Chapter 8: Creating My Own Profecy In My New Life : Chapter: 7 : Accademy Entrance Exam : ( Part: 3 ) :
Chapter : Academy Entrance ( Exam Part 3 ) :
" Yamamoto Takeru come forward and show case your talents "
It's been 15 minutes since the beginning of the test and more than half of the students who chose to participate had been observed and marked according to their talents .
But the talents showcased so far ... Let's say they were mediocre and most of them had more to do with normal daily life rather than being a shinobi .
But that's to be expected after all they were civilian childrens not from shinobi clans and had little access to anything related to a proper shinobi training before this .
On this note many people may ask why even conduct this examination when it is known that most of the children's don't have any good talents in the shinobi field .
Well the reason is very simple while most of the skills shown here may not be directly related to anything like shinobi fighting but that does not mean they are not necessary in anyway .
For example skill like management ,cooking , singing , etc . while simple skills play a huge important role both for ordinary civilians and for the ninja population .
To Ninja while this gives may not help them in a fight they help them in other ways. Like during wars someone with good management skills can help the army by skillfully managing their supplies and resources , a person with good singing and cooking skill can keep the soldiers happy and keep the morale up for the troops , etc . which greatly determines the outcome of the wars .
Not only that but anyone with this good skills like buisness , literally authors , etc . can be used as a spy to infiltrate enemy positions as ordinary people gain influence in their society and the constructing a foot hold on the other side .
While most of the wars had ended in this era and the great shinobi villages are in peace with each other that does not mean that they have totally soffened their military stance , especially when it comes to their internal safety .
So while there may not be any large scale wars this days the village always tries to keep a strong military presence along with a good spy and information network to monitor the other villages and organisations .
Except for that another reason why this skills are popularised in the academy these days is precisely because of the piece era .
Unlike the past were the great shinobi wars persisted where every single shinobi even if they were just low level genins were required . In this peaceful era their is no such requirements . So the number of childrens who have graduated as shinobis has also decreased because of this , so in turn not everyone who enters the Academy can become an official ninja these days .
So the attention towards non shinobi fighting skills is just another way of the village trying to create another path for the children to earn their living if they failed to a shinobi or want to take another route if they feel like it .
( Author's Note : Hello guys I hope you all are doing well before continuing I have something to say about the previous statement I have made .
We know that after Kakashi became the Hokage a lot of development and changes along with modernisation were brought in Konohagakure no Sato . Among these reformations the shinobi academy also had to go a transformation . But not enough details are given on the matter , yes , some references can be drawn from the show , manga and the sources but they are not enough to recreate the entire transformation process . So , I have used my own speculations and and understanding to fill up those gaps .
And on these basis I have made some different aspects about the shinobi academy that may have been introduced in the new reformation acts . This may not be entirely true but I believe that it has a huge possibility of being true if it were in the real world .
On this matter we must remember that all the regulations and changes that I have mentioned in the story rests on the fact that the main character is really living in the Shinobi world and is not a spectator seeing through a third person's prospective .
I hope you all will understand my view . )
After hearing his name being called out Takeru who was quietly meditating or to be more precise training his sensory capabilities opened his eyes and with graceful steps which were neither too slow nor too fast approached the stage .
The children's as usual were awaiting in anticipation wanting to see another spectacular performance from the young boy who although looked their age had done something that could never imagine .
Whereas the instructors like always had a greater in sense of understanding as they keenly focused on Takeru's each and every move with great scrutiny .
' Good , elegant and confident body movements this can be said to be the summary of this boy . The way he is walking with so much confidence shows that he knows that he can tackle anything that comes in front of you right now .' - thought the leading special jonin instructor as he perfectly wrote down each details in his report .
Undeterred by any of the looks of both admiration and scrutany he was getting he stood infront of the audience present and quickly scanned the area .
And after looking at the expected gazes of his pears and the instructors he started forming hand seals to the astonishment and shock of everyone including the instructors .
