Demi: Birth of the true mage

Chapter 3: Chapter 1

I hate this school. Nami thought standing in a line in front of the Rosemary Dojo. The idea of putting the children of rich and important people all under one roof was absolutely crazy in her eyes, though she had barely spoken to anyone there she could already tell that she wouldn't be getting along with any of them. 

"Hey there, your name is Nami right? I'm Duncan, we're in the same homeroom class." Nami stared at him blankly, creating an awkward silence between them.

"I just wanted to ask why you wanted to join this club? I mean even if you're athletic there are a lot of other clubs that you would be better suited for." 

/There goes that famous question./ Nami felt annoyed, but she understood why she got asked that so much. Standing at only 5'5 Nami was practically half the height of everyone at the dojo. She did have some muscle hidden under the jersey she wore, but they'd still pale in comparison to her male counterparts.

"I'm sorry, Duncan but I honestly couldn't care less about the other clubs." Nami said in a calm manner. Bastien came around and put an arm over Duncan's shoulders. "It's okay dude, If she's confident enough to join then the best we can do for her is greet her with open arms." He said with a mischievous grin.

"If you are worried about my skill as a fighter, don't be, because I bet, I can solo anyone in this dojo." She finished crossing her arms. Bastien eye twitched. Removing his arm off Duncan shoulders he stood before the girl, towering over her.

"Oh you may be good, but this is Rosemary doll. We have the best combat club in Newark and It comes second in the whole continent. We have three city gold medalist and one of them, me actually, is also a regional gold medalist. So, I would strongly advise you to not underestimate anyone in our club." Bastien dropped his arms and began flexing his forearms, revealing his lean and vain filled arm. She stared unflinchingly at his icy blue gaze, dropping her hands to her sides as she waited for him to make the first move. 

"Bastien Leclue!" Bastien's Name was called by the instructor. He blew air through his nose before turning to fetch his training gear. Nami stared at his back as a familiar rush of excitement began to bubble up within her.

"You've got yourself into some deep shit there Nami, Bastien is not the type to pull his punches on a pretty face." Duncan warned. Nami snapped out of her thoughts remembering that there was still a bit of a crowd around her. Duncan turned to go get his training gear, wording out good luck to Nami before disappearing in the dojo. 

"Nami come get your gear." Nami stepped forward. "This is the smallest size I can find but I'm positive that it can fit you. You should also come wearing your own sports bra too." The instructor mentioned as he gave Nami the batch of clothes in his hands.

"That's okay sir, already ahead of you."

"That's what I like to here. Now go get dressed with the others. Scream if those boys try anything on you." Nami smirked,

"I'd like to see them try." She said confidently before entering the dojo.


The guys changing room was filled with chatter, but those soon reduced to whispers as Nami entered. Being a predominantly male space, she didn't expect there to be female facilities. All eyes were on here as she walked to a free stall and locked the door on her way in.

"Daym dawg when did she become apart of the club?"

"I heard she is the Kami cup's silver medalist."

"Nah bro, that's impossible. Her body is too small to pack that much of a punch."

"She looks tomboyish to me."

"Ya you right, in the world we live in I doubt I'd be surprised if she was packing an extra leg."

"Ya she could be one of those chicks with a dick typa ting."

"Man get your Futanari loving ass outta here we all know your story." The guys erupted in laughter after hearing that. It stopped immediately after Nami walked out.

I guess the boys on this side are the same as them afterall. Nami thought to herself after hearing everything, then again it wasn't like they were trying to be reticent.

She wore the training gear that was given to everyone. This consisted of a tight blue bodysuit and over it she wore baggy boxing shorts that were filled by her plump black African ass. Lastly, she wore the school's white sports shirt that was baggy enough for her to pass as a boy. Shoes were not required. The guys were awe struck as they quietly starred at her leaving the changing room. Once the door closed behind her the chatter started up again.

"I call dibs."

"Nah bro but, she a ting though."

"Yeah, a ting with a ting, mind you."

"You don't know that." Laughing the other guy replied. "Yeah, but what if she is? Are you gon take one for da team?"

"Eyy man, none of the tings you've dated looked as good as her."

"Eyy bro when was the last time you dated." Before he could reply another guy from across the room called out "Never!"

