Chapter 17: chapter 17
Ino's nose twitched when it detected the aroma of cooked food. It twitched again when as the aroma came closer. The smell seemed to hover over her nose, causing her to let out a moan as her stomach growled, demanding to be fed. Suddenly, the smell moved away and Ino rose, following it with her nose. The smell stopped and she stopped, savoring the smell.
"Good morning my little cosmos."
Ino's eyes snapped open at the sentence, expecting to find Naruto in front of her but she frowned when she only saw Sakura. "Don't do that Sakura." She said, pouting.
Sakura giggled as she put down the tray. She broke apart the chopsticks and gave them to Ino as she looked at the ramen on the tray. Ino sighed as she picked up some of the noodles.
"So when are we going back?"
Sakura looked up and gulped down the ramen. "We'll be training after breakfast and stop around lunchtime. After that, I suspect he'll give us the afternoon off before we go back at around seven or so."
"What happens then?"
Sakura shrugged and slurped up some ramen. "I don't know what he'll do. That what makes it so exciting."
"I hope he doesn't do anything too rough. My ass is still sore from the pounding you gave me."
Sakura giggled and returned to her ramen, wanting to finish with it and get to training.
After breakfast was done, the girls had gotten dressed and set out for the training ground. Naruto wasn't there when they arrived so Sakura suggested they go ahead and do the warm-up exercises while they waited.
Not two minutes after they finished, Naruto appeared. Ordering the two to make the clones and separating them into groups for specific tasks while the real Ino and Sakura worked on the physical conditioning.
After three hours of intense physical conditioning, Naruto finally let them stop and rest. Two groups of clones had already dispersed, giving Ino their knowledge and memories. The next thirty minutes, more and more clones vanish, giving the girls their experiences while Naruto left to do something.
After Naruto came back, he sat between the girls, slinging his arms around their heaving shoulders. He petted their hair as they laid against him, their chests rising and falling (much to his delight) as they tried to regain their breaths.
"So my pet..." Naruto said turning to his blonde slave. "Do you think you can make it a habit of setting aside time to train every day?"
Ino nodded and reached for the bottle of water to her side, picking it up and drinking it. She wiped her mouth when she was done and spoke. "I can do it. Granted I might need some reminders in the beginning, but I can get into the habit."
Naruto nodded and ruffled Ino's hair causing her to giggle. "That's good to hear. Why don't the two of you go home and take the rest of the day off? After you take a shower, there's something on your bed that I want you to wear for the rest of the day."
"What is it master?" Sakura asked, glee filling her insides as what she thought it was really was she thought it was.
Naruto chuckled at her obvious excitement. "Why don't you go home and find out?"
Sakura took that as an invitation as she stood up, grabbing Ino's hand and dragging her along. Naruto chuckled as he looked at the screaming blonde, yelling at her friend to slow down. He knew what Sakura was thinking and she was right.
After all, if there was one thing she loved as much as being naked, it was wearing those outfits.
The door opened and shut just as quickly, only a glimpse of pink and yellow was seen by the elder Yamanaka.
"Hi dad, bye dad."
Inoichi blinked when he saw his daughter being dragged by the pinkette up the stairs. He shrugged and went back to his work, not wanting to know.
Sakura dragged the blonde up the stairs and into the room, finally letting go of the blonde's hand. The two saw two boxes on the bed and Sakura went to the box that had her name on it and opened it. Sakura squealed in delight as she saw what it was and hugged the box to her chest.
Ino opened her own box and saw it was a leather outfit. Ino picked it up and looked it over, placing it against her body. Looking to her side, she saw Sakura doing the same.
"Saku-chan...why are you so excited?"
Sakura turned her smiling face toward her friend. "Because...if there is one thing I love besides being naked, it's wearing leather outfits. I love the feeling of leather against my skin. It turns me on wearing these."
"Then why don't you wear them all the time?"
Sakura sighed and put down the outfit and took off her own clothes. "Because master told me that unless I have his permission, I can't wear them and I can't ask. He has to tell me."
"And how often does he let you?"
Sakura shrugged as she took off the last items. "Depends if I've been good or not. Now I want to get clean and get this on."
Sakura put the outfit back into the box and headed toward the shower with the blonde following a few steps behind her.
After coming out of the shower, Sakura helped her sister get into the outfit. It was similar to what she wore before but with the addition of arm coverings and a strap against her silt that would dig whenever she walked.
Sakura's outfit was tight, squeezing her breasts and a strap on her silt as well. Her outfit was red while Ino's was black.
After they were dressed, Sakura suggested that they take a walk. Ino agreed, knowing that any suggestion made by Sakura was a demand that she had to follow.
