Dragon Ball: Kayn's Story

Chapter 7: I Can be yours...

The atmosphere on the street was quite tense, several residents of the small town looked at the scene in anguish.

A small girl wearing armor and a cape was going up against two armed men from the rabbit gang.

"Where are this little girl's parents?" A woman with a sad expression said, already imagining that something bad would happen to the girl.

The pair of armed men frowned, the girl who had not even reached her teens was openly defying them, they would not allow something like that to pass.

The slender man stepped forward and placed his hand on the handle of the pistol, which was strapped to his hip, then said "Little girl, it seems your parents didn't give you any manners, you're expected to respect someone with a gun, don't you think?"

His tone was threatening and he didn't stop his steps, getting even closer to her. His hand on the gun was just a threat, but he visibly wanted to punish her.

From Afar, the anthropomorphic blue cat, Puar, made a worried expression "Yamcha, the Ox King's daughter is in big trouble!"

Yamcha in turn made a tense expression, Goku and Oolong were nearby, if he acted to help the little girl, there was a chance he would be discovered and that would ruin his plan.

"We're already unlucky to have a stronger guy protecting the Dragon Balls, if they still discover our presence, it will be impossible to steal them... But still..." He looked at the scene, as his body became agitated.

Maybe if it was an adult there, he wouldn't mind helping, but it was a little girl, he was a thug, but not an evil villain.

The thin and tall man approaching Chi-Chi made a movement with his right foot, as if he was preparing a strong kick and his target was obvious.

Yamcha was about to act, when suddenly, his expression filled with shock, and not just him, but everyone around him as well.

Chi-Chi who looked like a defenseless little girl, placed her hands on top of her armor's helmet, then with a quick movement, threw the circular blade towards the man in front of her.

The blade spun out at an extremely high speed, which gave the slender man no chance to react. In just a second, his head was split into two pieces, taking his life instantly.

The bloody scene was followed by a scream, there was no way normal people wouldn't be shocked by such a scene. The bloody blade spun in the air, then returned like a boomerang, fitting back into Chi-Chi's helmet.

When the blade returned, blood splatters flew onto her childish face, her expression agitated as she looked at the other armed man.

"You little bitch!" The plump man shouted, as he pulled out his machine gun, his finger touched the trigger, but before he pulled it...

Yamcha had kneed him in the side of the head, knocking him out instantly. He gasped a little as he turned his gaze to Chi-Chi.

Despite what she had just done, she looked more scared than anything. Her hands that were raised high, ready to strike again, fell limply as she saw that the danger had passed.

*Sniff* Chi-Chi wiped her teary eyes "That was scary..." She looked at Yamcha, not knowing who he was and said "Thank you so much for saving me, young man!"

Yamcha looked at the dead body, before looking at the little girl, it was bizarre to think that she was the one who did this.

"It's okay... I need to go, you should go back to your friends" Yamcha said, before running out of place.

Returning to where Puar was, the young man said "Let's hide, that girl and the demon prince are coming!"

"Yamcha, did you talk to that girl, is your illness gone?!" Puar asked, as he followed his friend flying.

"Girl?" Yamcha said confusedly "Pual, there's a big difference between little girls and girls. The Ox King's daughter is a little girl, I have no interest in little girls"


Chi-Chi was confused when she saw the person who "saved" her running away from the place, but soon her expression changed when she saw a very familiar figure.

Just a moment after Yamcha disappeared from the scene, Kayn came running out with a worried expression on his face.

He hugged Chi-Chi and asked "Are you okay? Did they hurt you?!" Looking at the blood on her face, his heart was pounding with a mixture of anger and worry.

He could see a slight red tint in Chi-Chi's eyes, it was quite obvious to him that his sister had been crying.

"They wanted to, but they couldn't" Chi-Chi said, her voice a little shaky "That blood isn't mine" she said, trying to calm her brother down.

From across the street, Bulma came running, she had been left behind when Kayn saw the scene and ran. The young girl couldn't help but feel a little repulsed, after all, there was a dead body right there.

Feeling a bit of relief when he noticed that his sister didn't have any injuries, Kayn looked at the two men on the ground 'They're the same two bastards from the anime...'

Releasing the hug, Kayn who was practically kneeling stood up, he passed by the dead body and went to the other one who was unconscious.

