Dragon Ball: Kayn's Story

Chapter 6: Rabbit Gang

After spending about 20 minutes sifting through the rubble and filling a large bag with hundreds of jewels and other treasures, they finally found what they were looking for.

"Here! I finally found the dragon ball! Now we just need the last one!" Bulma said excitedly, as she lifted the orange sphere.

Digging through all that rubble had left her clothes and hands dirty, but the result made her not care about that.

Seeing that the girl had found the dragon ball, Kayn stopped his search, there were more treasures scattered around, but his father could get them.

Something he had thought while collecting all those jewels was that it didn't make sense for any Chi-Chi to have financial problems in the future, after all, the value of those treasures was enough to make his family extremely rich.

Although it was far from Bulma's family fortune, it was still enough to never have to worry about money.

What Kayn didn't know was that the Ox King originally decided to throw away all these treasures as a way to cleanse his tyrannical acts.

If all those treasures were sold at fair value, it would fetch around 50 billion zenni, which is equivalent to about 200 million dollars.

Perhaps after turning over all the rubble this value would double, but it didn't matter, that alone would be enough for the next generations.

Kayn placed the bag of treasures on his back and nodded to Bulma "Great, then we can hand these things over to my father and we'll be on our way. I'm sure Chi-Chi must be eager to start her adventure" He said with a smile.

The girl gave an excited nod, making the bunny ears on her outfit almost come off, but she quickly fixed them "I'm also looking forward to leaving, I've been wearing this same outfit for days, luckily there's a city on the way to the next dragon ball"

Hearing that, something popped into Kayn's mind "So we're going to pass through Yoman City?"

"Uh-huh" Bulma agreed "Do you know the place? I only saw it on the map, but it would be nice if you knew the place"

As they talked, they started walking towards where the others were "Well, it's the closest town, so when we need to buy something we go there, but I've never explored much of the town"


Kayn, Chi-Chi, Goku, Bulma and Oolong, these five were ready to go to Yoman City, to then go in search of the last dragon ball.

The car they were using before was too small for the group that had grown, so Kayn found a way, asking for one of the ships his father had.

Oolong was sitting in the pilot's seat and Goku was beside him, while the rest of them were in the backseat space.

"Why do I have to drive?" Oolong said, looking at Kayn with an envious expression.

In the middle of the two girls, Kayn was casually running his hand over the solid gold cross earring, the only piece of jewelry he kept. He had pierced his ear himself, since others probably couldn't do it, but it caused some blood to come out.

"I don't have a driver's license" Kayn said casually.

"Me neither!" The little pig said angrily "Bulma is the only one who has the minimum age to drive"

The girl shook her head "This is a ship, not a regular car or motorcycle. For this type of vehicle, they increase the minimum age. Even I can't drive it legally"

Outside the car, the Ox King and Master Roshi smiled "Chi-Chi, Kayn, take good care of yourselves, your father will stay here to rebuild our castle, when you return we will have a big party!" The huge man said.

"Goku, don't forget to come to my house so I can train you, I'll be waiting for you" The old man said, with his arms crossed behind his back.

Wiping some blood from his right ear, Kayn looked at his father and nodded "I don't know how long it will take us to find the last dragon ball, but since Chi-Chi is eager to travel the world, I think we'll continue after that. Then we'll come back after half a year, that should be enough time to rebuild the castle, right?"

"Half a year?!" The Ox King was surprised, but seeing his daughter's excited look, he smiled "I understand, you guys were going on a long trip anyway, even if the purpose was to find the master, I know you wanted to have fun of this too"

Kayn nodded, he didn't intend to return to live in this place, but he wouldn't say that now. In half a year he would pay his father a visit, but he would probably leave soon.

"Since you're going to be gone so long, do you want to take a little more money?" The Ox King asked, remembering that he had given them enough for a month or two of travel.

"No need" Kayn replied without even thinking "I can always get something if needed"

There was no longer any reason for them to stay there, so Oolong began to pilot the ship, heading towards the nearest city.

Yamcha, who was still watching from afar, quickly followed them, now with a ship as well, since his car wouldn't be able to keep up with them.


When Kayn saw the surroundings filling with what appeared to be giant mushrooms, he knew he was very close to Yoman City.

"Are you sure this is the way? We're running out of gas, if we don't get there soon, we'll have to change vehicles" Oolong said, noting that they could run out of gas at any moment.

In the back seat, Kayn replied "It's less than 5 km, we'll be there in a minute if you speed up" Turning his gaze to Bulma, he said "When we get there, I'll guide you to the capsule store. They don't have every model, but they have some good options"

Bulma gave a grateful smile "It's a small town after all, at least they have capsules, it's unbelievable how some places don't even have that"

On the other side, Chi-Chi nudged her brother with an excited expression "Kayn, can I stroll around town while you guys shop?"

Kayn looked thoughtful 'There's that rabbit gang, it might be troublesome if Chi-Chi ends up meeting them while she's alone... But I doubt that'll happen' He then nodded "Alright, just don't get into trouble"

"Can we eat something when we get there?" Goku asked from the front seat "My stomach is growling from hunger!"

Just as Kayn had said, it was less than 5 km until they reached the entrance to the small town, which had a simple sign [Welcome to Yoman City]

"First we need to go to a gas station, from there we can do the rest" Oolong said, as he slowed down, entering the small town.

"Turn on the second street on the right, the gas station is further ahead, it's also near the capsule store" Kayn said.

Walking through the streets, it was possible to notice the aspects of a small and remote city. Although there were cars passing by, the presence of animals was also noticeable, which were used both for transporting people and cargo.

There didn't seem to be any huge buildings like skyscrapers around there, at most a few small buildings. There were also these giant mushrooms scattered around the city, looking like trees.

