Chapter 18: Chapter 10: I should've ran
A slow monotonous click of the arms of the clock was the only sound present in the room. It had been a few minutes since they entered his office, but the silence stretched those minutes into hours. The room had no windows, only being lit by lanterns placed in the corners.
Vander had his eyes closed the entire time they were there, as if lost in deep thought. Both Maze and Hunter were too afraid to question his silence as the atmosphere around him weighed down on them.
He opened his eyes and both of them nearly flinched at his cold stare, his dark uncaring eyes seemed to pull them in, almost hypnotically.
"Honestly, out of all the families I've allowed into this school, yours remains infamous for causing me migraines. Why is it that I had hope for you, after the scandal your brother brought into these walls?" Maze gripped her skirt, trying to stop all her shaking.
"Marcus's death, as tragic as it was, at least placed our school in the top 5." A devilish grin fell on his stoic face, but Maze couldn't stand to look at him. His words alone were enough to enrage her. She bit her inner lip, trying desperately to not speak back, or better yet spit in his face.
"Then you came along, I would be a fool not to have recognized how much of an impact you've had on the school's standing. 3 Academics gold and that charisma you Schmidts share brought us all the way to number 2. But this school is not carried on the back of a single student." Headmaster Vander got up from his seat.
"Despite your influence, that's all you are in my eyes," He started, circling his desk while tracing its outline with his long skinny fingers. "Just another girl who got drunk and exposed herself for the world to see." His gaze bore holes through her as she could feel him strip down every mental defense she had set up. "Just another girl who got too big for her own shoes, only to have her wings cut off by her, so called, "friends" betrayal." He walked behind her seat, placing his lanky hands on her shoulders. Feeling her cold shivers through her blazer. "Just another girl who runs away from her problems to warm the bed of her teacher."
Mr. Fry erupted from his seat and grabbed the Headmaster by the collar, his eyes burning with fury.
"Your final day as Head Girl will be a week before Mid-Terms," Headmaster Vander wasn't even fazed by Mr. Fry's outburst, keeping his gaze glued on Mazekien. "You will address the school in an assembly, wherein you will relinquish your title as Head Girl. Your reasoning will be your transfer to Saint Mary High, do we have an understanding?" Mr. Fry's fist balled, ready to knock Vander out.
"Hunter, that's enough!" Mazekien shouted, tears flowing out her eyes uncontrollably. "Please Hunter, don't make this any worse." Hunter's grip loosened around Vander's collar.
His eyes finally locked on to Mr. Fry as he sobered from his violent outburst.
"Oh, I have not forgotten about you, Mr. Hunter Fry," he said, calling out his name rhythmically. "I do things in an orderly fashion and addressing you was next on my agenda." His gaze remained cold as Hunter backed away.
"I know a lot about your relationship with Ms. Mazekien, Hunter." Vander walked passed the frozen Hunter, as if his presence in the room did not matter to him.
"Letting a runaway minor stay for a week in your home is a crime punishable by 20 years in Locklehome, but I'm sure you were already aware of that, weren't you?" He stood next to Maze, a hand on her shoulder.
"I could never imagine, not even in my darkest dream that a teacher, a part of my own faculty, would pursue romantic relations with his own student. If this is the man you've become, then your ex-wife is justified in leaving you." Hunter clutched his fist, trying his hardest not to swing at the Headmaster.
"Do you find joy in antagonizing me, Headmaster?" Hunter asked through gritted teeth.
"I am merely voicing my concerns; I have no need to shoot a dead horse." He turned to Hunter, his gaze remaining cold and uncaring, almost as if he was bored of the whole ordeal. Hunter balled his fists.
"You have two options." He said, getting into Hunters personal space.
"You can return to your seat, I fire you and give you a letter of referral to another Highschool, not in the top 5 that is." Hunter's eyes shot open.
"But you said…"
"You brought Mazekien back, I commend you for that, but I cannot have a pedophile roam the halls of my school." Hunter tightened the grip he had on him as he readied a punch, keeping his eyes hidden under his bangs as to avoid Vander's gaze.
"Or, we can come to blows and I air out all your dirty laundry. You get arrested, and lose all hope of seeing your son again." Hunter's clenched fist loosened after hearing that. His eyes softening as a distraught look came upon him. "Harboring and romantic relations with a minor is a penalty punishable by 40 years. Neither Mazekien nor your son will see you for the foreseeable future." Hunter backed away.
"You can't do that!" Maze shouted. "Hunter did nothing wrong! I'm the one who should be punished!" Fixing himself Headmaster Vander returned to his seat.
"Both you and Mr. Fry threatened the school's reputation, that's reason enough for me to punish you however I feel." He relaxed his head on his hand, looking down at the student files on his table.
"I expect to have your letter of resignation no later than today evening." He said, giving the two a chance to leave. Maze ran out, her tears streaming down her face. Mr. Fry sighed, taking one final look at Headmaster Vander.
"I hope you're proud of yourself." He voiced out before leaving. Once the door closed he dug through the student files before him and picked up Maze's file. He sighed to himself as he read it over.
"What a waste."