Chapter 16: chapter 16
Sakura giggled as she stepped out of the room. She couldn't believe the jackpot she just scored. Naruto was sure to give her a reward for this. She kept on giggling as she rounded the corner and yelped as she bumped into the male Yamanaka. She glared at the elder as he looked down at her.
"What happened to make you such in a happy mood?" Sakura smirked at his question.
"Nothing much, just watching your wife and daughter fuck each other."
The shock on his face was priceless.
"W-what are you talking about?"
"Take a look in Ino's bedroom."
Inoichi didn't waste a second as he marched up to his daughter's room and flung open the door, gasping in shock at the sight before him.
His wife and daughter, snuggled in each other's arms, happy and content written on their faces.
He slowly backed off, silently closing the door and turning around to face the pinkette.
"What happened?" Sakura smiled and explained what happened.
"You know your wife wants to help Ino-chan be more comfortable around the two of you and went commando. As you know, she got a beautiful body and even Ino-chan isn't immune to her lure. She asked me if it was wrong to think of her own mother that way. I told her that hedonism knows no bounds. Incest, BDSM, and others are nothing more than names that society has placed upon our preferences."
"Incest is a special love shared between family members. They did this to get closer to each other and they obtained that. Now I don't know about you, but when I watched and recorded them, I saw all of Ino's doubt and hesitation disappear. In fact...If I get master's permission, I want you to watch their session, I want you to understand that this is a big step for Ino."
"I don't have any parents so I was the lucky one but Ino does and that's hard for her. Doing this is a necessary step for her. I wish I had that kind of relationship with my parents but I don't have the luxury."
Inoichi sighed and rubbed his head, at a complete loss for words. Everything she said made complete sense but it still seemed wrong somehow.
"I...I...she...they..." Inoichi paused and sighed. "Are you sure they are happy?"
Inoichi sighed and looked back into the room, once again seeing the happy smiles on their faces.
"When my wife wakes up, tell her that I would like to talk to her." Sakura nodded, made a fully clothed clone and handed the camera to her and sent her off.
"Will do. I will be teaching Ino-chan Kage Bunshin when Ino wakes up anyway."
At the mention of the Kage Bunshin, Inoichi turned and face Sakura with shock in his face. Before he could argue, Sakura reassured him.
"Don't worry, Ino-chan has more than enough chakra to use the Kage Bunshin. She'll be able to make hundreds without breaking a sweat."
"Are you sure?" Sakura nodded.
"He wouldn't let her do it if it wasn't safe."
Inoichi nodded and left the room, heading back toward the flower shop. Sakura looked back into the room of the sleeping females. Sakura suddenly licked her lips.
Iris wouldn't mind if she had a taste.
When Ino woke up, she knew she should've shut her eyes but her mind won't let her, random stuff appearing in her head and a constant ringing in her ears, her mind and body telling her to get the fuck up.
She opened her eyes and kept them open, watching her sister dancing with the snake on her body, humming a melody and swinging herself around. She felt a hand on her shoulder and she looked up to see her mother smiling at her, making a silent shushing sound and turning back toward Sakura.
She settled herself on her mother's bosom and watched her sister dance with her snake. She danced so beautifully, even with the addition of the snake. That made her think.
Should she do something like that?
She had to admit, the thought of dancing with the snake was freaky but at the same time, a good way.
Sakura finished the melody and laughed a little, rubbing her cheek with the snake before picking it up and placing it on the dresser where an improvised stair was on the side of the dresser and the cage so he could go in and out as he pleases. She turned around and smiled.
"Good morning sleepyheads. Have a nice sleep?"
"I did Sakura." Iris yawned out.
"So did I Sakura and I want to thank you."
Sakura smiled and leaned back onto the dresser as they sat up. Ino stretched out her arms and yawned.
"Thank me for what?"
"For helping me get closer to my mom." Sakura chuckled.
"You don't have to thank me. I'm just doing what's best for you. By the way Iris, your husband wants to see you when you get up." Iris nodded. "While you do that, me and Ino-chan will get dressed and go to a private place and I will teach her the Kage Bunshin."
"Really?" Ino asked, a little shocked at what she was going to learn next. She nodded and stood up.
"Master was originally going to teach you tomorrow but I persuaded him to let me teach you." Ino nodded and Iris stood up, gently petting Ino's hair and looking at her daughter.
"I'll go ahead and see what he wants. You go ahead and train. I'll see you when you get back. I love you."
Ino smiled and nodded, watching her mother walk out of the room and placing a finger on her cheeks.
"I love you too mama."
Sakura watched her friend looking at Iris and smiled. She could tell that Ino wasn't scared of her parents anymore...well her mother actually. She wasn't sure about the father.
"The two of you are really close now aren't you?
Ino chuckled and turned to her friend and nodded.
"Yes...even though we just woke up, I think in time we will be sure."
Sakura chuckled and moved her hair behind her ear.
"I wish I had that kind of relationship with my parents. If they were still alive...I don't know how things would've gone this far in my service. They could've disowned me for all I know."
"It's a shame they died. I really liked them. They were such nice people."
"Yeah...believe it or not, it is actually a good thing that they died. It helped me accept my role as Naruto-sama's slave."
"Do you ever think about what might have happened if they were alive?"
