Chapter 3: Love That burns, Truth That Hurts
Chapter 3
Smith doesn't value so many questions, doesn't like to be bossed around. He was silent for a while, then he said.
Smith: like I said, you're the youngest, and you need someone to watch over you, that's just what I'm doing.
Ava: you're watching over me by pushing me away? If you really care about me, you wouldn't lie to me in the first place.
Smith: you don't know that, I care about you.
Ava: Then show me that you do. Don't just stand over there and say it.
At this point, Smith was tempted, but what would he do? He walked closely to her, there was a lot of motion in the air. She couldn't stop staring at him with sadness, as he finally approached her. He hugged her as they both kissed tenderly. They both kissed for a long time. Ava said to him.
Ava: I love you Smith, promise me you will never leave me?
Smith: what do you mean you love me? We just met?
He pushed her away.
Ava: what do you mean we just met? You kissed me!
Smith: yeah you kissed me two, and that's what grown-ups do, for fun.
Ava: your way of having fun is by kissing me? You kissed me and you call it fun? Is that what you do? Joking about someone's emotions and saying it's fun?
Smith: come on Ava, we just met for Christ's sake!
Ava: and yet we kissed? I can't believe you're saying this. I can't believe how you make me feel.
Smith: You took it up on yourself.
Ava: yeah have fun.
She left as she weeps. Smith didn't know what to do, neither did he know what he did nor said wrong. Finally, Mateo hits the door open.
Mateo: who missed me? I know you all did.
Smith: Well, I didn't.
Mateo: you did the most. Haven't seen Ava, where's she at? Is she okay?
Smith: I think she's in her room.
I'm here, Ava said as she stepped out of her room.
Mateo: is there food? I'm Farmished.
Ava: yeah there is, was waiting for you to get home so we could eat.
Mateo: why? You guys didn't have to wait for me.
Smith: I didn't feel like eating. That's the reason I didn't. I wasn't waiting for you.
Mateo: alright then who's hungry? Let's eat.
They both prepared to eat, but Smith didn't join them, he said. He still doesn't feel like eating anything. Mateo didn't understand why, but I guess Ava did, though she didn't feel good about it.
What happened, after a moment they both shared and the promising two weeks? Things are not working as planned. Ava finally got the moment she wanted, the moment she had been praying for, but it seemed Smith wasn't feeling that way. He did it for fun, as he said. The thing about love, as I would always say, doesn't really work the way we want it and how we want or plan it, it has ups and downs. It's fifty-fifty. But in the end, we all hope it works. Smith could be fun to be with he's sweet, he cares more about people than anyone would. He could tell you sweet words to cheer you up. Make you smile when you don't want to. Say nice things to you amd make you believe you deserve it. But how can a guy of such not know how to love or when he is loved? How could he not see the love in Ava's eyes? Or is he avoiding her for what Mateo said, or because that's who he is? (a play boy who doesn't love). Probably the thoughts in Ava's head right now. Days are passing by. Smith has already spent a week plus with them, he's got a few days left, and they're really doing a good work out there, so the contract will be ending soon.
It's another day. They're set for work. Ava, as usual, made them breakfast. They both left for work. Matao noticed that Smith wasn't really looking so happy. He asked him if he was good, but he said yes. After a long day at work, finally it's time to go home. Mateo said he was going to visit a friend. He was not sure if he would come home tonight. They both went different ways. When Smith got home, Ava was in the sitting room. But when he stepped in, she stood up to go to her room.
Smith: Hey Ava, where are you going?
Ava: to my room!
Smith: aren't you gonna ask about Mateo?
Ava: I know he isn't coming home tonight, he told me.
Smith: I bet he did. Would you get me something to eat I'm hungry.
Ava: I didn't make any food, besides you stopped eating the food I make!
Smith: since when?
Ava: yesterday.
Smith: alright then, I guess I'll go get something to eat.
Ava: I think that's a good idea.
Smith: I don't know why you acting funny.
Ava: oh, I am the one acting funny? You kised me las night and you called it fun, and now I am the one acting funny.
Smith: I'm sorry Ava, I didn't mean to hurt you. I never meant to hurt you.
Ava: yeah, but you kissing me for fun wasn't hurting me?
Smith: You know if I get the chance to do it again, I would correct that. If I get the chance to kiss you again, it'll be a very special moment for me. I just wasn't ready for yesterday. I. Don't know why I said what I said and how I said it, and now I can't take it back, and I can't change it because I was right about what I said. The moments we had was fun. Kissing you was fun, but trust me, there's more to it, it was more than just fun. I didn't realize that back then, but now, I do. And once again, I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings. I didn't mean to.
