Chapter 13: chapter 13
There was a knock on the door, signifying the arrival of expected visitors. Jiraiya got up from his seat in the living room and went to the front door. He sighed before opening it to reveal the parents of one Yamanaka Ino.
"Good afternoon Jiraiya-san."
"Good afternoon Yamanaka-san. How are you doing?" Iris sighed and held onto her husband's hand.
"As well as can be expected." There was a chuckle from Jiraiya.
"I see. Did you read the rules he gave you?" Inoichi nodded.
"Yes. He's asking a lot from us but we'll do our best." Jiraiya nodded.
"As long as you understand and remember, you'll be fine. Did you bring her medical file?" They nodded and held up a file. He nodded as well and stood aside to let them in. They stepped in and waited until Jiraiya shut the door and led them to the living room.
They sat down on a two-person couch with tables at each end while facing a chair on the opposite and another chair against the wall. They saw Jiraiya go into the kitchen. Iris took her husband's hands in her own and he squeezed it comforting his wife.
A couple of minutes passed before Jiraiya stepped out of the kitchen and about thirty seconds later followed by the most hated being in their list, Uzumaki Naruto. Jiraiya took a seat in the chair against the wall while Naruto stood in front on the parents.
"Good afternoon Yamanaka-san. I trust you're doing well?"
"We are doing fine." Inoichi responded with a slight hint of anger in his voice which Naruto just ignored.
"That's good to hear. Do you have something for me?" Iris gulped and handed Naruto Ino's medical file and complete medical history. He thanked them and sat down and began to read through it. About halfway through reading it, he suddenly raised his eyebrow. "Ino-chan got burned seven times? How the heck did that happen?" He asked the parents, shocked.
"Our daughter has always been obsessed with fire ever since she was a little girl. We tried to help her get it under control and it worked but not as much as we would like. Sometimes she would build a fire in the backyard and spend hours watching it."
"So she has pyrophilia?" Naruto thought for a second, remembering a certain reward that Ino received. "So that's why she asked for fire." Seeing the confused, slightly scared, look on their faces, he clarified. "Yesterday, I gave Ino a reward by choosing a game for Sakura. She asked me if I had anything that had fire with it. While Sakura was going through it, I saw the look on Ino-chan's face. It was a look of personal gratification. It could be that she's a pyromaniaic who gets gratification of a sexual nature." Naruto chuckled. "You think you know somebody and then you get surprised by something like this."
Naruto then went back to the file, amused that his pet had such a fetish. He continued reading and soon he reached the part of Ino's encounter with the snake and the bite she received from it. It wasn't poisonous but she was still taken to the hospital just in case.
"Has Ino-chan ever encountered another snake since the incident with the garden snake?" He asked, not seeing any other mention of snakes in the history.
"No, but she used to have nightmares about snakes. The nightmares all but gone now but she still have one or two sometimes. I'm not sure you giving the snake to her is a good idea." Naruto chuckled and looked at them.
"I know what I'm doing." Naruto continued reading where he left off. Soon Naruto finished reading the file and put it aside, amused at some of the stuff in there. He suddenly smirked.
It was time for tea.
"Would you care for some tea?" The parents froze, dreading this moment as Naruto reached to the side and picked up a bell and rang it. Inoichi and Iris looked at the entrance to the kitchen and they gasped at the sight.
Their daughter was crawling out of the kitchen, wearing nothing but her purple skirt and a tray full of empty tea cups on her back with a ball gag in her mouth and her eyes were refusing to meet their gaze. Followed by Ino was Sakura, wearing nothing but a butterfly vibrator and holding a tea kettle.
The two girls reached them. Ino was in front of her parents, with tears in her eyes at what she was being forced to do. Sakura bent down and poured two cups with tea. After she was finished, the parents took the cups in their shaking hands. After the cups were removed from the tray, Ino moved to her master and Sakura poured him a cup as well.
After picking it up, they walked/crawled toward Jiraiya who politely refused the tea. When Ino and Sakura crossed by the Yamanaka's, Naruto told them to stop. Seeing their gaze turn toward him, he smirked.
"Inoichi-san...why don't you relieve Ino-chan of her burden?" Ino's eyes widened and she turned back to her parents, begging them with her eyes not to do it. "Go ahead Inoichi-san, take the tray off."
Inoichi was torn. Her daughter was clearly looking at him, begging him with her eyes not to do it but Naruto was asking him to take it off. Gulping, he decided to listen to Naruto for once, but he would soon wished he didn't.
Reaching down and taking the tray off, he almost dropped it in surprise. Iris covered her mouth in shock. On Ino's back was a tattoo but that wasn't what was so horrifying.
It was the whip marks.
"Aren't they beautiful?" He asked, even as the girls resumed their course back toward the kitchen.
"What have you done?" Inoichi asked shaking in anger even as tears leaked out of Iris's eyes.
"Oh that? That was just the result of her whipping session not a half hour ago. Judging by the welts, it should take about 20 more minutes for it to fully heal." Naruto said while sipping his tea. "Despite what you may think, Ino-chan is a masochist as well as Sakura-chan. They both enjoy pain and they both enjoy pleasure. She..."
There was suddenly a loud crash in the kitchen and Naruto sighed while shaking his head. Putting down his cup, he walked toward the kitchen to investigate the noise. When he disappeared, Jiraiya spoke.
"Listen to me, whatever you hear, do NOT do anything. If they made a mistake, they have to get punished for it. Remember the scroll and what it said." Inoichi growled but calmed down but her wife just sobbed into his shoulder.
A moment passed before a loud SLAP echoed in the house causing them to wince and then wince again as another slap made itself known.
An eerie silence fell as Naruto walked out of the kitchen, with Sakura and Ino crawling behind him, with a red mark on their cheeks. Naruto sat down and his slaves took their places on either side of him. The two Yamanaka's looked at Naruto, wanting some answers.
"Don't worry about it. Now where was I? Oh yes, both girls enjoy pain and they both love being controlled, but there's something I noticed about Ino-chan, namely her sensitivity. That kind of sensitivity isn't natural." Ino snapped her head to her master, wondering what he meant while Naruto looked at her. "By her reaction, I say she has no idea. Care to explain?"
The parents were shocked that Naruto came to that conclusion but they were obligated to tell him. Inoichi cleared his throat and spoke.
"Y-you're right. It isn't natural." Ino looked at her parents, and she couldn't help but feel betrayed. "The sensitivity is a side-effect of our mind-walking techniques and going into so many minds. Ino, to date, has gone into a total of seven minds. While it isn't a lot, it's still enough for the sensitivity of her body to be increased."
"Will her sensitivity be increased if she goes into any more minds?" Inoichi shook his head.
"No, we did it early enough so that she could get used to it so that she can prepare herself."
"I see, and you neglected to tell her why?"
"We were going to tell her after she graduated."
"I see." Naruto reached out and started to pet his blonde slave's hair and she looked at him and saw worry in his eyes. "I had my suspicions early on. Now that I know, I know how far I can go before it gets bad. Tell you what, to make it up, I'll give you another massage with the works ok?"
Ino stared at her master, seeing that he was really worried about going too far with her. She knew he wouldn't do anything to hurt her beyond what's he has been doing so far and that put her mind at ease some. She nodded, glad to finally know the truth behind her body's sensitivity.
Naruto smiled and turned back to her parents. "So anything else you want to know?" Iris gulped before speaking up.
"Well, you said that they love to be controlled. Why?" Naruto smirked and turned to Ino.
"Crawl under my legs and get on your hands and knees." Ino nodded and complied with his order, much to the horror of the parents. Naruto crossed his legs as Ino raised herself up fully. Just as he was about to speak, Jiraiya interrupted.
"If you don't mind Naruto, I'll do this part." Seeing his nod, Jiraiya cleared his throat and started speaking.
"A slave takes pleasure in having all control taken away from them. They want to be controlled and ordered around by a master. They want to be cared for, to leave their safety and health to their master. They leave the ability to feel pleasure, to feel pain at the whims of their master. A masochist is someone who enjoys feeling pain given to them. Both girls are masochists and they are slaves."
