Chapter 14: chapter 14
The sun shone brightly in the Yamanaka residence, slowly bathing over the hogtied form of Yamanaka Ino. The golden rays slowly crept up to Ino's eyes, rousing her from her deep slumber. She let out a small moan as she woke, becoming increasingly aware of her bondage. She struggled as she felt the coarse ropes rubbing against her sensitive skin, groaning into the ball gag lodged in her mouth. She blinked away the crust from her eyes, images slowly coming into focus.
She gasped as the images finally settled - she was in her bedroom.
The blue walls, the purple sheets on her bed, the snake on her dresser, and...
Straining her eyes as best as she could considering that she couldn't move her head, she spied the same snake that Naruto had said he was giving her. The snake appeared to be looking at her through the glass of its terrarium, and a post it note was visible on one glass wall, though she couldn't read it.
Suddenly, there was a shout and running footsteps heard by nude blonde, and she squeaked as the door was slammed open. There was silence for a few moments, before Ino flushed red in embarrassment.
"Oh kami...Ino."
It was barely a whisper but Ino heard it loud and clear.
Her dad and her mother entered into her sight, gathering her up into a hug as best they could given the ropes and knots decorating her body. Iris broke the hug and looked at her daughter with tears in her eyes and cupped her cheek.
"You're finally home. I missed you so much." Inoichi came into her sight.
"He really let you come home." Tears welled up Inoichi's eyes and Ino wanted to speak but she knew that anything that comes out of her mouth with the ball gag on would only come out as muffled grunts and groans. "Here, let me get this off of you." Inoichi reached forward and tried to pull off the ball gag. However, to both his and Ino's surprise, the clasps wouldn't budge. "What the hell?"
"Inoichi-koi...look." Iris pointed to Ino's bound hands and the scroll clutched between them. Inoichi reached out and pulled the scroll from her hands, breaking the seal and reading it for the other two to hear.
`To the parents of Uzumaki Ino' (Ino's eye twitched at the Uzumaki.)
As you may have realized by now, Ino-chan is home and will be for the entire week as I promised. By the way, don't bother trying to take off her restraints, only Sakura and I can remove them.
This is the reward I mentioned before - like I told Ino-chan, I would never deny you your daughter, or her parents. This won't be the only time I let her visit you, just as long as you all remember that she belongs to me.
Anyway, the good news is that you all get to spend some time together. The bad news (for you and her at least) is that she has some rules to follow - and I WILL know if she disobeys them.
The most important rule is this - Unless she's helping out in your shop, Ino-chan is to be nude at all times. Even if one or both of you are in the room.
Inoichi-san, I understand that this could be difficult for you especially, so if you want some help at keeping your erection down, just tell Sakura-chan. She'll tell you the secret.'
Inoichi's eye started twitching and Iris couldn't help but glare at her husband while Ino rolled her eyes.
`Anyway, speaking of Sakura-chan, she'll be staying over with you for the week since there are some things that need to be done. I've arranged for some funds to be transferred to your account to cover her expenses while she's there (food and whatnot), and I've gotten permission from Iruka-sensei for the girls to miss school for the next two days. This is so Ino can rest from her sessions with Sakura (I'll let her explain), and after school we will both be training her, so she won't be home until late at night sometimes.
Also, and Sakura knows this, she is not to be doing any kind of anal and vaginal penetration for today. If either of you catch her doing said acts, don't stop her but tell me instead and I'll make sure she get punished accordingly. Also, Sakura is to be wearing clothes whenever she goes out so watch for that as well.
I'll be dropping by every now and then just to check up on the girls. If you see me in the house doing something to the girls or the girls doing something to me, please don't freak out or interfere.
One more thing, if you don't mind, when Sakura-chan gets there, could you make Ino-chan's breakfast so Sakura can feed her sister when she arrives? That'll be great.
That should be all for now. If there are any uninvited guests, Sakura will be able to react quickly enough to hide her and Ino depending on where they are at the time.
Have fun!
Uzumaki Naruto'
"You know...I'm not surprised by these rules." Inoichi commented after rolling up the scroll. Iris glared at her husband.
"Why, pray tell, are you not surprised by the fact that our daughter has to be naked in our house even while we are in the same room?" Inoichi sighed and rubbed his head.
"Because these rules are almost the same to the slave laws that are already in place." Inoichi responded.
"Oh." Iris sighed and looked at her bound offspring. "I get the feeling things are going to get hectic around here very soon."
Suddenly knocking was heard and Inoichi stood up.
"That's probably Sakura-san. I'll get it." The blonde jounin walked out of the room and Iris looked at her daughter.
"How are you doing Ino?" Her only response was a muffled whine. Iris held back a sob as she saw her daughter try to speak.
`By the gods, if I could help you Ino I would but I don't know what to do.' Iris bent down and kissed her cheek.
"I love you so much Ino and I'll find a way to help you. I promise you that." Iris stood up and left the room to fix her daughter's breakfast while holding back her tears.
Ino sighed as her parents left the room. One the one hand, she was happy to be home. On the other hand, there was no telling what was going to happen with the rules set in place for her, especially with Sakura staying over for the week.
She just knew that the embarrassment level would be over 9000.
While she was musing, she failed to notice another person appear in the doorway, nor the smirk that appeared on said person face. Ino suddenly yelped as fingernails raked across her feet.
"My my keep this up and I might be tempted to screw you senseless right here and now."
Ino growled as she recognized the sound of Sakura's voice and soon enough, said girl entered her sight holding a stuffed backpack.
"Now now no need to growl at me. I have the right to take advantage of you when you're all tied up and naked like this."
Ino tried to retort but with the ball gag in her mouth it only came out as muffled screams. Sakura chuckled as she looked at the drooling blonde. Dropping the backpack, she started to undress herself, folding her clothes and setting them aside.
There was a knock on the door and Sakura turned to face a shocked Iris holding the breakfast tray.
"H-here's her breakfast Haruno-san." Sakura shook her head.
"Please, call me Sakura and thank you." Sakura said, walking up to the woman and taking the tray from her. Iris bowed a little before walking away and Sakura set the tray down and sat down in front of Ino, with her crotch in her face. She reached down and took off the ball gag.
"I hate you so much right now." Sakura chuckled and patted her cheek.
"I love you too. Now if you want breakfast, you will make me cum." Ino narrowed her eyes at her friend.
"I though you were forbidden from any vaginal penetration?"
"True but you aren't going to penetrate me are you? Just lick me. Master said tongue is allowed for today but no fingers. Now get to licking or you don't eat."