" Tiger - Boar - Ox - Dog - Snake . Kawarimi no jutsu / Body Replacement Technique . "
" Puff ! " - As soon as he finished his hand seals with a puff of smoke Takeru was no longer there was instead replaced by a piece of wood and reappeared some place next to his original position .
But Takeru wasn't finished yet .
" Swiss ! " - with a quick action he used Body Flicker Technique / Shunshin no jutsu to arrive before the kunai throwing target that was used during the second examination .
Anyone who had a good seasoned observation they could tell that Takeru's mystery over Body Flicker Technique / was better than his Body Replacement Technique .
But he didn't stop their and once again quickly started forming hand seals once again .
" Snake - Ram - Boar - Horse - Bird ( claped his hands together ) . Wind Release : Gale Palm Technique / Futon : Reppusho . " - after completing the hand seals he clapped his hand together and forced out a strong gale of wind towards the wooden target from the kunai throwing examination .
" Boom ! " - as soon as the attack collided with the target with a resounding sound of explosion the wooden target was scattered into multiple pieces by the strong gale of wind .
" Boom ! Crack ! " - but the attack didn't stop there and the residual energy hit the wall behind and another explosion sounded along with a cracking noise accompanying it .
When the dust finally settled on the field what came in everyone's view was a shattered wooden target that is beyond any recognition and a 2m deep crack in the thick wall which has been reinforced over time .
After completing his actions and seeing the result in front of him Takeru simply dusted himself of the dust and debris and slowly turn around to look at the instructor behind him only to find all of them including both the instructors and the childrens looking totally dumb founded .
It would be suffice to say that Takeru's performance had made them totally speechless and only after a full minute of deathly silence did the instructors came back to the their senses and quickly noted down Takeru's performance and praised him on the spot .
" Come to the principal's office after the examinations are over . " - The leading instructor even came near him and quietly told him to come to the principals office after the examination was over and have him dismissed .
Soon the childrens also came back to their senses and after a moment of complete silence all of them erupted in a loud roar of astonishment and cheer and once Takeru came down from the examination platform they immediately surrounded asking different questions one after another .
In response to this Takeru felt quite awkward because first of all as we know he had a problem with socializing with people clearly and secondly he just did it know just how to answer all the questions .
But still he tried his best to be polite as possible and just like his usual self gave formal replies to everyone he can .
At first you thought that his formal way of speaking will been seen rude by the light hearted children create some disturbance and distance between him and pears of his age group .
But to his genuine surprise he was shocked to see that not only the scenario he imagined never occurred but it seems somehow only increased his image in front of the other children's eyes .
' Now that I think about it in the show most of the characters who were aloof and acted mature like Sasuke , Kakashi, etc happened to get a lot of attention from the children's of their age group . Sigh ! It seems like I have also enter the same group . ' - Takeru thought to himself .
After nearly 5 minutes of constant questionings from the excited childrens that he finally managed to get himself out of the situation only when one of the teachers attracted everyones attention and resumed the examination process .
After he seated himself under same tree as before he finally sighed a breath of releaf as he felt more tired while answering the questions of these over exited childrens then performing three continuous ninjutsu from before .
After calming down he started to think about the talk he just had with the chief instructor .
' Well it seems that I have successfully got their attention , in fact a little more than I initially wanted to but that's fine as well . After all the more I gain recognition it will also help me gain more support and influence in the village and the society which will help me to fight off both internal and external threats in the future . ' - Takeru thought to himself.
Takeru's view was simple , a single man even if he is considered a chosen hero or given a huge power cannot save the entire world by himself .
Yes he may be able to become an one man army fighting of hundreds and thousands of enemies by himself defeating them one after another but that doesn't mean that he can do it again and again overtime .
So he wants to not only become strong by individual strength but also have his own followers and influence in various social , political and financial aspect of the society .
And for these reasons he needs a lot of fame , reputation , financial resources , etc .
While it may seem like unimportant things especially when you think of scenarios like fighting against alien gods who can destroy cities with ease . In such scenarios what can money and political authority really do ?
Well statement is not that simple.