"A master, on the other hand, is someone who takes pleasure in taking care of a slave. Making sure that they are healthy, that they are fed, that they are pleasured and given pain, that they are punished." Naruto grinned and turned to Sakura and whispered something to her. She nodded and bent down, sticking her butt in the air. Naruto reached over with his hand and then proceeded to fuck her ass with his dry fingers causing her to let out painful whimpers even as Ino looked on with concern.
"Now a sadist, like me, is someone who takes great pleasure in giving pain." Naruto started speaking. "A sadist doesn't take kindly to his slaves disobeying him so he punishes them and enjoys doing it. Of course, I can punish them whenever I feel like it and they like it but sometimes it doesn't matter if they like what I'm doing to them or not. I do what I want to do when I want to do it. That means if I want to wake up Ino-chan in the middle of the night and put her through a spanking session, then I can do it and you can't stop me."
"Their rights are gone..." Naruto said before the parents interrupted. "The right to sleep, the right to eat, the right to refuse, the right to a break. I decide when they can sleep, eat, drink, etc. If you want to try and refute that, look under the laws made for slaves."
Sakura hissed as she orgasmed from the ass fucking Naruto was giving her. Taking his fingers out of Sakura's ass, he patted her butt before pushing on it, telling Sakura to return to her previous position and she complied.
"That symbol you saw on my slaves backs is something that they wear with pride, even if Ino-chan won't admit it out loud. It is the symbol of BDSM. Those four letters represent a word. Those words are bondage, discipline, dominance and submission, sadism and masochism. They follow this path and it is too late to go back now."
"But how do you know that our daughter is a masochist?" Iris asked and Naruto smirked.
"Because when I put her on the horse for her first ride..."
"WHAT?" Inoichi burst out, shaking a lot with anger. "What did you say?"
"I said that I put her on the horse. Got something to say about that?" The blonde haired jounin growled.
"There are a lot of things that I want to say and do right now." Naruto smirked.
"I bet. Anyway, when I put her on the horse, she was dry as a bone down there but as she rode the horse, she became wet until she orgasmed when I cropped her. Then when I took her outside for a whipping session an hour ago, she was wet enough that I could take her dry. Just from those experiences, it is very clear that she is a masochist and she enjoys it. I know I do."
Inoichi growled but kept quiet. Iris spoke up, wanting to ask something that was on her mind every since she left the house that Thursday night.
"Uzumaki-san..." Naruto looked at her. "Will you let Ino come home?" Naruto's face changed to something that the mother couldn't tell what he was thinking.
"She is home. She belongs here with me." Iris sobbed, her hope of ever seeing her daughter again dieing but before it was completely gone, Naruto spoke up. "But..." The parents looked at the boy, seeing him unguarded, so...vulnerable. "I wouldn't dream of denying somebody of their parents. I wouldn't wish that kind of pain on anybody." Both Sakura and Naruto had sad expressions on their faces and they knew why.
They had no parents.
Both Naruto and Sakura shook their heads, clearing their minds of those sad thoughts. Naruto cleared his throat.
"Would any of you like some more tea?" Both of the parents refused and Naruto ordered Sakura to get him some more. Sakura got up and walked to the kitchen and returning with a different kettle then before and poured her master some more tea before walking back to the kitchen.
"Uzumaki-san..." Ino's mother spoke up.
"Yes?" Iris gulped, hesitating at her question.
"May I ask Sakura-san a few questions?" Naruto chuckled.
"Why?" Iris gulped.
"I-I just want to know some things."
" can ask her."
Not a minute later, Sakura came back into the room and retook her place beside Naruto.
"Sakura-chan..." Said girl looked up. "The Yamanaka's would like to ask you a few questions. Answer honestly." Sakura nodded and turned her attention to her sister's parents. Iris gulped before asking the first question.
" it like...being his slave?" Sakura smiled and laid her head on Naruto's leg.
"It's the most wonderful thing that could've ever happened to me. Before I was his, I was pathetic. I would've froze up during a real battle and gotten myself killed. Master broke me out of my fan girl shell and helped me become the girl I am today, just like he will do with Ino-chan."
"I see. Do you ever regret it?"
"Being his slave? Never. Being obsessed with Sasuke? All the time." Iris nodded.
"Thank you." Sakura nodded.
"What about raising a hand against him?" Inoichi spoke up.
"I would never!" Sakura snapped. Naruto chuckled and patted her head.
"Now now Sakura-chan...calm down a little." Sakura nodded.
"Yes master." She turned back to the Yamanaka's while Ino stared at her friend with an unbelieving expression. "I would rather cut off my arms rather than lay a hand against my master. What I do in public is on master orders. If I had my way, I would never have to hit master. I would be by his side at all times with the collar around my neck and the leash in master's hands."
"It's true..." Naruto spoke up, chuckling a little bit. "Sakura-chan tried to drop out of the academy. She argued but she was quickly reminded who was the master in our relationship." Sakura shivered at the memories causing Naruto to chuckle.
"I see. Thank you." Naruto nodded and turned to his first pet.
"Sakura-chan...why don't you take our guests teacups back to the kitchen seeing their done." Sakura nodded and stood up. She walked to the Yamanaka's and they handed her their empty teacups. She turned and walked back toward the kitchen, unaware of Naruto reaching into his pocket.
When Sakura disappeared into the kitchen, Naruto did a five count and when he reached five, Naruto pushed the high button on the remote in his hands. He smirked as he heard Sakura squeal and a thud...but no crash.
That meant Sakura held onto the teacups when she fell.
Naruto removed his feet from Ino's fully healed back and ordered her to return to her place. She complied and sat back down beside the chair. Naruto went and retrieved a chair that had no arms. He set it in front of the Yamanaka's with the back of the chair facing to their left.
Sakura walked back into the living room, her legs were noodles with barely any strength and each step she took looked like she was going to fall, and looked at her master when he turned to her. He moved aside to let her see the chair.
"Sit." He pointed to the chair and she nodded and sat down, awaiting her next orders, sighing in relief as Naruto turned the vibrator on low. He turned to his second slave and smirked at what he was about to do. Ino couldn't help but gulp at his face. "Ino-chan, I want you to sit in Sakura-chan's lap facing her. Then I want you to make out with her until I say stop."
Ino's eyes widened even as Inoichi growled and his wife gasped in shock and a lecherous grin appeared on Jiraiya's face. Sakura grinned and licked his lips, very pleased with this order.
Ino shook her head, refusing to comply with his orders. Naruto narrowed his eyes at her.
"Why, pray tell, are you refusing me?" The quick glance toward her parents told him all he needed to know. "I see. Stand up." Ino stared at him, not moving at his order. "NOW!" Ino jumped at the shout and she complied, seeing Naruto tell Sakura to move back. She complied and Naruto turned back to Ino. He grabbed her arm and forced her to stand in front of her parents. She turned her head, not wanting to see them look at her like this but Naruto moved her head back, ordering her to look at them.
She hesitated but complied, looking at her parents with tears already forming in her eyes.
"Now...lift up your skirt." He said, loud enough for her parents to hear. She looked at him but her head was moved back in its spot. "Don't make this harder on yourself. Do it." Ino gulped, her hands slowly grabbing her skirt and lifting it up to expose her womanhood to her parents. He turned to the adults in front of them.
"Look at it and see my gift for her or she will be punished more."
They complied, not wanting their daughter to get even more punishment. They gasped as they saw the flower tattoo that she had received.
"Isn't it beautiful?" They nodded, agreeing with Naruto. Naruto smirked and encircled his left arm around Ino and put his hand on Ino's stomach to measure Ino's pleasure level while his right hand reached around and started to work her pussy. Ino moaned as she felt Naruto massage her wet folds.
Why was he doing this? Wasn't she being punished? Ino moaned as she felt the pleasure build up in her. He worked her pussy, pumping his fingers in and out of her. When he felt the pleasure reach the peak point, he removed his hand and Ino's eyes widened. He wasn't going to let her release. Without thinking, one of her hands reached down but before she could touch herself, Naruto grabbed it.