Getting to the gas station took no more than a minute and while an employee came to serve the group, Chi-Chi had already jumped out of the ship.

"I'm going for a walk, I'll be back later!" She said excitedly, already running aimlessly around the place.

On the other side, Bulma came out followed by Kayn "Oolong, you take care of the gasoline and then wait for us here, we're going shopping"

"Wait a minute, but who's going to pay for the gas?!" The little pig asked, already imagining that he would be the only one to do it.

"You can't do it?" The girl in the bunny costume asked with a disdainful expression and soon let out a sigh, then looked at the employee who had already approached them "How much does it cost to fill up this ship's tank?"

The man wearing square glasses looked at the ears of Bulma's costume, then trembled before replying "It's free, of course!" with his trembling voice.

"For free?" Bulma is confused, but soon she thinks 'I'm so pretty that men can't charge me?!' A proud smile appears on her lips "Really? Thanks then"

The man let out a sigh of relief and quickly ran to fill up their vehicle. Bulma, completely oblivious to the man's real thoughts, was ready to follow Kayn.

As the two walked away from the vehicle, leaving both Oolong and Goku behind, the girl commented in a relaxed tone "I guess being a pretty girl has its advantages"

Kayn couldn't help but let out a light laugh, which made her look at him strangely "You don't think I'm pretty?" There was an obvious tone of insecurity in her voice.

"That's not it" He then points to the bunny ears "I just think that's the real reason behind that man's generosity"

Bulma touched the bunny's ear "Because of this?! What are you talking about?"

As he continued walking, Kayn said "Don't you notice how everyone around you is looking at you?"

The girl looked around and noticed that everyone had scared expressions, there was even a child who ran away when their eyes met. Noticing that left her totally confused and shocked, so she turned her gaze to him, waiting for an explanation "Why are they all like this? Is my outfit that vulgar?..."

Kayn laughed, then placed his hand on her shoulder "No, and even if it were, it wouldn't make them afraid. There's actually a gang in this city, they're basically tyrants here, and to identify themselves, they wear bunny ears"

Surprised, the girl understood the situation "But why didn't you tell me before? I would have taken it off before we arrived!" She then puts her hand on her head, intending to remove the accessory, but he stops her.

"You're short on cash because you lost your stuff, don't you think a discount would be welcome?" Kayn smiled.

Bulma had already told him about having lost her things, the money she had on hand was enough to buy supplies for the trip, but not all those capsules she wanted.

"Discount?" A knowing smile appeared on her face "I think you're right, it's good to take advantage of the advantages we have"


Inside the capsule store, Bulma this time noticed the shopkeeper's look of fear and she played with it "I'm looking for good capsules, I hope your store has them" Her villainous acting was terrible, but enough for the scared man.

Behind the glass counter, the middle-aged man looked at Bulma, then at the katana on Kayn's waist, then swallowed hard "I hope my humble shop has something to your liking, miss, feel free to browse my wares"

Bulma then spent some time choosing capsules, she wasn't very satisfied, after all the heiress of the Capsule Corporation had access to the best capsules, but here there were only some average options.

She then picked the best options for the capsules she wanted, then told the shopkeeper "I'll take these capsules, number them, and put them in a case" Giving a piercing look she asked "How much is everything?"

The shopkeeper quickly said "Don't worry about money, you can take this as a gift" His tone was full of fear.

"Thank you so much!" She said excitedly, before turning to Kayn "Now we can go shopping for some clothes too"

She was having fun with her performance, it seemed exciting to pretend to be a villain.


At the clothing store, the reaction was very similar, Bulma chose some outfits and wore one of them instead of her bunny costume.

She came out of the dressing room wearing a white strapless jumpsuit, with a small blue sleeveless vest over it and sandals on her feet, with her hair tied back in a ponytail.

She struck a pose and faced Kayn "What do you think, do I look pretty?"

He, in turn, continued wearing the same clothes, despite having bought some new ones as well. His gaze passed over her body, analyzing her new outfit.

Her current outfit didn't fit her curves like the bunny costume did, since it was a looser outfit, so he said "It doesn't fit as well as the bunny costume, but it does look nice"

Bulma's face turned a shade of pink "Yeah... I think that costume looks good on me..."

She then walks back to the dressing room and picks up the bunny costume, giving it a thoughtful look 'Maybe I should keep this, instead of throwing it away...'


Meanwhile, not far from the clothing store, Chi-Chi was walking down the street, carrying a candy in her hands, something she had just bought.

"This is so yummy! I'm going to take a piece for Kayn to try!" She had a big smile on her face as she bit into what looked like a round bread filled with a cream.

She was heading back to the gas station to wait for her brother to return, and she could already see the place from where she was.

Suddenly she heard a loud sound coming from behind her, so she turned her head, seeing several apples rolling across the ground.

"You have the nerve to sell this crap saying it's sweet fruit? This crap is sour!" A tall, slender man wearing bunny ears said angrily, after kicking and breaking a box of apples that was for sale.

Beside him was another man with bunny ears, this one was a chubby and had a happier expression. They both wore black clothes and carried weapons with them.

The woman who owned the apples just cowered, trembling in fear, unable to say anything.

"Hey, you ugly thugs! Why are you breaking other people's things, that's not right!" Chi-Chi said, walking towards the duo.

Hiding nearby, Yamcha looked at the scene in surprise "That's the Ox King's daughter, what does she intend to do?"

He and Puar were keeping an eye on the ship at the gas station, but ended up noticing Chi-Chi because of the commotion.


Author's Note: You guys convinced me, Bulma is going to be Kayn's first girlfriend. The closest thing to romance in all of Dragon Ball is between Gohan and Videl, everything else basically happens behind the scenes, so I guess it's okay if I don't do it well either...

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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