While financial , social and political power may not directly help in a combat situation especially against powerful forces this things are intermingled with our daily life in a inseparable manner and indirectly sometimes directly affects the outcome of different wars and battles in more way then we can imagine .
The best examples of this scenario is that while the kages of the shinobi villages have supernatural powers and military authority that far surprises any ordinary ruler of a land but they still have to give a certain degree of respect and follow the authority of the daimyo of the land under whom they work for .
Because even if they have the military power they need economic support to cover various expenses and upgrade their military overtime and hence depends on the financial support from the official rulers of the land .
If any one of these villages stop getting financial helps from the these rich people then let's just say Sunagakure no Sato after the third great shinobi war during the rule of Rasa is an best example of it .
So while he is in the Academy he has decided to earn as much as merit as possible along with different connections and goodwill from both his classmates and the villagers which he has already started by showcasing his brilliance and talent .
Because he knows from the beginning that if he wants to save the village and the people he loves he cannot sit by in a passive position where he will only act on orders of other .
No instead he will be the one leading the charge to stop the incoming threats by himself .
And secondly there was another reason for his excessive show of power in this exam and he was currently just looking at it in front of his face .
" "
Ding ! System Alert : Quest : Completed : Show case your talents in the academy entrance exam : You are the future son of destiny and a brilliant prodigy and in such cases must showcase your dominance and talent infront of everyone with confidence .
Rewards :
( 1 ) Doton : Sokonashi Numa Jutsu / Earth Release : Bottomless Swamp .
( 2 ) Raiton : Raiju Tsuiga Jutsu / Lightning Release : Lightning Beast Tracking Fang .
( 3 ) 5 percent increase in Miyamoto Musashi template .
" "
Seeing his rewards for the mission a small smile clipped on to his face and he quickly open his status page in his mind .
" "
Status :
Name : Yamamoto Takeru .
Age : 6 years old .
Race : Human .
Gender : Male .
Status : Orphan kid from Konohagakure no Sato .
Chakra : Unlocked .
Character Template :
( 1 ) Senju Hashirama template : 18 percent profeciency .
( 2 ) Miyamoto Musashi template : 40 profeciency .
Skills :
( 1 ) Imitation Cut technique proficiency : 60 percent .
( 2 ) Shinken Shirahadori technique proficiency : 20 percent .
" "
( Author's Note : Hello guys I hope you all are doing well . So before continuing any further into the story I would like to inform you that I have decided to stop adding the profeciency levels of different jutsus and other skills , because I find it very annoying and hard to write every skills he has . And as time goes on he will get more and more jutsus and skills a lot of which may be not much powerful like E and C rank jutsus . So from now on until and unless it's a necessary and powerful skill I will not add them in the status page .
I hope you all can understand my point . )
After seeing his status page and his current proficiency in his character template development he was quite satisfied with it.
With increase in proficiency through his hard training each day and the result of getting proficiency increase after doing quests currently his strength has far past that of a student and can even fight a chunin with confidence of not losing .
Moreover with 18% proficiency in his Sanju Hashirama template he can with just more two more percent increase have the access to the memories of Sanju Hashirama including his battle experiences which he till now didn't have the access to .
And as for his other character template Miyamoto Musashi after completing 40% proficiency his swordsmenship and hand to hand combat awareness has increased multiple folds to the point that if any veterinarian will notice some similarities between him and a battle hardened shinobi with years of life and death experience .
With this thoughts in his mind time passed by and the examination came to the end and the childrens were told to depart from the academy and come back two days later when the results will be announced .
But as the group of students exited some of them noticed a empty gap among them , specifically the handsome young star of today's test .
But no matter whom they asked no one knew where Takeru was because right now Takeru was sitting in the principal's office room infront of the current principal of the Shinobi Academy of Konohagakure no Sato , Umino Iruka or fan favourite Iruka sensei .
But what surprised Takeru was not Iruka but the person sitting next to Iruka , a person with goattee who he didn't expect to meet in a place like this at all .
' what in the world is he doing here ? ' .
To be continued .