Ino groaned at her demands but stuck her tongue out anyway. Sakura gripped Ino's head as she felt the rough tongue lap at her folds. Ino was learning that's for sure. This time she was better than the last time she did it.
"Don't forget to pay attention to the clit, Ino-chan." Sakura moaned, gasping as Ino sealed her lips around the button and sucking on it. Sakura chuckled as she felt Ino getting rough with her. "You don't have to get rough with me you know." She yelped as Ino gave her a small bite before going back to licking.
Soon enough, Sakura came and Ino drank all her juices as best she could. Sakura petted Ino's head as she lapped up her juices. Opening her eyes, she saw the elder Yamanaka standing in the doorway with his arms crossed and his foot tapping on the floor.
"You better get used to it Inoichi-san. Screams of pleasure and pain are going to be the norm around here from now on." Ino gasped as her father spoke.
"Not if I have anything to say about it." Sakura smirked.
"You don't have a say in these matters anymore. The word of our master comes first and what he says goes." The pink haired girl replied. "Besides you read what master wrote, Ino-chan still has training to go through and that includes sexual training."
Inoichi growled but walked away, knowing that there wasn't anything he could do. Ino looked up as Sakura undid her hair.
"Did you have to do that?"
"Every word I said is the truth and they need to understand that you obey master first and then your parents."
Sakura got off the bed and proceeded to untie her. Ino rubbed her wrists as they were let go and sat up, only for Sakura to grab her hands and force them around her back and retied them. Seeing the questioning look her friend was giving her, she explained.
"I'm supposed to feed you."
"I'm not a baby Sakura. I can feed myself." Sakura just laughed as she moved the tray onto her lap.
"Master's orders."
For the next twenty minutes, Sakura fed the bound Ino and to add to the humiliation, she treated Ino like a baby, making the sounds a mother would make while feeding her child. Ino really wanted to slap some sense into that crazed brain of her friend's but could do nothing as her arms were tied up and Sakura was sitting on her legs.
Finally, after much humiliation, breakfast was done. After cleaning her face with a napkin, Sakura set aside the tray and untied Ino's arms, resulting in her pushing the pinkette off.
Sakura giggled as she landed on the floor. She couldn't resist treating Ino like that just to see the annoyed look on her face. She smirked as Ino crossed her arms and glare at her.
"If it weren't for the fact that I'm even in this kind of relationship, I would beat you senseless for treating me like that. Now if you excuse me, I have to go to the bathroom."
Sakura started laughing as Ino passed the snake cage, looked at it and shuddered before going out of the room. She sat up and reached for her backpack and pulled out two books, one was Icha Icha Paradise: Yuri Island and the other a Kama Sutra book.
Standing up, she walked out of the room and went downstairs and turned the corner to see Ino's parents coming out of the kitchen. They froze for a moment before Inoichi sighed and rubbed his head. Sakura smirked as she walked up to a big chair that was big enough for her and Ino to sit side by side and set the books down.
"Of course. The rule of being naked at all times is still in effect for me by my request and even if it wasn't, I would still be naked even if it was in front of my parents."
"But still..." Sakura shook her head.
"But nothing...I'm a nudist and I'm proud of it!" Sakura stated with pride which caused the parents to sweat drop a little.
The sound of footsteps coming down the stairs and Sakura smirked. She held up a finger to the parents that meant `one second'.
"Ino-chan! You better not have any clothes on! If I see you with anything on, I have the permission of master to give you twenty spankings every time I see clothes on you!"
There was a pause in the footsteps for a couple of minutes before the sounds of someone running up the stairs were heard. Sakura grinned as she knew Ino put something on her body that she wasn't suppose to have on. She turned back to the father.
"So do you think you can handle the sight of two naked girls in your house?" Inoichi huffed and crossed his arms.
"Why would I be aroused seeing my daughter naked?" Sakura started to tap her chin like she was in thought.
"Oh...I don't know. Maybe you have secret incest fantasies?" Sakura smirked as Inoichi started sputtering. She always enjoyed riling people up.
"Fuck this. I'm going to work."
Before Inoichi could take a step, there was a sudden `eep!' and Sakura looked behind her just in time to see a blonde hide herself around the corner. Sakura smiled.
"Ohh...Ino-chan." There was another eep and Sakura couldn't help but chuckle. She walked forward and looked around the corner and sure enough, Ino was with her naked back against the wall, looking deathly afraid. Her eyes darted to Sakura although she didn't move her head.
"Are they gone?" She whispered. Taking a glance at the confused parents, she shook her head. Ino whimpered. "Can you get rid of them please?" Sakura sighed.
"Why are you embarrassed being naked in front of your parents? They're your parents. They've already seen you naked."
Ino shook her head vigorously.
"This is something completely different."
"How? How is it different? Are you ashamed of your body?" Ino shook her head again.
"No, it's not that. It's just that...I..." Sakura sighed, reached up and grabbed her arm and started pulling on it, much to Ino's horror. "Let me go Sakura."
"Fuck no. I thought you were over this by now."
Unfortunely for Ino, Sakura was stronger and Ino wound up being pulled out of the safety of the corner and into the view of her parents. Ino tried to return to her cover but the voice of her mother stopped her.
"Ino, you don't have to be embarrassed because of us. I'm going to be in the shop for today and your father will be working and possibly on missions."
"It's not that but the thought of being so exposed that worries me." Ino looked at her friend when she started chuckling.
"Ino-chan, that's what a nudist is. Granted the feeling is weird but it is a good thing. You just haven't experienced it as much." Ino sighed.
"I understand...I guess." Sakura smiled.
"Who knows? You might actually like being naked all the time." Ino snorted.
"The day that happens is the day I eat your shit."
Inoichi couldn't take it anymore as he left after saying goodbye to Ino while Iris went to open the shop. Ino sighed and rubbed her neck where the bite marks were.
"You know...sometimes I hate master." Ino said while Sakura led her to the big chair and sat down.
"And why's that?"
"Because he's making me experience so many new things...things that is weird and disgusting." Sakura giggled while gathering the books in her hands.
"That's normal. When you been with us for a while, you will start to get curious and seek out new things on your own."
Sakura dropped a book on Ino's lap and she picked it up, only to drop it in shock causing the pinkette to smirk even as she opened up her book to the bookmark.
"Sakura-chan..." Ino said in a remarkably calm tone.
"Why did you give me a copy of the Kama Sutra?"
"Why do you even need to ask?" Sakura said, turning to look at her. "Do you really want to disappoint our master by your lack of knowledge?"
"If you disappoint him, he will take it out on me for failing to teach you. Do you really want that?" Ino sighed and shook her head.
