Demi: Birth of the true mage

Chapter 1: Prologue: Marionette

The dark skies brought a looming evil over the city of Newark. Her bright colored lights, reduced to a candle in the thick shadows. A storm was coming and the rumbling clouds made it ever so evident. 

She couldn't see anything in the dark room, but a cold metallic scent held her nose hostage. Not until the first strike of lightning did she notice the red liquid flooding the floor she stood on. Wearing nothing but socks she felt the liquid soak in her feet. It was warm. When the second strike of lightning flashed she noticed the body resting against the bed, and by the third flash her eyes grew wide in horror.




The morning sun shone brightly through the dark tinted glass of the Maserati Ghibli. It was a new day in the city of Newark and Mazekien Shcmidt was ready to start her final year at school. With an anxious smile she took in a deep breath and centered herself.

"Okay girl, let's get this show started." She told herself. The Maserati came to a halt, and Mazekien took in another calming breath before her driver opened the door for her.

Stepping out with an air of confidence she scanned the school before her. The high fences and surveillance cameras were a bit extreme for your average high school. But Rosemary high wasn't your average high school. With facilities that would put most universities to shame, it wasn't surprising that they needed that much security. Compared to the other schools in the city, Rosemary was still relatively young, being built only 50 years ago.

After a lineup of trees that retained their green color from the passing summer, you'd come across a beautiful red clay brick building. The admin building. Behind it was the rest of Newark's most prestigious school with Facilities that supported mainly engineering courses with a few outliers like food science and clothing and textile. 

"Chin up, back straight and shoulders back." Mazekien said to herself as she started going through the motions. She strutted confidently in the school gates. The wind was light, but her hip length dark hair swayed effortlessly. As usual, eyes fell upon her as she made her way inside the school. Her onyx eyes demanded respect, yet her soft and kind smile could trick anyone into a false sense of security. 

"Good to see that you are in high spirits, Ms. Schmidt." Maze rolled her eyes and turned to address this person.

"Well of course Mr. Reynolds, As Head Girl I can't be anything less." She said in her own rich girl tone.

"Alright, let's drop the rich bitch act before you forget to give me my daily dose." The guy spread his arms for a hug and with a slight giggle Maze wrapped her arms around him. 

"Good morning, Duncan." 

"You went ghost on us after the Varsity cup bro, what happened?" He said while adjusting his square spectacles. His calm dark blue eyes analyzing her quizzically.

What happened after the Varsity cup was a topic she wanted to avoid. Their friend-group was supposed to be perfect. "Don't worry about it Duncan, I wasn't feeling all too good, so Mr. Fry drove me back home." That was only half true, the other half she preferred to keep close to her chest.

"And you say you aren't a teacher's pet? Mr. Fry basically treats you like his little sister." Duncan jested, brushing the strands of blonde hair back behind his ear.

"Mr. Fry is practically family at this point, so cut him some slack if he treats me better than the rest of you." Maze tried to keep the arrogance out of her tone, but she couldn't help it. Being coddled was the best! But yet again, she only told half of the full story.

"I find it hard to believe you're working alone, where's your plus 1?" Maze asked, noticing the bag of flyers in his hands. They were flyers for the combat club and as president of the student council he was expected to take favors like that from teachers. It was a quick way to shift the conversation away from her, because as good as her acting was, Duncan was still her friend, and she couldn't afford to weave distrust among them… though Bastien was more likely to do that on his own.

"She was with me a second ag---"

"Ahh---!" Mazekien shrieked before covering her mouth.

"Morning bitch!" A snarky voice singed from behind her. A dark-skinned girl crashed into her with a monstrous hug from the back. After being put back on her feet Maze put her hand over her heart, feeling it beat against her ribcage.

"Tiffany Williams. Since it's the first day, I will excuse your act of harassment, but I do ask that you refrain from scaring me like that again!" Maze said, trying her hardest to keep professional.

The dark beauty before her stared boredly at her act of professionalism. Her plump lips sucking on her teeth as she waited for Maze to finish.

"As representatives of the school we should always---"

"Blah, blah, blah, are you gonna hug me now, or what?" Tiffany cut her off before she could continue with her scolding. She spread her arms expectantly, watching as Mazekien's face changed from mad, to annoyed, to happy, as she wrapped her arms around her best friend. Tiffany's plump and squishy body felt like a cloud in her arms. The sweet vanilla scent of her cologne calming whatever anger was left over for her.

"Okay, now when are we gonna discuss the party after Orientation, I already got a bar tender and a DJ on lock down, but are we sure that we have enough drinks for 300+ seniors?" Tiffany asked after breaking their hug, her hyperactive side jumping back into motion.

"Listen ladies, we can discuss this later, but for now, Ms. Williams and I have to hang all these fliers before school starts." Duncan interrupted just before Maze could answer Tiffany.

