Demi: Birth of the true mage

Chapter 19: Chapter 10: Breaking point

Come on Mazekien, get it together, there's still a full day of school left. You can't look like this! She thought to herself in a panic. Looking at herself in the mirror of the girl's bathroom. She had visible pores lining her cheeks, her usually youthful eyes now baggy and red from all the crying she had been doing. She smiled, trying to put on the perfect smile she sold to everyone, but all her imperfections were now blatant to see.

Once the bell rings the halls will be filled with my underclassmen, I have to get my shit together before then! She thought, splashing the ice-cold water on her face. Get it together Maze, this can't be how it ends! She dragged her fingers through her scalp, gripping her hair hard enough to pull it off.

Just as she thought she was starting to cool off the bell tolled. Her heart skipped a beat every time it's rhythmic dong went off. She could feel her breath freeze in her throat, hearing the students walk out their classes. Maze stumbled back and cornered herself by the stall door behind her. The footsteps of students approaching the bathroom drew nearer and her mind scrambled to find an escape. Her hand touched the cold metallic handle of the stall door, and she opened it hurriedly.

Locking herself in the stall she sat down on the toilet seat as memories of the past came rushing back. Stop. She thought, trying her hardest to silence the memory, only for it to become clearer.

The laughing of the girls that surrounded her as she sat on the toilet seat drenched in cold water. Stop.

She could barely lift her head to look at their faces as she shivered before them, both in anger and in sadness as she was held up for all to see. Stop!

All for what? Because she was the failure sister of the prodigy Marcus? Or was it because Marcus had died, and they felt that they had the right to pick on the much weaker younger sibling? Why is it that Marcus's enemies became her own, when she had never met them a day in her life. "STOP!!" She slammed her fist against the wall of the stall as her thoughts ran rampant, but they were soon silenced by a knock that scared her heart still.

"Ma-Mazekien." She knew who it was, her angelic voice was unmistakable. She stared at the door for who knows how long until her voice called out to her again. "Mazekien, it's me. It's Tiffany."

Her body got up, which surprised even her. She walked closer to the door and rested her forehead against it, her eyes still wide in shock. It was her friend. No, it was her best friend.

Tiffany, the one who cried with her after the death of her brother. Tiffany, the one who stood by her when she was getting bullied. Tiffany, the one who helped her take down all her enemies. Tiffany, the one who stayed even after she cut off almost half off her friends. Tiffany Williams, the traitor.

Her blood began to boil as she reached for the lock. The memory of the night that set it all off began coming back to her.

Now that I think of it, its all her fault. Everything was perfect before she put her lips on Bastien. She stole everything from me. Every twist of the lock clarified the memory of that night. The music blasting in the background mixed in with the crowd's cheers. The smell of weed, nicotine and alcohol clouding the air. The cold evening breeze brushing up against her skin. And lastly, the sight of the two people she trusted the most shoving a dagger in her fragile heart as they locked lips.

The door creaked open, and the second Maze saw the smile on her face, she swung her fist with more force than she had ever mustered in her life. Tiffany stumbled back from the force of the punch and before she could even get her bearings Maze tackled her and slammed her back against the door of the bathroom. The two fell on the floor. Tiffany tried to crawl away before Maze climbed over her. Once mounted Maze began unleashing blow after blow on her face, swinging as hard as her skinny arms could swing as she let out a blood curdling scream.

Tiffany tried to defend herself, but she couldn't stop the onslaught of punches coming her way.

Blinded by rage as more and more memories came her way; Maze continued her attack. The delicate skin on her knuckles tearing as she kept going. Letting all that pent up rage out on the cause of all her problems.

It's all her fault! It's all her fault! It's all her fault! It's all her fault! It's all her fault! It's all her fault! It's all her fault! It's all her fault! It's all her! It's her fault! It's all her! It's all her fault! Her fault! It's all her… Her fist paused as she looked at the bruised eye of her former friend. And then a question came to her.


She heaved out the remaining anger as she tried to catch her breath. Everything around her had gone quiet as she stared at Tiffany's pleading eyes. What have I done? Her hand slumped to her side and that's when she noticed the blood that dripped off her bruised knuckles. Her eyes traced back to Tiffany and saw her broken nose and missing teeth.

Maze jumped off almost horrified at the sight, only noticing then that a crowd had circled her. No. She thought. It wasn't me. I didn't mean to… Her breath caught in her throat. No, it choked her. The familiar scent of blood, the whispers of the crowd mixed with the maddening sound of her heart beating in her head, held her by the throat and refused to let go. Her vision blurred as black began closing down her sight. She backed up, seeing a dark silhouette amidst the crowd before.

*Thud* Everything went black.

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