"All the time but I don't wallow in the past. I concentrate on the present. Now get dressed have a lot of training to go through. I'm also going to see if I can sneak in tree walking as well before we start with your dancing lessons."
The mention of dancing lessons made her gulp but she steeled herself and nodded. She swore to herself that she was going to get it or she was going to punish herself.
"I hate you." Ino commented as they entered the house. The training went well, Ino picking up on it quickly. Because of that, Sakura was able to give Ino the basics of tree walking and Ino was able to practice it a little before they headed back.
Sakura giggled at her comment and slung her arm around the blonde's. She poked her in the cheek as she responded.
"It's either me or master. This'll be able to understand how rough he will be with you."
"Is that my daughter I hear?" The girls looked forward to see Inoichi walking in the room, holding a tray of lemonade for them. Ino perked up at the sight of the cool, refreshing liquid. She moved Sakura off of her and grabbed the glass, sitting down and moving to drink it.
"Ah ah ahh..." Sakura said, taking the lemonade away from her. She smirked at the glare Ino gave her. "Remember what master said about clothes? Strip or you don't get to drink."
Ino growled at her but took off her clothes anyway, knowing that Sakura was right. She didn't care that her father was in the same room. She just wanted that glass.
"That's a good girl. Here you go." Sakura handed the now nude Ino her glass of lemonade and she took hers.
"So how did she do?" Inoichi asked as he and Sakura took their seats.
"She did really well." Sakura said. "She picked up on the concept on the Kage Bunshin quickly and after a few rough starts, managed to create a few perfect clones. After a while, she managed to create up to sixty clones once she realized that she needed to use her chakra in bulk. Then I started her on the tree walking exercise."
Inoichi smiled and nodded. His daughter was always a quick learner but she was always lazy, like his teammates son, Shikamaru.
"That's good to hear."
"Indeed. Get some rest Ino-chan. In thirty minutes, we'll continue your dancing lessons." Ino nodded.
"I'll get it this time, I promise." Sakura raised her glass.
"I'll hold you to that."
"Well Ino-chan...I do believe you got it. You show master this and he'll like it." Ino smiled from her position on the floor. She knew she could do it and it just goes to show you...fear can be a great motivator.
"I knew I could do it." Sakura smiled and took Ino's outstretched hand.
"So could I." Sakura helped up the girl, just in time for Ino to jump back in fright as she saw Naruto right behind Sakura. Sakura whipped around to see her master as well.
"Kami scared the hell out of us." Naruto chuckled and kissed Sakura on the cheek.
"You're so easy to scare, even now." Sakura pouted.
"Don't remind me." Naruto laughed and looked at the blonde on the bed.
"You alright?" Ino nodded and stood back up, her blood pumping from her fright. Naruto nodded as well before turning to his pink haired pet. "So...I heard things are going well." Sakura nodded.
"I believe you are going to be satisfied with Ino-chan master."
"Then I will see for myself."
Naruto sat on the bed as Sakura moved out of the way. He told Ino to dance for him and to show him what she learned. She nodded and pushed the play button on the CD player.
As Naruto watched his pet, he watched for the things that were needed for dancing. Face emotions, smooth movements, correct timing, and other things. Fortunally, it seemed that Ino finally got the basics down as Naruto mentally checked his list, including his arousal meter.
Sakura looked on, proud of her accomplishment. She didn't think she would have the chance to help train another slave but she did and she is eternally grateful to Naruto that she has the chance. She smiled as she rested her head on Naruto's shoulder.
Things were looking up.
After the dancing was done, Naruto had told Ino that he was satisfied with her progress so she didn't have to punish Sakura. That made her sigh in relief as he stood up from the bed. It was at that point Inoichi announced that supper was ready and that Naruto was free to join them if he wanted. He accepted and they went down for dinner.
After dinner, Naruto thanked the elder Yamanaka and even helped Ino wash the dishes. After that, Naruto bid them farewell after retrieving the collars from his pet's necks. Ino was glad to have the thing off but Sakura tried to keep it on but Naruto won in the end.
After Naruto left, Sakura dragged Ino to her bedroom and went to her backpack and pulled a scroll. After unsealing it, Ino gaped at the contents.
"Sakura-chan...please tell me you aren't serious." Sakura smirked.
"Of course I am. I told you when we bought these that we would wear them as our new outfit. You even agreed. I liked the style you suggested and I put a rush on it."
"That was then. This is now."
"You agreed on it and you are not backing out now. Master has no idea what we have planned and we are going to surprise him with the new outfits and the chokers."
"Yeah but..." Ino looked up when Sakura placed a comforting hand on her shoulder.
"You said it yourself you wanted to look good for him. The mesh and the gap were a great idea and he will be so surprised that you did this for him."
"I'm having second thoughts."
"You'll do fine. All you have to do is give the reason why you updated your look is because you wanted Sasuke to pay attention to you. He'll just ignore you more but the main thing is that we look fantastic for master. He won't be able to keep his eyes off of us."
"Won't we have to beat him for looking at us?" Sakura faltered when Ino finished.
"I...I haven't thought of that. I don't want to hurt master more. What am I supposed to do?" Ino knew Sakura and she knew Sakura was going to be panicking at any moment.
"Hey...look at me girl." Sakura looked up when Ino gently lifted her head to look at her.