After all, she was the senior slave.
So they went for a walk in the park, just two friends enjoying their time before it was time to go back. After a while, Sakura led Ino to a house and told her that she wanted to introduce her to one of her sensei's.
Yuuhi Kurenai.
It was at this point that Ino learned something disturbing about Naruto.
"Please tell me you're joking."
"I'm not joking Ino."
"So you mean to tell me that Naruto...the boy who has a sex slave...goes out and fucks older women?"
Sakura nodded as she sipped a bit of her tea while Kurenai watched with an amused look on her face. "It's not so much the sex he's after, but rather the path to getting it. It's the chase he's interested in. If he manages to get into their bed, that's fine. If he doesn't, it only encourages him to do better."
Ino turned toward Kurenai. "And what about you? Did he manage to get you?"
Kurenai chuckled and put down her tea. "He keeps trying but out of everyone he went after, only Anko and myself haven't fallen to his charms."
"Do I want to know who else he did?"
Sakura chuckled and massaged her breast. Sakura had long since dissolved the illusion er herself but Ino kept it on herself.
"Let me tell you something about him. Master is deep in the world of sex. He may have me but sometimes he has the desire to...taste fresh blood so to speak."
"But don't you feel betrayed?"
Sakura shook her head. "We're just slaves Ino. He is not bound to us but we are bound to him and I've accepted that. As far as I'm concerned, he can do whatever he wants."
Ino sighed. "Naruto-sama mentioned that he wanted children. What about marriage?"
Sakura chuckled and turned to her side and faced her sister. "I'm surprised you haven't figured it out. Marriage laws prohibit underage marriage unless the parents of the bride/groom have given their consent and the Hokage okays it."
"And we aren't considered adults until we graduate the Academy." Ino added causing Sakura to nod.
"Right...I spoke to master about you and he won't wed you earlier. He'll do you at the same time as me." Kurenai smirked at the double entendre.
"I don't understand. If he weds us, then what would happens to us and our...status?"
"We'll still be slaves to him. Even if Naruto-sama marries another female that isn't a slave, he won't allow the wife to touch us despite the slave laws."
"It sounds like he has everything planned out."
Sakura chuckled. "Yes he does. You were an unexpected bonus."
"I have to admit..." Kurenai spoke. "I was surprised when I learned of Naruto's recent capture. I didn't think that nobody would venture to his place or be stupid enough to break into it and get caught."
Ino scowled. "Don't remind me."
Kurenai chuckled and drank some of the tea. " tell me more of your experiences."
Soon after, the two girls said their goodbyes and left the house. Sakura had put the illusion back over her before they walked outside. When Sakura realized it was nearly time to go back to Naruto, they started heading back to their house.
When they reached the house, Sakura told Ino to pack about half her stuff in suitcases. When Ino asked her why, she replied that she needed to have her clothes at Naruto's home so that she doesn't have to come all the way back here.
Ino nodded and grabbed a couple of suitcases and started to pack some of her stuff. As Ino packed, their parents came by wondering what all the racket was about. Sakura told them what she told Ino.
They took it calmly because they knew that Ino would be staying at Naruto's. Soon Ino finished pack and Inoichi helped Ino carry the suitcases down the stairs. When they reached downstairs, Ino faced her parents for possibly the last time.
"Are you going to be alright sweetie?"
Ino nodded. "I'll be fine. As long as I behave, I'll be fine."
"Alright sweetie...if you need anything, please don't hesitate to ask."
"I won't mom."
"Come on Ino-chan...we need to get back. Master hates it when we're late." Sakura said while tugging on her arm. Ino waved her off before turning to her mom and dad.
"I'll miss you." Ino hugged her parents with tears brimming in her eyes. She was going to miss her parents. She just hoped that Naruto let her see her parents once in a while.
Meanwhile, Sakura tapped her foot in impatience. `Man what's the big deal? She's going home every night anyway so what's the big deal?'
Ino released her hug on her parents and she wiped her eyes. She sniffed and took a hold of the handles on the suitcases.
"I'll see you later mama, daddy."
Sakura led Ino out of the house and down the path of Naruto's home. Sakura didn't want to be late so she kept on rushing Ino and in no time at all, they reached Naruto's house.
The locked clicked and the door slowly opened as pale blue eye peeked inside the Uzumaki home, the owner little afraid of coming back from her break.
Behind her, Sakura tapped her foot impatiently, grunting in frustration when the blonde girl in front of her wouldn't go inside. Smirking evilly, she lifted her booted foot up, slamming it against Ino's posterior and sending her tumbling forward into her master's home.