The whole locker room burst out in laughter as the guy sat back down laughing at himself too.

"Aight bet, I can bag that by the end of the freshmen Orientation." Duncan chuckled to himself after hearing that.

Good luck with that. He thought.

"Get a tings number first bro, your chats been looking dry since we was freshmen." The locker room laughed at him, but it was cut short when the instructor came in to hurry them up. In 5 minutes, the guys were on their knees quietly waiting for the instructor to begin the lesson. The entire floor was matted, there was no gym equipment or any obstacles around to obstruct the students. Practically it was an empty room with white walls and a red ceiling, Nami even noticed a few red stains on the blue rubber mat. A great sign that the members of that dojo didn't mess around. 

"It's nice to see everyone has rested well over the Holiday but as good as rest is for your mental state it sets us back in terms of our fitness. From tomorrow onward we will be working on regaining our lost fitness but today I would like to use as a measurement of everyone's strength. We will take each other on in one-on-one sparring matches." Some chatter began to build up amongst the students and Nami's eyes locked with Bastien's who was staring back at her.

"I am aware that there are some of you who want to settle some old rivalry or whatever, but match ups will be chosen by yours truly. After our fitness has been regained only then will you decide who you would want to spar with understood."

"Yes sir!" The learners said in unison.

"Right then the first match up shall be Bastien and Mitchell. Step to the square." Bastien stood up and walked in the circle. He was followed by a guy with short blonde hair.

"Bastien." The blonde greeted.

"Mitchell." Bastien responded, staring down at his opponent. The guy Bastien faced wasn't short by any merit, but Bastien being the tallest in the dojo made him look small in comparison. The shirt he wore hugged his well-defined muscles and his cold icy gaze could send a chill down any opponent. Nami had to admit that he was quite intimidating, but that realization excited her even further.

"We are all familiar with the rules but due to some new faces I'll explain. Right now, it's all about forcing your opponent to quit. So, it's either render them unable to fight or make them utter the words 'I quit' to win the match." Bastien didn't like that he was going first but if showing off his strength would intimidate her then he would have been fine with that, but still that look in her eyes earlier stirred up a fire in him. There were 17 of them in the dojo. So, if he was able to end the match quickly, he would still have a chance at taking Nami on.

A master in two fighting styles, huh? He couldn't help but be excited.

"Before we start, I have some choice words for my opponent." Mitchell requested. Bastien blinked out of his thoughts. The instructor nodded giving him the permission. "You've been the star for quite a while now Bastien. But this year I will take captaincy and become the face of this dojo." He declared.

Bastien didn't answer him only intensifying his glare. He had to stay focused. Underestimating one's opponent was frowned upon among Knights. In order to show proper respect, he'd have to give it everything he got. The instructor told the rest of his students to sit by the wall to give the two space. 


Mitchell was a Practitioner of Water-God style which was weak against Bastien's Earth-God style. It wasn't the first time they crossed fists. Other than the countless sparring sessions they had only fought once, going all out. Yes, he remembered it all as if it had happened yesterday, the day he nearly took his life.

The two approached each other ever so slowly. When finally in striking range Bastien faked a jab which caused Mitchell to jump back, but before he could launch himself back Bastien swept his leading foot, causing him to fall on the mat with a loud thump. He was still afraid. Mitchell got up and fired a hook aiming for his face. Bastien ducked and jabbed him on his left ribs. This caused Mitchell to recoil back but Bastien wasn't finished with him. Mitchell threw another punch to get Bastien off him only for Bastien to catch his fist and pull him closer to knee him in the stomach. Bastien twisted and Judo flipped Mitchell on the mat. Mitchell rolled to catch his balance but once he was on one knee Bastien fired a side kick hitting him directly on the nose knocking him out completely.

"That's enough. Winner is Bastien." Nami had to hold herself back from screaming in excitement.

That sweep was Water-God style. Coming from a man his size I wouldn't have expected it. I wonder what rank he is? Nami was nearly jumping for joy, but held herself back when she saw a few guys already had their eyes on her.

The match ended in 20 seconds, and with that in mind Nami could already tell what angel Bastien was going for.

Looks like it won't be as boring as I first thought. Nami thought locking eyes with Bastien's icy blues.