"Good, now learn all the positions in that book."
Ino sighed again and opened the book to the first page. She heard of the book before, but not much about what was in it. All she knew was that it contained positions. She knew she was right as she finished reading the intro that it contained a lot of positions...a lot.
Ino jumped at the sudden outburst from Sakura. She looked at the girl as she jumped up from the chair.
"Kami almost gave me a heart attack. What's the deal?" Sakura was ready to bolt but she took the time to explain.
"This morning I wanted to ask master something but I couldn't remember what until now. I'll be right back." Sakura said in a hurry before putting the illusion on herself before bolting out of the house. Ino stared at the doorway before returning to the book while muttering `crazy girl'.
Suddenly, she smirked as she remembered something.
Sakura was supposed to wear clothes for this week whenever she went out. She was bound to be punished when master saw her.
Naruto grumbled as he walked down the stairs to answer the intense knocking on the front door. Whoever it was was going to get an earful.
He was having a very nice dream for crying out loud.
As he got closer, the knocking got louder and Naruto's temper increased. He reached the door and flung it open ready to start shouting but when the door opened, he frowned.
"Sakura, you know I don't like to be woken up when I'm having a nice dream."
Sakura had the decency to look ashamed of herself.
"Forgive me master but remember when I wanted to ask you something but I forgot?" Naruto nodded.
"Yeah...did you remember?" Sakura nodded energetically.
"Yes, I wanted to ask if me and Ino-chan can wear our collars for the week?"
"Why?" Naruto asked. If he was going to allow his pets to wear their collars in a place other than his house then they better have a damn good reason.
"Because it would help Ino-chan and her parents remember that she belongs to you."
"That all?"
"Well, it also looks good on us." Naruto chuckled.
"Yes...yes it does." Naruto said before putting his hand on his chin, thinking it over. Taking a look at her, he figured that it was a good reason and that...wait a minute. Moving his eyes downwards, he internally smirked.
Someone's been naughty...
"Alright, but I'll only let you wear them for today and tomorrow." Sakura nodded. "Come on in." Naruto moved aside and Sakura walked in while he made a clone and sent him downstairs.
"She doing alright?" Naruto asked and Sakura nodded.
"A little freaked out but she's calming down. I got her reading the Kama Sutra right now."
"Alright, sounds good."
The clone came back with both collars in hand and gave Sakura's collar to the real one and proceeded to put it on her. Sakura sighed as he locked it around her.
"Thank you master." She said, Ino's collar in her hands. After receiving a quick kiss, she turned to leave but after she walked about five steps, Naruto spoke.
"By the way Sakura..." Sakura stopped, taking note of the absence of the -chan suffix. "What were my instructions regarding clothes for this week?" Sakura gulped. She knew she was in trouble. Without turning around, she responded.
"I-I'm su-supposed to w-wear clothes t-think week." Naruto grinned and walked up right behind her.
"Exactly...and what are you wearing right now?"
"N-nothing." Naruto's grin turned feral and whispered in her ear.
"Time for your punishment."
Sakura couldn't do anything as the illusion dissolved over her and was bent over Naruto's leg and the first of the spankings were delivered.
The door to the Yamanaka side of the building opened and Sakura stepped in, holding Ino's collar and a small scroll. Ino looked up and smirked and the red adorning the pinkette's checks and the collar on her neck.
"Did master catch you without clothes?' Sakura huffed.
"Shut up." She said and tossed the collar and scroll to her. She caught the collar and then immediately dropped it, snapping her head toward Sakura.
"No fucking way! I am NOT wearing that blasted collar on my week off!" Sakura smirked.
"You don't have a choice and besides, it'll only be for today and tomorrow. Read the scroll." Ino opened the scroll and read it, groaning as she read Naruto's orders.
"Fine, but you are explaining to my parents why I'm wearing this damn thing." Sakura chuckled as Ino unlocked the collar and put it around her neck, locking it in the back. "Why do you like these things anyway?"
"Because it shows that I am a slave to master and that I belong to him." Ino let out a small chuckle as she heard her response.
"I figured it would be something like that." Ino rolled up the scroll but Sakura stopped her midway.
"Umm...Ino-chan..." Said girl looked up at the suddenly embarrassed girl. "There's one more part you need to read." Ino looked confused for a moment before unrolling the scroll and reading the next part.
Ino burst out laughing as she finished reading and Sakura blushed even more.
"It's not funny!"
"Yes it is!" Ino managed to get out while she laughed. "Because you forgot to put clothes on, I get to spank you for however long I want." Here Ino grinned evilly causing Sakura to gulp. "And I believe you have some paddles for me?" Sakura gulped and tossed a duffel bag on the floor and Ino dug through it and pulled out different paddles.
A regular one, one with dulled spikes, and one that had metal along the paddle attached to some sort of battery unit.
Sakura gulped at the last one. Out of all the paddles and whips and sticks, that one scared her the most.
"Since it would seem almost inhumane to use this one on you..." Ino said while admiring the steel paddle. She put it down and picked up the spiked one. "I'll use this one." She looked at Sakura again. "But if you dare use that baby stuff on me again and I won't hesitate to use it on you."
Sakura nodded vigorously and Ino grinned and patted her leg, telling her to bend over. Sakura gulped but complied. Ino grinned as Sakura bent over Ino's legs and her hands were held behind her back.
Inoichi knew the instant he touched the doorknob that he shouldn't go in but the Hokage had given him the next two days off and he wanted to spend it with his wife and daughter but as soon as he opened the door, he knew he should've went through the flower shop first.
Sakura was bent over his daughter's leg with a spiked paddle in Ino's hands bringing it down onto Sakura's glowing ass. Ino paused mid strike as she looked at her father with surprise in her eyes.
"D-dad, w-what are you doing here?"
"I've been given today and tomorrow off. Do I even want to know?" Ino recovered herself and chuckled.
"She's been a bad girl and she's receiving her punishment. I'm done actually."
Ino set down the paddle and gently picked up the sobbing girl and put her down on the couch. She stood up and moved her hair back. Inoichi's eyes went to her daughters neck and Ino froze seeing where his eyes were looking.
"It was Sakura's idea. She thinks with this on, we'll remember who I belong too." Ino huffed. "Like we can forget."
Inoichi sighed and rubbed his head then looked at Sakura and the redness on Sakura's ass.
"Should I get some cream for her?" Ino shook her head.
"It won't take too long for her to heal. I bet she'll be up and fucking in an half hour."
Inoichi groaned and shook his head.
"I'm going to get some water."
Sakura groaned as she raised her head, feeling a phantom pain on her buttocks. Looking to her left, she saw Ino sitting in the chair.