Ino yelped as she was sent crashing into the ground. She snapped her head back behind her to glare at the pink haired girl as she shut and locked the door, picking up their collars as she went while the pinkette's clones carried the bags up the stairs.
"What the hell was that for?" She asked, even as Sakura helped her up.
"You were taking too long." Sakura said, slipping the leather circle around her slim neck.
"For good reason."
"And what reason is that?" Ino averted her eyes, even as Sakura moved aside the blonde's hair before locking the collar around her throat.
"I-I was afraid." Before Sakura could speak...a new voice made itself known.
"I can understand what you are feeling Ino-chan, but the break is over now." The girls turned to face a smiling Naruto walking up to them. He reached them, pulling them into a hug and letting his hands slide over their rears. "Welcome back my pets."
"It's good to be back master."
The girls returned his embrace with a pleased sigh from Sakura and a small smile from Ino. Naruto broke the hug after a while, smiling at his pets.
"Now...go ahead and strip." Sakura and Ino both nodded and proceed to strip down to their birthday suits. After that, Naruto made and clone and handed the outfits to him to take upstairs.
"Come on Ino-chan..." Naruto said as he stroked her cheek. "Let's go down." Naruto turned them around and pushed them forward, his hands on their asses as he led them down to the dungeon.
Going into the room, Ino froze as Naruto turned her into the direction of the horse. Behind her, Naruto smirked as he heard Ino whimper.
"M-master, please tell me that I'm not going back on the horse." Naruto chuckled as Ino started panting in fear.
"Yes...yes you are. This is a welcome home ride." Behind them, Sakura chuckled and walked up, grabbing Ino's arm even as Naruto grabbed the other and started dragging her toward the horse. Reaching the horse, Sakura pushed her against it, pulling Ino's arms behind her even as Naruto grabbed some rope and started binding them together.
Finished with that, Naruto signaled to Sakura and together, they lifted Ino up and gently set her down onto the metal edge of the horse, causing her to moan in discomfort as her pussy pressed down on the device. Tying off her legs, Naruto stepped back to smirk at the fear on her face before his face hardened.
"We need to have a talk Ino-chan." Ino gulped at the hard face of her master. Naruto turned to Sakura. "I need a chair Sakura." Sakura nodded, slipping down on her hands and knees by the side of the horse. Naruto sat on her back, and Ino gulped, her eyes widening as she saw her master reach into his jacket and pull out a familiar black and red book.
The same BDSM book that her parents gave her.
"You will be silent." Ino gulped but complied. Naruto sighed and set the book on Sakura's ass, giving it a quick pinch and drawing a happy squeak from his pink haired chair.
"I am well aware of the many different games that come with BDSM." He began, looking up into the distressed blonde's eyes. "Games like anal torture, rape fantasy, severe fire play, or just terrible torture that even sadists like me shudder at."
He smiled, the warmth of his grin somehow comforting Ino as she shifted uncomfortably on her 'perch'. "Listen, my little cosmos...those kinds of play are things that I consider disgusting," He explained. "I would never put you through that - after what happened with Sakura when I lost control that one time, I refused to ever do anything like that again. I just won't risk it on you or her." He reached up, running his fingers along the underside of her left foot, causing her to squirm at the ticklish sensation.
"Now, things like Erotic Asphyxiation, dog-play, and others? Those are things I dabble in, but don't do frequently. This also applies to Sakura and what she wants. I know the limits and I learned exactly how far I can go before it goes into the realm of true torture."
Ino was surprised when his face took on a sad expression. She watched as he reached down to stroke Sakura's pink locks, his eyes looking like they were far away.
"When the darkness took over me that one time...Kami-sama, I did such horrible things to your sister here, Ino." He murmured, his human chair shuddering at the memories. "I did blood play, salt water torture, knife play, anal torture...honestly; I still have nightmares about it, even now, months after it happened."
"I swore to myself that I would never put Sakura through that again or anybody else for that matter. I would rather die then force her through that again." Naruto looked up to her. "Normally, you don't have the right or privilege to hurt your master but if that part of me is in control? Not only do you have the right to protect yourself from me, you have the DUTY to do so. Even if I say otherwise. The collar on your neck will not restrict your chakra."
He stood up, walking forward, and reaching out to toy with one of Ino's hardened nipples, pinching it between his fingers and causing her to moan in pleasure. He smiled - it was still a kick to know he could make her come just by playing with her impressive tits.
"Keep in mind Ino-chan...that you are safe with me. You will never have to feel the pain your sister did if you behave." Ino nodded and Naruto smiled as held up her book. "So I guess that means we don't need this any more do we?" Naruto cocked his hand back to throw it in the trash but somebody had other ideas.
