Chapter 134: Chapter 134: The Moonlight is Beautiful
While Yamiru wrestled with his personal concerns over "Kakarot or Son Goku," the group had to coordinate their arrangements for spending the night.
The discussion began when Jaco refused to let Dr. Omori and Tights return to the island to rest.
"Letting my mission target out of my sight? As an elite, I won't make such a rookie mistake," Jaco said, crossing his arms. "Last time I slipped up, my superior tore into me. I'm not going through that again."
Tights replied, "But from the looks of it, your mission is doomed to fail, isn't it?" She glanced at the monkey-tailed boy crouching by the fire, silently observing the group like a wary little beast. "I can't imagine this child doing something as terrifying as destroying the world..."
Jaco remained silent, raising three fingers before lowering one.
The waxing gibbous moon poured its silvery light over the scene.
"In two days, my mission will be complete," Jaco declared with a calm stubbornness.
"If he doesn't want to explain, we'll just have to wait," Dr. Omori muttered. Though he disliked Jaco's pretentious and condescending attitude, he figured they could settle it with practical observation. He was curious to see what would happen on the full moon. Could this Saiyan child really transform into a terrifying monster?
Thus, Jaco insisted on staying.
Without his spaceship, Dr. Omori and Tights couldn't leave either, so they stayed as well.
Son Gohan's small hut, built for his solitary life, was far too cramped to house all six people. After some discussion, it was decided that Tights, the Saiyan boy, and Yamiru would squeeze into the hut, while the elderly Dr. Omori and Son Gohan would wrap themselves in blankets by the campfire outside. Jaco, claiming his physiology differed from Earthlings, said he didn't need much sleep anyway.
Yamiru initially refused the preferential treatment but, after meeting Tights' gaze, decided it might not be so bad to squeeze in.
The hut's small size meant that while Tights didn't mind, the two elderly men were too embarrassed to intrude.
As the night deepened, Tights and the Saiyan boy lay head to toe on the tiny bed, while Yamiru made himself a spot on the floor with a blanket. Though he wasn't tall by adult standards, he was still twice the Saiyan child's size. Sharing the small bed among three was clearly impractical. Moreover, something felt different this time around Tights — something stirred within him, leaving him restless and unsettled.
Tights teased the monkey-tailed boy for a while. Strangely, he remained unusually quiet, perhaps because he was full from dinner or because Tights' demeanor and appearance subconsciously reminded him of a mother figure. Whatever the reason, he wasn't his usual rowdy, hyperactive self.
"Are you going to destroy us?" Tights teased, giving the monkey tail she'd been eyeing all evening a playful pinch. "You don't look the part at all. More like a pitiful little thing... Oh, right, Yamiru?"
"When you mentioned earlier by the crater...," Tights released the tail and leaned over the edge of the bed, peering down at Yamiru, who was lying on the floor with his legs crossed and hands behind his head. In a hushed voice, she asked, "Is it true? That his home was destroyed and his parents killed?"
"Do you think I'd actually know something like that?" Yamiru sighed softly. He turned to look at Tights and froze, his breath catching in his throat.
Tights was leaning over the bed's edge in a loose camisole, the straps slipping slightly with her forward-leaning posture. In the dim light, the most delicate and breathtaking facets of her youthful beauty were on display. Words failed to capture the moment's sheer perfection. Luckily, the hut's darkness veiled much of the scene, leaving it shrouded in mystery.
"Because I think, if you were just making things up, it would be too far-fetched and abrupt," Tights said. "But if you actually know something, then it makes sense." She lowered her voice and giggled softly, "You've had contact with aliens before, haven't you? A bit of mystery is understandable. Hehe..."
"Your speculation is what's really far-fetched..." Yamiru's throat felt dry. In the dim room, Tights' eyes sparkled like two pools of moonlit water. Her warm breath and body heat seemed to envelop him, almost scorching.
"Yamiru, you know, I've never thought of you as an eleven- or twelve-year-old kid... It's such a strange feeling."
Yamiru was momentarily stunned, feeling slow-witted. He was sure he looked ridiculous right now, but he blamed the crackling bonfire outside. The popping and snapping sounds disrupted his thoughts. And then there was Dr. Omori — was he snoring? That loud, pounding sound... Honestly, it sounded more like a racing heartbeat than snoring. Ridiculous!
Tights stopped talking, her gleaming eyes meeting his golden ones for a brief moment.
Suddenly, she raised a hand to tug at the strap of her camisole. In a quiet, she asked, "Hey, can you see?"
Yamiru felt a surge of heat. How annoying! Was the door not fully closed? It felt like the bonfire outside was roasting his face. Without realizing it, he found himself smiling faintly in the darkness. He could clearly see that Tights wasn't angry — in fact, she was smiling mischievously at him, tugging the strap further down in playful defiance. A fleeting glimpse of her radiance flashed in his golden eyes.
Tights sat upright on the small bed and extended her hand toward him. "That'll be ten million zeni, please."
For a long moment, the dimly lit hut was filled with the sound of their quiet laughter.
Neither of them brought up the incident again, tacitly agreeing to pretend it never happened. Yet, an indefinable, subtle tension lingered in the air.
On the other side of the bed, the monkey-tailed boy guarded his tail protectively, glaring at the woman at the foot of the bed.
Tights lay down, closing her eyes to sleep.
"It's true," Yamiru suddenly said.
She opened her eyes again.
"Don't ask me how I know, but what I said is true. This kid... he will become the greatest warrior in the universe. If it weren't for him, I wouldn't have thought to get stronger, nor would I have been so determined to end up here. He will be Earth's pillar of strength. I'm absolutely certain of it."
Tights turned to look at him but found no trace of his familiar golden gaze. Yamiru had already closed his eyes, genuinely preparing to sleep this time.
She didn't say anything. After thinking for a moment, she too drifted off to sleep.
The next day, at the break of dawn, Son Gohan awoke. The mountain was quiet, save for the occasional chirping of birds and insects.
To his surprise, one other child was already awake.
Yamiru had slept better than he ever had, without a single nightmare. Tao Pai Pai, you can go to hell! Who the hell wants to dream about you? Ugh!
Breathing in the crisp morning air, Yamiru found everything around him exceptionally fresh and lovely. As he performed stretches and warm-up exercises, a gentle voice suddenly came from behind him.
"Hehe, young one, you enjoy training too?"
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