead, would that mean he could be reunited with the ones who left him behind? He could finally join them. After all the suffering he had been put through. All the betrayal, abuse, slander, torture. This was it. Andromeda? Nymphadora? He didn't care about them. They forgot about him. They didn't save him from his torturers. Nobody did. His so-called parents left him and got themselves killed. His godfather abandoned him and rather spent his time in prison. He had no one. No one.
"It was time for peace and death was the only way."
The sound of the ship's horn carried through the wind.
"Stand up and accept death Harry Potter. End your pathetic and miserable existence."
Harry mechanically stood up and looked towards the magnificent ship and began walking towards the dock as the sound of a horn blared loudly again.
"End it! Let the ship take you! Far away!
"It's truly insane that even though the Horcrux has been destroyed, the aftereffects of the fucking thing, still lingers around."
The broken young man of fifteen was startled out of his thoughts by a voice that came from behind him.
The sound of a slap reverberated through the air and Harry's eyes widened as he heard the voice that followed.
"I share your sentiments Prongs, but you definitely deserved that one."
It can't be.
"James Potter! How many times have I told you not to use that filthy language in front of me and especially in front of Harry!"
"And me!"
"Shut up Sirius."
The wounded voice of James Potter caused Harry to grip the shirt around his heart.
He could barely breathe as he felt himself beginning to hyperventilate.
"But Lily-flower..." James whined as he rubbed the back of his head.
"Not another word." Lily Potter hissed as she pointed her finger at her husband.
Harry's chest ached as he slowly turned around and saw his parents and godfather walk towards him. Like him, they wore simple white shirts and white slacks and when their eyes locked onto his, theirs immediately softened as tears filled his mother's eyes causing a tightening of his chest.
The three adults stopped where they were and looked towards him, seemingly waiting for him to say something.
With a quiver of his voice, Harry spoke.
"Mum? Dad? Sirius?"
"Harry." The three said giving him three watery grins as his mother was unable to hold back her tears.
Harry vehemently shook his head in denial.
"No, no, no. This can't be real. No."
His father took a step forward and calmly spoke as he spread out his arms, all hints of the childish voice he heard earlier gone like the wind.
"It is us son. We never left."
Harry looked at his godfather who gave him a reassuring smile and nod before he looked over at his mother's emerald eyes, the same eyes as his, who had her hands clasped in front of her chest, openly weeping but bobbed her head a couple times as her crimson red hair swayed in the gentle breeze.
He then turned his to his father. The hereditary untamed jet-black hair with his warm hazel eyes stared back at him and that's when Harry knew. Both their eyes spoke volumes. Pride, happiness, sadness and… guilt?
He rushed over into his father's open arms and buried his face into his shoulder. He felt his mother and godfather joining the hug from both sides and he basked in the warmness of his family.
"You've been so brave sweetheart," Lily Potter choked out as she took his hands and looked him over, "And my have you grown. So dark and handsome." She finished with a watery smile as she leaned up and brushed his hair.
Harry gave a smile in return as a few tears escaped his eyes.
He then turned to his father who placed his hands on his shoulders and eyed him. A moment passed before he gave a soft smile.
"You look just like me when I was your age, and you still have that little freckle on your eyebrow." He said as he ran his thumb over it causing Harry to grin.
"What is this place Dad?"
James grew solemn but it was Sirius who answered.
"It's all kinda complicated kid." Sirius said as he lightly thumped Harry's arm.
"What do you mean?" Harry asked as he looked over at Sirius.
"Come along son, we've got a lot to tell you and not much time and it's best we sit down for this conversation." His father spoke mysteriously as he put an arm around Harry's shoulder and steered him towards a picnic bench that Harry hadn't noticed was there when he had looked around in the beginning.
His mother gently took his hand and guided him to one of the seats and took the one opposite him with James next to her allowing Sirius to take the seat next to Harry.
After they got comfortable, James spoke.
"To answer your question Harry, the place weare in is called the Bridge."
James nodded.
"It's the space between the living and the afterlife." Lily further explained. She pointed towards a cage that lay at the roots of a marvellous tree, but it wasn't the tree that had gotten Harry's attention but the abomination that lay within it.