"Master wait!"
Naruto stopped mid-throw and turned to his blonde slave with a curious look on his face. "Yes?"
Ino gulped and blushed, embarrassed at what she was about to say. "I-I want to keep it master." Seeing Naruto quirking an eyebrow, Ino blushed even more.
"I-I want to keep it f-for in-inspiration and i-ideas." The two stared at each other before Naruto burst out laughing, and Sakura too from the sounds of it. Ino's face turned red.
"Alright Ino-chan...I'll let you keep it, on the condition you read it again and after the end of each chapter, you give Sakura a summary of the chapter and what you like and disliked about the contents." Ino gulped.
That...was going to be very hard.
"Alright..." Naruto said. "I'll let you ride the horse for an hour." Naruto turned to his chair. "Sakura-chan...would you like to ride with your sister?" The footstool nodded energetically. Naruto smirked. She always wanted to ride the horse. "Very well...stand up." Sakura complied, stretching her back from being sat on. Sakura saw her master beckon her to him and she complied, squealing in delight as Naruto forced her onto the floor and bound her arms behind her back.
Grabbing her bound arms, he forced her up, making several clones and lifting her up and over the horse. Smirking, the clones slammed her pussy down onto the metal edge of the horse, the real Naruto savoring her screams as the clones strapped her legs to the horse and attaching a chain to Sakura's collar to Ino's collar.
Naruto smirked as Sakura recovered from the rush of pain that shot through her. He smirked even more as he heard her let out a pleased shudder and seeing the `WTF?' look on Ino's face. Naruto chuckled, drawing the girl's attention to him.
"Before I start the clock..."
"WHAT?" Ino burst out. Glancing at the clock, she figured out that she has been on the horse for at least thirty minutes. Naruto smirked.
"That's right Ino-chan. I didn't start the clock yet. Now before I start the clock, there's a couple more things that I need to do." Naruto turned and walked to the nearby cabinet and opened it. Rummaging through it, Naruto pulled out two small boxes with two jumper cables attached to the first one and clamps on the second and a bowl of ice.
Sakura's eyes widened, her heart started to race as she recognized the objects in his hands. She started to shake as Naruto walked back to them.
"Ma-master..." Sakura started to stammer as Naruto set the device down on a table next to the horse. Naruto looked up at her scared face before sighing.
This always happened whenever he brought the small electric generator out.
"Ino-chan...calm her down if you will." Ino nodded before tugging on the chain, bringing Sakura face to face with her. Before Sakura could speak, Ino captured her lips moving her tongue into Sakura's mouth, caressing the pinkette's tongue even as Naruto attached the jumper cables to each end of the metal strip of the horse.
"Sakura-chan..." Ino broke the kiss with the calmed down girl who looked down at Naruto. "We've been over this before. I know you developed a phobia of these things but you need to realize that this small generator won't nearly do the damage the big one did." Sakura gulped but hesitantly nodded. Naruto cupped her chin. "Do you trust me?" Sakura nodded, confident that Naruto wouldn't hurt her…much. Naruto smiled. "Good."
Naruto reached in the ice bucket and pulled out an ice cube, bringing it up to Sakura's breast, circling it around her nipple, causing her to gasp at the cold sensation. Naruto smirked as the nipple became fully hardened.
"You ready?" Sakura gulped as she spied the nipple clamp in his hand. She nodded and closed her eyes and she let out cry as the teeth of the clamp bit down onto the flesh. Naruto smirked as he let go of the clamp.
This was going to be fun.
Making a clone, they got to work on using the ice to harden the nipples and the cilts on the girls. Naruto chuckled as they screamed as he and the clone put the clamps on their clits. Whispering in his clone's ear, the clone nodded and went to do what his creator set him out to do.
Stepping back to admire his work, Naruto smirked and grabbed the generators and set them down onto the table next to the chair.
Naruto flipped the switch on the generator that had the jumpers on the metal strip and the girls yelped in pain as a small amount of electricity ran through the metal strip. The electricity running through their pussies wasn't 'painful' - it was just enough to sensitize them, making it seem like pain.
"Girls...look at me." Naruto's pets looked at him with pain etched on their faces. "How's the pain?"
"Nothing...I can't...tolerate." Sakura gasped out. Turning to Ino, he waited for her to answer.
"It hurts...but I...can" Naruto smiled at Ino's answer. A hat was set down on his side and the poof of a clone disappearing was heard.
"That's good to hear. We are going to play a game my pets." Naruto grabbed the hat. "In this hat are slips of paper with your names and either left breast, right breast, and cilt on them. Here's how the game works. I draw a slip and one of you guesses what's on the slip." Chuckling at the confusion on their faces, he continued.