"It's not a big problem and it's easily fixed. Master said that there was a plan in place to slowly fall for each other right?" Seeing Sakura nodded, she continued her train of thought. "Well...he'll most likely have a nosebleed and stammer at us right?" Sakura nodded again.
"All we have to do is after Sasuke ignores us and after we catch Naruto-sama looking at us and he compliments us is, just before we react, we stop and think before we whisper to each other and then saying to Naruto-sama that we appreciate what he said and give him a pat on the head. He'll be able to figure out what we're doing by that point and be able to play along."
"Do you think it'll work?" Ino nodded and Sakura let out a sigh of relief. "Thank you Ino-chan...I don't know what I would do without you."
Ino chuckled and patted Sakura's head, causing Sakura to giggle.
"Two heads are better than one you know." Sakura smiled as she looked at her friend. Ino had no idea what she just said but she didn't care. Her confidence in the plan was restored and she was determined to go through with it.
"Alright have some extra reading to do."
Sakura had told Ino to read page 55 of her Shibari book and to learn how to do that style as that's the way she wanted to be tied up when it was time to go to bed. When Ino asked what Sakura was going to do, she merely replied she was going out.
Of course, the gleam in her eyes when she said that made her think she was going to do more. After Sakura had gotten dressed in her usual outfit and left, Ino got a good idea.
Making a clone of her (fully dressed), she sent her out to spy on the pinkette as this would be a good time to practice her spying skills. Meanwhile, she made another clone and started to practice the rope style Sakura wanted.
Ino froze when the memories of the clone returned to her and then winced as she felt phantom pain on her nipples.
She should've known that this was going to happen.
There was a meeting of all the jounin in the auditorium that Sakura had crashed. The Ino clone had watched her friend place the illusion over herself, although strangely enough she could still see her, and stripped herself, sat down in front of the podium where the Hokage were talking and started to masturbate right then and there.
But what was really shocking was two minutes later, almost half of the females in the room that knows of them burst out laughing. Naturally everyone else was confused but the females didn't tell them what was so funny except Anko saying `cherry blossom'.
The Hokage then face palmed as he knew what she was talking about.
He knew that Sakura was an exhibionist and she liked to crash meetings and she just revealed herself to the females that had laughed.
But he didn't call her out, just went on with the meeting but what was scary was when Sakura turned to look at her and give her a thumbs up. That made her realize one thing.
She sucked at spying.
After the meeting was over and everybody left, Ino jumped down from her position and walked up to the girl and waited until the laughing girl finished dressing. It was then she realized that she wasn't caught in a room full of jounin.
"I put the illusion over you when I realized you were following me. You really need to work on your spying."
Sakura said, perhaps sensing her thoughts. She laughed when Ino fumed when she mentioned how poor her spying skills were.
"You didn't see me when I followed you that night." Ino shot back.
"You got lucky that night. When you followed me today, you made so many mistakes. I don't care if you're a clone, you don't get caught. That is the number one rule for us Kitsune's. We...don't...get...caught. Understand?" Ino nodded.
"Yeah, I understand. But what I don't understand is how you knew about this meeting. Jounin don't give out when they're meeting." Sakura nodded.
"That's usually true but Anko-sensei, with the permission of the Hokage, gives me the time and location so I can have fun."
"But..." Sakura sighed.
"Look Ino...the mere fact that the Hokage allowed Anko to give me the location and times shows that he trusts me. He trusts me enough to keep anything I might hear a secret. He and Naruto-sama made it clear that if anything were to slip out, I would be punished to the full extent of the law and I don't want that."
"Ok...but there's something else I don't understand. If you're an exhibionist like you say you are, how can you get off when they don't see you?" Sakura chuckled as she patted Ino's shoulder as they walked outside.
"Even though they don't see me, they are looking at me and that's enough. I revealed myself to the females that knows of us and that makes it even more exciting."
"Does he know?" Sakura nodded.
"Master knows and he gave me permission. It took a while to earn the right but I got it. I can reveal myself to the females but the males are off limits."
Ino yelped when Sakura suddenly threw her against a wall, her mouth very close to her own. Ino gasped as Sakura moved her hands up her shirt and grabbed her breasts and started to fondle them.
"Now if you don't mind...I like to be left alone."
Ino yelped and disappeared in a poof of smoke when Sakura pinched and twisted her nipples.
Ino sighed as she looked down at her handiwork. She was able to understand the directions enough that she could do it from memory. She wondered what Sakura was up to now. She didn't even tell her when she was going to be back.
"I guess even Sakura needs private time."
Sakura didn't return until about 8:40. When she came back, Ino respected her privacy by not asking her where she went, instead Ino was asked if she managed to get the style right. She responded in kind and Sakura nodded.
"Why don't we go to bed early tonight? I want to have plenty of time tomorrow morning." Ino nodded.
"That's a good idea. I'll go ahead and take a shower."
"We will take a shower and after that, we will go to bed." Sakura said, smiling as she slung her arm around Ino's shoulder. Ino rolled her eyes at her friend.
"So did I get it right?"
Ino asked the bound girl below her. Seeing the girl nod, she sighed in relief. Grabbing the last object to be used, she inserted the ball gag into Sakura's mouth and fastened it to her. Hearing a knock on the door, Ino turned to see her nude mom in the doorway. Patting Sakura's cheek as she got up, Ino went to see what her mother wanted.
