Chapter 2: CH.2 Blairs Tournament
"What do you mean by tournament, Champa?"
"I mean we could hold a tournament, and if I win, you give me Earth."
"Now, why would I do that, Champa, if I have nothing to gain from this?"
"Don't worry, you big baby. I also plan to give something up. They are called wishing orbs, and they can accomplish any wish."
"Oh, just Dragon Balls."
Goku, coming up, responds, "Oh! You guys have Dragon Balls too?"
"No, mortal! The wishing orbs I'm talking about are not the counterfeit ones those Namekians tried to make but the real ones. These have no limit to what they can do, The -Super Dragon Balls-."
"Intriguing... I'm listening, Champa. Alright, I'll take you up on that tournament."
"Tournament?!" Goku says. "Alright! I get to fight strong people from another universe!"
Vegeta, Beerus, and Champa watch as Goku gets overly excited.
"Hmph, Kakarot, you imbecile. Calm down and get back to training! We need to catch a glimpse of that blue energy again."
A little girl wakes up alone in a bed, drowsy as she attempts to find her father. Though she knows she was not dreaming and was not left behind, she can't help but worry. She has always wanted a father and doesn't want that to change. She starts looking around, unable to find him, and ventures on an adventure around the palace in search of her father. Still very scared, she takes in the new scenery that amazes her—a floating fishbowl staff and a fish inside it. Deciding to leave it alone, she continues her search, wanting to be next to her father.
After a few minutes, she stumbles outside to find her father talking to her uncle while standing near a beach chair and umbrella. Her eyes light up, and she starts walking faster, then into a sprint.
"Daddy!" she calls in a scared voice, only to trip.
Beerus, terrified she will hurt herself, moves faster than the eye can see to catch her, but his hand ends up empty. Turning around, he is overcome with relief as he sees a little girl floating, her eyes closed.
Blair, confused as to why she hasn't hit the ground, peeks through her eyelids to see herself a few inches above the ground. Looking around, she realizes she is flying. Astonished and full of wonder, she gasps.
Beerus walks up to her. "Blair! You almost gave me a heart attack! Why didn't you tell me you could fly?!"
Blair, still confused, asks, "Um, Daddy... why am I not touching the ground?"
A question mark practically forms above Beerus's and everyone's heads.
"Wait... Blair, did you not know how to fly?" Beerus asks.
She tilts her head in confusion, nodding slowly, only to find herself in Beerus's arms as he swings her around while curling around her mid-air.
"My Blair is such a genius! She learned to fly on the spot!"
Happy and giggling, Blair hugs her father, stuffing her face into his chest, her favorite spot because it makes her feel protected and safe.
"Oh my, Lord Beerus," Whis appears. "It seems our little lady Blair is a genius in ki control, given that she is only three weeks old."
"Oh, Daddy! Uncle Shampa is here too!" She points with a smile.
Looking toward her uncle, Beerus slowly flies down and lands next to Champa with Blair still in his arms.
"Now, Champa, let's set a date for this tournament."
"Okay, how about in three days? That should give us enough time to pick our lineup."
"What's a tuuornumant?" Blair struggles to say.
"A tournament is a battle between two or more sides in a challenge," Vados responds, booping Blair on her nose and getting a giggle out of her.
"Can I play in the tuuoornamant too?" Blair asks. "It sounds fun!"
Beerus, with urgency, immediately says, "No!" He doesn't want Blair anywhere near the brutes that will be fighting. Hugging her protectively, he refuses.
Blair, tearing up, says in a strained voice, "But I wanna play with the others too!"
Champa and Beerus immediately sigh in defeat. "Fine!" they say to their dismay. "But only if you get trained by Whis and Vados."
They only agree because, although nowhere near the strength of a normal God of Destruction, Blair is still powerful—at least on the level of Goku in Super Saiyan God.
The tournament finally begins on a foreign planet. Beerus and Champa sit in their chairs, complaining about how Frieza attacked Earth and even had the audacity to scream at Blair. He had immediately been punished for shouting at her, only for Whis to heal him so he could fight the Saiyans. Beerus is still furious, recalling how Blair almost cried, and if it weren't for Bulma calming her down with ice cream, Frieza would have been erased from existence right then and there.
As the first battle between Goku and Botamo is about to start, Blair pops up from Beerus's side and sits on his lap. Being the child she is, she is astonished as she sees the big yellow bear.
Squealing, she points at Botamo. "He looks so cute and cool!"
Botamo, ready to tell the little child off, turns around—only to see the death stares of Beerus and Champa. The most terrifying, however, are the "saintly" smiles of Vados and Whis, who, in reality, are looking at him with silent killing intent. Immediately backing down, he turns back around sweating profusely, the fight beginning as normal.
The tournament then continues as normal everything going to canon except for the battle of Monaka as he is not here.