The rest of the fights went by quickly and Nami began to think that the instructor was purposely pairing the weaker guys with the stronger ones. Another match ended with a guy being thrown on the mat. Until it was her turn.

"Due to the uneven numbers Bastien step on the mat. Nami you're up." Nami sighed and walked on the mat. 

I guess it was inevitable. Of course, the instructor would pair his strongest fighter against me. It wouldn't be fair otherwise. She thought.

"Ready to lose?" Bastien asked.

"Do I look like a mirror?" Nami retorted.

"Bastien you shall be the referee for this match." The instructor said handing him the white flag.


"Nami, the silver medalist in the Kami Cup Tournament otherwise known as Blacksilver. It is an honor to have you join my dojo. I'm Brendan Leclue but please call me Instructor. You might not know this, but I am the Retired sword of Newark. Don't expect this to be easy." Nami was shocked with the sudden change but was still excited as she had never tested her metal against a former Royal knight.

"It's good to make your acquaintance Mr. Leclue. Fair warning if you hold back, you will regret it." Nami noticed the bitter look on Bastien's face and smiled knowing their feelings for each other were mutual. Nonetheless he played his role as the ref.


Nami carefully stalked her opponent who stood with his arms relaxed by his sides, a tactic Nami was familiar with. He was hiding his fighting style. Of course, there was a few methods to force them to reveal their hand. In the blink of an eye she closed the gap between them and fired a punch aimed at his abdomen but quickly jumped back, dodging a back hand that could've taken her head off. Nami steadied her breathing knowing if she rushed her attack, it would put her in danger.

It's good to see age hasn't blunted the blade of this Retired Sword. Nami thought as the instructor stood in a low fighting stance.

Earth God style, huh. Nami smiled.

She slowly approached him this time purposely getting in his strike range. He fired a quick jab which she dodged and fired her own, but it was blocked. Her arm was grabbed this time and Nami immediately knew what was next. She guarded her abdomen, expecting a heavy straight punch. 

But Nami was surprised as she was pulled in for a high knee to the face. She couldn't dodge so she put her hand on her chin to absorb some of the impact. She recoiled back leaving herself open. The instructor aimed for a punch to the stomach but missed when she twisted and responded with a back hand punch of her own.

Nami then swung a kick to his left rib cage. But he caught her foot with his under arm. Almost reflexively she leaped off her strong foot and fired a kick straight to his Jaw. She fell on her back after he let her go. Nami quickly took the opportunity to send him off balance. She kicked his right leg making him fall on his back, but the instructor was quick to recover as he rolled himself back to his feet. He took in a deep breath and almost instantly appeared in front of her with a punch connecting with her mid-section. This winded Nami badly as she fell to the floor. He came from above her to fire the finishing blow, but Nami rolled to the side and back on her feet again.

She ran straight at him and jumped catching him off guard. He tried to sidestep but Nami's legs wrapped around his neck and in a quick motion she flipped him in a Hurricanrana. His back hit the floor with a loud thud.

Nami took his arm and wrapped it with her legs putting him in an arm lock submission. She leaned back to put more pressure on his elbow and she could feel that she was close to breaking it. Until she felt his chest rise and he started to pull his arm back.

He struggled to fight Nami's strength but was able to get a grasp on his hand and rolled over her to finally lift her up. Nami thought of letting go but it was already too late. In a swift movement he threw Nami's body with extreme force onto the mat. The ground shook a little, but it was enough for the learners sitting down to feel it.

Nami was absolutely winded, but she still forced her body to roll back to escape the inevitable. This time she was in too much pain to get back on her feet the instructor rushed in and fired the finishing blow headed straight for her face. 

Water-God style: Drop flow

The moment his fist made contact with her hand she pushed and twisted her body with the momentum of his fist and once her legs wrapped around his neck she used her body weight and his forward momentum to force him to fall down and once that happened, she stood up and twisted her body for a spin kick that connected cleanly with the instructor's right cheek sounding like a loud belly flop. The fight was over, but just as she was about to remove her leg the instructor pulled it towards him and pounced at her. Though he was close she could still slip under him, but just as she began the technique her leg froze in place.

With in seconds the instructor pinned Nami under him and fired a punch aiming straight for her face. She closed her eyes to brace for the coming pain but was met with a light breeze that passed by her face.

She knew what had happened without even opening her eyes.