Ava suddenly grew numb. I mean she's already falling for Smith smooth talks, and now he did it again. With a low tone, softly as she said..
Ava: What will you say if you could kiss me again?
Smith: I would kiss you like and never let go, and I would tell you how sweet your wet soft lips could be.
Ava: what will you say if I told you that I love you?
Smith: I'll tell. You how much more I love you too.
Ava: would you kiss me now? Tenderly she asked.
Smith: I would love to if you'd let me.
Ava: yes, yes, I'll let you.
She ran to his arms and kissed him like she wouldn't let go. We all know things about kisses. It takes you from one thing to another. They went from kissing to the bedroom, slowly, as he took her clothes off. Tenderly they kissed and they both did what they grownups do (I learned that one from Smith).
Finally, Ava met the guy of her dream. Perhaps Smith wasn't so bad, maybe he just didn't know why he said what he said. Well, it doesn't matter anymore. After all, they're both naked on the same bed. Could this be love? Or could it just be they're enjoying the moment? What would happen if or when Mateo finally finds out? Perhaps they haven't thought about that yet. Why am I bothered?
After all, and all, they finally have time for conversation. Perhaps they'll think about it.
Ava: did you really meant it when you said you'd never let go?
Smith: yes I meant it.
Ava: you also meant it when you said you love me more?
Smith: I did.
Ava: I just don't want to be played again like i have been played before.
Smith: I wouldn't play you.
Ava: I wouldn't love another.
The last thing they said to each other was how much they both loved each other. I guess I was wrong about them thinking about the future, the outcome of what happens next when Mateo finds out. Or perhaps, kids this days just don't care. Or maybe I'm overreacting again.
It's another morning for work. Mateo isn't back yet. Smith had prepared, Ava made breakfast for him and more for Mateo. Just then, Smith got a call from Mateo saying they wouldn't be going to work again, he'd got an emergency he needed to attend to somewhere, and he wouldn't be coming home till the next day.
What a big opportunity for Ava and Smith again, a day together at home, without being bothered by the presence of anyone else, just them. It's a dream come true for both of them. Ava was so happy. Quickly with the joy of knowing she'd be having him all to herself all through the day and night. She quickly asked him to come back inside with her, so they could finish what they had left from last night. It was a fun day for both of them. They both had all types of fun, played all types of games, but still made out time to eat as hours kept passing. It's night again. A lot could happen in one night, as we all know. Smith was happy to have met Ava. It seemed he was truly wrong for saying she was fun to him. And he meant everything he said after that, he meant every single word he said. He made himself know to Ava from then onward. He showed how much he really loved her despite everything. I guess he wasn't lying when he said it. Ava, on the other hand, she was caring, she was awesome. I guess we all are just so awesome when the love is new.
From that day. To them, it was love, and nothing could break them. It's morning again. Smith got a call from Mateo again,
Mateo: He bro, I'm already on my way, get ready, meet me there at work, I'll be there soon.
I guess today wasn't a good day for Ava and Smith, it just wasn't what they expected. Nevertheless, she made him breakfast, (they had both finished the one she made the other day). Now Smith was about leaving, but he forgot one thing.
Ava: won't you kiss me before you go?
Smith: forgive me, I forgot.
I guess he forgot he was married. He kissed her goodbye. When he got to the site, Mateo was already there, he had already hired three workers. He said he wanted to finish the whole project that day. Despite the increase in numbers they are now, they'll still have to work overtime, because the work was still much, but then it finished. It's time everyone was about leaving. The project was over, everyone got paid and left. Mateo was so happy and wanted to show appreciation to Smith for helping him out throughout the project, so he had already arranged a place for them go party for the night. But he didn't want to tell him anything, so he wouldn't say no. When they got home, Mateo said to him.
Mateo. Let's freshen up bro, we're heading somewhere.
Smith was surprised. He didn't know where, and he didn't want to ask because he doesn't usually ask. Doing it now would make it seem there's something going on. He said alright. At that moment, Ava wasn't happy. She didn't know how she felt, the fact that she was going to be home alone. She wasn't sure about them returning home that night. That's love, like I said (ups and downs). A day ago, she had him to herself, and now she had to spend a night without even getting to see him or touch him at all. It fate. She couldn't stop staring at Smith as they walked through the door. She kept looking even when they were long gone, thinking they would return. But that's magic, it didn't just work this time. She couldn't feel herself, but she had no choice. After staring at the door for a long time, she went in and sat for a minute. She had a knock from the door. Truly, it's a miracle, she actually had faith. Who could it be? Maybe they had both changed their minds and come home, or maybe it was just Smith, perhaps he was missing her the way she did, so he came back. She ran open the door.