"For example, if I draw a slip saying `Sakura, left breast' and Ino guesses `Sakura, left breast', Sakura gets shocked in said place." Sakura suddenly screamed as Naruto flipped a switch and electricity traveled to Sakura's left breast. Sakura panted as the pain stopped.
It wasn't as bad as the time she went through the shocking marathon for those three days but it still hurt.
"Now, if either of you guess or answer wrong, then both of you will get it, and the voltage will be higher than the single shocks and if the two of you start arguing, I will not hesitate to spike the voltage and shock you." The girls gasped in fear as they understood the price for failing to answer and for arguing.
"Now...let's begin." Naruto said, reaching into the hat.
Naruto smiled as the girls collapsed against each other. He had to give credit to Sakura. Even with pain running through her body, she still was able to use her smarts to help her and Ino figure out what was written in his hand.
He had given them a total of six full body shocks. During the game, Naruto had to shut off the metal strip generator every once in a while to give them a break for five minutes before they got back playing.
Naruto smirked, seeing the horse wet from the release of juices because of the electricity. Judging by the amount, Ino released more than Sakura had.
Seeing tears leak out of Ino's eyes, he knew what was going on in her mind. Being forced to hurt either her, Sakura, or both was torture underneath what he was doing to them. The reason why he is doing this is because he wants her to accept that pain is a natural part of her new life and that she would be forced to decide who would receive pain.
Shutting off all the generators, Naruto stood up and walked up to his pets, gathering them into his arms. The girls cried in his embrace.
"It's alright my pets. You did very well. The both of you managed to avoid getting your pussy shocked too much."
The truth was that Naruto only put two clit choices per girl and the rest was the breasts. He didn't want them to feel that kind of pain unless they really deserved it. Naruto let them go and he gently took off the clamps, earning sighs of relief from his pets.
"Why don't you take a cat nap my pets? I'll get you up in an hour." Naruto reached up and closed the girl's eyes, letting his chakra flow into them and letting them fall asleep. Securing them so that they wouldn't fall off, he walked out of the room, shutting off the lights as he closed the door. He suddenly laughed as he just realized something.
By the time he woke them up, they would have been riding the horse for almost three hours.
The lights flickered on as Naruto stepped in the room, his eyes going to the occupied horse. He saw his blonde slave already awake and was looking at him. He chuckled as he walked up to her.
"Couldn't sleep?"
Ino humped and motioned to the girl sleeping on her shoulder. "Sakura snores."
Naruto let out a laugh as he reached her. "She does that from time to time. Let's get you off this thing so we can go to bed."
Naruto cocked his hand back and sent it flying toward Sakura's rear. Sakura's eyes snapped open and she jumped and screamed as she felt the stinging sensation on her ass. She snapped her head to her side and frowned when she saw a grinning Naruto.
"Masterrrr...I was having a good dream." Sakura whined causing Naruto to chuckle as he untied the girls.
"You'll go back to sleep in a few minutes. I'm just getting you off the horse so all of us can sleep together."
After a couple of minutes, Naruto untied them both and helped Ino down. Sakura didn't need any help as she swung her leg over and hopped down.
"Seriously how the hell can you like riding these things?" Ino asked Sakura after she got down.
Sakura chuckled as she rubbed her own silt. "I love the pain it brings me. Makes me feel alive." She responded as they walked out of the dungeon.
Ino sighed as she walked along side Naruto. "So where am I sleeping?"
"With me of course. You think I would deny myself the comfort of a beautiful girl at night?"
Ino blushed when he called her a beautiful girl. It still felt weird receiving compliments from Naruto. Ino stepped in front as they ascended the stairs. They reached the top of the stairs and Naruto encircled his arm around Ino's waist as he led them to his room. They reached his room and Sakura detached herself from his arms, only to rush forward and jump onto the bed while laughing. Naruto smiled at the carefree girl.
"We'll be right back. I want to show Ino-chan something." Naruto didn't wait for an answer before he led Ino down the hall. "Even though you sleep with me, I want you to have your own room for times you want your privacy. I'm not denying you your privacy. I know that everybody needs some alone time, even Sakura-chan."
They stopped at a closed door and Naruto opened it. It didn't have anything but the basic stuff. A bed, dresser, nightstand, the walls were white, her bags were set near the dresser, and that was it.
"You can add stuff if you want and you can paint the walls to your favorite color but before you do anything, get the ok from me, understand?" Ino nodded as she looked at the room. It was a blank slate and she could do what she wanted to it.
Make it a home away from home.