"I quit." Nami let out in a disappointed whisper.

The instructor staggered up and looked at his students.

"What you witnessed right now is Nami's Mastery in Water God style and Wind God style. If you give her a hard time, I doubt I'll be able to stop her from beating the living shit out of you. Class dismissed. Everybody hit the showers." The instructor said wiping the blood dripping from his nose and mouth.

"Use the cream in the changing room to help heal your wounds."

All the boys left the room with a shocked expression on their face meanwhile Nami sat on the ground in defeat.

"You shouldn't feel bad about losing to me. I am a Former Royal knight after all." Nami scoffed at his comment.

"Is that your way of making me feel better? It's not working." Nami said with a forced smile on her face.

"You are a spoiled brat if I've ever seen one." The instructor said laughing.

"It has only been a year since the Kami cup so, you shouldn't rush things, your injury will get better." The instructor said softly as he exited the dojo. Nami sighed and looked to a pillar next to the changing room.

"If you're done listening in on my conversation you can come out now." She said talking to the person hiding behind the pillar.

Bastien stepped out from his hiding spot and stood in front of the door to the changing rooms.

"Just so you know, I wasn't flirting with your dad." Nami saw the confusion on his face and snickered a little.

"He's not my... How did you know?" He asked.

"I'm not stupid, now is there something you wanna say?" Nami asked.

"You better not think you're special just cause My da---the instructor likes you."

"Don't feel threatened the man isn't even my type." Nami tried to stand up but the pain all over her body grounded her.

"Mind helping me up?" She asked.

"If you are as good as you say you are you should be able to pick yourself up, don't you think?" Bastien asked with a smug expression on his face.

"Damn I knew you were an asshole before, but this exceeds my expectations." She said struggling to pick herself up. She stumbled on her feet with Bastien still staring her down.

"You still owe me a match." Bastien said getting into a fighting stance.

/Honestly, I'm in no shape to give him a good fight, but who am I to say no to someone who obviously wants to get his ass beat./ Nami thought as she forced herself into a fighting stance.

Some of the guys came out of the changing room seeing that they were about to go at it.

"FIGHT!!"One of them called out alerting the rest of the changing room that there was a fight about happen. Some guys came out to see Nami and Bastien shaping up for a fight.

Bastien leaped first aiming a punch for her face to quickly end the match. Nami took a deep breath in and flawlessly evaded the punch she was gonna respond with one of her own, but he already beat her to it firing another fist going to her face.

She was still able to dodge but Bastien used his momentum to twist into a back kick aiming for her chest. She couldn't dodge that one, so she quickly guarded herself blocking the kick which brought her to her knees. She tried to quickly go back on the defensive, but her knee locked her in place.

Just as Bastien was gonna finish it with an axe kick Duncan stepped in blocking his kick and pushing him back.

Bastien looked at him with a confused look.

"This isn't a game Duncan, she already rejected you so why help her!" Bastien said getting in Duncan's face.

"That's enough man can't you see she is still exhausted from her fight with the instructor!"

Bastien sighed.

"You got lucky this time. Next time you won't have this pussy protecting you!" Bastien said making his way to the changing room. The guys who were watching began to leave one by one having no words for what they just saw.

"Hey Duncan, I don't wanna sound like a burden to you, but can you carry me to the changing room? I can't move my legs." Nami pleaded. Duncan nodded and picked her up Bridal style, surprised by how light she was. Nami was obviously embarrassed for looking so weak.

"Thanks for stepping in when you did. I could've been seriously injured there." Nami said refusing to look him in the eye.

"No worries. I just need to put that idiot in his place." Duncan felt a pull on his shirt. 

"Please don't." Nami's voice came out in a suppressed whisper. In fact he could feel her whole body trembling in his arms. She was crying.

"O-Okay." Struggling to think of a counter to her request, Duncan just agreed. He gently placed her down in an empty stall before turning to leave, closing the stall door behind him. Nami saw her sports bag being slid under the bottom opening of her stall.

"If you need anything gimme a call. I sent my number to your phone so no need to worry." Duncan said before he left.

Nami stared at her stall door with an empty expression in her eyes, listening to everyone else as they began leaving. And once the changing rooms were empty, her tears began blurring her vision.

