Dragon Ball: Kayn's Story

Chapter 4: The old pervert

Goku got off his flying nimbus and faced the group "I'm back"

"Great" Kayn said, acting out "Where's Bashousen?"

Goku got off his flying nimbus and faced the group "I'm back"

"Great" Kayn said, acting out "Where's Bashousen?" He made an expectant expression, despite knowing that the object would not be there.

Goku shook his head "Master Roshi said he didn't have it anymore, but he agreed to come help put out the fire"

"How does that old man intend to put out all those flames?" Bulma asked in disbelief.

Kayn then said "Well, if he said he would come and help, then he must have some way. Even though he is old, he is still the greatest martial artist in the world, he certainly has his ways"

Turning to the spiky-haired boy, he gave a slight nod "I thank you for your help, if there really is a way to put out the fire, I will help you get the dragon ball"

Bulma didn't seem very convinced, it was very unbelievable that that perverted old man would have the ability to put out the flames.

Chi-Chi let go of the tree branch and did a half somersault in the air, landing on the ground with her body losing some of its balance.

Once on the ground, she gave an excited smile "I'm sure Daddy's master will be able to handle the flames!"

Although the quick resolution of the problems had harmed her adventure, Chi-Chi was still very happy with the idea of being able to put out those flames and without having seen the old man in person, she still only had the majestic figure that her father created of Master Roshi in her mind.

Unlike Kayn who was trained from a young age, Chi-Chi barely had any training in martial arts, but it was still something present in her life, so in a way, she admired the figure she had of the old man.

Suddenly heavy sounds sounded, too loud to be human. "Hmm?" Everyone looked to the side, only to find a huge figure, drooling with eyes at them.

"Dinosaur!" Bulma shouted in fear, Oolong and Chi-Chi also made fearful expressions.

Meanwhile, both Goku and Kayn maintained a calm expression. The spiky-haired boy reached for the red staff on his back, but stopped when he heard "Let me handle this"

Goku turned his gaze to Kayn and saw the young man drawing his katana, he then watched with curiosity. He was already interested in seeing the young man's strength better.

Kayn looked at the large dinosaur that was salivating in front of him 'I didn't want to kill Oolong, so I didn't test it, but now I can try...'

Gripping the katana's hilt tightly, Kayn slashed through the air, fast enough for only a flash to be seen. The next moment, a gash appeared on the animal's neck and its head fell to the ground.

In the distance a look of shock appeared on Yamcha's face, he had been watching because of Goku's return, but upon seeing Kayn's attack, he couldn't help but tense up.

A dinosaur was no big deal to him, but the way the other young man handled it was scary.

"It was too far away, it's impossible for the blade to have touched the animal... But the thick neck of that T-rex was cut, as if it were a sheet of paper..." His heart started to beat fast.

Was he scared? Maybe it was a strong emotion from seeing how vast the world of martial arts was? He didn't have time to think about it, because another person had arrived, catching his attention.

Back at the group, with the exception of Chi-Chi, the rest were surprised by the fast and powerful attack.

Before their gases could descend to the dead body of the dinosaur, the figure of something in the sky caught their attention.

Master Roshi had arrived, on that turtle that was spinning in the air. Kayn himself put aside the animal in front of him and turned his gaze to the old man who was descending towards him.

'I managed to do that, as expected... Now let's solve the flame problem' With a smile on his face, Kayn looked at Master Roshi, who had just touched the ground.

The old man, completely bald and with a long white beard, got up from the turtle, showing signs of dizziness "Oh my head..." He staggered a little, before steadying himself on the ground.

"Is that Master Roshi?" Chi-Chi frowned, unable to believe that this skinny old man was the greatest martial artist in the world.

Both Bulma and Oolong had thoughts quite similar to the little girl's, but they remained silent.

Goku seemed quite indifferent to the matter, he didn't seem to care about it. Kayn gave a more penetrating look, he was the only one who had the ability to see through the old man's weak appearance.

'I'm not skilled enough to accurately assess his strength, but I can feel that he's quite strong... Even though I have the advantage of knowing the old man's real strength, it's still impressive that I can feel his power' He thought, proud of himself.

When some of the dizziness passed, the old man looked in Bulma's direction and his eyes wandered over the neckline of her outfit, then down to her legs covered in dark pantyhose.

"Oh, what a magnificent outfit! You are a girl of very good taste!" He said with a lewd smile on his wrinkled lips.

Bulma couldn't help but grimace at the old man's "compliment", so she said "Perverted old man!"

Master Roshi was approaching them, heading closer to Bulma, but stopped when Kayn got in his way, then he gave the young man a confused look.

"I think you're too old to be making such inappropriate comments, don't you?" Kayn asked, raising an eyebrow.

Master Roshi made an uncomfortable expression, but he was unwilling to admit his intentions "I may be old, but I can still compliment a pretty girl. What's wrong with that, young man?"

"Compliment? Maybe your words sound like that, but your gaze was going beyond that. I won't dwell on it, but you should be more careful with your actions" Kayn said.