His gaze held a frightening coldness, which made the passersby feel even more frightened than they already were, then, without changing his expression, he placed his foot on the fat man's head and as if it were a rotten watermelon, he crushed it.

The sound of the skull breaking apart sounded like a crack, one that felt a shiver through the bodies of everyone who saw the scene.

The man's unconsciousness spared him from seeing his own tragic end, his brain had been crushed in just a moment, so he wouldn't be in much pain anyway.

Unlike the thin man's death, which was followed by a scream, this time there was only deafening silence, no one dared to breathe heavily.

Taking a deep breath, Kayn's expression returned to calmness, he then looked at the two girls who were close to him "Let's go"


There was not a single person trying to interfere with the group's departure, all those villagers were normal people, they feared for their lives.

And Kayn didn't care about that, they could just be memories, but he had killed a lot of people, enough for him to lose count, and those people had attacked him, but those two had attacked his sister, that was something much worse, there wasn't an ounce of compassion for someone who tried to attack his sister.

A faint trail of blood was left from the body with the crushed head all the way to the gas station. When the three of them got there, Goku and Oolong were waiting, they had heard the initial screams, but being out of their line of sight, they had seen nothing.

"Have you guys finished shopping yet? I'm tired of waiting for you here. If I had known it would take so long, I would have gone with you" The little pig said, somewhat irritated, sitting in the driver's seat.

Beside him Goku rubbed his own belly "Did you guys bring anything to eat? I'm starving!"

At that moment, Chi-Chi made a surprised expression, as if remembering something "I almost forgot!" She reached for the small backpack she was carrying under her cloak, then took out a bag from inside.

The little girl hands the bag to Kayn and says "With all that fuss, I didn't give you this, it's really tasty, try it!"

Inside the paper bag, Kayn found half of the sweet bread that Chi-Chi had been eating earlier. He was still a little stressed about what had happened, but seeing how excited his sister was, he smiled.

Bulma looked at Goku and then said "We bought some snacks" She then handed a bag to the boy, as she entered the ship.

As Goku began to eat the things the girl handed him, Kayn took a bite of the sweet bread "It's really tasty"


After everyone had eaten a little, the journey began again. Bulma was confident that they would reach the next dragon ball before nightfall.

Yamcha was still following them from a reasonable distance, although he was becoming less and less confident that he would be able to complete his plan.

Kayn was relieved, he was afraid that that accident with the rabbit gang could affect Chi-Chi, after all, unlike him, she had never killed a person. But the girl didn't seem affected by it at all, she was enjoying the trip just like before.

Turning his gaze to Bulma, he wondered if she had been shocked by his attitude, but when their eyes met, the girl blushed and gave him a smile, which removed his doubts.

"I haven't asked you this before, but what is the wish you want to fulfill? We'll soon have the last dragon ball, so you must have already decided something" Kayn asked.

He was curious as to how the girl would answer his question, since he already knew the true answer.

Bulma's already flushed face turned redder 'I can't say I want a boyfriend, that'll make me look like a desperate girl!'

"She's going to ask for a boyfriend, whatever that is" Goku suddenly said.

Chi-Chi who was enjoying the refreshing breeze turned her gaze in surprise "Bulma is going to ask for a boyfriend?!"

"We're risking our lives and traveling the world for you to have a boyfriend!?" Oolong said in a mix of shock and anger.

Bulma turned completely red "Goku, you big mouth!" She turned to Kayn, intending to deny it, but then she felt his hand touch her shoulder.

"Don't you look like a girl who would have trouble getting a boyfriend, or do you have very specific requirements?" The look he gave her was quite seductive and his touch only intensified it.

"No, I..." Bulma seemed unable to speak, she didn't know how to act in that situation. Her heart started beating faster than normal 'Kayn is interested in me?!'

Kayn smiled at the girl's reaction 'Sorry for taking advantage of this, but I think I'll make you happier than Yamcha or Vegeta' He apologized in his mind.

"If you're not too picky, maybe you don't need to use the dragon balls for this, I can very well be yours..." Suddenly Kayn's voice was interrupted by a loud crash *Kaboom!!!*

The ship they were traveling in was thrown off the road by a loud explosion, causing the vehicle to flip in the air a few times.


Author's Note: This chapter turned out much shorter than I expected, but I wanted to end on a "climax" so there's nothing I can do about it.

I could have made the rabbit leader appear, but honestly it would just be another pointless death.

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