"Damn you!" She cried out in a choked scream. She punched her right leg repetitively as tears flowed out of her eyes. She hated every second of it.

She couldn't move, when it counted the most she froze up. Why? What were all those years of blood. All those years of tears. What were they for if she was going to end up defeated by someone who didn't put half of the work as she did?

She gritted her teeth in frustration, digging her fingers in her hair, before her eyes shot open and she slowly began to rise with her hands still on her head.

That's right... I cut it.  She thought, before laughing at herself. Come on Namibia, you said you'd get rid of that crybaby. Can't be showing any weakness. Her hand was still trembling violently.

She looked at her right leg and the popping sound it made that one faithful day rang inside her ears. The smell of blood made her feel nauseas and the roar of the cheering crowd was almost deafening.

"Breath." She told herself as she slowly began to regulate her breathing. Her trembling stopped and eventually she calmed down.

The tears stopped as she shoved that memory to the back of her mind. This is a new start Namibia, can't bitch out now. She told herself before she began undressing


Bastien muttered to himself in frustration as he made his way back to the dojo. Bastien was already on his way home only to get a call from his dad. The janitor was supposed lock but something came up and now he had to do it.

He sighed as he opened the door, expecting everyone to have gone home, but right in the middle of the changing room stood a shirtless Nami with her back turned to him.

He immediately flared up and started apologizing.

"I-I am so sorry, I-I-I thought everyone left so..." He stuttered. Nami didn't answer him and kept her back turned to him.

"You have a nice back, y'know. And curves and..." There was a long pause until Nami heard his footsteps approach her.

Her eyes widened in shock when he was just a few feet from her. Her heart raced but she calmed herself to think rationally.

"Bastien, back off." She said coldly. Everything seemed quiet as Nami's mind began racing through questions. Before she knew his hands pulled her close by the waist and wrapped themselves around her body. She froze.

"Oh, now don't be like that. It's only us in this school now y'know. Anything could happen." Bastien's deep voice echoed through Nami's body as his hand began making their way up her waist. Nami snapped herself out of her frozen state and grabbed his hands before they could go any higher, and in one movement flipped him so hard he hit the tile floor with a thunderous thud. She backed away from him with her shirt over her chest.

He slowly began standing up, rubbing the back of his head. When their eyes met Nami instantly knew what was going on.

She turned to put on her shirt, ignoring Bastien who was slowly walking back to her.

"I like girls when they're feisty. It adds flavor to their personality." He said with a little chuckle.

"Honestly Bastien, you're not even my type and the fact that you're possessed right now isn't helping your case." Bastien froze right when he was about to wrap his arms around her again.

"Possessed? Baby girl what fantasy world are you living in?"

"I live in a world where 30% of the human population is capable of using magic, but there aren't any physical differences between a normal human and a Mage, so what is a way we can distinguish between the two?" Nami looked at Bastien now having buttoned her shirt, her eyes holding a flame of determination in them. "By looking at the effects their magic has on others."

Bastien sighed.

"That's an absurd leap, but what gave it away?" He asked.

"You barely know this person to tell the difference. So, how would you know that he ain't a sleazy scumbag that would sleep with anything that has TnA?"

Nami proceeded to ignore the possessed Bastien.

"Y'know you're the first person to figure this out. For a couple of years this school has been nothing, but a bite filled with noble people like this shit stain. Not until I came into the picture. I have dirt on everyone in this school students and teachers alike. So can you blame me if I'm trying to get some on the world-famous Blacksilver Nami?"

"You talk a lot for someone who wants to keep their identity hidden. We might have just met but the more you talk the easier it is for me to find you." Nami stated as she threw her jersey on.

"For example, the person controlling Bastien right now, is outside that door with a camera at the ready. I know for a fact that you aren't faster than me, so You better start running." Bastien looked visibly terrified. He smiled before his body flopped over. Nami turned around to get the rest of her stuff and a few seconds later Bastien woke up. He was visibly confused as if he had lost his memory.

"Hello Bastien." Nami greeted as she began walking out.

"What happened?" He asked before groaning from the pain he felt on the back of his head. Nami threw the healing ointment at Bastien before turning to leave.

"You came here to lock the dojo. I'm done changing so I guess I'll see you tomorrow." Nami said as she closed the door behind her. Leaving a confused Bastien on the floor.

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