Consequences Of Love

Chapter 4: Love Reunion, An Unexpected knock

Chapter 4

As she got to the door, with her heart beating so fast. She rushed to open the door. It wasn't who she thought was there. It was the laundry guy. He said he came to pick up Mateo's clothes for laundry. Ava knew he would be coming, but she just wasn't expecting to see him at that moment. 

Ava didn't seem so happy. She asked him to hurry up and leave. 

Ava's with a visitor she wasn't expecting, Smith's at a party he wasn't expecting either. They both had no choice. Mateo was so happy that he said to Smith, drink as much as you want. Mateo loves drinking, but Smith doesn't, even if he does, this just wasn't the right moment. After they'd had some drinks, they both found time to talk. Mateo walked up to Smith and said, You already know how much I love working with you, and I want you to know that I always so much appreciate you coming out to help whenever I call on you. Smith chuckled as he said," It's nothing, you make working with you so easy, and I enjoy working with you too. Mateo said to him.

Mateo: I guess that's it. 

Smith: that's what? 

Mateo: you don't remember? It's our last day of the week, our contract is over. I know you're happy that you're finally going home to your brother. He misses you, and I'm sure you miss him too. 

Smith smiled bitterly as he said. 

Smith: yeah, yeah, that's right.

 With a low tone he said, maybe I'm happy, maybe I'm not. He drank the last drink he was holding on his hand and said, 

Smith: can we go home please? 

Mateo: I thought we were going to spend the night somewhere. What would you be going home for? Not like you have some girl there waiting for you or something.

Smith: yeah, bitterly and with a low tone again he said, perhaps I do. I need to go prepare, you know, pack up some stuff, so I can leave tomorrow morning. 

Mateo: alright sure, I get it. Let's go then

They both went home. Ava was already asleep, because it was already late. Smith packed up his clothes that night. He left very early in the morning the next day. He didn't even get the chance to say hi to Ava, neither did Ava get to say bye to him. He felt bad because he never thought of leaving just like that. Ava woke up to realize he was gone. Imagine how terrible this would make her feel. She slept without getting his touch, and now she woke up to find out he was gone without her getting a kiss either. It's a worst nightmare ever. She wondered where he might have gone. She would've asked Mateo, but he was nowhere to be found. They wouldn't go to work again. The contract was finished yesterday, (she wondered).she ran to check on her brother's working equipment. Truly it wasn't work they went. The tools were still there. She would've called him, but these days they were so comfortable and enjoying the moment, so they didn't bother sharing contact. They thought the love fantasy was going to be like that forever. She wouldn't stop thinking. Smith is already home. At that moment, they both had lives, but didn't feel it. It's been a bad couple of days for them. Remember they both had a good couple of days. Give it or take it, that's the thing about love. Smith would give anything just to go see Ava, even if it was for the last time. Ava would give anything up just to be with Smith once again the whole day. But again, thing about love is, Once isn't always enough, trust me there's never "enough"in love. You keep wanting more till there is none to give. 

Antonio: hey mate, you're finally home. We missed you around here. 

Smith, I thought you said you didn't miss me? You said you only miss my cooking. 

Antonio: yeah I miss your cooking too bro. But I sure do miss you. 

They both laughed as they shake each other's hands. 

Smith: I see you made no food, as usual. Too bad I'm too tired to cook something. 

Antonio: What do you mean, dude, you just came back, I wouldn't ask you to cook. Come, let's go grab some food. 

Smith: That's what I'm talking about for a big bro. I love that man, let's go. 

Happily they both went. Seems Smith had someone to take off him the thoughts of missing Ava. Could it be true? Ava isn't giving on the hope of seeing Smith again. She wouldn't stop staring at the door as he would walked through it. She wouldn't stop listening so she would hear the sound when he is knocking. She wouldn't drop her phone because she believed he would call even when they didn't share contact, because she believed he was missing her too, so if he truly did, he would find a way to get to her. But things don't always work the way we want. The whole day and night Ava felt so bad, she couldn't stop crying. But Smith, on the other hand had a great night, but not so great because no matter how delicious the food his brother got him, he still missed the food Ava would make for him. No matter how much he loved to be with his brother, he still missed Ava because he loved to be with her too. That's the position where love would put you. 

It's been a great and rough two weeks after all. Loves that emerge, discomforts that follow.

It's been three days now, they still haven't heard or seen each other. Ava finally knew Smith was gone. She found that out when Mateo returned, then she asked him. Mateo told her Smith had gone. Ava found it hard to believe that, after three days, that Smith still hadn't found a way to talk to her, or come see her. But she didn't understand how hard it was for him too. A day without hearing from Ava drained Smith so badly that he couldn't eat or feel at home the way he used to. Antonio really knew his brother, he knew him so well that he could tell when something is wrong, or when Smith isn't so happy. Though Smith knew him so well too, I think that's what brothers do. Antonio decided to ask Smith what was bothering him or what was going on with him. 

