Creating My Own Profecy In My New Life : Boruto Series :

Chapter 7: Creating My Own Profecy In My New Life : Chapter : 6 : Academy Entrance Exam ( Part 2 ) :

Author's Note : Hello guys I hope you all are doing well . So before starting the chapter I would like to say something about this story .

( 1 ) The first thing that I would like to say in this story is that I have been irregular in updating the chapters of the stories of both of my works and I am extremely sorry for that . You see many things are going on my exams are close by and I am currently in the process of finalising the new novel I am working on so once my exams are over and the novel starts I can give daily updates on my works.

( 2 ) Secondly related to this current work I have decided that this is not going to be heram . Yes you are heard me right this is not going to be a heram story but there will be only one girl with our dear main character . And as for who that person will be , will see that in the future .

( 3 ) Thirdly about the novel I mentioned yes I am writing a novel and if everything goes right then next year either in May or June this year when I am going to release that novel . And when I do I hope you will enjoy it to your heart's content .

So that's all I had to say today . So without any further you let's start with our magical journey .

Thank you for reading .

Chapter : 6 : Academy Entrance Exam ( Part 2 ) :

Location : Konoha Shinobi Academy : Teachers Room :

At this moment while our main character was outside in his own reality the atmosphere in the teachers room was very tense.

After the examination of the theoretical test was over the test answers were brought in the teachers room and 5 teachers in total were marking through them one after another in a very quickpace. The way they were evaluating the answers proved their experience and professionalism in this field of work .

Most of the children's have either given the answers of the first two set correct but many were also wrong in their answers .

But what the teachers most wanted to see was the last question about the ' Will of Fire' .

Each year this question was repeated again and again in various format and tricks . Student of this age give their answer - like how they I wanted to become strong , how they wanted to become the hero of the village like the hokage or how they themselves want to become the hokage and some other predictable answers .

And this year too the teachers who are checking the answer seats thought the same and just like they thought indeed such was the case where most of answers were almost same as last year .

But what different this time was that a perticular answer sheet caught everyone's attention .

This was of course none other than our dear main characters answer sheet .

The teacher who was reviewing Takeru's answer sheet first became interested after seeing him answering every questions in the mathematical section correct which was indeed a rare site for his age.

Then came the general knowledge portion where also he got full marks by answering every question exceptionally well. This proved to the teacher that this child named Yamamoto Takeru was an exceptionally good learner and hard working person .

But when he looked at the last question about the will of fire his focus depend as he read through his answer with a deep acknowledging look. From start to the finish , when he finished reading the answer the teacher's expression changed many time with mostly being from shock to happy to a deep admiration .

It would be not an overstatement to say that Takeru's explanation about the will of fire has thoroughly and completely impressed the teacher .

as he quickly went around to show Takeru's answer sheet to the rest of the teachers , who too after seeing the detailed and meticulously designed explanation about the will of fire had the same expression as the previous teacher .

" What a deep and meaningful answer . His each and every words seems to truly carry the weight and importance of the ' Will OF Fire ' with it. " - said one of the teacher present .

" Yes and it is hard to believe that this person is just a 5 year old kid giving the entrance exam of the Academy . I think just based on this answer he more than qualifies to pass the test. " - said another instructor who was standing nearby .

" Yeah and not only that look all his other answers from the general knowledge test , history and mathematics all of them are accurately correct . To be honest very few people have ever got such high numbers especially a perfect score in this exam. And from the background information he seems to be an orphan kid with civilian background , I can only imagine how much he must have studied to have this much knowledge at his age . " - said a female teacher nearby her voice full of admiration and sympathy for the child's extraordinary brilliance and some what unfortunate background .

Soon the news of this unusual yet brides student even reached the principles office and the current principle or headmaster of the Academy who is none other than Umino Iruka everyone's favourite Iruka sensei came himself to see what was going on .

" So where is this brilliant child's answer sheets you all are talking about ? " - asked Iruka as he entered the room .

Quickly a teacher opted to give Takeru's answer sheet to Iruka , who started reading through it personally .

