Chapter 2: Unspoken Tensions
Chapter 2
Smith had just gotten to Mateo's house. When Ava saw him, she instantly felt so happy, her heart filled with joy, and she began to tremble as her face became brighter and filled with smiles. She said to him, Hello Smith". She said, Let me help with your bag, alright, you can have it" as he strengthened his hand to give her the bag. She took his bag from him, helped him arrange it in a better place. Come, let me fetch you some food. I cooked, she said. Smith responded," Oh no I already had something when I was leaving. Her face immediately changed as she said," You know you are going to be here for two weeks, so you won't have to reject anything I give you. You're here now, so eat whatever I offer you. Don't worry, I'll take good care of you as if I were your wife. Smith smiled and said, I'm not rejecting anything from you, I just don't want anything at the moment. I'm sure you'll make a good wife, so you ain't got to worry, and for the record, I eat a lot of food, so get ready to do all the cooking. And how did you know I was going to spend two weeks here? He asked. My brother told me everything. Oh he does, (he said as he chuckled), and what else did he tell you? Nothing, she responded. He only told me about his new contract, and that he needed someone he trusted and loved working with to support him. That's why he called you. I see, Smith responded, he told me he'd be around when I get here. Where did he go? She smiled and said," I thought you knew him well enough to be his friend? He doesn't love staying at home. He stepped out minutes before you got here. He said he was coming, so don't worry, he'll be back soon. I won't hurt you (she smiled). I've got a bunch of questions for him, so he had better come fast before it gets off my head. I can't hold it for too long, he said. And again, I'm not his friend though. He's friends with my brother, so I don't know him as much as my brother does, and again, I'm not afraid here, you can't hurt me, you've got tiny hands and no muscles compared to mine. He mocked her and they both laughed.
Smith's been there over an hour now, yet Mateo isn't back. They became bored. Ava asked if he could play some board game with her (chess). Yeah, of course I would love to play, Smith responded. Ava was good at the game, but Smith was better. Boy, you just keep winning, you wouldn't even let me win, she exclaimed. Smith said, you know this is the real world, you don't always get what you want. Or maybe you are just not a gentleman, she said to him. Who gets paid for that? He said. What are you trying to say? That nice guys don't get rewarded for being nice? She asked him. What I'm trying to say is, no matter how nice you are, there are still people out there who still don't see it, it doesn't matter to them either you are nice or not, they just don't like you, and for that, you just got to keep doing what you do, you don't change, just be you and let them talk.(he responded) was quite for a while, and then she said, Damn boy, you are good with words, what else are you good at? Chess (he said), then she said and what? Maybe you should find that out. He responded with a low tone. At this moment, there was a spark of connection between them. They kept staring at each other without saying a word, tenderly they moved closer and ready to kiss. Mateo walked in. They both went quiet as nothing happened, though they wondered if Mateo would notice anything, but should I say, fortunately for them, he didn't.
Mateo: Hello brother, I see you're here.
Smith: I've been here hours ago. You said you'd be home.
Mateo: forgive me, I had things I needed to fix, but now, I'm back.
They both said welcome to him (Smith and Ava). Ava served him food. While he was done eating, he said.
Mateo: I see you guys were playing chess. Who played better? Can any of you play me?
Ava answered quickly.
Ava: you can't play Smith, he'll win a hundred times and keep winning. That's what he does.
Smith; don't be so sure about that, he could play better, at least better than you (he mocked her again). They all laughed.
Mateo challenged him so they could play. He said.
Mateo: let's bet,
They both agree on particular amounts of money, and the game begins. They agreed on three rounds. The first round, Smith won. Ava laughed and said, I told you. Mateo was too good at the game, but still, Smith was better, but beating Mateo on the game wasn't easy for him. Lastly, they ended up with two-one. Smith took the money and gave it to Ava. It was a nice evening they had as usual. Maybe it wasn't so nice for Smith and Eva, or maybe it was even better. Depends on how you see it. Come to think of it, they both had a moment back there, and now they're all focused on the game? Did anyone feel anything, or were they just flirting with each other? I wouldn't say yes and I wouldn't say no. I would say, maybe yes, maybe not. They both tried to kiss amd now they're just acting so cool, trust me, I don't understand what's going on? It's like they didn't feel anything. Am I alone on this? Is anyone seeing it too or am I overacting?
After everything, they're all tired and sleepy, so they decide to sleep. Now I'm mad. Like how can this happen? Did they not understand what happened back there? But I'll keep my cool until I find out. After all, I wasn't the one who was about to kiss but didn't.