"You're being punished. You don't get to come when you're being punished." Naruto then kicked her feet out from under her and she fell to the floor. As Ino tried to recover, Naruto grabbed the back of her collar and pulled her back, causing her to choke while he ordered Sakura to return to her spot.
She complied and soon had Ino on her left being held back by Naruto holding her collar. Naruto reached down in between her legs and picked her up and threw her on Sakura's lap. He reached over and forced Ino's arms behind her and took Sakura's right hand and told her to keep them there and she complied.
"Spank her twenty times." Sakura grinned and nodded. Naruto moved away and Ino looked up to her grinning friend.
"You've been a bad girl Ino-chan." Sakura raised her hand up and brought it down on Ino's ass with a loud slap. Ino cried out as Sakura set up a rhythm on her ass. Ino wept with each contact.
Ino sighed in relief as Sakura delivered the last spank. Tears were leaking out of her eyes as she felt her ass burn. Ino moaned slightly as Sakura started to rub it. Naruto walked up to her head and bent down.
"Now, let's try this again. Sit in her lap and make out with her." Ino nodded as he removed the ball gag from her mouth and helped her up. Naruto stepped back as she was situated.
Ino looked at Sakura's smirked face even as the pinkette's hands caressed her face. "Do you want me?" She asked as Sakura closed in and licked Ino's lips and her other hand reached down and fondled with her breast. Ino gasped, getting aroused again, as she felt Sakura's tongue lick her lips, kissing the side of her face.
"Yes." She breathe out. Sakura closed the distance between their lips but didn't make contact with her lips.
"Then come and get it." Sakura withdrew her head when Ino tried to capture her lips with her own. Sakura smirked as she heard a whine of disappointment. She glanced to the side to see the shocked faces of Ino's parents. She looked back to Ino.
"Don't do that Saku-chan." Ino said while having a pouty face on. Sakura giggled at the look.
"Then come get me." Ino took the challenge and grabbed Sakura's face and crashed her lips with hers. Sakura moaned as Ino's tongue plunged into her mouth, seeking out her own tongue and challenged it for dominance.
While her tongue was busy, Sakura brought her hands down and ripped her skirt away and shoved her hand into Ino's wet entrance, which earned a squeak of surprise from Ino, a gasp from her parents, and a smirk from Naruto.
Ino moaned as Sakura started working on her pussy. Not wanting to be outdone, the blonde slave brought her hands down and started to fondle Sakura's impressive breasts for a twelve year old. Sakura moaned as she felt her breasts being squeezed and her nipples being tossed around in Ino's fingers, the pleasure adding on to the pleasure from the vibrating butterfly.
Within minutes of making out, both girls came. Ino first followed by Sakura. Ino laid her forehead on Sakura's forehead as she moaned as Sakura took her fingers out of Ino's pussy. She brought her hand up and both girls started to lick it clean, much to the surprise of the blonde's parents.
When the pinkette's hand was clean, they shared one more kiss, pulling back some to let their tongue's dance in the air. They closed their mouths around the tongues again and broke for air after a few seconds and laid against each other again. Both of the girls started stroking each other's hair and smiled.
"Next time, don't tease me like that." Ino gave Sakura a quick kiss on the nose and Sakura giggled.
"It's all part of the game my little cosmos." Ino reached up and started to kiss her friends' big forehead causing the owner of the forehead to giggle. "You will learn the secrets of teasing."
Naruto smiled as he watched them as they shared a passionate kiss. They were becoming closer to each other and that's what he wants. He got up from his position on the seat. He walked toward his pets and put his hand on Ino's shoulder. He smiled at them before turning to Ino's parents.
"I hope that this visit has put your minds to rest about Ino-chan. She is in good hands and she will be safe. I would be lying if I said that she won't be in pain but now that I know exactly what the situation is with her body, I know that I have to be careful. Thank you for coming." He dismissed his pets and his parents watched their daughter leave, the last sight before they disappeared was Sakura reaching behind and groped Ino's ass causing her to squeak.
They stood up and Naruto escorted them to the front door. Before they left, Inoichi spoke to him.
"Thank you for letting us see our daughter again." Naruto smiled.
"No problem. If she behaves for the rest of the day, the three of you will get a reward that you'll love." Naruto bowed to them before the door shut.
On the outside, the Yamanaka's left the house with relief in their minds.
"Do you think she's happy with him?" Iris asked.
"I'm not sure but judging from what happened just now, I say that she is. I think we can trust him. From what Jiraiya-sama told us, their safety and health always comes first."
"I hope so Inoichi-koi. I really hope so."
Naruto stayed silent as he opened the door to the dungeon. He peaked inside and saw Sakura on the bed, looking down onto her friend. He opened the door fully and quietly walked in, reaching Sakura and seeing Ino crying her eyes out.
He gently laid a hand on Sakura's shoulder and she looked up at him.
"How's she doing?"
"The humiliation finally set in." Naruto nodded and he walked around the bed, crouching down beside Ino, who was crying her eyes out in the pillow.
"Hey alright?" His only answer was more crying in the pillow. Naruto gently climbed onto the bed and took the crying Ino into his arms who instantly latched onto him and cried into his embrace. "It's alright my pet. This was necessary. Your parents had to realize to you belong to me and I didn't want them to try anything to get you away from me. In time, you will come to understand that you had to go through that."
After that, Naruto fell silent, just stroking Ino's hair as she cried. There wasn't anything else to say. As time passed, Ino's crying decreased until it became nothing more then whimpers.
"Please...please don't do that to me anymore." Naruto smiled and hugged her tighter.
"It's alright my little cosmos. This way, you'll be able to face your parents again while you're naked in the house." Ino's eyes widened but before she could speak, Naruto kissed her gently. Ino moaned softly as she felt Naruto's tongue enter her mouth and seek out hers.
Ino closed her eyes as she kissed Naruto. She could feel herself calming down. She could practically feel the protectiveness and love radiating from Naruto. He wants to help her, to love her, to protect her, to hold her in his arms to defend her from bad people.
`He really loves me, not like a pet or a thing, but as a person. Maybe...I should give him a chance. Maybe...this is what fate had in store for me all along.'
Ino gripped Naruto tighter in her arms and whispered out something that confused Naruto.
"Thank you, oh Kami thank you."
Naruto just chuckled and held her. He didn't know what was going on in that mind of hers but it was a good thing by the sounds of it. He gently moved her hair out of her face and smiled at her when she looked at him.
"Why don't you take a short nap before we continue? The day is almost done my pet. I'll stay with you until you wake up." Ino smiled.
"Thank you so much master." She snuggled into his arms and closed her eyes, falling asleep. Naruto smiled as he enclosed his arms around her. Things were looking good.
"Master?" Naruto looked up at his first pet. "Is she ok?" Naruto nodded.
"She's alright." Sakura smiled.
"So what do you want me to do?" Naruto thought for a moment, it was nearing suppertime and he was getting hungry.
"Before you get us up in an hour, I would like for you to make us some steaks, some big, hot, juicy steaks. Show your sister your cooking skills." Sakura smiled and nodded. She always enjoyed cooking.
"I'll get the grill started. How many you want?"
"Two and make two for Ino-chan as well. You can cook as many as you want for you." Sakura nodded.
"I'll have to go to the butcher." Naruto chuckled.
"You know where the money is." Sakura chuckled and stood up and walked to the door but before Sakura could shut the door..."Wear clothes when you go out this time." Sakura groaned as she heard Naruto's orders. Why must he torture her by making those itchy clothes?
"Yes master."
Naruto groaned as he was gently shaken awake. Naruto eyes fluttered open and he saw his pink haired angel smiling at him.
"Mmm...supper ready?" She nodded. "Alright, we'll be up in a couple of minutes."
"I'll be waiting." Sakura reached over and gave Naruto a peck on the forehead and stood up and walked out of the room.
Naruto shifted a little, feeling his blonde pet arms around him and her body pressed up against him. He smiled and gently turned around, chuckling at his pet as she snuggled closer to him.
"Ino-chan...wake up." He spoke softly, gently cupping her cheek, causing her to moan softly.
"Five more minutes master." Naruto chuckled and gently shook her arm.
