Chapter 49: Ch. 49 Summer festival
Late that night after the feast and everyone had passed out, sleeping soundly in the Pendragon manor. Someone was still awake creeping out of the window of a vacant room. Magnus quietly made his way outside the manor and went around the corner to a trail leading to a hidden exit of the estate through an extensive garden. "Magnus you ready to go?" He said in a hushed whisper.
"Yeah." Appearing beside him, lets do this."
"Ready for what?" Noelle said having followed Galileo outside.
"You two are sneaking off already?" Lumiette added.
"We caught you red handed now where were you going?" Noelle asked.
"And dressed like that?" Lumiette pointed out that they were both dressed up in odd fashions. They both wore kimonos. Magnus' wore one like the Rikuo Nura's grandfather, Nurihyon, in his youthful days. A red cloak over a black kimono with sandals and a three eyed, three tailed white wolf pelt worn over his shoulders like a shawl. Galileo's was black with gold cloud patterns on it.
"N-no it can't be true… are you two…"
"Going on a date!?" The girls were about to cry.
"What? NO! What's wrong with you?" Galileo shouted.
"We're nowhere near that close! I can't believe you'd think that!" Magnus was visibly hurt by the accusation.
"Then what is this?! You don't dress up for me!" Lumiette said getting more worked up.
"This is for you!"
"It is?" Lumiette was surprised.
"You just ruined the grand entrance I planned for us." Magnus said sadly.
"I told you they'd be too nosy to wait until we finished setting up. You know we can still do the entrance though."
"Nope they already saw our kimonos, it just won't be the same level of coolness…"
"Wait? What are you talking about?" Noelle cut in.
A portal opened up and Magnus and Galileo pushed their fiancés in.
On the other side the girls were sent into a dressing room. Two more kimonos were set out on mannequins with little cards in front of them. One card read "Roses are red violets are blue, can't think of anyone who could wear this better than you- Love Magnus" the other read "This would look good on you- Gali".
"Aww Magnus is so sweet." Noelle's Kimono was a copy of princess Yohime's, a pink kimono with a red sash and a lighter pink overcoat sporting a sakura flower motif.
"This is so cute!" Lumiette's was half black and half white with a golden sash. A falling feather pattern lined the lower part with them being inversely colored to their respective side of the kimono.
"Soooo how do we tie these up?"
"I have never worn a dress like this…"
A good while later when fully dressed the two loved their new looks. Noelle's silky silver hair fell halfway down her back, along with her bangs a golden lotus was tucked behind her right ear. Her kimono fit perfectly the loose overcoat was a bit cumbersome at first to her, but she couldn't leave it on account of how cute it looked. Soft pink lipstick matched her overcoat, with slightly darker eyeliner and blush giving her a fresh spring look. Lumiette wore her hair in a large messy bun with her curly bangs framing her face. She carried a black and white paper fan, and wore dark makeup.
Finally dressed and ready they were led by a trail of rose petals outside and through the garden. Their path was illuminated by floating heart shaped wisps of red and blue fire darting around.
"What is all this? Galileo doesn't do romantic stuff like this…" Lumiette wasn't sure if she should be concerned.
"I'm curious to see what they've done myself. This is very out of character for both of Magnus too."
Leaving the garden, the trail of wisps continued on a bit farther until they came to a dark old road. All of them gathered up and formed the words 'ENJOY THE FESTIVAL' before dispersing to light up numerous paper lanterns giving the area a cool glow. The lit-up street was now lined with shops and minigames. Many kinds of treats were served from funnel cake to takoyaki, prepared by Magnus specially trained chef's crew. What surprised them more than anything were the massive machines that reached high into the skyline. Several roller coasters and a ferris wheel were set up behind the booths in a cleared space.
Madara was the first to notice them. He was with a group of other villagers, all dressed in traditional Japanese styled clothes. Madara wore black and gold robes, the wide diamond shaped hat that matched it had the kanji for sword on the front. Also among them were the other Pendragons and Vermillions who were supposed to be asleep. "It looks like the guests of honor have arrived! You all know of Noelle and Lumiette, the two responsible for keeping the kingdom's prodigal brats in line. Tonight is something Magnus and Galileo came up with to show their appreciation for them."
"All this for us?"
"They may have outdone themselves this time."
"I didn't think it was possible, but you look even cuter than I thought you would!" Magnus practically appeared hugging his fiancé and kissed her cheek, making her blush an even deeper shade than her makeup.
"My lovely empress looks amazing in anything!"
"I'd hate to interrupt but you guys are blocking my view. Lumiette's shining so bright I thought he sun came up."
"So charming..." Lumiette was at a loss for words as the theatre of her mind dramatized the compliment far more than necessary.
Galileo caught her while she was swooning. "You good?"
"Perfect." She was happiest in his arms.
"It seems they like the surprise" Madara laughed "everyone enjoy the festivities!"