"So you're going back to school tomorrow." Ino nodded. "Do you think you can handle it?" Ino nodded again.
"As long as I remember to act as normal as possible, I'll be fine." Iris nodded.
"Alright...but if you need anything, don't hesitate to call." Ino nodded and Iris gave her daughter a quick peck on the forehead before joining her husband in bed.
Ino went back into her bedroom and looked at the bound girl in her bed. She hoped that things went smoothly. Shutting off the light, she joined her sister in bed and set the alarm before covering the both of them with the comforter.
When Naruto woke up in the morning, he had a feeling that things were going to be good today. Slamming his hand on the snooze button, he threw off the covers and sat up. Rubbing his eyes to get the sleep out of them, he stood up, his nude body shining in the sunlight beaming in from the window.
Looking back at the bed, he couldn't help but feel saddened by the fact that it's empty. He wants his pets to be beside him when he wakes up every morning but they couldn't, not yet.
Turning his gaze away from the bed, he started his trek to the shower and stepped in, turning the knob and waiting for the water to get warm before stepping in.
The first thing Naruto noticed when he stepped in the classroom was an absence of pink and blonde. Normally when Naruto reaches the classroom, they are there already but this time they aren't.
`They probably got held up or something.' He thought. Looking for a seat, he found two empty seats. Walking up to it, he sat in it and waited. Not a minute later, the door opened and Uchiha Sasuke stepped in.
He immediately sat down in his usual seat, which happened to be right next to Naruto. Said boy looked at him as he sat.
"Hey seen Sakura-chan?"
"Hmp...I haven't seen her or any others so far."
Naruto let it go after that, not really feeling like arguing with him. He laid his head down on his arms and just waited. After a few minutes, Naruto perked up when he heard the pitter patter of feet rushing through the hallway and soon the sound of shouting reached his ears. He grinned as he recognized his pets.
The door burst open and two girls rushed in, shoving each other as they reached the section Sasuke was sitting. As they stood in front of Sasuke, one thing became very clear to Naruto.
Their outfits had changed.
Naruto, and several others as well, gaped at their new outfits.
Sakura's outfit was the same red dress but with several changes. For one, the dress was tighter around her, showing off her developing breasts and her curves as well as a diamond shaped gap in her dress located on her stomach, showing her belly button and decorating her neck was a red choker.
The bandages that usually decorated Ino's body was completely gone now, instead being replaced by mesh and the purple shirt and skirt were a little tighter, emphasizing her chest a little and hugging her thighs. On the shirt was also a diamond shape gap revealing her cleavage covered in mesh. Ino also had a choker around her neck, but with a purple color.
Everybody gaped at the two as they posed to try and get a compliment from the object of affection. The girls waited with baited breath as Sasuke looked at them and finally...he spoke.
"Makes you look even uglier."
Naruto snarled and turned on Sasuke, grabbing Sasuke's shirt and getting into his face.
"Are you fucking crazy? They look absolutely beautiful! Don't you dare say they're ugly! They were fine the way they were but they upgraded their wardrobe just for you and now they are astonishing! If Kami were a woman and she was beautiful...I would dump her for them!"
Every single person, including Sakura and Ino who, at this point, had their jaws hanging open, fell silent at Naruto's statement. Naruto himself kept looking at the shocked Sasuke while his face was in a feral snarl. Finally, Naruto humped and threw off Sasuke's shirt.
"I'm not going to deal with you anymore. Say what you will about them but I think they are absolutely gorgeous and a piece of trash like you is not going ruin them...not if I have anything to say about it."
Naruto stood up from his chair and walked to another empty chair while the girls and Sasuke stood there completely shocked. They hadn't expected Naruto to defend them so much. They watched him as he sat down in another chair and they looked at each other, silently whispering to each other before they agreed.
They slowly walked away from Sasuke and toward Naruto, being very careful not to turn his wrath toward them. They stopped in front of him and he kept his head down and they could see him huffing.
"Umm...Naruto?" Naruto perked up when he heard Sakura call out to him. He looked up at her and smiled.
"Yes Sakura-chan?" She gulped but steeled herself.
"Did-did you really mean that? A-about dumping Kami for us?" Naruto nodded.
"I meant every word. Even if she offered me everything I wanted, I would still dump her for you."
"Even if it meant facing her wrath?" Naruto nodded.
"Especially if I had to face her wrath if it meant being with the two of you."
"But why us?" Ino spoke. "Why are you so interested in us? I mean you were focused on Sakura before but now you are trying to get me as well along with Sakura. I mean...I'm flattered that you would stand up for us like that but I can't help but ask why?" Naruto smiled and sat straight up.
"Because my little cosmos, the two of you are everything I want in a girlfriend. You're smart, beautiful, clever, passionate, and many other traits. I'm willing to work three times as hard to see you happy."
As Naruto finished, red was tinting the cheeks of each girl, truly moved by what he said. They weren't sure they were acting anymore and it didn't matter. What he was saying came straight from the heart.
"I...I never had anybody say anything like that to me. It was truly moving." Sakura said, her hand lightly touching her cheek.
"Thank you Sakura-chan."
Ino smiled and moved her head closer to Sakura's and started to whisper in her ear. She nodded as Ino talked to her before she smiled. Ino moved away and turned her attention toward the blonde.