"Come on Ino-chan, it's supper time."
Ino's eyes fluttered open as Naruto continued shaking her. She smiled as she looked at Naruto. She reached up and kissed him, running her hands through his fluffy hair. She broke the kiss and kissed the tip of his nose, causing him to giggle.
"Thank you master."
"For what?"
"For staying." Naruto smiled and kissed her on the forehead.
"You know that I always keep my word."
"Yes, you do."
Ino released him and slowly sat up, stretching out her arms and yawning as she woke up fully. She flung the covers off of her self and swung her legs over the bed. Moving her hair behind her ear, she looked at Naruto as he sat beside her.
"Do you mind if I have my hair in a ponytail while we eat?" Naruto looked at her a little confused.
"Well, I don't want to mess up my hair when I eat." Naruto started chuckled after Ino finished explaining.
"Your hair band should be in that drawer." Naruto pointed to the drawer attached to the nightstand beside the bed. Ino reached over and opened the drawer, spying several toys and objects in said drawer. Moving things around, she found her hair band and fished it out and closed the drawer. She then gathered her hair and pulled it into a pony tail. Naruto chuckled after Ino finished. "Just so you know Ino-chan, I like your hair even if it is in a ponytail.
Before Ino could respond, a loud grumbling sound came from Ino's stomach, causing her to blush and grab her stomach in an attempt to quiet it. Naruto laughed causing Ino to blush more.
"Looks like I'm not the only one that's hungry. Let's go eat before our steaks get cold." Ino turned to her master.
"You made steaks?" Naruto laughed.
"Who says I made it?" Ino looked confused for a moment before something occurred to her. She looked around, trying to find something.
"Where's Sakura-chan?" Ino looked at Naruto as he stood up before she realized. "She made supper?" Naruto chuckled.
"She's a good cook and loves cooking for me when I let her. Now come on." He took Ino's hand and helped her up and started to walk to the door and upstairs. They emerged from the stairway and went into the kitchen to find the table all set up and Sakura cleaning up the mess. She looked up at them as they entered the kitchen.
"Good evening sleepyheads, I'll be with you in a moment."
Sakura went back to cleaning up as Naruto and his pet sat down at the table. Ino stared hungrily at the tasty steaks in front of her. Her stomach growled again, demanding that food be put in it. She reached forward to pick up the knife when Naruto slapped her hand away. She whimpered and looked at him wagging his finger at her.
"We wait for Sakura-chan to join us."
Ino nodded and waited, watching Sakura clean up her mess she made while cooking. Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, Sakura finished and sat down, thanking them for waiting for her. Ino grabbed the knife and fork and dug in, very hungry and drawn to the sweet smell of the food before her.
Sakura chuckled as she saw Ino dig in. She always enjoyed cooking. Ever since Naruto taught her how to cook, she always looks for new recipes to cook for her master.
"How do you like my steaks Ino-chan?" She asked. Ino looked up and gulped down the food in her mouth.
"It''s delicious. Where did you learn to cook?" Sakura pointed to Naruto. "You're a good cook and teacher." Naruto grinned.
"Why thank you. Do you cook?" Ino shrugged.
"Not really. The times I tried to cook, I fail horribly. Sakura-chan can attest to that. I want to learn but haven't found the time."
"I'll teach you." Naruto offered. "I'll make sure you have the time." Ino smiled and nodded. "Sakura-chan will be your taste tester."
Sakura gulped. She had tried Ino's attempts and well...let's just say that she didn't eat for the next three days.
Soon, the trio finished eating and everybody patted their full stomachs. Ino, for one, was glad that she wasn't dieting anymore. She missed the feeling of a full stomach. Feeling movement in her bowels, she excused herself. Naruto watched her as she left, even as Sakura stood up and took the dishes and took them back into the sink and cleaned them.
"Sakura-chan, make a clone and have it finish the dishes. When Ino-chan comes out of the bathroom, take her downstairs and give her an enema as well as yourself."
"As you wish master." Making a clone, the clone set out to finish the dishes as the real Sakura traced Ino's steps and opening the door to the bathroom and waiting outside.
Naruto smiled as he drank some of his milk. He could just imagine Ino's reaction when Sakura tells her of his orders.
Speak of the devil.
Naruto chuckled as he saw Sakura dragging Ino downstairs in the corner of his eye. He knew Ino hated enemas but she should know that her ass needs to be cleaned regularly if he is going to be using it as a sheathe. He stood up and walked to the back door and opened it and went outside.
Sitting down on a chair, he turned his gaze upwards toward the stars. As a little boy, he would stare into the stars, wondering what mysteries lay within them. This habit hasn't died even now. Hell, he would even sleep outside with his pet in his arms; both of them looking into the sky, watching the stars shine brightly.
Putting the empty glass down, a moment passed before it was whisked away by his first slave to clean it. A few moments later, the clone returned, kneeling by Naruto. He petted her head.
"Kitchen all cleaned up?" She nodded.
"Yes master."
"Did you check on the girls?" Another nod.
"My creator finished giving an enema to Ino-chan and is currently giving one to herself while explaining that you give your pets enemas regularly to ensure that our asses are always clean." Naruto chuckled.
"How did she take it?"
"She looked horrified and when my creator told her that she had to learn how to do it to herself, her horrifiness increased."
"I bet."
"Master?" Naruto looked down at his pet's clone.
"May I have some of your milk?" Naruto chuckled. She was obsessed with drinking his milk, even her clones were.
"Not right now." Sakura pouted and Naruto chuckled, seeing that pouty face, and patted her head.
Naruto and the clone fell into silence. Naruto looked into the sky while petting Sakura's hair. They stayed that way for a while, and after a while, he decided it was time to go back down.
"You can dismiss yourself now." Sakura nodded and in a poof of smoke, she was gone, her memories going back to her creator. Standing up, he went back inside and shut and locked the door.
He didn't go downstairs but went upstairs to his bedroom and retrieved two boxes from the closet. After checking them, he went back down and set them on the kitchen table.
Naruto walked back to the staircase, he walked down and went into the room where his pets were. Opening the door, he spied his blonde pet sitting on the bed and his pink haired pet laying on it, he grabbed a nearby chair, picked it up and walked to the bed. Setting it down with the back facing the bed, he motioned for Sakura to kneel beside him and she complied, kneeling beside her master.
Ino gulped as Naruto looked at her, a little worried at what was going to happen now.
"So mentioned that you only masturbated only two times, am I correct?"
Ino hesitantly nodded, curious as to where he was going with this.
"So how do you do it?"
"Huh?" Naruto chuckled.
"I meant, how do you masturbate? What's your process?" Ino gulped. Was he really asking her this?
"We-well I...I mean..." Naruto stopped her.
"Why don't you show me?" Ino gulped again. If he was expecting anything fap worthy, he was going to be extremely disappointed.
"Y-you s-sure?" Naruto nodded. "Promise you won't say anything until I'm done?" Naruto nodded again, a curious look on his face as well on Sakura's face. "Alright."
Ino gulped before grabbing a pillow and laying down, pressing the pillow against herself as she locked her legs together and curled up in a ball, causing her master and sister to raise an eyebrow.
Ino bit down on the edge of the pillow as her hand snaked down her body and to her pussy. She closed her eyes as she began to rub herself, low moans coming from her closed mouth.
As he watched, Naruto wondered why she was doing it like this. Looking down at his pet, he could see a hint of disappointment on her face. Turning back to Ino, he tried to figure it out. He knew she was shy when it comes to pleasure and this was her third time masturbating so she was definitively naïve.
Ino let out a muffled scream as she came, but this orgasm was low, lower then what she been feeling. She looked at her master as she came down from her high and she became worried when she saw his neutral face. She could see a look of disappointment on Sakura's but it was her master she was worried about.
"Is that it?" He asked. She nodded.
"Y-yes, are you disappointed?" He shook his head.
"Why should I? You said you only masturbated two times so it would stand to reason you would do something like this. You want to protect yourself when you're this vulnerable. You curl up and use the pillow as a shield. You just need to relax and open yourself up more."