"How long was I out?" Ino turned to her.
"Twenty minutes." Sakura let out a small groan as she stood up.
"Did I see your father earlier?" Ino nodded as Sakura sat back down onto the chair besides Ino.
"The Hokage gave him paid leave for today and tomorrow."
"I see." Sakura sighed as she picked up her book. Ino looked at her friend. She could practically feel her dejected mood and she knew she was responsible for her mood.
"Hey...look at me."
Sakura turned to look at Ino, only to have her lips captured by the blonde. Sakura shut her book even as Ino moved her hand behind Sakura's head and pulled her closer. Sakura opened her mouth when Ino licked the bottom of her lips, asking for entrance and the muscle slipped into Sakura's mouth and seeked out the other muscle. Sakura groaned as Ino broke the kiss, her hand stroking her hair.
"I'm sorry I did that to you but that was one of the most humiliating things I have ever been through." Sakura sighed and smiled.
"I'm sorry too. I'm still excited by the fact that I have a sister now. There's so much that I want to do and I keep think I have little time to do it." Ino tilted her head to the side in a questioning manner.
"Why? I mean, there's no possible way I can leave so why are you worried?" Sakura sighed and traced the outline of her jaw with her finger.
"I don't know. I have this feeling that this is all a dream and I will wake up." Ino chuckled.
"I can assure you that this is not a dream." Ino closed the distance and claimed her lips once more.
"Am I interrupting?" The girls broke apart of the voice of Ino's mother, Iris Yamanaka, who sat down on the nearby couch.
"Mom? Who's doing the shop?"
"Your father is running the shop right now. I'm not sure which one of you scared him." Sakura and Ino chuckled. "The two of you have gotten closer to each other haven't you? I still remember when the two of you refused to be around each other sometimes because of the Uchiha boy but you always managed to get back together."
"That'll be master's fault." Sakura said. "He always insisted that I maintain my friendship with Ino-chan no matter how close I came to breaking it off. I'm actually grateful for that."
"Really?" Ino asked, amazed. "I'll have to thank him then."
There was silence after that while Ino went back to reading. Turning the page, her eyes widened at the position. That...didn't seem possible. Turning the book around to try and figure out how the hell that was possible.
"That...doesn't seem physically possible." Sakura looked at her and the page in question. She let out a short laugh.
"It's possible Ino-chan. You want to practice, just let me know."
"Thanks." Ino replied flatly. Suddenly, a question came to mind. "Hey Saku-chan." Said girl looked at her. "What happened after those days in the care of the ANBU? I know you won't tell me anything during but what happened afterwards, when you saw master for the first time?" Sakura sighed and shut her book.
"I suppose there's no harm in telling you. This way, you can learn from the countless mistakes I made."
Ino, and her mother surprisingly, paid close attention to Sakura's story, very interested in what happened after Sakura discovered who her master was.
Sakura sat on the bed, legs held firmly against her shivering body, as she replayed the horrifying events that had come to pass in such a short time; her kidnapping, the time spent in the I/T division, the discovery of her new fate of being a slave - a SLAVE!- but not knowing to whom, and finally the sheer horror she felt when the bag was removed.
Seeing Naruto, sitting in a chair before her naked body, gazing at her with a look she could barely fathom - longing, mixed with lust, love, fear, and something she could only call 'possessiveness'. It was a look that both warmed her bare skin, yet at the same time sent a new series of shivers up her spine.
Still, of all the shocks she'd been exposed to since the night the ANBU had stormed into her bedroom and ripped her from her life, nothing could compare to the shock of learning the dark truth to her new situation.
The Kyuubi -the greatest disaster to have ever struck Konohagakure- was still alive, sealed inside Naruto, it's influence upon the blonde boy before her having lead to her position as his new 'pet'.
She glanced to the side where the two ANBU stood motionless. Naruto had told her that they were assigned as his helpers for the time being, to make sure that he did things right.
When Naruto had finished telling her his secret, her reaction was...expected.
She had backed away, crying out in fear and trying to get away from Naruto even as he tried to calm her down. For all her troubles, all she wound up with was a bucket of ice cold water splashed over her bare form courtesy of the ANBU.
After her arms and legs were restrained, Naruto had gotten a towel and dried her off. He spoke calmly, assuring her that he was not the fox, that the demon (which she was surprised to learn was really just a Kitsune spirit) had no control over him, though its influence via the imprint was a part of him.
She calmed down some, this time keeping still as Naruto released her arms and legs from their straps. She mumbled her thanks, despite still being angry at the situation, when he did something that shocked her to the core
He pulled her into a kiss.
She was too shocked to do anything in protest, her eyes wide as his tongue slipped between her lips and into the moist cavern of her mouth. Despite the situation, she couldn't help but be amazed at the feelings being evoked.
He was a DAMN good kisser!
The blonde boy broke the kiss with a promise that as long as he lived, the Kyuubi would never be in control. He had left the room then, leaving the pink haired girl to her thoughts.
That was thirty minutes ago. The silence had provided her much needed thinking time, letting her wonder what would come now that she was the property of the same boy who she'd considered to be a nuisance up till now.
She was too absorbed in her thoughts to notice as Naruto sat down on the bed, bowl of ramen in his hands. She snapped out of her thoughts when Naruto shook her leg gently, his fingers tracing over the soft skin and causing her to shiver despite the gentle touch.
"You still mad at me about the fox?" He asked, frowning as Sakura humped, turning away from him and refusing to meet his eyes.
"I understand the situation perfectly." She replied. "I'm not the top-ranked academic student for nothing, y'know. It's simple logic - you had no choice as he was sealed when you were born. That's not what I'm mad about."
"Oh? Then what are you mad about?" She turned an angry look to Naruto's smiling face.
"What I'm mad about is because of your feelings for me and because of the Kitsune, I have been forced into slavery!" Naruto smirked.
"You may have been forced into my service, but you will soon realize that it's for the best, my cherry blossom." Sakura growled.
"Don't you dare call me that you fucking perverted bastard!" Naruto narrowed his eyes at her.
"What did you call me?"
"I called you a fucking perverted bastard...bastard." Naruto just wagged his finger at her.
"What did I say you call me and what your punishment is for calling me anything else?" Sakura just let out a low growl and averted her eyes.
"I-I call you master and my punishment is ten spankings every time I forget." Naruto smirked.
" assume the position." Sakura stayed right where she was. "Your punishment will be doubled if you don't do it in the next 5 seconds." Naruto stated with authority. Sakura gulped as he started counting and she quickly got on her hands and knees, blushing as she felt Naruto caress her bottom with his hand.