"Tell you what keep this up and we might, I stress might, consider giving you a chance."
The smile that appeared on Naruto's face threatened to break his face in half.
"Really? You'll give me a chance?" Ino smirked as she laid her elbow on the smirking Sakura's shoulder.
"We might...but..." She said before Naruto could speak. "You need to prove yourself to us first." Naruto nodded vigorously, very excited to have the chance he so desperately wanted.
"Thank you so much! I..." Ino held up a finger and he shut his mouth.
"Save your thanks for later when it's worth something." Naruto nodded again.
Just then, the door opened and Iruka stepped in, calling every one to their seats, completely unaware of what just happened.
Ino smiled as she wrote down notes. What happened this morning couldn't have been better. It seemed that Naruto instinctively protected them from what she could figure out and one thing led to another and things couldn't have been more perfect.
She suddenly jumped when a piece of folded paper suddenly materialized in front of her. She stared at it for a moment before picking it up and unfolding it and reading it.
`Ino-chan -
You are under the illusion at the moment. Make a clone and leave her at the desk while you come to my desk and sit on it facing me.
Give this note to Sakura when you pass her and she'll dispose of it accordingly.'
Ino gulped as she read the note. Taking a look at her blonde master, he kept his eyes buried in a book as he sat in the front row. She gulped again as she saw his desk was completely cleared off unlike the others whose desks were littered with papers.
She sighed as she folded the note. Standing up, she made a clone and had her take her seat while she walked down the steps, tossing the note onto Sakura's desk as she passed by her.
Reaching Naruto, she slid onto Naruto's desk and scooted over until she was seated in front of him, making sure to spread her legs for him and waited. Finally, Naruto shut his book and set it down beside Ino and looked up and smiled.
"You know something Ino-chan...I'm surprised at you." He said while putting his hands on her legs.
"How so master?" Naruto chuckled.
"Updating your wardrobe for me. Sakura-chan told me that you picked out these clothes and you said you wanted to look good for me." Ino blushed after he spoke.
"I-I did master."
"Why if I may ask?"
" last wardrobe was dedicated to catching the eye of Sasuke. I used to wear the arm warmers because I thought he liked them and he would like to see them on me but it didn't exactly work and when me and Sakura-chan were shopping, I wanted to look good for you."
"Do you like it?"
"Do you like the outfit?"
Ino nodded and held Naruto's hands in her hands.
"I feel so slutty and sexy wearing this that I can't help but think that I'm doing something wrong."
Naruto chuckled and brought one of her hands to his mouth, kissing the back of her hand and drawing a blush to Ino's face.
"Even though you look beautiful without any clothes on, clothes can enhance the beauty of a female. Don't be afraid to experiment with different styles. If you want to dress slutty then dress slutty, if you want to dress sexy then dress sexy." Ino nodded.
" lean back."
Ino compiled and laid back, gulping as Naruto grabbed her legs and moved her back some so he could access her pussy.
"Now Sakura-chan told me about her modifications to the outfits. All I have to do is put my finger an inch above your entrance and send chakra into it and then..." Naruto did what he said and smiled as he peeled the cloth back, like a banana.
Ino gasped as she felt the cool air on her folds. When Sakura had told her about the alterations to her outfit, she didn't believe her until she showed her.
" more thing..." Ino looked down at her smirking master. "Feel free to cry out. Nobody will hear you but me and Sakura."
Ino's eyes widened as Naruto disappeared between her legs and what was sure to be a feast for Naruto started.
The bell for lunch rang, telling everybody to get out and eat. Ino looked up from her notes as the bell rang.
When Naruto finished with her, he cleaned her up and told her to go back to her seat after catching her breath. He gave her a kiss when she stood back up and thanked her for her juices.
When Ino went back to her seat, she dismissed the clone and paused as the memories came back to her and sat back down, going back to where the clone left off.
She got up and walked down the steps but was grabbed by the arm by Sakura and led down to the front row and was thrown into a chair and watched Sakura as she sat next to her, the others not noticing the sudden action.
Ino watched as everybody left the room and they were the only ones left. Just as Ino was about to speak, Naruto appeared in between the two girls causing Ino to jump slightly at the sudden appearance.
"So my pets...did you have a good time off?"
The girls nodded and Sakura, as slowly as she could, start inching her hand toward Naruto's groin, intent on feeling that organ in her hand.
Naruto mentally chuckled as he figured out what Sakura was doing but he didn't say anything, just let her do what she wanted.
"I had a good time considering." Naruto nodded.
"That's good to hear. I want you to have a good time."
Ino looked down as Sakura slowly unzipped Naruto's pants, gently reaching in and pulling out his semi-hard cock.
"So are we going to eat lunch or what?" Naruto chuckled as Sakura dived in, taking the whole thing in her mouth.
"You can go to lunch just as soon as you and Sakura are done."
"Done with what?"
The hand placed on Sakura's head told her all she needed to know.
Ino watched her sister as she sucked and licked on her master's cock, getting wet as she heard the moans of Sakura and Naruto. As she heard the sounds, she couldn't stop her hand from moving down her stomach, behind the mesh, and down to her folds. She bit down a gasp as she moved her fingers over the wet lips of her pussy as she watched to two have their fun.
