Chapter 2: Prologue: Vander
"Is something wrong, Ms. Schmidt?" Headmaster Vander's brooding voice pulled Mazekien out of her thoughts. Her mind had been preoccupied with the note she read earlier. As much as she didn't want to believe it, someone in the school wanted her dead.
"It's nothing sir, just thinking about the Seniors' party later this week." Maze's voice was hesitant, still distraught with the notion that her life was in danger. Vander scoffed.
"When you're done pondering such trivial matters, get back to matching the mentors with their mentees. I need that list done by the end of today." Vander was an impeccably dressed old Gentleman, always wearing suits matching his authoritative presence. A man befitting of the title 'Headmaster'. He returned to his work, paying no mind to her greater concerns. He was looking at St. Mary's pass average and comparing it to Rosemary's. The only school left to overcome in his mission to become the number 1 school in Newark.
"Yes sir, I'll be right on it." She took a deep breath, placing her fears at the back of her mind. She needed to focus on her work, figuring that it could at least distract her from thinking about it. The amount of each Freshmen class was always equal to that of the Senior class. This had always been the case in the school's 50-year history. But that year was different. Three new seniors would join on a Scholarship that promised them free schooling. This was known as the school's outreach program, where the school would invite promising students from different schools to come to Rosemary to "Better their studies" or so said the Headmaster.
Maze knew that this was the Headmaster's plan to up the school's ranking as no other high-ranking school did this. On the chance that the school did reach the number 1 ranking it would receive double in the number of sponsors and become the poster child of Newark City.
Maze resisted the urge to roll her eyes at Vander's lack of faith in his own students, but it was that same cold and methodical approach of his that got Rosemary in the top 10 to begin with, so she couldn't complain. There was a lot she knew but chose to keep quiet about, which went with her job description as Head Girl.
After she finished sorting the student folder of each freshman she handed it to Headmaster Vander. Off the corner of her eye, she noticed a few different colored folders. She turned to get a proper look at them.
"Those are the folders for the new seniors, you're free to have a look at them. I've already given them the school's stamp." Vander said as he noticed Mazekien's interest with folders.
Not one to argue, Mazekien took the three folders and went back to her seat. Opening the first one she began to read the students' description.
/Chris Macklemore, 3-A/
/A bright and young academic. With the highest gpa in the whole continent, a mild mannered and gentle personality, this young man is sure to bring some great achievements to the school/
The student picture matched the description with the image Maze had in her mind. He was quite young looking, with gigantic circle glasses and a bad posture. His hair was a messy patch of brown and his eyes a similar shade of brown. He had a few pimples here and there and Maze could tell that he had braces under that smile of his.
A child prodigy, huh? With his gpa he could even surpass me in academics. Maze looked at Vander, understanding why he went with that choice. If my record as an academics gold student was enough to push us higher than fifth then having two academics gold students will improve our case for the top spot… But still. Maze could tell that Vander didn't have any hope of producing another genius in the school, which was why he picked him in the first place.
The plan felt short sighted, but maybe there was an angle Maze was missing in this plan of his. Having back up plans were something the Headmaster was known for.
Putting the folder down she picked up the next and began reading it.
/Mohammed Binyam, 3-A/
That surname jumped out at her as she was sure she had heard it before but couldn't put her finger on it.
He had silky black hair that was cut into a fade, skin that was caramel-brown, and his thick eyebrows that framed the most striking feature on him. Bright and exotic amber eyes that seemed to pull her in. She found herself staring at them, stolen by the menacing yet captivating air around them. He looked familiar, not in the sense that they'd met before, but like his face reminded her of someone.
Mohammed Binyam. Binyam. I swear I've heard that surname before. Pushing the thought aside Maze read his description for clarification, hunting for clues that could jog her memory.
A student from the underbelly of the South. A promising addition that is sure to get us a few math and science awards, and possibly shine light on the hidden gems of the South.
Maze didn't think that the Headmaster would extend his scholarship to a student from the South. Rumors say that all children there are born criminals. Maze didn't believe those rumors, but she didn't ignore them. Every time the news would speak of robbery or a murder it would always be the doing of a Southerner.
I wonder if he'll be like that. Maze shook thought out of her mind, realizing her own prejudice. If he's a Southerner that received Vander's attention then he should have some redeeming qualities, right? She turned to Vander with a concerned look on her.
"Rosemary's performance, though exceptional, has stagnated, Ms. Schmidt. Calculated risks like that Southern born boy will ultimately boost our numbers should things go well." Headmaster Vander started. "As his surname suggests he might have ties to the infamous Aha'med Binyam, but I've checked his record and he's oddly clean for a Southerner. I would need you to keep him under the microscope for me, we can't afford the school gaining any bad press." This confused Mazekien further as she didn't know why Vander would make such a risky move and then she tried to think of it from his perspective.
Should the Southerner bring back any awards he will bring a lot of good press around Rosemary and boost the school's status. Should it fail however, Headmaster Vander was most likely going to cut ties with the Southerner and act like he was never there. A risky plan, but one worth the risk Maze had to admit.
Maze eyed the last folder before opening it, feeling an odd excitement about doing so, but that soon turned to a look of confusion as she stared at the name on the folder.
/Nami, 3-B/
No surname? She continued to read her description to clear her curiosity, but it didn't answer much. Her hair was cut in a short, curly fade. Her skin a warm and vibrant brown with full lips that reminded her of Tiffany's, and they looked just as good. Her light brown eyes carrying a menace with them that Maze couldn't get a read on. As if the picture itself was analyzing her. She checked the description for assistance.
A student praised for her prowess as a fighter and allegedly a master in the wind and water God styles.
Woah. She thought. Bastien has been studying the Earth-God style for years, but not even he is a master, and yet she has a mastery in two styles? It couldn't be true. It was unheard of even.
"Unlike the Southerner, she is more of a gamble than a calculated risk. Her last school didn't give us much in terms of information. I mostly chose her out of recommendation from Mr. Leclue." Vander explained. "/A misleadingly powerful fighter, able to go toe to toe with the greatest on the planet, it would be a mistake not to reach out to her/. Those were Mr. Leclue's words to me." He quoted.
Maze thought about it for a minute, she remembered Bastien speaking about the Kami cup being so bloody that it couldn't be televised worldwide, and so only a select group of people were invited. Most being Royal knights and retired swords.
"Other than her first name, there was another given to me by Mr. Leclue. Out of one hundred men, she was the most ferocious, with a misleadingly small physique she was able to defeat even the most terrifying foes, this earned her the nickname, BlackSilver Nami."