Antonio: what is bothering you brother? You've not been yourself since you came back home from Mateo's. Is there something you wanna telle about? 

Smith: no, of course not, I'm okay. 

Antonio: it's doesn't look to me like you are okay. You barely eat something for three days now. Don't yelle you've not been hungry since you came back. 

Smith: Smith, it's nothing, I just don't feel like. 

Antonio: are you missing Ava? Are you in love with her?

Smith at this point, he knew telling his brother would be a bad idea. His brother would definitely tell his friend Mateo. Smith knew that Antonio would be cool with it, but something in him kept telling him that Mateo wouldn't be cool with it. So, of course, telling Antonio would be a bad idea because he would share it with his friend. 

Smith: what do you mean in love with her? Bro I just met her. 

Antonio: yeah, that's true, but I know you, I know how you fall in love, you just always seem to make it pretty fast, and that what you are doing right now. 

Smith: of course not, bro, I'm not in love with her. I don't know what you are talking about, in fact, I'm done having this conversation with you. 

Now, that was pretty close, Antonio had a great instinct. Truly he knew his brother so well. What's going to happen next? 

After three days more, making it six days. Smith had the chance to use his brother's phone, then something in him told him it could be his brother had Ava's number. So. He quickly searched for it, truly it was there. Mateo had called him with Ava's phone before, that's how he got the number on his phone.Smith didn't care how he had it, yhe good thing was that he had it, he didn't mind how. So he quickly copied it. He tried to call but he was low on airtime subscription. So he quickly recharged. Then he called again. As the phone rang. His heart was beating fast that it matches the sound of ringing that the phone was making. Ava didn't know who was calling her. But then she picked the call. 

Ava: Hello. 

Smith couldn't say anything as he heard the sound of Ava's voice on the phone. But then he finally put himself together, and he forced out his voice to reply. With a low tone,he said, 

Smith: Hello, it's me, how are you? 

Ava quickly recognized the voice on the phone. Smith, is that you? (as she weeps over the phone and her voice began to tremble) 

Smith: it's me love. (as he began to smile with a little tear dropping out from his face) 

Ava: you finally called. I was so scared, I thought I would never hear from you again. 

Smith:. Don't say that. I knew I was going to call you. I just didn't know when and I always believed I'd see you again. 

Ava: I didn't know what to believe, I mean you were gone for six days, I didn't know how you are out there, and I had no one to ask after you. 

Smith: it don't matter no more my love, I'm here now. I'll come see you when I have the chance to. 

Ava: you will? Please tell me when? 

Smith: I don't know when. I mean I can't come over there when your brother is still around. I don't want him to know about us yet. 

Ava: I don't want him either. He said he was having a party in the next few days. He would be spending the night over. I think you should come when he is gone. I will tell you when he is gone. 

Smith: alright then, I will see you soon then. 

They had both agreed on when to finally meet again. They'd finally talked to each other again. Finally, it was the day they were both dying for, the day they had both waited to meet again. I guess it's finally here. And now they're both so happy. They kept texting each other all day and night. Now Antonio noticed, Smith had been himself again, and now he was always on his phone, so he thought maybe he was just having mood swings for some days. Mateo's day for party was finally here, or should I say the love birth reunion was finally here. Mateo left for the party. Ava called Smith and told him he could come, (Mateo is gone). I can feel it, how happy she was the whole night or they both were. Smith on his way got a little gift for Ava. He thought he would be nice to surprise her with a gift after six days of not hearing from each other. When he got there, he called on her. He knocked on the door. Finally, the phone Ava was always staring at was ringing, and it was Smith calling, the door she always listened to so she could answer when Smith would knock. it's was finally knocked by him. She ran to go get it. As she opened the door, she saw the love she as been waiting for walking right in towards her. She quickly jumped on him, as they both smiled or should I say laughed with joy. I missed you," she said as tears began to drop. I missed you too, he said. 

Smith: look I got you something, (he brought out the gift he got forher). He gave it to her. You like it? he asked. 

Ava: It's beautiful, of course I love it.Thank you so much. 

It was a gold necklace. She gave him a warm hug and they both kissed for a very long time, as usual. Remember Smith was a good kisser. She jumped on him as he grabbed him to her room, she layed her on the bed. They began to kiss softly, tenderly, and slowly they took their clothes off each other. is about time they go into what the grownups does, probably the thing they've been missing so much. But something they didn't expect happened. They were both naked on the bed.They had a sound coming towards the front door. Someone was knocking on the door. Their heart was beating so damn fast, and they began to tremble. Who could it be? The thoughts in their heads. Maybe it's Mateo. Smith didn't know either to run or to hide. They were both silent for a while, but the sound on the door didn't stop. We have to do something they both said. 

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