"Such as?" Ino asked meekly, very worried but relieved at the same time. Naruto stood up and walked up to her.
"First, get rid of this pillow." Naruto grabbed the pillow and gently yanked it out of her hands, despite her trying to hold onto it. He sat down after putting the pillow back. "Now, I bet the orgasm you had was pathetic am I right?" Seeing her nod, he smirked. "That's because you are all tensed up. You're so constricted that anything you feel will suck so that's why..." He said while straightening her out, uncurling her legs. "You need to relax. Masturbation is all about relief and pleasure."
Naruto ran his hands over her body, feeling her all tensed up. He reached up and cupped her cheek.
"Relax my pet. Unclench yourself."
Ino took and deep breath and tried to follow his directions. She took several deep breaths and tried to calm herself down. Slowly, but surely, her body began to relax with the help of Naruto's rubbing.
"That's a good girl. Now take your hand..." Naruto took her hand and moved it over to her wet pussy. "And work yourself while remaining relaxed. You may feel tense from working yourself but that's normal. The way you were tense wasn't from your masturbation. It's like you were trying to prevent your own orgasm. Just relax and let it happen."
Ino nodded as she felt Naruto move her hand. She looked at him as he took her other hand and set it on her breast.
"Now, while you masturbate, you can usually use your other hand to stimulate your other pleasure centers, either your breast, your cunt, or even your ass. It's up to you but I would suggest you start with your breast so you can get used to using two hands to do different things. Remember what I taught you about fingering? Do the same thing to yours."
Ino nodded, and began to work her pussy once again. This time, using her previously unused hand to fondle her breast. Ino arched off the bed as she felt something new this time out of all the times she masturbated. She felt released, uninhibited. This earned loud moans out of Ino.
Naruto smiled and cupped Ino's cheek as he saw out of the corner of his eyes Sakura crawling to the other side of the bed and peek her head over the bed earning a chuckle from Naruto.
Ino screamed as she came, this orgasm being much bigger then what she felt during her own masturbation sessions. Ino panted as she felt her high. She looked up as she finally felt Naruto's hand on her cheek.
"So how was it?"
"It-it was unbelievable." Naruto chuckled.
"And it'll only get better. I want you to experiment. Find different ways to masturbate in different positions. If you need help, just ask your sister." The two looked to the side where Sakura jumped at the mention of her name. Naruto chuckled and then suddenly exclaimed the scared the girls a little.
"Crap, I forgot!" Naruto jumped from the bed even as Sakura climbed onto the bed.
"Sakura-chan..." Naruto spoke up, drawing the girl's attention to him just as he was about to leave. "I'm going out for a while. It's cleaning day today." Sakura groaned, causing Ino to raise her eyebrow. "You didn't think I forget did you?"
"I was hoping." Naruto chuckled.
"I'll let you use four clones and I expect you to tell Ino-chan of her duties. Your outfits are on the kitchen table and the rest of the stuff is in the closet like usual." He leveled a flat look at his pink haired pet. "Do NOT ruin the uniform this time…if you do, it`s the rack for you." He smirked at her fearful look, the door slamming shut as he left.
Ino turned to her friend who had buried her head in her hands. "Do I even want to know?" She asked, quirking an eyebrow as Sakura sighed before standing up and taking her by the hand.
"I'll tell you on the way up."
"Are you serious?" Ino asked her friend in disbelief. They just reached the top of the stairs and were walking toward the kitchen. "Does he seriously expect us to clean the entire house?"
"Of course, and don't look so upset." Sakura replied. "It may seem like a lot, but it's not that bad. I don't mind cleaning, and now I have some help." They reached the kitchen and walked up to the table where two boxes was on it. Sakura reached for the box that had her name on it and opened it. She pulled out a pink maid outfit with stockings, underwear, and shoes. Ino reached for her box and pulled out a similar outfit in purple. She frowned at the VERY brief skirt.
"And he wants us to clean while wearing…these?"
"Yes." The pinkette replied. "Though sometimes he tells me to wear it even when I'm not cleaning. He thinks I look cute when I'm serving him in it." Sakura giggled before starting to pull the outfit on. Ino stared at her before sighing and putting on her own maid clothes.
"So is there a system you use when cleaning?" Ino asked as she and Sakura (along with the pinkette's clones) made their way to the laundry room where the cleaning supplies were stored.
"Well, I usually have my clones clean upstairs and I get started here with the kitchen and living room and the other rooms down here." Sakura replied, handing some cleaning materials to her clones and sending them off on their tasks. "After that's done, I focus my attention on the dungeon and do each room one at a time."
"Wait..." Ino stopped. "We have to clean there too?" Sakura nodded.
"You wouldn't believe how much juices our pussies release when we cum." She explained, smirking at the blonde's tomato-red face, "Mixed with our sweat, it ends up on the floor and can get pretty smelly after a while." She pulled out a mop and broom set, handing them to her slave-sister. "We also have to clean each vibrator and dildo, scrub the floors, clean every piece of equipment even if it hasn't been used, make sure that nothing is rusty, make sure that the bottles in the bathroom aren't running out, and much, much more." Ino sighed. They had a lot of work ahead of them.
"How long does it usually take you?"
"Four hours, but with you here, the time should be reduced." Sakura replied, leading her into the kitchen, "Once you learn Kage Bunshin no jutsu, it should go even faster. It's such a useful technique…now come on, the sooner we get started, the sooner we can collapse in exhaustion."
"Kami, why does master have so much stuff?" Ino said as she flopped down on top of Sakura. After they finished, they made another round of the house, double checking everything to make sure that they didn't miss something. Sakura had led her to the room Naruto expected them to be in after they finished; a den filled with cushions, with a couch and a few chairs scattered throughout the space and a bay window.
"Master is a collector." Sakura explained, running her fingers through Ino's golden tresses. "Some of the stuff he obtains goes for a high price on the market - both the regular market and the black one. He also rents out his house to Ero-sennin for a high price, so he`s never strapped for cash. That's how he can afford to keep this place and my own house bills paid."
Ino sighed. She didn't want to know how Naruto obtained high value objects. "So what now?" She asked, enjoying the soft petting of Sakura's hands.
"We stay here until master comes home, and he inspects our work." Sakura replied. "Depending on how well we did, he may determine that we've earned a reward." Ino sighed again and made herself more comfortable.
"Can we at least take a short nap? I'm exhausted."
"Yeah, there's no telling when master will be back." Ino closed her eyes and snuggled herself against Sakura.
"I hope he takes a long time."
"Ino-chan..." Ino moaned, feeling somebody try to wake her. "Ino-chan...wake up." It was a male voice. Ino fluttered her eyes open and saw a smiling Naruto.
"Mmm...master? When did you get back?"
"Just now." Sakura moaned at the voices. She opened her eyes and saw Naruto in her vision.
"Hi master." Naruto chuckled.
"Get up and go take a shower." He said softly, placing a gentle kiss on each of their heads. "When you get out, wait for me in the living room on the couch, naked. As for your reward, I'll think of something."
"Both of us master?"
"If you mean the shower, then yes." Naruto reached down, placing another gentle kiss on each of their cheeks. "I bought a new book and I want to read it." He said before leaving.
Sakura knew what he wanted of them but for Ino was confused as to what he had in mind. She heard her friend yawn and she looked up at her. She smacked her lips and looked down at her.
"Let's go ahead and take that shower." The jade-eyed girl said. "Then we can see what master has in store for us." Ino nodded and got up, followed by Sakura, taking off their clothes while they walked. They dumped their dirty clothes in the hamster bin when they walked in the bathroom.
"So at a time or separately?" Ino asked, already knowing the answer. She squeaked when she felt Sakura get behind her, reaching around and cupped her breasts, causing the blonde to moan as she started to fondle them.
"I thought that you knew the answer to that already." Sakura replied, licking at her ear lobe. Ino shivered, causing her slave-sister to chuckle. "It's no fun taking a shower all by one's lonesome. You can have a lot more fun taking a shower with someone else." Ino groaned as Sakura started to push her toward the shower.
"Why do I let you drag me into these situations?"