"Your ass is beautiful just like the rest of your body." He said. "And it belongs to me, cherry blossom. Just like the rest of you." Sakura couldn't help but blush at his compliment, but that didn't last long as Naruto's hand made contact with her ass with a loud slap.
Sakura screamed with each strike, hearing Naruto count as each strike seemed to be harder and more painful after the other.
Sakura collapsed on the bed as Naruto finished the last strike, tears leaking out of her eyes.
"So, what do you have to say for yourself?"
"I-I'm sorry that I called you a fucking perverted bastard...master." Sakura had to force the master out of her mouth. Naruto smiled and reached to cup Sakura's chin, watching her wince.
"That's a good girl, but next time (and there WILL be a next time) you'll count the strikes yourself." He said, chuckling at her dismayed gasp. "'s time for supper." Naruto adjusted his slave's position so that she was sitting up, keeping in mind the length of chain connected to her collar. Sakura winced as she felt her ass burn, though it wasn't as bad as she thought it would be. Naruto took a seat beside her and Sakura looked at the bowl even as he held up a pair of chopsticks with ramen noodles held between them.
She looked up to her smiling master.
"Open your mouth." Sakura just stared at him before she complied, opening her mouth and letting Naruto put the ramen in her mouth. She closed her mouth and Naruto congratulated himself for feeding Sakura successfully...for three seconds before Sakura spat it in his face.
Naruto sighed and wiped the food off his face. He leveled a hard look at his slave who responded with a glare of her own.
"Why did you do that?"
"Did you seriously think I would eat anything you made?" Sakura growled out.
"So you're not going to eat anything?"
"Absolutely not."
"Is that your final answer?" Sakura crossed her arms in defiance.
"Fine." Naruto stood up and set the bowl of ramen aside. He turned to his ANBU helpers. "Strap her down." Sakura yelped as the forgotten ANBU grabbed her, forcing her down while restraining her arms and legs, a final strap going across her stomach.
She glared at the ANBU before Naruto entered her sight again, this time holding a sterile tube in plastic with what looked like instructions on once side, and something that looked like a prong.
He sat down by her side, reading the back and muttering to himself. After a while, he turned it over and took the tube out and turned to her.
"Since you won't eat, I'm forced to feed you myself." Naruto straddled her stomach, forcibly opening her mouth, using the prongs to adjust her head.
Much to Sakura's horror, he started to insert the tube down her throat. She gagged as she felt the tube travel downwards, but was unable to protest as the device effectively gagged her, and the restraints plus Naruto's own weight held her down. After it was fully in, Naruto picked up the bowl of ramen, letting the noodles slide down the tube along with the broth as he force fed her.
Sakura teared up as Naruto fed her. He was really serious about this. This wasn't some kind of cruel joke.
She was really his slave.
She closed her eyes as she felt Naruto caress her cheek. "I'm done Sakura-chan." Naruto set down the bowl and took the tube in his hands. As gentle as he could, he took it out and Sakura coughed, hating the feeling of that tube in her throat. "Drink this." Naruto opened his slave's mouth to slowly pour in cold water. She moaned in relief as she felt the cool water travel down her throat.
After the water was finished, he spoke to her in a caring voice and she opened her eyes at his caresses to see his smiling face.
"Listen Sakura-chan...I don't want to do this again but I will if I have to." He said, bending down to kiss away one of her tears. "Just make it easier on yourself and eat what I give you understand?" Sakura nodded.
"Damn...from the sounds of it, you had it bad. I'm surprised he didn't punish you for defiling the `food of the gods' as master calls it." Ino said and Sakura chuckled, moving her hair behind her head.
"He really wanted to but he held back. Later, he told me that if I taint the ramen again, he wouldn't hold back." Ino burst out laughing.
"He really is obsessed with that stuff isn't he?" Sakura snorted.
"More like devoted. He actually has an entire room built as a shrine to them. That is the one room that we aren't allowed in." Ino snickered as she imagined Naruto bowing to a picture of a steaming ramen bowl.
"Did you learn from your mistakes?" Sakura shook her head.
"That was only the start. I was a stubborn girl and I didn't want this life and I tried to get away, hurting master in the process." Ino looked at her friend as a sad look appeared on her face.
"What happened?" Sakura sighed.
"It happened after we had sex for the first time. It wasn't rape, it was consensual and I had such a good time but..." Sakura sighed and told her story.
Sakura groaned as she woke up, her eyes blinking away the crust that had developed while she slumbered. Everything seemed a blur as she struggled to process the sensations playing through her.
What happened last night? Her body felt sore all over, especially in between her legs. Her small, still developing breasts tingled as she felt a cool breeze move across her nipples. She opened her eyes, groaning and shutting them almost immediately as a glaring light assaulted them.
"Kami-sama, what happened last night?" She muttered to herself, blinking rapidly as her eyes adjusted to the light. Before she could remember what happened, she was grabbed by someone.
"GOOD AFTERNOON SAKURA-CHAN!" Sakura oofed as she was pulled into a tight hug by Naruto. Sakura couldn't breathe, though she was able to let out a small squeak as the blond boy took hold of her ass.
"N-need a-air..." Sakura managed to get out before Naruto realized what he was doing, letting go of her with a sheepish expression. She took a deep breath and the color returned to her face.
"Gomen, Sakura-chan. How are you feeling?" He asked, concern etched in his voice.
"Sore." She responded with an edge to her voice. "What the hell happened last night?"
"Last night? Last night was the best night of our lives!" Naruto shouted, apparently very happy. "We consummated our relationship!" Naruto finished with a smile on his face. Sakura, however, froze when she heard a specific word. She stared at Naruto with horror on her face.
"Consum..." She turned angry and pointed at her 'master' in an accusing manner. "YOU RAPED ME!" Naruto's expression turned south.
"Raped? Wha..." That was all Naruto could say before Sakura grabbed what she could, the only thing really which would be a nearby pillow, and started hitting him while threatening to do a lot of unpleasant things to him.
Naruto wasn't willing to let this continue for very long. He grabbed the pillow, yanked it away from her, and pulled her into a soul searing kiss. The poor girl was caught unaware by the act, moaning at the contact as her back arching out of ancient submissive instinct.
Naruto broke the kiss, leaving Sakura dazed.
"Listen to me Sakura-chan, I would never ever rape you. It was consensual sex and you had a great time." Sakura nodded, finally remembering what happened - the seduction, the soft caresses...the playful act.
Naruto smiled as he watched her process the memories, reaching out to cup her chin. "It was so great that you slept through the morning. It's two o'clock right now." Sakura's eyes widened.