It was a mini version of Voldemort except its skin was blackened and the body was smoking as if it was evaporating away. A permanent scream of pain was etched on his face as pieces of it's skin began floating away with the breeze.
His mother's voice cut through his thoughts, "When the Horcrux was destroyed, essentially it had taken you along with it. No living being can house two souls and live Harry, I trust you know that."
Harry nodded in affirmation; a sick feeling began pooling in his stomach. "So, is that it? Am I dead?"
"Yes. No. Sort of." Sirius replied scratching his chin absentmindedly and received a glare from Lily in return causing James and the late Black to chuckle.
"What your godfather was trying to say, is that it is your choice. You have an opportunity now sweetheart to choose whether to go back to the living world or stay here but, I think the three of us already know your decision."
"I want to go back." Harry replied immediately. If his parents had asked him the same question before he met Andi and Nym, there could have been a high chance that the afterlife would've received an extra soul. Nonetheless, he had already made his resolve and he had people waiting for him on the side of the living, so there was only one choice from the very beginning.
"And too right." His Dad replied smiling at him.
The sound of ship's horn broke the group out of the comfortable silence.
"We're running out of time," His godfather spoke suddenly, garnering Harry's attention, "I-I just want to apologise Harry. I made a terrible decision, going after Wormtail that night instead of taking you in and raising you myself. I allowed revenge to blind me when I should've been there for you instead."
"Sirius, we've spoken about this already." Harry shook his head and replied, his voice soft.
"That's not the only thing Harry."
At Harry's bemused look, Sirius continued, a look of dejection was on his face as his head was bowed. "After you went back to school last year, it was just me in the house and it got me thinking. I could've escaped Azkaban anytime."
"Sirius." Lily said gently.
Sirius shook his head repeatedly from left to right. "I could've, should've, escaped sooner, years sooner. I should've taken you from that hellhole and taken you far, far away and brought you up like I should've done, like I swore to do on the day you were born." His shoulders shook as Sirius was wrought with grief.
"I was a broken man who only had vengeance on his mind ever since your mum and dad died and when that opportunity came about, I took it. It was only when I was on the run did I realise I had a godson and even then, Wormtail was still my focus and for that Harry, I'm so sorry. I failed you as your Godfather." Sirius finished.
Sirius looked every bit his age at that moment as a sob escaped his mouth. Harry had known, had realised when he had found out that Sirius was innocent, that when he had escaped, it wasn't for him. In a roundabout way sure, but his true objective was revenge and even that he didn't achieve before he died. Despite all that, he remembered the feeling of having family again, a real connection to his late parents and all the transgressions that his godfather had made meant nothing in the face of that knowledge.
Harry placed a hand on his godfather and motioned him to look at him. "Whatever happened, has happened Sirius. I used to curse at the world for the injustice of it all, but I learned to live with it and moved on. In a disgusting way, I'm thankful for Pettigrew because without him, you wouldn't have met me, and you'd still be wasting away the remaining days of your life in that pitiful cell." Harry paused as he looked intently at his godfather.
"I'll never forgive you for the way you died Sirius, it hurt far worse than you know and I still haven't gotten over it" Harry gritted out but took a deep breath and gave Sirius a fond and warm smile, "But I'm thankful that even though our time together was limited, I was able to get to know you and I could never be prouder to have you as a Godfather." Harry said as he brought him to firm but affectionate hug.
"Thank you Harry. You have no idea how much that means to me. Truly. Thank you." Sirius croaked out as he gripped his godson, his eyes once again filling with tears.
Harry spared a glance towards his parents who sat opposite them watching the scene take place and couldn't help but give them a smile. His mother had her head leaned against his father's shoulder with a soft smile on her beautiful face. His father had set a soft kiss on her forehead and brushed a thumb across his cheek, wiping away an errant tear that had escaped his tears filled eyes. Harry could tell that his declaration meant a lot to them.
"We also have something to say Harry." His mother started as she sat up and looked at him.
Harry broke his hug from Sirius and looked at her. The same guilt that he had seen at the beginning were in both of his parents' eyes again. Lily took his hands in hers and looked as if she was steeling herself.
"We couldn't be the parents we were supposed to be to you. You were a blessing in a perilous time Harry and between your father and I, we didn't know what to do. It was during the heart of the war when we had you. Your father and godfather were working double time for the aurors and during the time they weren't, they were being called for assignments for the Order of the Phoenix." James looked down at the table, ashamed.