As being the principal of the Konoha's Shinobi Academy it was his responsibility to check , monitor and raise capable and outstanding students who would be the pillar of Konohagakure no Sato's bright and safe future he had to pay full attention to any potential geniuses so as to nurture them properly .

At first Iruka was presently surprised to see all the mathematical and general knowledge questions answered correctly which in itself is a very rare achievement for a 5 year old kid and happens a very few time in such an exam . But his expression changed from surprise to a shook and then to a delightful expression, when he read the last part of the answer containing the interpretation of the ' Will OF Fire ' just like the other instructors .

In fact unlike the other young instructors headmaster Iruka can be said to be one of the most experienced teachers serving the Shinobi Academy of Konohagakure no Sato . From a young teacher to the headmasters position Iruka had taught and seen many kinds of students including the current Hokage Uzumaki Naruto and others like Uchiha Sasuke , the previous generation of Ino - shika - cho , etc .

So it is suffice to say that he has seen a lot of students and through this experience alone he can at first glance determine a student's intelligence and character .

' This boy named Yamamoto Takeru he is a genius no doubt about it . ' - thought Iruka to himself as he saw the marks of genius in Takeru's answer , especially after reading his explanation of will of fire .

" Alright everyone get back to your work . And remember from now on you are to pay special attention to this boy named Yamamoto Takeru and report to me about his results first in detail . "

" Yes sir . " - at his words everyone replied happily . Afterall apperance of a genius is always a good thing .

Location Change : Academy Training Field :

Outside in the Academy's training field after the break was over all the students were gathered for their second examination of physical test .

" Alright everyone now that you have given your first theoretical exam it's time for your practical physical exam where we will judge your physical fitness and capabilities . The first part of the examination is a 500 m race that you need to complete within a set amount of time . This will be followed by kunai and shuriken throwing tests . "

" The last test will be about other talents that you may have . This test is not compulsory but if you show some other skills which we are deemed useful by shinobi standards we will give extra marks to you . " - said a special jonin instructor who was in charge of the phisical examination .

" Now follow the instructions ... " - afterwards he explained the rest of details of the examination .

The first round was a 500 m race would be conducted after dividing the students into groups with 10 childrens in each group .

And our dear main protagonist who had successfully gotton the teachers attention from his first test was selected among the first group of students and was particularly observed by the instructors .

Takeru who also noticed this sudden change did nothing out of line as he knew the reason behind it as if expecting to be the case . And was even secretly was happy about it.

" Alright on your mark get set go ! "

As soon as the instructor words fell the students of the first group bolted in action and rushed towards the finish line with all their might accompanied by the cheers from their friends in the spectators seat .

For the first few seconds it seemed like no one was able to take a leading poison . However soon a certain young man stood out of the group as he ran past all his other competitors and left them behind by a huge margine .

And soon this young man who was non other than Yamamoto Takeru finished the 500 m race when the rest of the 9 childrens who started with him we are not even half finished leaving the rest in awe .

" Wow ! who is he and how is he so fast ? "

" What ? what happened ? how can he be so fast the rest aren't even half finished yet . "

" Wow ! he is so handsome ? "

Soon murmurs begin to spread among the children's watching the race as they were left in awe by Takeru's explosive speed, performance and his handsome face 👀.

But the instructors had a different view on the matter than the childrens . As they analysed the Takeru's performance with keen and understanding eyes .

' This speed , he hadn't used his full strength at all ... no it would be precise to say that this speed is nothing to him and he can go even further considering the fact that he is not tired at all . Not only that the posture in which he ran and the controlled and precise movements of his foot to make little to no unnecessary sounds even in high speed shows his mastery over his body which is already comparable to an experienced genin or a new chunin . ' - thought the special jonin instructor who was in charge of the test .

And not only him but rest of the instructors who were present also came to the same conclusion after seeing Takeru's speed and control over his body movements .

After sometime the rest of the from the first group children also crossed the finish line and where panting and taking in deep breath where as Takeru standing next to them was looking fine and relaxed as if he just walked through the park .