"Argh, Duncan stop being such a stick in the mud, this is your last year, live a little!" Duncan rolled his eyes at his energetic partner.

"I've lived enough for two lifetimes because of you. Now can we finish our job? I don't want Headmaster Vander on my ass on the first day of school." Tiffany looked to Maze for some support.

"Do you want to deal with Vander?" She groaned at Mazekien's question, realizing that there was no way out of it.

"Fine, but once I'm done you better be ready to give me details." Tiffany said before swiftly turning to blind Maze with her pink braids.

"Guess I'll speak to you later Mazekien. Make sure to check in with Principal Vander for the yearly plan." Maze nodded as Duncan began to chase after Tiffany who was trying to rush her work.

Mazekien giggled at how goofy her friend group was for holding the top positions in the school. After locating her locker, she began placing all her textbooks in it. Digital textbooks were an option, but she learned better with the physical copies. Every student's locker was located by their home room class, and each needed a fingerprint to open.

The hallways were bustling with conversations, everyone optimistic with their start to the new semester. The roof of the hallways in senior building were lined with Victorian style chandeliers that glowed a light orange, and on the Marble tiled walls were lamps of a similar fashion. Even with the lights off the coloring of the school gave it a distinct vintage look that Maze really appreciated. Maybe the same rang true for all her fellow students.

Gathering all the books she needed, she closed her locker before feeling a large set of arms wrap around her waist and a warm chin resting on her shoulder.

Am I that easy to sneak up to? She thought, having to restrain herself from jumping out of fear.

"Guess who has the club room keys for the day?" Maze's body shivered as the man's deep voice vibrated her insides. Those big muscular arms and that deep husky voice belonged to only one person.

"Good morning, Bastien." She greeted. Trying to keep her composure around him. Remember Maze, calm, cool and collected. Just like how big brother used to do it.

"You didn't answer my question." He whispered. Unlike other high schools, most people knew how to mind their own business, that's if you didn't count the news club that is. Maze turned to face him as his grip around her waist loosened. Bastien was easily twice Mazekien's size. 130 kg of muscle standing tall over her small frame. His icy blue gaze meeting hers with a great sense of softness. A softness that was given to her and her alone. Or so she wanted to think.

He lifted her to be level with him, pinning her on her locker as she reactively wrapped her legs around his waist. Come on Mazekien! Calm, cool and collected! He's moving you like a doll right now and you're absolutely folding!

He came in for a kiss but was stopped as Mazekien whispered into his ear. 

"Pretty bold of you to think that I'd do this in public." She jumped for joy inside, marking it as her first step to resisting him. Bastien sighed.

"Damn it, and I was so close too." He cursed. Slowly he began to put her down. Maze could feel her legs shaking, if he wanted to, he could take her right then and there, and no one could stop him.

"I'm supposed to see Headmaster Vander after this so I can't be entertaining your little games Leclue." She spat, causing Bastien to flinch from hearing her use his surname.

"Oh come on, what did I do this time?" Bastien asked.

"I never said you did anything." Maze answered coldly as she began straightening herself up. 

"Come on babe, I won't know what's wrong unless you tell me." Bastien pleaded, seeing as she wasn't gonna remove the scowl on her face.

"My problem is you not respecting my boundaries while we're at school, we can mess around after, but for now I have an image to uphold." She complained. It wasn't as if she was lying either, it being her last semester as Head Leader, meant she had to avoid all scandals. Because when it's said and done, people only remember you by how you went out before anything else.

"Well, I'm sorry, It's just been so long since I received my weekly dose." Bastien said as he began closing the distance between them. Cupping her chin in his hands, he descended slowly to kiss her. She violently turned her head away, stopping Bastien before he came any closer. The boy was about to leave disappointed before he saw the pink blush forming on her cheeks which brought a smile on his face. As good as she was at acting, hiding how she felt from those close to her was still difficult.

"I love you, Maze." He said before walking away. Mazekien turned back to her locker, opened it and silently screamed her frustrations out. Her heart raced like a rabbit on steroids. She wanted to hate the effect she had on her, but every time she thought she could resist he would pop up and destroy all of her progress. Then again it was her fault for not telling him. Telling him that they were done.

Taking a deep breath, she calmed herself down. Whether he cheated or not was still a bit of a mystery. The rumor was confirmed by a credible source, and though there were tensions between them, Mitchell wouldn't lie to her like that. She wanted to ask him, but she knew he'd be mad if he figured out the reason why she was so cold was because of a rumor, especially one that came from Mitchell.

"Stay focused Mazekien." She said to herself. "We still have to check in with Headmaster Vander." She was about to close her locker before a letter flashed by her peripheral. Buried under all her books. How did she not notice it?

Sliding the piece of paper out of the pile she opened and read it. Almost immediately her eyes shot open.

"I wish you were dead!!!"  The letter read, a phone number at the bottom with a name under it. "Marionette."

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