"Sakura's room is right next to your own so if you can't find her, try looking in there."
Ino nodded as Naruto led her back to the master bedroom where Sakura was already under the covers and eagerly awaiting for her master. They went in and Naruto climbed onto the bed but Ino hesitated. Naruto saw her hesitation and patted the bed, beckoning her to him.
She gulped but climbed onto the bed anyway and went under the covers. Naruto completely covered Ino and he pulled her against his chest, feeling his warm body against her back.
"There now...isn't this nice?"
Ino couldn't help but smile and she nodded. This was really nice, sleeping with another person, even if that person was her master.
On the other side, Sakura moved her arms around Naruto's stomach and pressed herself against him. She hated sleeping alone and when she was able to sleep with Naruto, she treasured every moment.
"One rule you should know Ino..." Naruto said behind her. "Don't get me up unless it's an emergency. I like to sleep."
"That's true. Master takes frequent naps." Sakura said.
"I'll be sure to remember that." Ino said while Naruto reached up and patted her cheek.
"That's a good girl. Good night."
"Good night master." The two girls said.
With that, the three settled down and closed their eyes for a good nights sleep.
Sometime in the night, Sakura had detached herself from Naruto and was laying on her back. Naruto had rolled over so he was laying on top of Ino. That startled her awake when he rolled onto her and she gently tried to roll him off but he wouldn't budge so she left him along and tried to go back to sleep.
After a couple of hours, Naruto finally rolled off of Ino and she turned on her side, in hopes that would deter him from sleeping on her.
Sometime later, Sakura started tossing and turning in her sleep, apparently a victim of a nightmare. The movement slowly awoken Ino until Sakura suddenly shot up, her breathing heavy and sweat over her face.
Ino sat up too, startled awake by Sakura. She looked at her friend as she panted, horror written all over her face.
"Saku-chan...are you alright?" Sakura didn't seem to hear her and she repeated her question. This time, she heard her and she looked at the blonde, the expression of horror still on her face.
"Ino?" Sakura seemed confused by the sight of her and that was usual for a nightmare.
"Sakura...was it a nightmare?" Sakura nodded. "What was it about?"
The horrified expression on the pinkette's face lessoned some but it was still visible. She took a few deep breaths to calm herself. After a while, she spoke.
"Ino...did you remember four days ago? When I told you the rumor about master spending time as a prisoner of the I/T division?" Ino slowly nodded, not seeing where this was going. "It wasn't a rumor."
"What?" Ino replied, shocked.
Sakura nodded and pulled her legs against her and wrapped her arms around it, and Ino, even in the dark, could see tears appearing in her eyes.
"It started as a normal day. Master wanted to play a prank on the Issin's for over-pricing him on the dango he bought the day before. He started setting up a paint trap, something that would coat their shop and the customers in semi permanent paint of varying colors with the majority of it orange."
Something clicked in Ino.
"Just as he was about to set it off, an ANBU appeared out of nowhere and, after giving him a punch in the gut to weaken him, took him away to the I/T division where he and his buddies took turns in making his life a living hell on the grounds of suspicion of treason."
"Sakura...what mask was the ANBU wearing?"
"A falcon mask."
Ino froze as she realized the horrible truth. Suddenly the memories of that day came to the front of her mind in perfect detail.
`Oh kami...what have I done?' Ino asked herself even as Sakura tried to get her friends attention. Finally she snapped out of it and Sakura asked what was wrong. "It-It's n-nothing. W-what was the ni-nightmare a-about?" Sakura sighed and looked at the blonde boy snoring.
"Master told me exactly what happened during that month. I told him that he didn't have to tell me but he needed to tell someone. He needed to get it out of him. I won't tell you what happen because I still believe that you aren't ready. Needless to say, I was absolutely horrified at what was done. I had half a mind to find the falcon mask and pound the living shit out of him but he was already executed on treason himself and his buddies."
"What didn't Ibiki stop it or Anko?"
"They didn't know. They took him to a deep part of the building and kept him there so they could have privacy. Before that, Naruto had a habit of disappearing for a while. Just to have some time alone and he would usually stay away for a couple of weeks. When a month passed, the old man finally realized something was wrong."
"After a while of searching, the Hokage finally found him. Abused, battered, bloody, and crying. After Naruto-sama recovered, he gave them the masks they wore and the Hokage had them executed."
Sakura was already at the point of bursting into tears and when she finished, she did and Ino took her into her arms, horrified herself and tears leaking out of her eyes as well.
She was crying because she knew why the ANBU went after him.
After a while, the two of them calmed down some. Sakura thanked Ino for listening to her and that she feels better now. Ino smiled and replied back saying that it was always good to talk about it.