Ino asked as she and Sakura stepped out of the shower. Sakura had gotten frisky and made her cum three times, even going so far as to give her some `front and backdoor' action, fingering her pussy and asshole at the same time. Ino, deciding that she would not be undone, had thrown Sakura against the wall, forcing her lips against the cherry blossom's before dropping to her knees and making her cry out in passion.
Needless to say, it took a while to get clean.
Sakura giggled as she dried herself off. Her goal was to make Ino more bolder, more confident. She was doing a good job so far, but there were times where it seemed like all her efforts were wasted.
Fortunately, this wasn't one of them.
After drying themselves off completely, they made their way, naked except for their collars, to the living room where they sat down on the couch like their master ordered, awaiting his arrival.
Soon, they heard the sound of someone coming down the stairs. They looked at the entrance as Naruto came walking in the room dressed in nothing more then shorts and holding a book in his hand. He reached them and smiled.
"Sakura-chan, go to the kitchen and get me some ice water." He said. Sakura nodded, standing and walking towards the kitchen to retrieve her master's water, making sure to sway her hips in an exaggerated manner for the other two.
Naruto smirked at the display from his first pet, before turning to Ino. "Ino-chan, go sit on that chair over there." He pointed to a chair on the opposite side of the couch. Ino nodded and walked to the chair and sat down, noting the odd shape - how it seemed to let her sink in a little, while angling her back upwards, thrusting her chest out.
Naruto walked to the side of the chair and reached for the lamp on the small table. He turned it on and did something that surprised the heck out of Ino.
He sat on her.
She softly gasped as he made himself comfortable on her, feeling the cloth of his shorts press into her bald pussy. She giggled a little as he turned, grabbing her tits and kneading them as if he were fluffing a pillow.
"Are my tits a suitable pillow master?" She asked as he finished adjusting himself, shuddering as his blond hairs tickled her sensitive chest. Naruto 'mmmed' in content.
"Oh yes..."
"Master..." Sakura made herself known. He looked up as she put down a glass of ice water on a coaster beside the chair. "Here's your ice water. Is there anything else master?" Naruto smiled at her and shook her head.
"Not at the moment." He said. "Now what I want you to do is get on your hands and knees and crawl under my legs. I need a footstool." Sakura nodded.
"Master?" Naruto looked at her. "Can you put something in me please?" Naruto thought for a moment while looking at her.
"No." Was his answer. Sakura looked like she was going to say something but one look from Naruto shut her up. "Do you want to say something Sakura-chan?" He asked, daring her to argue.
"I-no master."
" carry out my order." Sakura nodded, falling to knees. She bowed her head, crawling under his legs and lifting them up as she raised herself up. His legs were on her back, and he crossed his ankles, opening his book to the first page. "Both of you stay where you are until I say otherwise." The girls acknowledged the order.
"Master, don't you think that was a little harsh?" Ino whispered to her blonde master. Naruto just shook his head.
"No." He replied. "Sakura-chan can get a little spoiled sometimes, and she needs to be reminded that she doesn't always get everything she asks for. Her pleasure is at my discretion - as is yours." He turned the page, surprising Ino on what he was reading. It was a fantasy adventure story that she remembered that just came out recently. Naruto must have remembered about it earlier. "I love her and you deeply, but your wants are secondary to the fact that I am in control." Ino sighed as he went to his book, moaning slightly as he adjusted his head.
Time passed as Naruto read his new book. Ino - finding it oddly…fun, to be a piece of furniture - was feeling brave, and she decided to try something. Slowly she moved her arms around his stomach. He smiled, keeping silent as his cosmos moved her hands across his waist, massaging his toned stomach and chest.
Naruto let out a small moan, and Ino smiled - encouraged by it - moving her hands up. She spent some time moving her hands over his upper chest, taking his hardened nipples into her fingers and running her fingertips over them causing him to giggle slightly at the ticklish feeling.
She ran one of her hands up his neck and onto his face, caressing his face - paying close attention to his whisker-like birthmarks - while placing light kisses along his neck and cheeks. Opening one of her eyes, she saw a tent in his shorts.
She smiled, shifting her hands down and stroked his bulge, drawing a deeper moan from him.
"Mmm...Ino-chan..." Naruto spoke, moaning as Ino gripped his member harder through his shorts, while taking his earlobe in her mouth.
"Yes master?" She asked. Naruto smiled.
"Is there a reason why you're doing this to me?" Ino smiled and brought her left hand up Naruto's body and onto his face, caressing his whiskers again.
"Well...I'm your slave am I not?" Naruto nodded, putting a bookmark in his book and shutting it.
"Yes, you are." Naruto moaned as Ino cupped his clothed member in her hands again, giving it a firm tug.
"Well...shouldn't a slave do anything she can to please her master?" Naruto chuckled.
"Yes, she should." Naruto turned his head to look at Ino and lifted his hand to cup Ino's cheek. "Has this slave been talking to a certain pink haired girl?" Ino chuckled softly.
"Well…yes, I have." She replied, squeaking a bit as one of his hands dipped down underneath his own ass, stroking the petals of her womanhood firmly. "I-I…I came up with the thought on my own though." Naruto chuckled.
"You doing very well my slave." He said, flicking his fingers against her clit and drawing a sharp gasp from her. "You're starting to learn what your duties are as my slave." Naruto turned to his human footstool. "What do you think cherry blossom? Do you think she's doing well with her training?"
The girl raised her head to look at her master.
"I think she's doing well. She still has a long way to go however." Naruto nodded.
"I agree." Sakura dropped her head and Naruto reached up, giving Ino a soft peck on the lips. "Keep doing it if you want." Naruto looked at his first slave. "How are you holding up Sakura-chan?"
"I'm fine." She said, though she kept her head down.
"Look at me and say that." Sakura looked at him and repeated her answer. Naruto nodded, not seeing anything that would indicate deceit. She dropped her head again and Naruto opened his book, picking up where he had left off and enjoying Ino's soft hands as they played over his body.
About fifteen minutes later, Ino gathered up the courage to ask something - something she was afraid would allow Naruto to make fun of her.
"Ma-master..." Raising his eyebrow at her nervousness, he responded.
"What's wrong Ino-chan?"
"Well...can I sing to you?"
"You sing?" Feeling Ino nod, he smirked. "I didn't know that. Does Sakura-chan know you sing, or has she been a naughty girl, trying to keep that from me?" He chuckled a little as he felt Sakura shift under his feet.
"S-she doesn't know. Nobody knows except my parents."
"Is there a reason?" Ino wrapped her arms around Naruto, squeezing tightly.
"I-I was afraid that people would think I stink and make fun of me." Naruto could've sworn that he felt a tear go down her cheek and heard her sniff. Naruto turned around and he saw a tear trail on her face.
"Ino-chan..." He said while cupping her cheek. "Sakura-chan and I will never make fun of you. Even if you do stink, we wouldn't torment you about it. If anything, we'll try help you improve." Ino sniffed and smiled.
"Thank you master. You have no idea how much that means to me." Naruto smiled.
"You're welcome. Now...let's hear you sing." He said. "I rather like the idea of having someone sing me to sleep at night…" Ino nodded, shuddering a bit as Naruto made himself comfortable.
There was silence for a few seconds before Ino started to sing. It was hesitant, but slowly it gained strength, and Naruto smiled as heard one of the most beautiful voices ever. Naruto set his book down and listened to his cosmos, a wide smile on his face as he lost himself in her dulcet tones.
Her singing was beautiful and he had no doubt that Sakura thought the same.
As Ino sung, Naruto's eyes started to become heavy and by the time Ino finished, Naruto was on the brink of sleep.
"What do you think master?" Naruto smiled.
"It's...beautiful." He said before falling asleep on Ino's tits.
Ino smiled as his response. "Thank you so much master." No response. "Master?" Her jaw dropped when she heard a soft snore come out of his mouth. Did she just sing him to sleep? "Umm...Sakura-chan?" Said girl looked up and her jaw dropped as well.
"What did you do?"
"I think I put him to sleep."
"You put..." Sakura's head dropped. "Great, not only is your singing beautiful, it's a soporific…it put him to sleep. Now we're stuck like this until he wakes up."