James took over, "It was only when my parents died, did things take a turn for the worse. My dad Charlus was powerful Harry, incredibly so and when he died, it felt unbelievable. He fought off a dozen or more Death Eaters by himself to allow the rest of us to escape when Voldemort and his followers attacked Potter Manor. It took Voldemort himself to take him down but in that short battle, his numbers were reduced by a great margin. When Voldemort killed him, your grandmother, my mum, didn't look back before she charged at him as well. It was the very last time we saw them."
Harry, listening raptly, felt an incredible amount of pride for his Grandparents. He couldn't be prouder to have Grandparents like them, but this thought only increased the bitterness he felt over the fact that he would never be able to meet such amazing people again.
"A hole had formed in our family, and we didn't know how to cope. I needed an out and for that, I put all my time into the war.
"And I on the other hand," Lily chuckled humourlessly, "Had up to my chest full in the Department of Mysteries and like your father, I also subjected the rest of my time towards the Order." Lily took a pause to wipe a tear from her eye. "We neglected you Harry and if it wasn't for Andromeda, we would've ignored you completely." She started but couldn't continue as she broke down and sobbed.
Harry watched with a passive face. He didn't know how to feel.
On one hand, he could understand where they were coming from. Twenty-one years-old is a young age to have a new-born let alone during the time of war and if you were in the eye of the war like they were, he could imagine that it could be difficult to care for a child and go to battle in the next hour.
Yet, he felt sour. It made sense now that all the memories that had resurfaced from when he was a child was only of Andi and Nym. It was because there were no memories of him and his parents. They were too busy. It was a simple as that.
Yes, they should've spent more time with their own child, but he could understand the pressure they were under. Harry looked over to his godfather who looked miserable as well. Harry knew the feeling of what the death of someone close to you felt like. When Sirius died, he tried his damn hardest to do as much chores as possible just to get his mind off that day in the Ministry but try as he might, he couldn't help his thoughts return to his godfather.
Nevertheless, he couldn't be angry at his parents. How could he? To him, these were the greatest people to ever live, who willingly gave their lives just so he could live and that by itself, is the greatest act he likely, will ever know. To give your own life for your child, shows how much he meant to them. They may have been too busy to look after him, but they loved him immensely and he knew that.
James put an arm around her as Lily had buried her face with her hands.
"Mum, Dad."
The two in question looked up at their son who had a small smile on his face.
"Regardless of how you acted, nobody could deny the love you have for me. You gave your lives for me. Nothing can top that." He said.
"So," he started as he leaned over and grasped both their hands, "There is nothing to be sorry for nor is there anything to forgive. You're my parents, the ones who brought me into the world and if anything, you telling me that, just made me love you even more."
"Thank you son." James replied as he squeezed their joined hands together.
Conversation seemed to flow into reminiscent topics between the four of them for a while. Harry couldn't tell how much time had passed. Could've been an hour or merely five minutes nevertheless, when his parents and godfather abruptly stood up, he knew in his bones, that this would be the last time he would ever see the two of them again until it was his time to pass.
"Will I remember any of this?" Harry asked as he hugged Sirius tightly.
"Some parts kiddo. It's a weird place we're in currently and honestly, even we're not sure how things work over here." Sirius said as he patted Harry on the back a couple of times.
Harry moved to James as he held his hands on his shoulders. "Now this next thing is important son. You are now the Head of the House of Potter and there could be the possibility of the Lordship of the House of Black in your possession as well." James began as he looked over to Sirius who gave a sharp nod towards the two Potter males.
"What does this mean Harry? This means you have a large amount of responsibility on your shoulders now son. I honestly do not remember the last time there was a person who was the Head of House for two houses and one of them being a Noble and Most Ancient House is another thing by itself. What I am saying is that you hold a lot of power now, especially in the political aspect of our world. Do not cower, do not be swayed and do not be swindled. You are your own man Harry; you make your own decisions, and you listen to no one. Advice is welcomed. You are young and you are inexperienced with the way our world works but at the end, your decision is final."