Naruto groaned as he shot his load into Sakura's mouth, the pinkette swallowing the cum as it shot into her mouth. As Naruto stopped cuming and Sakura gulped down the last of the liquid, she made sure she got all of it by dragging her lower teeth along the underside of his cock and drawing the last of it and licking it up, huming in content.
"Alright Sakura, that's enough. It's Ino's turn now."
Sakura groaned as she removed herself from Naruto's cock. She looked up as Naruto patted her head.
"You can go ahead and go to lunch now."
"Will I see you there?" Naruto shook his head.
"Nah...I'll go to Ichiraku for lunch. I'll see you later." Sakura stood up and gave Naruto a kiss on the cheek before walking out of the room, headed to the lunchroom.
"Come on Ino-chan...the sooner you do this the sooner you can eat."
Ino sighed but changed seats, taking Naruto's still hard member in her hands and started to stroke it. Naruto closed his eyes as Ino stroked his member before letting out a gasp as his cock was enveloped in Ino's warm mouth.
Naruto gripped her head as she worked, one of her hands dipping down and taking Naruto's balls in her hand, gently squeezing them in her hands.
"You know Ino-chan...your parents are nice people. I'm glad they understand you belong to me. When I used to come to the flower shop when I was little, they were better then the rest. They didn't turn me away nor overprice me. I liked them."
"Wait a minute..." Ino said, suddenly remembering something, although she didn't stop stroking. "That was you?" Seeing a questioning looking her master's face, she continued. "I can still remember parts of my childhood and I remember a blonde whiskered boy coming in the shop whenever my parents let me work the shop with them, although I just sat on the counter." Naruto chuckled and stroked her hair.
"Yeah, that was me. I used to take care of bonsai trees and I frequented that shop for advice. Now if you don't mind?"
Ino nodded and took him into her mouth once again. Naruto smiled as he looked at her. Whenever he went into the shop and he saw little Ino, playing with flowers, he thought that she was a flower herself, just waiting to bloom.
Naruto groaned as he came, filling his essence into his slave's mouth. He could feel her gulping it down and he could feel her tongue cleaning it, sucking the last of it down her throat.
Ino licked her lips as she moved her mouth off of him, gently placing his dick back into his pants and being very careful zipping his pants up.
"Alright my can go to lunch now. After school is over, Sakura-chan will take you to our training grounds. I will be waiting for the two of you and it is at that point your real training will begin. I will work you to the bone understand?"
Ino nodded, determined to become stronger.
"I wouldn't have it any other way master."
Naruto smiled and nodded.
"That's what I want to hear. Now go to lunch...I'll see you when I get back."
Ino nodded and stood up, but paused before she got off the step. She turned back around and gave Naruto a kiss on the cheek before getting off the step and walking out of the room.
Naruto watched his pet go, pride in his heart as he felt the place where she kissed him. Her acceptance of her role as his slave as coming along great and he couldn't help but be proud of her.
Now...he just needed to ensure she could take care of herself if needed.
The door opened and a battered, bruised, bloody Ino limped in, completely exhausted from day one of her training. She collapsed against the door when she shut it and dropped to her butt, wincing at the pain shooting through her.
Naruto was a true sadistic bastard.
After school, Sakura had led her to the training ground they would be using. Upon arrival, they found Naruto waiting for them. Noticing them, Naruto had told them to create forty clones each. After making the clones, he made eight clones and separated them so they were in groups of ten and sent them off for training.
One group focused on chakra control exercises, another tree walking, another started on teaching the illusion, and the last group Naruto taught different jutsu's.
After all the clones were sent off, only the real Naruto, Sakura, and Ino were left and it was at that point Ino noticed the whip in Naruto's hand. He ordered the two to strip and the set the clothes aside.
It was then she realized that Naruto was a sadistic bastard inside the house and outside.
He had started them on basic exercises...exercises that focused on each part of her body but the kicker was every time she started to slow down, Naruto would use the whip on her.
After a while, Naruto allowed the two girls a break. During their break, Ino realized that what she just went through wasn't all of it, no...that was just the warm up.
The first training was accuracy. He had told her to make the bulleye's after making a target on the tree. She got 4 out of six and Naruto had thrown in a twist.
She had to do it again, but while she was in pain.
Suffice to say...she didn't get a single bulleye's. But that wasn't enough for Naruto, he kept it up until she hit at least two.
Naruto kept up making her bleed as she tried to score a bullseye. Finally, after what seemed after hours, she finally got it and Naruto stopped. Naruto had congratulated her after that, saying that she should be proud that she managed to score the second time.
For the rest of the time, Naruto kept on training her until it was time to go. Naruto had offered to carry her home but Ino had refused, saying that she had enough strength to walk. He watched her as she struggled to get up, gather her clothes and put them on, and started the grueling trek back to her house.
Sakura had followed, a distance behind her, because she knew Ino wanted no help in doing this. She could see the determination in her eyes so she stayed back, ready to help if needed.
"Ino-chan..." Ino looked up to see her friend looking at her with a smile on her face. "You made it."
Ino cracked a small smile before falling forward, passed out from exhaustion. Sakura caught her friend before she hit the floor.
"It's alright sister. I've got you. I'll take care of you."
As gently as she could, Sakura picked up Ino and carried her to the bathroom while Ino's parents watched from the kitchen, a little scared on what she was going through but happy that Ino was taking the steps to become stronger.