"Seriously?" Naruto nodded and pointed to a small clock on the wall, the hands showing that it was indeed two o'clock. Sakura groaned slightly and buried her head in her arms. Naruto chuckled, reaching out to pet her hair. "So what are your orders now master?" She asked, trying not to enjoy the comforting act.
"Well, Anko-sensei gave me a suggestion." He replied. "Something simple to start your training with...I want you to give me a blowjob." Sakura looked at Naruto like he was crazy. She opened her mouth to refuse but shut it, an evil idea coming to her mind. She wanted revenge for him taking her virginity when it belonged to Sasuke.
"Fine." Naruto opened his mouth to respond, telling her that she had to do it when he realized her answer.
"...really?" She shrugged.
"It's not like I have a choice do I?" Naruto grinned.
"No, you don't." He stood up, sliding his pajama bottoms and boxers off. Sakura blushed at the sight of his cock, already erect some. He slid to the edge of the bed, pulling her along and forcing her to her knees before him, giving her a closer look at his member.
She was amazed at the size before, and it surprised her that she was still in awe of it. She licked her suddenly dry lips, glancing around the room and failing to see any of the ANBU assigned to 'help' Naruto 'train' her. She looked towards the door, and was pleased to see a clear path to it from the bed.
She gulped, turning her eyes back to Naruto's cock. She took a deep breath before placing a small kiss on the head. It twitched and grew, causing her eyes to widen in slight fear as she realized that just a few hours ago the same organ had been pistioning in and out of her sacred place. The pinkette extended her tongue, licking it up and down, coating the shaft with saliva.
She tried very hard to ignore Naruto's moaning as she went about her ministrations. Soon enough his cock had fully hardened and she took it in her mouth which earned a louder moan.
The pink haired girl bobbed her head up and down, preparing herself for what she's about to do. After a couple of minutes of making her 'master's' cock really sensitive, she decided the time was right. She took all of him in.
Then she bit down...hard.
Naruto screamed in pain as the girl bit down on his manhood, howling even more as she dragged her teeth along the length before releasing it from her mouth. Naruto collapsed on the bed, holding his dick as tears streamed down his whisker-marked face.
After Naruto's cock was out of her mouth, Sakura bolted for the door, wanting to get far away from this place. As she got halfway, she was rammed by something and she fell down, facing away from the bed. She didn't get a chance to recover before two ANBU, appearing out of nowhere and apparently the cause of her face smashing into the floor, grabbed her and forced her to her knees, turning her to see Naruto still holding his groin.
"You really fucked up this time girl." One of the ANBU whispered to her (a woman the frightened girl vaguely noted) even as Naruto struggled to get up.
"The bastard deserved it!" She shouted. The ANBU smirked behind her mask.
"Try telling that to your master kiddo." Sakura snapped her head toward her front and was looking at a pissed off Naruto.
"What...the FUCK did you do that for you fucking BITCH!?!" Sakura just growled, spitting on Naruto's feet. Naruto frowned, and then launched a kick into Sakura's stomach, knocking the breath out of her. She collapsed onto the ground and just laid there, stars swimming in her vision as Naruto stared down at her prone body.
"Put her on the horse!" Sakura's eyes widened at the mention of the 'horse'. She turned her head to the side, staring at the foreboding looking torture device standing off to the side. She already been on it once and she never wanted to go back on it. She looked up at Naruto as the two ANBU forced her up.
"Please not the horse...anything but the horse!" She sobbed, pleading with her master only to gasp as he slapped her across the face. The ANBU dragged her, screaming and struggling towards the chosen device of her chastisement.
Naruto collapsed on the floor, the pain seemed to increase somehow from his anger and the kick he forced himself to perform. He stared hard at the struggling girl, frowning at her pleas for mercy as they readied her for her second 'ride'.
Sakura screamed in pain as the ANBU put her on the horse, the cold metal edge digging into her already sore pussy. They restrained her arms above her before tying up her legs, strapping her lower legs to her thighs. After Sakura was restrained, the purple haired woman looked at the figure lying on the ground, holding onto his cock for dear life.
She walked up to him and bent down. "Let me help you." He didn't respond to her command. "Let go." No response except more groaning. She sighed before forcing his hands off. She made a few hand signs before her hand started to glow green and she gently laid them upon his bruised manhood. A moment passed before Naruto sighed in relief, the pain going away and his prick healing under the soft green glow. The pain fully went away after a couple of moments.
Naruto looked up at the ANBU, smiling as she removed her mask to reveal the smirking face of Mitarashi Anko. "My my, Naruto-kun...there's no limit to the situations you get yourself into." Naruto scowled.
"Shut up Anko." He stood up with help from the woman. He looked toward the horse where a pink haired girl was looking at him with fear in her eyes, even as she shifted about uncomfortably on her 'seat'. He growled before walking to her, grabbing a cat-o-nine tails' on the way.
Sakura shook in fear as she saw the angry face of her master walking toward her. He reached her and reached up and pulled her hair back painfully causing her to scream.
" that again." He said sternly before letting go of her hair.
He brought his arm back and swung the whip and made contact with her back, causing her to scream in pain. Naruto kept up this torture for a full thirty minutes, doing her back and her front.
After the thirty minutes were over, Naruto ordered her off the horse. She was taken off the wooden torture device, tears leaking out of her eyes as she was bent over Naruto's legs, prime spot for a spanking. Her arms were tied and she looked up to her master, gasping as she saw a paddle in his hand.
"You been a very bad girl and you know what I do to bad girls?" Naruto asked her. She shook her head, not wanting to know. "They get punished and they must count each strike." Naruto raised the paddle up, bringing it down in a quick motion, making contact with her ass with a loud slap.
Sakura screamed in pain as Naruto delivered five more swats to her bruised rear. She screamed at him to stop, only to have him pull hard on her hair again. "I told you, you COUNT EVERY STRIKE!" He growled. "Until you start, I don't stop. When you reach ten, it stops - but every time you miss a number, I start over!" Sakura sobbed, letting out a loud squeal as he brought the paddle down again.
"ONE! OH KAMI-SAMA! ONE! PLEASE JUST STOP!" She sobbed, drawing a grin from her master.
She continued to count as the large paddle made contact with her ass over and over again, the pain in her ass increasing with each strike and Naruto's anger decreasing with each strike.
Naruto stopped after strike number thirty (having had to restart her paddling twice), his anger all but gone. Sakura cried, feeling her ass burn from the abuse, tears pouring down her cheeks.