"I-I'm sorry." Sakura sighed.
"It's alright. At least he likes it. Master will probably have you sing to him when it's time for bed." Sakura smiled. "I tried singing but I suck at it even with help but at least you have something unique to offer him." Ino blushed.
"T-thank you Sakura-chan."
"No problem."
Naruto's eyes fluttered open as he groaned slightly. Not sure how he fell asleep, he searched his memories until he remembered what happened.
Ino's singing put him to sleep.
"Master..." He looked up from his position from Ino's breasts to Ino's face. "Are you awake?" He yawned.
"I guess so. How long was I asleep?"
"Two hours master. My tits fell asleep and I think Sakura-chan is feeling some discomfort as well." Naruto looked down to his footstool and he saw that she was indeed in some discomfort, her arms trembling and sweat pouring down her face. He took his legs off of her.
"You can move now Sakura-chan." The instant he said that, the cherry blossom collapsed on the ground.
"Kami-sama…my arms…" She moaned.
"Your arms fell asleep?" Ino asked.
"Bingo." Sakura said while trying to wake her limbs up. Naruto turned to Ino.
"Are you alright?"
"Well, it didn't take long for my breasts to fall asleep." She replied. "Truth is, I was about to fall asleep too, but then you started moving."
"Oh, I'm sorry." Naruto tried to apologize but Ino just waved him off.
"It's alright. You didn't know."
"Still..." Ino shut him up with her finger.
"I said it's alright. If you want to sleep on me, you should do it, regardless of my discomfort." Naruto stared at her for a moment before nodding. He got off of her and kneeled next Sakura.
"Are you alright?"
"As long as I don't move my arms and legs, I'll be fine." Naruto kissed her.
"I'm sorry. I'll make it up to the both of you somehow."
"You don't have to master. You..." Naruto cut her off with a kiss.
"I said...that I will make it up to you." Sakura knew that tone. That meant she had no choice.
"Ok master." Naruto nodded.
"I'll give you both a weekend pass to the hot springs and let you pamper yourselves for the weekend."
Both Sakura and Ino smiled. They always wanted to go to the hot springs, but it was too damn expensive. Naruto smiled as he saw they liked the idea.
"Alright, now why don't you have some fun? Enjoy yourself." Sakura smiled.
"Thank you master but, if it pleases you, this slave would enjoy herself being with her master." Naruto chuckled.
"Even if I gave you permission to ride the horse again?" Sakura hesitated but steeled herself.
"Even if." Naruto chuckled.
"Alright, do what you want." Naruto stood up and sat back down on Ino, who immediately encircled her arms around him, and Sakura laid back and moved his legs so they were in front of her. Naruto chuckled as he opened his book again, picking up where he left off. Ino peered over his shoulder, a little curious.
"You like those kind of books master?"
"Like them? I love them, especially these authors. You should read these series sometime. I know you'll love them."
"He's obsessed with them." Sakura commented from down below.
"Hush you." Naruto said and drunk some of his water.
"I'll read them sometime." Ino said, now really curious about these books. If both her master and her sister read them, then it had to be good.
"Trust me, you won't be disappointed. Sakura-chan certainly wasn't."
Naruto smirked as he felt Sakura shift. He could tell she couldn't make a clever comeback. Ino giggled from behind Naruto. She was actually having fun and being Naruto's chair was strangely exciting.
Naruto put the book mark in the book and shut it. Sakura moved away so Naruto could stand up. He turned to his pets and spoke to them.
"Before we go to bed, there's one more thing we need to do. Sakura, go downstairs and sit on the bed." Sakura nodded, stood up, and went to follow her master's orders. Ino gulped as Naruto turned to her.
Why was he so serious all of a sudden?
"Stand up."
She gulped again as she complied, being turned around and Naruto put his hand on her shoulder and told her to start walking. She complied and started walking in the direction of the stairway. They walked down and entered the middle door. He led her to an empty part of the room and forced her down.
"Stay here and shut up."
Ino nodded and Naruto walked away, walking to the cabinet and pulling out a set of wrist cuffs and walked to the bed with orders to Sakura that no matter what she sees or hears, she is to stay silent and on the bed. She nodded and Naruto walked back to the waiting Ino and picked up the riding crop on his way.
He reached her and he bent down behind her and attaching them, locking them in the process. He stood up and walked to her front, lifting her head with the crop and he could see that she was a little scared.
"Sit up straight and eyes forward. Do not speak at all. Understand?" Nodding, Ino sat up straighter and kept her eyes forward and her mouth shut even as Naruto started to walk around her.
Now Ino was defiantly scared. Why was he doing this? What was he going to do to her? Naruto entered her sight again and he stopped in front of her.
"Ino Yamanaka...when I first set eyes on you, you were in the park with Sakura playing with the other children. I thought you were cute and you looked like you could be a good friend." Naruto started walking around her once more. "When you started school, when I saw you, you grew into a beautiful girl and you want to know what else I thought?" He asked as he stopped in front of her. She could see him gripping the crop tightly and that meant he was getting angry. She shook her head, remembering that day clearly.
"I thought you could be a good friend. So when I came up to you and I asked you if we could be friends, do you remember what you said to me?" Ino closed her eyes as the memory ran through her mind and little tears swelled up in her eyes. "You said, and I quote, "I don't have any need for baka dobes." And then you went off to find a seat next to your precious Sasuke-kun." She gulped as he heard Naruto growl.
Naruto punctuated each word with a strike to the cheek with the crop but Ino didn't beg for him to stop. No, she took it because she deserved every strike.
"You didn't even know about Kyuubi, just that I was an idiot and a dead last and you thought that I wasn't worthy of friendship! I just wanted a friend and you spat in my face!" Naruto ended that sentence with a chakra powered strike to the cheek, causing her to cry out and tumble to the floor.
Ino quickly scrambled to her knees and took her previous position. Naruto stared at her welted face before sighing and reaching out and ruffled Ino's hair before walking around Ino once more.
"There's a saying. `Look underneath the underneath.' Everywhere you look, there is a public face. There is always a private side to people. People have their own agenda's and their own plans. Remember that Ino and you may just survive in this deceiving world."
"Now comes up the issue of responsibility. You may be spoiled by your father but that stops now. I had to earn everything I own and I had to fight for it. Being alone for all your life, you grow up early. It was an unfortunate for Sakura's parents to die but she was strong and she moved on, looking to the future instead of wallowing in the past."
"You need to understand that every action has its reaction, that every choice has its consequences. You, of all people, should understand that. Because you choose to remain immature and not focus, you became mine."
Ino tried to force the tears to dry up but she couldn't. Every word he spoke was the absolutely true. Her father had tried to speak to her on numerous times but she just ignored him, thinking that everything was going to be alright but it took her capture and being put through pain that she finally realized that she was immature. She heard Naruto sigh and put his hand on her head.
"Look Ino, you may have been foolish in the past but that's the thing about humans, we can learn from our mistakes and I know that you will make the right choices from now on." He ruffled her hair again before standing up.
"Now, there are some rules you need to know. First off, and this is a given. Never, and I mean NEVER, tell anybody of our relationship, even if it's a joke. We can't risk it. If anybody found out and the word spread that Kyuubi got out. They won't risk him getting out again and they will call for my blood and we will be forced to leave."
"Second, if I put anything on/in you, whether it be a dildo or a ball gag, you are to never take it off, even if your hands are free. The only time you will be allowed to take something off is if your life is in danger or the secret is or unless you have my permission."
"Any intimate contact made outside of these walls is to be done under the illusion, no matter where you are. If you are in class, in the park, in Ichiraku, anyplace. Any contact involving short of a harmless hug or a grope to embarrass is to be done under the illusion. This coming up week, I will teach you how to use the illusion."
Ino nodded as he finished. She figured she would have rules to follow as his slave when she's in public.
"Now, and this will probably be the most hardest rule for you to follow, you MUST be naked at all times when you are in this house, and your parents house. If a guest comes, you may put clothes on but the instant they leave, you must strip, even if it is in front of your parents. After all, a slave must always be ready for the master's pleasure."