When it is Blair's turn to fight Hit, Beerus and Champa glare murderously at him, giving him the feeling of imminent death.
"Get that purple jelly bean, Blair! Make him cry!" Beerus shouts.
Blair, excited, rushes at Hit. At first, he dodges her easily, but after ten or so punches, she manages to land a hit. Hit, not daring to retaliate, lets himself get hit and flies back. However, he lets himself fly out of bounds on purpose.
Blair, mad, pouts. "No fair! Why do you fight everyone else but not me?!"
Beerus and Champa glare at Hit again with animosity.
Hit sighs and gets back up. Blair rushes at him again, her body glowing purple as she punches. Hit jumps back, diminishing the force of the blow to gain space. He would normally retaliate, but angering Beerus and Champa is a bad idea. Instead, he decides to use Time Skip to restrain her by holding her down—only for her to shatter it like glass, moving out of the way.
"Woooww, that's so cool! I wanna try!" Blair exclaims.
She furrows her brows, concentrating, and manages to pull off Time Skip—though much weaker. Everyone is stunned, especially Hit, as he gets struck by her fists. She continues to improve, as does Hit, but eventually, Blair surpasses him in Time Skip, landing multiple hits in a fraction of a second and winning the match.
Beerus and Champa rush up to her, overjoyed at her win and rapid growth. She giggles, "That was fun, Daddy!"
After a while of praising Blair, Vados called out, "Um, Lord Champa, look. There seems to be an important visitor."
Beerus and Champa's eyes widened as they rushed down, immediately bowing before two blue-skinned figures and a small purple and blue child. Blair, curious and excited, flew to her father's side, Goku holding her as they arrived just in time to hear Zeno speak.
"A tournament between all universes!" Zeno announced, his small voice carrying an incredible weight.
Goku's eyes lit up. "Oh, that would be really fun! Can we really do it? Really?!" he asked enthusiastically, stepping forward.
As he put Blair down, the guards moved in front of him to block his approach.
Zeno, however, simply responded, "It's okay."
Goku grinned, reaching out and shaking Zeno's hand before even picking him up slightly. "You're funny! I like you!" Zeno laughed.
Blair, wide-eyed and amazed, looked at the small figure and tilted her head. "Daddy, that person looks so cute!" she said, holding her hands in front of her face as she flew toward Zeno.
Before she could reach him, the guards immediately moved in front of her, blocking her way. The sudden action startled Blair, causing her to tear up and back away in fear.
Zeno's voice still cheery as he turned toward his guards. "let her pass or I will erase you," he commanded, his tone playful.
The guards immediately backed off, allowing Zeno to approach Blair. The Omni-King smiled warmly at her. "You were so cool fighting today! Let's be friends," he said, handing her a button. "This side brings you to me, and the other side brings me to you."
Blair, delighted to have made a new friend, beamed as she hugged Zeno. Beerus and Champa stiffened in terror, unsure of what Zeno would do. But to their immense relief, Zeno simply laughed and hugged her back.
"Bye-bye!" Zeno said cheerfully as he floated away, disappearing with his attendants.
The moment he was gone, Beerus turned to Blair, his face serious. For the first time, he scolded her. "Blair, you can't just go up to people like that you may get hurt, Do you know how dangerous that was?"
Blair's lip quivered as her eyes welled with tears. Seeing her cry immediately made Beerus regret his words, his expression softening.
"Now, now, Lord Beerus," Vados interjected with a gentle smile before booping Blair on the nose. "She didn't do anything wrong. She simply made a new friend."
Still sniffling, Blair reached for Beerus, and without hesitation, he picked her up, holding her close. "It's fine, Daddy… I'm sorry" she mumbled, nuzzling into his chest.
After the battle and after Champa and Vados had left, the group made a shocking discovery—the planet they had fought on was actually a Super Dragon Ball. With all the others gathered, Beerus and Whis prepared to make a wish.
Before they could, Blair piped up excitedly, "Daddy I wanna surprise Uncle Shampa! Can I wish for something?"
Beerus and Whis exchanged glances before nodding, allowing the wish to be made as Beerus suggested something."How about we wish for your uncles universes earth back." As Whis said the wish a brilliant glow enveloped them as the wish was settled, Earth was restored in universe 6.
Satisfied and exhausted, they all returned home. Blair, still tired from the battles and excitement, curled up in Beerus's arms, falling asleep almost instantly.
Beerus, equally drained, carried her to bed, settling in with her as she rested peacefully on his chest, just as she always did. He held her protectively, his mind replaying everything that had happened that day.
Gently kissing the top of her head, he let out a deep breath, curling up around her. Despite all the chaos, all the danger… nothing had happened to her.
And for that, he was endlessly grateful.
(A/N)[This series got a lot of support immediately from the comments and I wish to reward that with another chapter to the story pls continue supporting me and I will release more as best as I can]