Early in the morning, Mateo and Smith left for work as early as it seemed, as usual. Ava was still asleep when they left. They usually take breakfast before leaving, or take it along with them, but this time they left without it, because they both left so earlier than ever.
Mateo: let's go, we will get something to eat when we get there.
Ava woke up, and she found out they had already left. She arranged everything at home and did some things that needed to be done. Then she made some food for herself and more for Mateo and Smith so they could eat when they both returned from work. It's been a rough day at work as usual, but they still made time for lunch. At lunch, Mateo and Smith were both having a conversation.
Mateo: you know Smith, your brother and I have been good friends for a while now. I would love to say we're brothers now, for he has proven himself to be more than just a friends, we understand each other so well that we wouldn't even let money come between us. And now you're here, as perfect as it seems, I want to let you know that I always appreciate you coming out here to help whenever I call on you. Seriously, I really appreciate it man, thank you.
Smith: come on man, it's nothing
Mateo: no, no, let me finish, like I said, thank you, you see I want you to do something for me. I want you to help keep an eye on my sister Ava. I want you to keep an eye on her for me.
Smith: what do you mean keeping an eye on her?
Mateo: you know, she's a lady. Now forget how grown she is, forget about her physical appearance and everything, she's still a child, she needs a close eye on her so she can become a better person. I'm not saying she's not a better person, but you know what I'm talking about. There are parts in life one might fall into that could take your life or ruin your life ahead of you. I'm trying to stop her from taking that part. Now for me to succeed on that, I need to keep an eye on her. But I'm always busy, always not around. That's why I'm asking you to help me do it, because at this moment, man, I can't think of anyone else to do that for me. Do you think you can do that for me?
Smith: I think I understand what you're trying to say, I'll try, man, I'll try my best so she will be fine.
Mateo: don't let me down bro.
Smith: I'll try.
After all, and all, they went home after they'd finished for the day. Ava made dinner as usual. She welcomed them and served them dinner. That night was different. Smith couldn't stop thinking of what Mateo had said to him. He wondered why he said what he said, then suddenly, the thoughts of what happened the other day crossed his mind. And I'm like finally so noticed that something happened. But then his thoughts were different, he wasn't thinking about the moment as if he felt something, but he was wondering maybe Mateo saw what was going on, he couldn't stop thinking of it even when he was enjoying the dinner Ava made. It's was obvious that Ava noticed, she knew something was wrong with him, but what she didn't know was what exactly was wrong! And she couldn't ask him. Of course Mateo was right there. It's already been days that Smith had been with them. Maybe things are not going as expected. This isn't what I was thinking. Or maybe I'm just not patient enough.
Next morning, they both left again, but this time, they took their breakfast before leaving. Smith is still not good. He was worried about the last conversation, not that he was worried about keeping an eye on Ava as Mateo asked, but he was worried about whether he had seen them that night. But still, he still managed to keep his cool so he could do his work perfectly. The day at work is over again. Mateo wanted to go get some drink, so he wasn't going home right after.
Mateo: would you mind if we grab some drink before heading home tonight?
Smith: No bro, I can't tonight, I don't feel like drinking.
Mateo: alright then, more for me.
Smith went home, Mateo went to get some drink. When he got home, Ava was still cooking. She wasn't done making dinner yet.
Ava: Hi, you guys are back already. Where's my brother?
Smith: he'll be back, he went to grab some drink.
Ava: You didn't want to join him?
Smith: No, I don't feel like drinking today.
Ava: but do you drink?
Smith: yeah I do?
Ava: Are you okay? You've been acting distant lately. What's wrong with you? You know you can tell me!
Smith: I'm good. I've been stressed from work. But I'm okay.
Ava: I know about the stress from work, but you were not bothered by it days ago. Why now?
Smith: Don't push it, I said I'm okay, I'm fine. (He yelled)
Ava: don't yell at me, why are you yelling?
They both went silent for a while and then Smith said.
Smith: sorry I yelled, I'm okay Ava, believe me. I'm the one that should be looking out for you, not the other way around.
Ava: why did you say that? Why would you be looking out for me? I'm I in trouble?
Smith: Because you're the youngest.
She smiled and moved closer to him, she hugged him. Smith didn't want to stay long again at that moment. He moved back and said,
Smith: Your food is on the fire, you better check it.
But Ava understood, she knew he wasn't just worried about that, but something else. Now she was upset.
Ava: you told me nothing was wrong, but yet you pushed me away when I tried to hug you. Either you tell me what is wrong or just don't talk to me.
It seems Smith has got some explaining to do. Will he tell her, or just leave her alone? What exactly is he going to tell her?