"Also, and this will be great for getting rid of your shyness, after learning how to use the illusion, everywhere you go outside, you MUST be naked. This is non-negotiable. After a while, I will rescind the order but until then, you will go commando. If I catch you with clothes on, you will be punished. If you want, you can ask Sakura-chan for advice."
Ino's jaw dropped. What was he thinking, asking her to go commando? She couldn't possibly do that. She would certainly die of embarrassment. Naruto chuckled seeing the horror on her face.
"I'll guarantee you. You will like it. I mean, how can you not? Just look at your clothes for crying out loud. In fact, if I didn't know better, I say you were a closet nudist from the short clothes you wear."
Ino frowned at him. How dare he accuse her of being a closet nudist? She couldn't be one...could she? When she picked out the clothes, she remembered feeling something when she saw them. She felt a sense of freedom and when she wore it for the first time...
It was breezy.
She would never admit it to anybody, not even to herself but she kept wearing them. A blush appeared on her face and Naruto's face erupted into a full blow grin.
"One last must remember to act normal in public. That means doing whatever you usually do, which means hit me, try to get Sasuke to agree to go out on a date, and beat me senseless."
Ino quickly shut her mouth, cursing herself for forgetting that she wasn't supposed to speak. Naruto already had the crop in the air but stopped when she stopped speaking.
"Do you wish to speak?" Ino nodded and Naruto put his hand down. "Then speak." Ino gulped.
"Why do we have to keep hitting you? I mean, I realize that we can't act like master and slave in pubic but we can still be together as friends or maybe even lovers." Naruto sighed.
"Because the villagers aren't ready to accept that someone like me could possibly be in a relationship. Sakura-chan and I did have a plan to slowly start a relationship in the eyes of the public but thanks to you, that plan is ruined."
Ino had the decency to look ashamed of herself but Naruto only chuckled, bending down to her face.
"Thanks to you, I am now able to make a new plan, one where we slowly start to fall for each other in the eyes of the public. Who knows...maybe you can fall in love with me because of my boyish charms." Ino couldn't help but giggle at that.
"You play your cards right, I might just." Naruto chuckled.
"Who knows? Now do you understand these rules I have given you?"
There was a moment of hesitation but Ino nodded, completely understanding. The blonde smiled and petted her cheek.
"Good, now it's time to go to sleep." Reaching around her to unlock her wrist cuffs, he gave her a peck on the forehead. "Go join your sister on the bed." Ino nodded and started crawling toward the bed.
Ino reached the bed and crawled onto it, collapsing onto the bed exhausted from the day's events. Sakura started to poke her sister who already fell asleep apparently.
"I think she's broken master." Sakura said as Naruto walked up to them. Naruto chuckled as he walked up to the cabinet to retrieve some items.
"She's just tired." Naruto walked back to them holding rope, a ball gag, a scroll and pen, and a paper seal.
"Should I be worried master?" Sakura asked, looking at the objects in his hands. Naruto chuckled and cupped her chin.
"Go to your room Sakura and look on your bed. There will be instructions for the next week." Sakura nodded and stood up and walked out of the room. Naruto turned back to the sleeping blonde and sat down. He turned her head toward him and attached the sleeping tag on her forehead which would keep her asleep as long as the tag was on her forehead, despite what he's about to do.
Making a clone, they proceeded to tie up Ino in a hogtie fashion, with rope that would respond to only a certain type of chakra in order to untie it. His was always the default but he did have the ability to add another temporally. Soon, Ino was tied up, including her hair, and Naruto put the ball gag on. Grabbing the scroll and pen, he sat down and proceeded to write a letter to Ino's parents and Ino.
Finishing that, he sealed it and put it in her hands and closed the hands around the scroll. Behind him, the door opened and Naruto knew who it was...and he didn't need to turn around to see the disbelief on her face.
"You're giving us the week off?" Sakura said, very confused. Naruto smirked but didn't turn around.
"Yes Sakura-chan, the entire week. As I explained, Ino needs to start her shinobi training and you need to keep teaching her how to dance."
"I know that but whenever you give me time off, it's usually followed by me being banned from the house."
"That's true..." Naruto said as Sakura kneeled down in front of him. "And you will be banned from the house for the week." Sakura's jaw dropped and she opened her mouth to argue but Naruto stopped her. "But if I give you my permission, then you can come in but only if you talk to me first." Sakura stared at her master.
"But master...can you go that long without any pleasure?" Naruto smirked.
"What makes you think I'm going to deny myself any satisfaction? I can still have fun during class." Sakura sighed and nodded.
"I understand."
"Alright, I'll expect you to be at the Yamanaka's tomorrow morning. I wrote them a letter explaining everything. Now I need you to put your chakra in the ropes so you can untie her and feed her." Sakura nodded and stood up, putting her hand on the nexus of Ino's restraints and Naruto put his hand over hers, letting the ropes know to accept this chakra to untie it.
Sakura finished and let go of Ino. She squeaked as she was turned around and was pressed up against Naruto, who crashed his lips into hers. Sakura moaned in his mouth as she ran her hands in his hair and Naruto gripped her buttocks causing her to squeal.
Naruto chuckled as he broke the kiss, gazing lovely in her eyes. She stared back and hugged him tightly.
"I love you master." Naruto smiled and hugged back.
"I love you too." Sakura groaned slightly in disappointment as Naruto let go of her. He looked up to her and spoke the words she always hated to hear.
"It's time to go home Sakura-chan." Sakura frowned.
"But master, I know the rule that I can't stay here overnight if I have school the next day but why do I have to go if I'm not going to school tomorrow?" Naruto chuckled.
"You still need to get your supplies for the sleepover and other stuff."
"But..." Naruto silenced her with his finger even as the forgotten clone went and retrieved the black riding crop and handed it to Naruto who gave it to Sakura.
"Just go home Sakura-chan." Sakura sighed as she looked at the crop in her hands.
"As you wish master."
Sakura gave her master one last kiss before turning around and walking out of the dungeon. Naruto turned to the clone.
"Make sure she gets home safe." The clone nodded and disappeared from view. Naruto turned to his blonde slave. "Now it's time for you to go home my sweet." Making another clone, he gently picked her up and left the dungeon and the house after the clone put the illusion on all three of them.
They quickly made their way to the Yamanaka's residence. Walking up to the side of Ino's room, they looked up to the window and the clone went up to check if it was still unlocked when the clone unlocked it during her brief stay here.
It was unlocked.
Now all they had to do was get Ino in her room without waking her parents. Making sure that he had a good grip on his passenger, Naruto started his trek up the walls of the house, ending up at the window. Naruto gently handed the girl over to the clone. After that was done, the real Naruto entered the house and shut the window while the clone set the girl on the bed.
He heard a hiss and he looked at the snake on the dresser and the post it note on the glass cage. He smiled and bent down even as the snake went to the edge.
"Take care of her. Right now she's deathly afraid of your kind but I'm counting on you to help her with her fear so don't freak her out so much by going near her privates in the beginning, alright?"
The snake nodded understanding what he meant. Naruto nodded as well.
"Alright, she's all settled in."
The clone announced and Naruto stood up and nodded.
"Good, I'll leave the note on her parents door and that'll be that. Get out of here before you dismiss yourself." The clone nodded and left the house via the window. He walked toward the bed and bent down, gently brushing aside a few stray strands of her hand and he reached over and gave a light kiss on the cheek before gently taking off the seal keeping Ino asleep.
"I'll see you later my pet. Enjoy your week off and rest because when the week is over, things will get rough for you."
Another kiss to the cheek before Naruto stood up and walked back to the dresser, picking up the post it notes and a pen and wrote a small note. Quietly walking out of her room, Naruto tiptoed to her parents bedroom and stuck the post it note to the door, making sure that they see it when they open the door in the morning.
Exiting the house the same way, he took his time walking back home. Ino was going to be scared when she woke up, with her being tied the way she is but when she realizes where she was, she would came down considerably.
Boy, she was going to be overjoyed when she learns that she can be with her parents for a week and not go back into the dungeon.