"Go into the Heirlooms Vault, the one you have access to and take out the painting that is of my parents, your Grandparents. I'm sure you heard a few stories about the prowess of Charlus Potter but what better way to learn than from the man himself. If you have the affinity to be a mage which I know you do, Dad will guide you completely. You don't need me to tell you that Voldemort is no joke. Once he realises that you are not just a child with a wand, things will change abruptly. He will view you as the next Dumbledore and that's where you will be truly tested."
"It's unfair that you had to be put in this situation but there's no point in complaining about it now. All that's left is to fight and to fight hard. Train hard, be strong, be unyielding and be relentless. The war has taken a lot of good men, women, and children Harry and it displeases me to say but it's high time reparations are made." James finished as he pulled his solemn looking son in for a strong embrace.
"Never forget son that no matter what happens, we will always be proud of you."
"I will not let you down, I promise." Harry whispered to his dad who tightened his arms around his child.
Harry broke the embrace with his father and looked over to his mother who had tears flowing down her cheeks with her arms spread out. He quickly glided over into her arms and hugged her warmly; he could feel the patches of wetness staining his shirt as his mother tucked her head into his chest.
"I already know and I'm okay with it Harry." Lily Potter said loud enough for the others to hear causing Harry to stiffen. She broke the hug and held him at arm's length, slowly brushing his hair, attempting to fix it to no avail.
"Andromeda," Lily interrupted, "Is a wonderful soul who had been there for you since the very beginning. She was there for you when it should've been us instead and goodness me we argued, so very much but no matter what, she never left. You need her Harry, just as much as she needs you. You need her so much more, than you need either of us." Lily said as she nodded towards the other two adults as she stepped away from her son and walked backwards slowly to stand next to her husband.
Lily gave no indication she knew, but as soon as the words left her mouth, a final loud blare of the horn echoed through the air.
"It's time. We will always love you Harry, always." Lily said as she began to sob.
"You will be great son; you have the power and the ability to save and change the world. Stand tall and proud for you are a Potter and a Black." James said as a few tears escaped his eyes as he smiled widely at Harry.
"Remember what I told you in your third-year kid?" Sirius said. "The ones who love us, never really leave us, and you can always find them…"
"In here." Harry finished as he placed a hand on his heart and looked tearfully at his family for the final time in a long time.
Harry looked over to his mother.
"Love greatly sweetheart. Do not be afraid to love for there is power in that."
Harry nodded for the words died in his throat.
"Don't forget us Harry." She finished as she blew a kiss to her son for the final time.
"Never." Harry replied as he turned around and saw a blinding light; the sound of a horn blaring loudly in his ears causing his ears to ring as he blacked out and saw no more.
A moment passed as the three adults stared at the place where he stood.
"Lils." James said softly as he snaked an arm around his wife's shoulder.
Lily Potter couldn't hold it in anymore, dropping down onto her knees, she wept loudly.
"It shouldn't have been Andromeda! It should've been me. I should've raised him, I'm his mother! I birthed him! Why James? Why did we have to die? Why couldn't of been someone else. Why us?" She screamed as she sobbed into her husband's chest as he dropped down next to her with a resigned look on his face and held her, no doubt thinking the same things as his wife.
A presence appeared behind the trio. Its aura was so dark, so malevolent that the three immediately stiffened and looked fearfully behind them.
A hooded figure stood behind them. In his skeletal hand was the throat of Voldemort's Horcrux who's once crimson eyes were no more than hollow, gaping holes.
"For it is his destiny, his Fate." The colder than cold voice whispered, his voice echoing throughout the space they were in as he stared directly at Lily who burrowed into James' chest.
"Your child's soul should have been mine and yet you, Lily Potter, prevented that by meddling in magic you could never hope to comprehend. Before I could damn your soul for defying me, Fate, herself, intervened." The voice said as it turned around.
"Never forget, Harry Potter is alive because I agreed to his survival but now he is in my debt…unwillingly. Though, I do believe it will not be long before he finds out. He is my chosen after all and Death can never be cheated."
The voice looked down at the moaning creature in his hand and tightened his hold on its neck before vanishing without a sound.
Sirius shivered before looking over at his dear friends and could only give them a sad look as they began comforting one another but then turned his gaze to where his godson had stood.
Sirius' expression hardened.
"Give 'em hell Harry."