"I'm sorry master. I'm so sorry. Please forgive this slave." Sakura tried her best to apologize to her angry master. Naruto sighed and caressed her bottom, listening to her cries as he massaged her welt-covered ass.
"You have a choice now Sakura-chan..." He said as he stared petting her hair. She looked up, with teary eyes, to her master, wondering what he meant by a choice. He stroked her hair as he talked. "You can either suck me off and not bite me this time can get that adorable pussy of yours lashed with the riding crop." Her eyes widened. "So which is it?"
Naruto smirked as she slipped down to her knees once again, putting his cock in her mouth and bringing it to full attention in a matter of seconds. Naruto moaned as she bobbed her head up and down, pleasuring his shaft and using her tongue around the head.
Naruto let out a loud moan as he tensed up and he shot his load in her mouth. Sakura gulped down the bitter tasting essence as it filled up her mouth. Soon, Naruto finished coming and Sakura made the extra effort to clean his length. Naruto laid his hands on her head, keeping her head where she was.
He bent down and kissed the top of her head. He then whispered loud enough for her to hear.
"I forgive you Sakura-chan." Sakura let out a small moan as Naruto pulled her off of him. He stood up and started walking away but she stayed there, unsure on what to do. Naruto looked to the two ANBU.
"Put her back on the horse and add weight seals to her legs."
Sakura gasped as the ANBU took a hold of her, and she stared at her master as he walked out of the room. Before he exited the room, he looked back at her with hard eyes and she realized why he ordered her back on the wretched thing.
He was doing this to spite her.
Soon -far too soon for her liking- Sakura was riding the horse again. Her arms tied behind her back, her legs tied and seals added to each leg, causing her pussy to dig into the metal edge. The way she was tied caused her to lean forward, pressing her womanhood even harder against the horse. A red ball gag was forced into her mouth, keeping her moans of agony muted, even as drool seeped out from the sides and tears leaking out of her eyes as she realized the horrible thing she did to him.
Biting her master in his most vulnerable place, Sakura decided, was the absolute worse thing that she could ever do.
"Kami Sakura, not even I would do such a thing. At least you didn't do it again." The silence told her otherwise and Ino and her mother stared at her in shock. "Please don't tell me you..."
"The first time was on purpose..." Sakura interrupted. "The second time was an accident. The second time was much more painful and I was really sorry and I tried to help him but he didn't believe me at first. I had tripped on his cum on the floor while I was blowing him and my chin landed on the edge of the bed."
"Ouch...what was your punishment?"
"My pussy was lashed for an entire day with chakra coated on the crop for the entire punishment." Sakura shook her head, getting rid of the memory. "Things weren't always bad. I still remember the time I received a marathon spanking session." Sakura smiled. "My ass glowed for two days and I came a lot of times."
Ino rolled her eyes at the smile on her face. Even though she said it many times before, Sakura was crazy and it was Naruto's fault for making her like that and she knew she was being trained as a masochist.
"In fact..." Ino yelped as Sakura turned to her side and moved her arms around her. "The first time master slept with me, he moved his arms around my stomach and wrapped his feet around my legs and rested his head on my breast." While Sakura described Naruto's position, she took the same position as well and ended up with a idiotic grin on her face. "He smiled like this and said, `I'm so glad this happened. Now we can be together forever.'"
"Of course, I had a ball gag in my mouth and my arms and feet were restrained and I couldn't do anything but growl at him, which he ignored, but the face he was making, even I had to admit he was cute."
Sakura just stayed there, with that grin on her face, not moving. Ino looked down at her friend as she snuggled up against her.
"'re not going to move are you?"
"No." Ino sighed and started to pet the pinkette's hair.
Iris couldn't help but giggle at the sight of her daughter stroking the hair of her friend. They looked so cute together.
"Sakura..." Iris started asking. "If you had the chance to leave, would you?" Ino looked at her like she was crazy.
"Mom, do you really have to ask that? Sakura is devoted to master and besides, she already had the chance to leave but she stayed and besides, she wouldn't give up her chance to be naked all the time.
"And I would stay even if I had another opportunity and I'll have you know even if I wasn't with master, I would still be naked, and I got in trouble for it one time and we have a sensei when we do graduate." Ino looked down at her.
"We have a sensei already? What did you do?" Sakura grinned and told her story.
Within the forest of Konoha, a pink haired girl was preparing to do something that she never expected herself to ever think of doing.
She was going to public.
Well...not exactly as she was currently in a forest.
" one's around. I'm in a private place and I'm so going to die." Sakura took a deep breath as she prepared herself. She started counting down from three. As soon as she finished saying one, she burst out of her cover, dressed in naught but what she was born with, shooting through the forest, her heart pounding as she ran.
She ran for a mile through the woods, before collapsing at the base of a tree, her heart racing at what she just done. Her mind took its time in catching up and when it did, she grinned.
"Oh kami...I can't believe I just did that!" She whispered, rubbing her arms up and down, feeling the goosebumps along her skin. "It...felt so GOOD! I-I really did it." Sakura kept repeating that to herself, unaware of a figure in the trees.
"Did what?"
Sakura yelped, instinctively covering herself while looking above her towards the voice.
A fairly good looking man with a beard and a cigarette in his mouth was looking down on her, a small frown marring his otherwise rugged looks.
"I..uh...I mean...umm...(sigh)...I'm in trouble aren't I?" Sakura, being the smart girl that she is, knew that she was in trouble. He grinned.
"Yes...yes you are."
The Hokage looked up and raised his eyebrow as the door opened and Asuma walked in. He was followed by...Sakura, who was draped in nothing but his son's jounin vest. He stared at the pair as they stood in front of his desk. Sakura kept her head down as he sighed.
"Do I even want to know?"
"Maybe not but I'll tell you anyway." His son spoke up, fiddling with another cigarette. "I caught her streaking in the forest." Sarutobi sighed, feeling the start of a headache coming on. He turned toward the girl.
"Will you tell me why?" He noticed Sakura tense up for a moment before she relaxed and nodded, keeping her head down.
"I-I just wanted to see how it felt...just being in the open air with nothing on me, feeling the cool air on my body."
"Did you like it?" She nodded.
"I-I did sir, very much." The old man sighed before rubbing his head.
"What am I going to do with you girl?" She gulped and tried to cover herself more.
"I'm sorry sir."
"Do you know what I have to do now?" The girl gulped again, steeling herself for what was to come.
"Y-yes sir. What is my punishment?" Sarutobi couldn't help but smirk but it went unnoticed by Sakura.
"Oh...I'm not going to give you any punishment." This caused Sakura to let out a breath she didn't realize she was holding and Asuma to raise an eyebrow.