Insisting on his innocence, the old man simply changed the subject "Anyway, I came here because Goku said that the Ox-King needed my help to put out the fire on the mountain, but where is the Ox-King?"

Kayn sighed, knowing it was pointless to continue talking about the old man's wickedness, so he said "My father should be at home, near the foot of the mountain. It would be good if we went to talk to him before trying to solve the problem"

A surprised expression appeared on the old man's face "Father?! You are the son of the Ox King?"

At that moment, a small fragment of memory flashed through Master Roshi's mind, it was his last meeting with his student and there was a small child there, who had obvious similarities to the young man in front of him.

Along with this, the old man also remembered the rumors that said about how Frypan Mountain was set ablaze and the Ox King became a tyrant, who killed to protect his treasure, as well as about his son following in those footsteps.

Kayn also remembered this, although he hadn't actually lived it, it was still very fresh in his mind, after all, all the memories of that life had surfaced in his mind today.

Muten Roshi made a surprised and half-smiling expression "So you're that little Kayn from years ago! You've grown quite a bit, as expected of the Ox King's son!"

The young man gave a nod "You haven't changed at all in over 10 years, but I don't think that's a good thing..."

Everyone was interested in that conversation, especially the one who was furthest away, Yamcha, who was using a technological device to listen to the conversation, even though he was so far away.

"So that's the greatest martial artist in the world, considered the god of martial arts!?" He was both excited and in disbelief, after all the old man's appearance didn't live up to his reputation.

The little blue cat flying beside him said "Yamcha, how do you think he'll deal with all that fire? Even if he's the greatest martial artist, there shouldn't be anything capable of dealing with something so absurd"

"I don't know, Puar, but I'm really looking forward to seeing this, we can't miss the chance to see him in action" Yamcha said, before listening to the conversation again.


After they got quite close to the foot of the mountain, the figure of the Ox King appeared, expecting that the car was more uninvited guests, but soon saw the figure of his children and the old man.

"Kayn, Chi-Chi! You've found the master! We can finally deal with the flames!" The huge man was very excited.

Bulma was shocked by the figure of the Ox King, she could understand why Oolong was afraid of meeting such a figure. Since he was there to protect the mountain, there was a huge battle axe in his hand, which made him even more terrifying.

Muten Roshi coughed, then said "Ox King, I hear you've been quite tyrannical, killing those who try to steal your treasures..."

"What's tyrannical about killing those who point guns at us and ask for our things?" Kayn's voice sounded from nearby, filled with sincere indignation.

He lived through it and knew very well that there were very few who would come with good intentions, the majority came armed, with the intention of robbing them and ready to kill them if necessary.

But there was an obvious reason why rumors were spreading, both the Ox King and Kayn let some live. Not out of any sadism or to generate fear, they just wouldn't attack those who didn't attack first.

It was true that they could handle this without bloodshed, but were those bandits worth the effort? Kayn didn't think so. If he were an ordinary human, they would have killed him, they had tried to do so, so it was fine if he responded in kind.

The Ox King placed his hand on his son's shoulder, then looked at the old man and said "Master, perhaps the rumors call us demons, but I only protected my things and my family... Once the fire is gone, I believe they will stop trying to rob us, since I will be able to return to my castle, and we can live in peace"

Despite his appearance and current fame, the Ox King was a kind-hearted man who would not attack others without reason.

The old man let out a sigh, he had no way to argue with what Kayn said. Scratching the back of his neck, he said "I really hope this killing comes to an end... Well, now about dealing with the fire, I have a way, but before that..."

As if all the honor he had in talking about stopping the killings was erased in an instant, Muten Roshi's gaze became lewd once more and he said "Goku, we need to talk in private, and you too" He looked at Bulma.

"Why do you need to talk to them now?" The Ox King asked in confusion, eager for the flames to go away.

Bulma was visibly suspicious and confused about this. The old man looked at his disciple and said "Nothing much, I just need to talk to them about something, we'll be back soon"

Kayn knew what kind of conversation he intended to have, so he stepped forward "Do you intend to give her some more of your compliments? From what I understand, you don't even know Bulma, so what reason would you have to speak privately with her?"

'Is Kayn protecting me from this old pervert?' An expression of gratitude and passion appeared on the girl's face.

Noticing that Kayn's comment made the Ox King give him a dubious look, Muten Roshi gave a disguised smile and said "It's nothing much, I just wanted to talk about something"

"You can talk right here, I think Bulma will feel more comfortable this way" Kayn said, before turning his gaze to the girl "Don't you think?"

As the conversation continued, Goku, who was confused about what the old man wanted to talk about, kept thinking, until he finally found a possible reason "Master Roshi, is it about your request to Bulma? Is that what you want to talk about alone?"

"A request, for me?" Bulma made a confused expression.

At this moment, the old man's expression became tense, he obviously didn't want to expose this to others, especially his disciple, so he quickly said "It was nothing! Forget it, let's just deal with the burning mountain, we'll talk about it another time!"

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