Sakura nodded and laid back down, feeling better and it took no time at all for her to fall back to sleep.
Ino, however, stayed up. The guilt choking her and squeezing the life out of her. When the event happened, she didn't think it would go that far. She just wanted to get him back for the numerous pranks against her.
But when Naruto didn't come back the next day, she just assumed that he needed to rest. When he didn't come back the next week, she assumed that he was grounded or something like that. When he finally came back to school after a month, he was fine but she could see something different in his eyes.
She tried to play it off as it was only just a bad day for him but the doubt always lingered in her mind.
She slowly laid back down on the bed and faced Naruto's back. She saw the numerous scars on his back and she couldn't help but think she was responsible for those scars. She reached out with her hand and gently traced one of them, feeling the rough skin on her finger.
"I'm so sorry master. I'm so sorry." Ino couldn't bear to look at him anymore and she turned her back toward him, tears filling her eyes.
The next day, Naruto could tell immediately that something was wrong with Ino. She was distracted and she couldn't look at him for more then a minute before looking away. Even when they were in the dungeon, Ino wasn't paying attention.
When Naruto asked what was wrong, she just replied that she has a lot of things on her mind.
In fact, when she learned that she and Sakura were to go to their respective homes every night, that realization seemed to make her feel better.
Naruto left it at that but there was always doubt in his mind.
But the next day, Ino seemed to be even more distracted. She even asked to stay in her room for the time being. That should've sent a red flag in Naruto's mind but he paid it no attention, thinking that it was her period and she was embarrassed or something like that.
The third day, Naruto could see a change in Ino. He couldn't put his finger on it but there was a change. She seemed to look at him with sadness in her eyes and remorse. When school was over, she followed him, under the illusion, holding his hand tightly like she was afraid if she let go, he would disappear.
After reaching their home, Sakura was already waiting for them and Ino let go of his hand and stood in front of him. Making a clone, he sent him off with Sakura so the two of them can have some play time.
The real Naruto took Ino's hand and led her down the stairs and into a room where Sakura was already busy with her Naruto.
Master..." Ino said, breaking contact with him. "There's something I need to tell you."
"What is it Ino-chan?" Naruto asked, looking into her sorrowful eyes.
"Please take a seat."
Naruto nodded and took a seat in a nearby chair and Ino knelt down in front of him.
" you remember about a year ago, when that ANBU took you away to the I/T division while you were hidden in the trees, waiting to spring the trap?"
"Yes..." Naruto said, wondering where this was going when he suddenly realized something. "Wait a did you know I was in the trees?"
"Because…I saw you making that trap and I saw you hide yourself in the trees, waiting for the chance to spring the trap. I was angry with you at the time because you had recently played a prank on me, humiliating me in front of everybody and I wanted revenge."
Naruto's eyes widened as he realized what Ino was talking about.
"I knew you wouldn't learn anything with Iruka-sensei so I flagged down one of the ANBU patrolling nearby and told him what you were doing. I should've known something was wrong when I heard him reply in an almost sadistic tone but I just played it off, thinking they too wanted revenge for something you did to them."
Naruto stared in horror at his blonde slave. What she just confessed to him was an absolute shocker. It was because of her that he suffered so much.
"Even though I wasn't the one who hurt you, master," She said. "I did cause it in a way...I never thought they'd torture you, but I should have just told Iruka-sensei, not ANBU. I need to be punished master."
Naruto frowned at his blonde slave. "So what you're saying is, I should punish you for not thinking," he said, "And that you'll take whatever I decide to dish out on your body."
Ino trembled, her pale skin glistening with cold sweat. "I...I deserve it, master," she said, crawling forward and placing her lips on his cock. "I...I don't want to hurt...but a slave has to pay for her sins."
Naruto sighed, moving his tool into the hot, moist cavern of her mouth. "I suffered a lot thanks to those ANBU," he muttered, "If it wasn't for the Hokage stepping in, I probably would have died." He turned to the kneeling girl, sighing as she started sucking on his balls. "You want it to be 'an eye for an eye', my little cosmos?"
Ino gulped, before pulling away and staring into her master's blue orbs. "I...I need to atone," was all she could say.
Naruto nodded. "Fine then," he said, "I know how to punish you so you understand what I went through." He looked over at Sakura, who was hanging upside down as a pair of clones teased her pussy with feathers. "Sakura-chan's been through it before, so she can help prepare you for it." He looked down at her. "I'm going to give you the shock treatment, slut."
Ino trembled, her body going cold. "S-s-shock...treatment?" She whispered.