For the next two days, right after school, Ino was trained with the same brutality as the first day. She quickly learned tree walking and she got started on water walking. Her illusion training has been going well. Because of the number of clones, she was quickly learning. She was able to use it on small objects for now and she was quickly working her way up.
Every time training ended, Ino was exhausted beyond belief but she always managed to walk home on her own two feet but she was able to stay awake when she got home to get some food in her stomach and take a shower. The next morning she would be fully refreshed and fully healed.
Thursday and Friday came and went and Saturday came. Naruto had told her that to come to the training ground early Saturday so they can get started. Fortunally for Ino, Naruto took it easy on her.
They finished around lunch time and Naruto took the time to tell Ino that Sunday evening, the two of them are to report to his house because the week break will be over. After that, he dismissed his pets to rest and recover.
Ino opened her eyes from her position on the bed when she heard a knock on the door. Grunting as she sat up, she saw her parents enter the room and sat on her bed, each of them on either side of her.
"How you doing honey?"
"The pain is slowly going away." Iris nodded.
"So Sakura tells me that the two of you will be going back to Naruto Sunday?" Ino nodded and rubbed the back of her neck.
"Yeah, I can tell that he wants to do something to me but I don't know what. I don't think I really mind though."
"I see." Iris looked at her husband and he nodded and she sighed. "Sweetie, there's something that your father and I want to give you. A book."
"What kind of book?" Ino asked, looking at her mom. Iris sighed and reached into the bag she brought in and pulled out a book and handed it to her daughter.
"We want you to know what you're getting into."
Ino gasped as she looked at the black and red book. The title of the book made her worry a lot. It was entitled `A complete guide to BDSM'.
"Mom...why are you giving this to me?" Ino looked in her mother in shock.
"Because honey...we want you to know what you are getting into. That book describes everything that comes with BDSM. The different games, the history, the purpose, and others." Ino looked back at the book in her hands as she complemented her mother's words.
"I-I think I understand." Ino felt her father's arm wrap around her shoulder.
"We want you to be prepared for what Naruto has in store for you."
"I really appreciate it mom, dad. Thank you." Iris smile and kissed her daughter's cheek and Inoichi did the same. They stood up and walked out of the room but not before Ino asked her mom to shut the door. She nodded and shut the door, leaving Ino to her new book.
Sakura knocked on the door, concerned for her sister. When she came home, Iris had told her that it wasn't a good idea to go into Ino's room right now as she was upset. She could tell Ino was still in there because of her smell.
"Ino-chan...are you alright?"
"Leave me alone." Sakura heard her muted reply.
"Ino-chan, what's the matter? The snake giving you a hard time?"
"Just go away..."
Sakura pushed her head onto the door when she heard movement. She heard the faint sound of a window opening. She grabbed the knob and turned it, opening the door to see an empty room and the wind blowing in.
`What happened to you Ino-chan?' She mentally asked herself as she set about to finding the source of her friends discontent.
Sakura growled as she unable to find anything that looked remotely possible for causing Ino to be upset. As she looked, she failed to notice the movements of the snake in the room.
The snake crawled off the dresser and down the makeshift stairs. He crawled across the floor and went to the dirty clothes hamper. Crawling up and over, he started digging his way into it, catching the attention of the pink haired girl.
She walked up to the bin just as the snake started to retreat. Seeing the snake move back, she took a hold of him and lifted him up, quirking an eyebrow as he was holding a black and red book.
She grabbed the book when the snake let go of it and she set him down, walking to the bed and sitting down, opening the book and reading through it, becoming wide-eyed as she read.
`Oh kami, no wonder Ino-chan was so freaked out. I need to tell master.'
Being as fast as possible on getting dressed, she hurried out the door and went to find her master, intent on helping her sister.
Ino sobbed as she sat on the dock, the realization of the many possible games in store for her. Erotic asphyxiation, fire play (although that one made her smile), tit torture, ice play, rape fantasy, and many, many others.
It was hard for her to accept that she would be the victim of these games and the pain and pleasure she would feel.
Ino tried to wipe away the tears falling from her eyes although it was futile since they wouldn't stop falling.
However, she failed to notice her master walking softly toward her, reaching her and sitting down. He gently moved his arm around her and pulled her against his body.
Any restraint she had holding back her tears were gone as Ino cried in Naruto's arms as he comforted her.
"It's alright'll be alright."
Naruto held his blonde pet as she cried in his arms. He knew why she was crying and he knew that it would be difficult for her to accept the possibility of delving into the world of S&M even more so then what she has already experienced.
"How are you doing my pet?"
Ino sniffed and looked up at her blonde master. She sat up and wiped her eyes.
"I'm fine. Thank you." Naruto smiled and stroked her hair.
"You don't have to thank me. I'm just doing my best to help you. What happened?" Naruto asked, his eyebrow quirking as Ino shook her head.
"I rather not say master. I still need to do some thinking." Naruto nodded.
"Alright, but at least tell Sakura that you're ok. She's really worried about you."
Ino nodded and wiped away the last of her tears. The both of them stood up and Ino thanked Naruto once again. She gave Naruto a kiss on the cheek before she left the dock, her destination her house.
Ino returned home, and after calming a worried Sakura, went to the kitchen for supper. Iris made a big supper since it would be the last time they would eat together and made it a memorable supper.