" Alright next group come forward . "

After Takeru's exam the rest of the children's also finished there 500 m race but no one even came close to Takeru's level including Sumarie , although no one could tell if she was holding back or not .

" Alright it's time for the Ninja tool throwing exam . Here , as you can we have two sets of kunais and shurikens and you have to hit the target in front of you with most accuracy as you can . The more accurate hits you get the more marks you will get . " - said the instructor as he officially started the second round of examination after giving the childrens a 15 minutes rest .

The exam rules as explained earlier were very simple - one person needs to throw all the projectiles provided by the Academy and hit the target in front of them with as much as accuracy they can. But while it may seem simple at first it is actually not , at least not for unexperienced civilian childrens .

Although weapons provided for this examination are not sharp weapons , still they are made of metal and the weight of the metal coupled with the distance , air resistance and other factors will make it difficult for the children from the civilian background who have not been trained in such things from a young age difficult to hit the target.

While it is also possible that many of the civilian students have practiced Kunai throwing in their home through some wooden made weapons or something like that it is very rare for them to actually practice with real heavy metal weapons .

Soon the examination started and one by one many unknown civilian childrens and orphans were called by the teachers and expectedly most of the performance were low with some even failing to secure a single shot wheress the best someone has achieved so far was 4 hits out of the 10 , whereas most were either 1 or 2 hits .

" Alright Yamamoto Takeru come forward . " - soon it was about to change as the real star of the show was about to shine again .

When Takeru's name was called murmur started among the children as some wished for him to fail badly as they were jealous of his performance so far and some just wanted to see a good show as they had high expectations of Takeru.

But the one who can be said to be paying the most attention right now are the instructors who are conducting the exam as they have already sorted out Takeru from the rest of the children as a target of special attention.

Obviously Takeru new all this but with a story face you went forward and picked up the five shurikens in one hand and the 5 kunai in the other hand and throwed them towards the target at the same time .

" Ting ! ting ! ting ! ting ! " - under the surprised gaze of everyone present including the instructors all the projectiles landed on the red dot in the middle of the target fully occupying the small circle perfectly without leaving an inch of mistake .

In fact with his mastery of both the character templates throwing projectiles like this is like a child's play to him and doesn't feel anything extraordinary but to others who were unaware his cheat abilities had a different perception all together .

The children's like usual were were in awe of his power display and practically started to form fan clubs around him . whereas once again the instructors had a different view all together as they noticed the details hidden in Takeru's throwing techniques .

' This throwing technique is not only amazing but also very clean and perfect . The way he throwed them and from the way he managed to hit his target it can only be achieved by continuous hard and diligent training . And from all perspective his throwing technique , speed and precision is comfortable to a seasoned chunin . ' - thought the special jonin instructor as he wrote down in his notebook the specific details of Takeru's throwing technique .

After this many other children's came and took the exam but as usual after Takeru's performance everyone else's performances became mediocre in sight .

Soon the this part of the examination was also over after which some were happy some were nervous and some like Takeru didn't care .

Off topic discussion ( Started ) :

Author : Seriously I wish I could do so good in my exams in real life but no worries my dear Takeru I will make sure you can do all these in your life that I couldn't .

Takeru : Thankyou my friend 💕 .

( Total emotional talk 😭 ) .

Off topic discussion ( ended ) :

" Alright everyone gather around. For this last set of examination as I have said before is not compulsory and anyone who wishes too can participate in it . And based on your talent you will be given extra points and if you are not participating don't worry no points will be deducted from your examination total. So anyone who is interesting in taking part please come forward and report to me in 2 minutes . " - with that said almost half of the childrens taking exam decided not to participate any further . As first of all they didn't have any extra skills to showcase and secondly it was not compulsory and no marks will be deducted for not participating so they didn't feel it necessary to take participate in the examination .

As for the guest who decided to participate did not necessarily have any good skills and techniques but seeing the less factor in this set of examination they decided to try their luck with it .

And obviously Yamamoto Takeru was among this people but unlike most of them he had many skills to demonstrate .

" Alright since everyone is ready let's start the last part of this acadamy entrence examination . "

To be continued .

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