"Three days of torture, Ino," he said, "You'll get some periods of rest, but you will suffer, just like Sakura-chan and I did." He motioned to the clones, who released the suspended Sakura. The pink haired girl collapsed in a giggling, sobbing heap, before crawling over to the blonds.
"Master?" She gasped, her pussy still twitching from the feather torture.
"Ino's getting the shock treatment." He said, causing the cherry blossom to gasp. "She's confessed something to me. In a way, she's responsible for how I am, and how I made you my slave."
Sakura gasped, turning her green eyes to her fellow slave. "Ino-chan?" She asked.
"She can tell you later," Naruto interrupted. "I want you to take Ino away for a few hours. Bathe, eat, and get some rest. We start tonight. The clones and I will ready the generator. I want you to tell her what to expect, my pet."
Sakura looked at him, her eyes filled with a desperate plea. "Master..." She started.
"Try and beg for me to spare her and you'll share her punishment." He said, glaring at the girl. "You have your orders, slave. Carry them out."
Sakura took no time in grabbing Ino's hand and leading her out of the room and the house. When the door shut, he buried his face in his hands and a tear fell out of his eye.
"Dammit Ino." He whispered. "Why did you have to do that?"
Ino stayed silent on the way to Sakura's house, despite Sakura pegging her with questions. It wasn't until she was in Sakura's home and she was sitting down that she finally explained the situation. After she finished, Sakura looked at her sister with a horror stricken face.
"Kami Ino...I can't believe you did such a thing! You KNOW how the ANBU are. You know how cruel they are to the prisoners."
"I know..." Ino said softly.
"You know? And you still told them? What the hell were you thinking?" Ino wiped away a tear as she couldn't look at Sakura's face anymore.
"I-I just wanted him to learn a lesson. I didn't think it would be like this."
"Well he learned a lesson Ino. He learned that you just can't trust anybody. ANBU protected him when he was little Ino. He trusted them and they betrayed him. Granted it wasn't the same people but his trust in the ANBU was lost. He may trust them now but he learned that the only person you can really trust is yourself."
"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." Ino broke down crying and Sakura quickly gathered the blonde in her arms, comforting the blonde.
"It's alright my sweet. It'll b-be al-alright." Sakura started crying herself as she realized that Ino was going to go through the same pain that she did.
The two girls stayed silent as they walked back to Naruto's place as per the clone's orders. They had spent what little time they had with each other, getting Ino cleaned and fed. Sakura told Ino what to expect during the next three days and what she would be feeling. Ino took what she said to heart, trying her best to prepare herself for her atonement.
Sakura looked at her friend. She was worried about her and she was scared for her life. When she went through it, she thought she would die and even after, she kept wishing she died.
They finally reached Naruto's house and they stopped in the lit doorway of the building.
" we are." Ino said.
"Ino-chan..." Sakura turned Ino around to face her and have her hands on her shoulders. "Please reconsider. You can die from this. You don't have to do this." Sakura, at this point, had tears in her eyes.
"Saku-chan..." Ino said, taking one of Sakura's hands in hers. "I have to do this. What I caused was inexcusable. I have to make it up...for you...for me...for master. Can you go through life with this burden and not atoning for it?"
"I-Ino p-please...I'll t-take y-your pl-place. I-I'll ta-take the pu-punishment." Sakura was sobbing hysterically at this point. She didn't want Ino to go through this, despite what she did.
Ino wrapped her arms around Sakura and pulled her against her, the pinkette's arm wrapping around the blonde as well, although hers were tight.
"If I do die Saku-chan...I die knowing that I atoned for my sins."
The tears that were flowing from Sakura's eyes quadrupled after she said it and she buried her head in Ino's chest. Ino gently reached down and lifted her head so she could reach down and kiss her.
Sakura responded with as much passion and soul as she could, trying one last time to convince Ino to change her decision. They broke the kiss after a while, the two looking at each other.
"Sakura-chan...I love you so much. You are the best friend I could ever had and I don't regret becoming master's slave and your sister."
The door opened and the girls turned to see Naruto standing in the doorway.
"You ready?" He asked. Ino nodded and walked toward him with the pinkette behind her. Naruto stepped aside to let her in but slammed his hand against the frame to stop Sakura from following. When she looked at him, he spoke. "I don't want you in this house for the next three days. Do you understand me?"
"But master..."
"DO YOU...understand me?"
Sakura gulped but nodded. "I do."
Naruto's face softened as he looked at her. "Listen to me. I'm banning you from the house for your sake. You being can only hurt you. You'll understand eventually."
The door shut before Sakura could speak. She put her hand on the door as she collapsed on her knees, praying to whatever god that would listen that they help her sister through this.