After that, everybody hung out for a while, playing games with each other, spending quality time with each other, spending as much time with each other as much as possible.
When it was time for bed, Ino kissed her parents goodnight. They went their separate ways and Ino found her sister already in bed. She sighed and shut off the light and walked to the bed. She paused when she heard a faint buzzing sound and she looked down and frowned.
"Sakura, do you have to do that?" Said girl smirked.
"Of course, it's fun to do it. I been doing it for a long time and I'm able to sleep despite the vibrations. You need to get used to it."
Ino sighed as she sat on the bed, her eyes snapping open when she felt Sakura grabbed her and throw her on the bed and spread her butts cheeks and felt the pinkette's tongue lap at her rosebud. Ino groaned as she pressed her face against the sheets, fisting the sheets as Sakura pistoned her tongue in her ass.
"Saku-chan...why do you like doing rimming?"
Sakura chuckled as she moved back. Putting a finger in her mouth, she wet the digit and put it against the hole and gently pushed it.
"I just like doing it."
Ino let out a sharp gasp as Sakura pushed her finger in the hole roughly, smiling at hearing the whimpers coming from her sister. She started to pump the wet finger, twisting it and curving the finger, dragging her fingernail against her wall, causing Ino to yelp at the pain.
Smirking, Sakura added a dry finger to her arsenal, chucking at the sudden tensing of her friend and the hiss coming out of her mouth. She increased her rate of pumping, hearing more whimpers. After a while, she slowed down some but she didn't stop.
"I'm going to really work you over tonight, Ino-chan." She whispered, twisting her fingers in Ino's ass as she spoke, causing the blonde to moan. She pulled her fingers out, looking down at her panting sister. "Get on your back, Ino-chan...I'm going to fuck you senseless."
Ino complied and laid on her back, seeing Sakura take a hold of her legs and moved them back, telling Ino to hold them. Ino held her legs as Sakura stood up, walking to her box of toys and pulling out a bottle of lube and a strange looking strap on - it had two dildos attached to the front instead of just one.
Ino shuddered at the implications.
Sakura strapped the device on, squirting some of the lube on her hand and rubbing the lower dildo with it to make it nice and slick. She smiled at the blonde.
"Master's already taken your ass and pussy, so you know what it's like." She said. "Now...I'm going to take both at the same time!"
Ino stared in horror as she realized what exactly what Sakura meant. She tried to plead with Sakura but she shut her up, telling her to relax her ass as much as she could.
She gulped as Sakura inserted the two dildos in slowly, pausing to let Ino to get used to it. She moved her hips in circular motions, causing the blonde girl to pant as the nerves in her two holes were hyper stimulated.
Sakura started to pump, very slowly, until she was finally buried inside her sister's body to the hilt. She smiled down at her whimpering sister, Ino's eyes wide but unseeing, as she struggled to process the sensations of being double-stuffed by a living person.
Ino let out a pained grunt as she felt Sakura give a hard shove with her hips. She grunted again as Sakura started to pull out, only to slam back into her. This went on for a few moments, the pinkette seeming to delight in the groans she drew from her fellow slave.
"Alright its time to really fuck." With that, Sakura started pistoning her hips, slamming hard into the prone blonde and drawing wails of pleasure and pain from her sister.
Ino was feeling hurt and pleasure at the same time. Her ass was full from the occupancy of Sakura's strap on, and the pounding was driving her insane...but despite that, it actually felt good having her ass full like this.
"How are you doing Ino-chan?"
"I-it hurts but f-feels g-good." Sakura nodded.
"That's good to hear. Just wait until master gangbangs you with his clones. Now, cry out, my sister...come for me!"
Sakura gave one last hard thrust of her hips, causing Ino to wail as her pussy and ass clamped down on the dildos, her mind going white as the pleasure over took her senses.
When she came to, Sakura was gone. She winced as she shifted, feeling the tenderness in her abused rear. She was sure that her ass was going to be sore in the morning.
Moving the covers out from under her, she moved herself under it and turned on her side. Ino sighed as she felt the dildo in her shift, yelping as it suddenly turned on and she felt the bed shift was Sakura climbed on.
"How you doing sister?" Sakura moved under the covers and settled beside Ino and wrapped her arms around the blonde.
"Why did you do that to me?" She asked.
"Master ordered me." Ino moved her head to glare at the girl.
"I may have just joined, but from what I seen, Naruto-sama isn't one to risk doing permanent damage to his pets." Sakura let out a short laugh at that.
"First of all, you're right but fucking two holes at the same time is safe as long as you take the necessary precautions and know when to stop. Second...I'll admit that I had asked him to give me permission to do it."
"What are you talking about?"
"I like being fucked from both sides. I like doing it and receiving it. I enjoy the sensation of having my ass filled to the brim."
"Do it to yourself?" Sakura nodded.
"Oh yeah...I'm always careful when I do though. Now...we need to go to sleep. Tomorrow, we go back to master. We will be back where we rightfully belong."
"What's he going to do to us when we do go back?" Sakura shrugged and cupped Ino's breasts, rolling the nipple between her fingers causing the blonde to moan at the sensation.
"I don't know but I do know it's going to be really fun. Good night Ino-chan." Sakura reached up and kissed her cheek, causing Ino to smile.
"Good night Saku-chan."