"Thank you so much Hokage-sama."
Sakura froze and looked at the wizened old man with fear in her eyes.
"I WILL have to tell Naruto-kun what you did."
This caused Sakura to pale and shake, much to the confusion of Asuma.
"But he doesn't really need to know right? I mean this is only a small thing. He..." Sakura tried to get out of it but the Hokage stopped her, pointing to a chair off to the side.
"Go sit down and wait for him." She gulped but nodded turning around to walk to the nearby chair. She sat down, drawing her legs up to try and hide her lower half from the gaze of the two older males.
"Umm..." Asuma started to say after seeing the scene unfold in front of him. "Did I miss something or have I stumbled into some strange, alternate universe?" The Hokage just chuckled.
"Come over here and just wait." Asuma walked to the side of his father while the older man spoke to an ANBU, giving him instructions to retrieve Uzumaki Naruto. The masked ninja disappeared and it was silent in the room.
Asuma snuck a glace to the girl who was fidgeting in her seat, still shaking and clearly worried about what was about to happen.
The door slammed open and Konoha's resident loud mouth barged in.
"Hey old man, what do you want?! That stupid ANBU took me" He trailed off when he saw the nearly naked girl in the chair that had her head down. Asuma suddenly saw a drastic change in Naruto's behavior. He sighed and looked back to the Hokage.
"What did she do?"
"Asuma caught her streaking in the forest."
"I see."
Now, Asuma was really confused. Sure he'd been away for a while serving in the Fire Daimyo's guard, but he hadn't been out for that long had he? He watched as Naruto walked toward the girl with a serious look on his whiskered face.
The blond stared at the girl while she kept her head down, shaking like a leaf. Finally, he sighed and spoke.
Asuma almost choked.
"Why am I here?"
"Be-because I got in trouble." Sakura dropped off the chair and on her knees and bent down and tried to kiss Naruto's toes but he just stepped back. She whimpered but kept her head down.
"What is the number one rule for Kitsunes?" He asked her.
"Never get caught."
"And what happened?" The shaking girl gulped.
"I-I got caught." He turned to the Hokage.
"What's her punishment?"
"That's entirely up to you." He nodded and turned back to Sakura. He stared at her for a moment, thinking. After a couple of minutes, he sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose.
"Go home Sakura." He said. "Clean the entire house, top to bottom with no clones while I think up a suitable punishment. I expect the house to be spotless when I come home understand? No pleasure for you while you work, or it's the stocks and crop." She nodded.
"Yes master."
"Get up, put the henge on yourself and go." Sakura compiled with his orders and put a henge on herself, appearing to have her usual red dress on. She bowed to the Hokage before bowing to Naruto, then turned and left, the jounin vest folded on the chair.
Naruto watched her go. When the door shut, he sighed and shook his head.
"What am I going to do with that girl?"
After a brief thanks to the Hokage, he left as well.
Asuma stared at the doorway, confused as hell. He looked at his father, wanting some answers.
"The only reason you were in the room when that conversation happened is because he and I decided to let you in on the secret," Sarutobi explained, pulling out a bottle of sake and motioning for his son to take a seat. "I've also decided that you will be his sensei when he graduates."
"I think you better start at the beginning old man." The chain-smoking jounin muttered, pulling out his pack of smokes and lighting up, despite the displeased look from his father. "What the hell just happened here?"
The door opened and Naruto stepped in his home. It'd been 6 hours since Naruto sent his slave home to clean. He looked around and he was surprised. The living room was spotless and he suspected that the rest of the house was the same. He was proven right as he sent clones to inspect the house from top down, each one reporting positive results.
The last place to check was the dungeon. He looked at the side rooms and he was impressed on how clean they were. His pink haired pet must have really pushed herself.
After he was done with the 'special' rooms, he looked in the last one...and saw his pet sleeping on the bed with the covers over her naked body.
He saw how the room was and he smiled at its cleanliness. He silently walked over to the bed and gently sat down. He cupped the sleeping girl's chin, smiling as she instinctively nuzzled his palm. She moaned and opened her eyes to see her smiling master.
"Good evening my pet." He could see that she was tired as hell from all the cleaning she did.
"Hi master." She sighed as she felt his hand move across her face. "I'm so sorry master."
"It's alright Sakura-chan." She shook her head.
"No, it's not. You beat the Kitsune rule into me and I still got caught. There's no excuse for what happened."
"Oh, shut up." He laughed, causing Sakura to quiet at his order. "The old man told me why you did it and I can't blame you for wanting to feel that. Still, you should have told me beforehand so I could've arranged something." She nodded. "From now on, if you want to do something like that outside of the house, let me know and I'll see what I can do ok?" Sakura smiled.
"Yes master." He smiled as well.
"Good. Why don't you go back to sleep? You did a good job on the house, so I'll give you your punishment tomorrow." Sakura nodded and laid her head back down, closing her eyes. Naruto smiled and tucked her in. "Good night Sakura-chan." Sakura yawned a very puppy-like yawn causing him to chuckle a little.
"Good night master."
"You PUBLIC?" Ino exclaimed and Sakura chuckled.
"Yeah, it felt soooo good." Ino felt Sakura shudder.
"And is this Asuma good enough?" Sakura nodded.
"I met him a few times after that and I can see why he's our sensei."
"Can I meet him?" Sakura nodded.
"Just tell master and he'll set something up. Now keep reading because after lunch, it'll be time for you dancing lessons and remember what master told you if you fail to please him."
"I remember." Ino really didn't want to punish her friend like that but if she didn't learn, than she will and besides, the spanking earlier actually helped her gain some confidence spanking Sakura.
"Ino..." Ino turned to her mother. "I'm probably going to regret asking this but..." Iris couldn't finish, embarrassed at what she was about to ask.
"What mom?" Iris fidgeted in her seat before sighing and just spoke.
"Did he deflower you yet?" Ino sighed and nodded, causing Iris to sigh.
"Should I expect any grandchildren in the near future?" Ino choked while Sakura sniggered.
"You won't have to worry about grandchildren Iris-san. Before master penetrated Ino-chan, he bit her on the neck, marking her as his and with it came several gifts. The first of which is a pregnancy seal which makes us infertile until we are ready to have kids." There was visible relief on Iris face because, even though she wants to have grandchildren to spoil, Ino just wasn't ready to have kids yet.
"Other gifts include half of master's chakra capacity and reserves, endless stamina, and heightened senses."
"He can do that?" Sakura nodded.
"We need the stamina to keep up with him and we'll only get better as time passes and we know that this isn't all of the marking but we'll have to wait until more surprises pop up."