From there people raced to try the different attractions. Noelle won the fish catching game of course (Lion-O got in trouble because he kept trying to eat the fish though). Lumiette won the ring toss in a heated competition with Noelle. The girls ended up winning prizes for Magnus and Galileo. Asta was the first to win the strength challenge and effectively broke it. First prize a giant fox doll was too big to carry around and play so he gave it to the nearest person, Mimosa who thought it was incredibly cute. Bandit won the shooting game every time he played. Yuno and Charmy continued their food tasting expedition, when Charmy tried cotton candy she fell in love so Yuno bought the whole stand just for them. The timid were quickly sorted out when they rode on the roller coasters. They had to be modified heavily to be able to thrill the people who could already move at Mach speeds. Though all loose items were supposed to be put away a simple genjutsu and the operator had no problem letting Morgiana take her sword. Meraleona had a laugh drinking all of the men of Hodge under the table, but one particular immortal knight was able to hold his liquor against her turning the contest into a one on one. The caricature artist made a fortune that night because Leopold thought they were hilarious and had one of all his friends and family made. Magnus had to order Itachi and Soifon to go have fun, they didn't know what to do so they walked around making awkward small talk. An old lady commented that they made a cute couple, it made Soifon blush and vanish to Itachi's surprise. Even Kurama came out to play the games but he was swarmed by a crowd of women, he was not to be seen again until late the next morning.
The stage set up with a karaoke machine showed people Magnus was good at a lot of things, but not singing. All of the booing didn't stop him from butchering an entire line-up of Earthworld songs from punk rock to R&B. Galileo got mad when he stuttered through the first verse of his song and quit. Noelle was unquestionably the worst singer, but no one dared say it. Some people clapped to make her feel better so technically she outperformed Magnus and Galileo at least. Even though Leopold was basically just screaming into the microphone it still sounded better than Noelle somehow. After Asta's performance people were convinced Clover's nobility are all tone deaf until a lively duet from Mimosa and Kirsch got everyone clapping and singing along. They sounded good enough to be professional singers. A passionate love song by Lumiette captivated the crowds. Her song stopped the festival for a moment as everyone came to listen in, some were even moved to tears. When she finished no one else would go on stage, who could follow such an act? Morgiana rose to the challenge, stepping out in front of the crowd. Starting softly almost inaudibly so, she broke into a heart wrenching ballad from Camelot. Morgiana's melodic voice entranced the people watching, As she sang images of an enchanting kingdom appeared in the air, the noble royal family a beautiful couple a man with short golden hair and a raven haired otherworldly beauty both beloved by their kingdom. The emotions fully enveloping the crowd along with a lovely tune. Then the scenes changed as did her voice to one lonely and forlorn. They saw the princess's loneliness growing up longing to see her older brother, taken from her before she could truly know him. They saw all the training she put into learning all the different facets of Camelot's nobility to be the perfect child in his place. As the ballad came to a close, they saw the most terrible thing possible, the kingdom's fateful destruction at the hands of legions of foes and the tragic fall of the king and queen. The country's capital besieged on all sides by all manner of beasts, demons, and gods. The song ended with a little girl stabbing herself with a knife and turning to stone.
A silence loomed over the audience, as a terrifying wrathful killing intent filled the air. Everyone looks up to see Magnus with tears in his crazy looking eyes and instead of the wrath expected it was a look of shame and self-reproach. In Magnus mind all the scenes where he distrusted Morgiana or when he had Asta 'play' with her but was actually spying, the scene of putting her in a genjutsu to the point she developed a sharingan and most of all tricking her still into using a bloodline testing stone played over and over. He was ashamed and angry at what happened but had no outlet. He knew he had to apologize to his only blood sibling.
Magnus flew from his seat and landed in front of Morgiana who was trying to avoid looking at him as she did not want to cry as well. Seeing this hurt magnus even more, so he did something he has never done in his life. He got down and kneeled begging for forgiveness while banging his head hard enough to crack the stage. As soon as he got on his knees the sky began to darken then with each bang of his head lightning and thunder roared as if trying to tear apart the heavens to strike down, but something was restricting the lighting from landing in the area of people. Galileo was pushing his lightning intent to the maximum to displace heavens tribulations.
"Magnus get up," she says in a cold distant voice. He doesn't move but she continues "did you really think I did not know you suspected me? Did you really think I was that stupid? I am the princess of this realm, how could those childish tests trick me? I played along because I was also unsure of you. Now stop kneeling or this storm will never end." As she said this she looked at magnus and with a wave of her hand he was lifted up by a power similar to telekinesis he just looked at her shocked.
"I know I've wronged you Morge, I'm really a bad brother." He says downcast but she interrupted him. "You're wrong, like I said I was unsure of you as well. Besides Uchiha, we possess the bloodline of the god of death and each path of the legendary 7 paths of samara bloodline. It should have resonated when we were near, but I felt nothing and obviously neither did you. So I studied you and noticed part of your soul was in tatters, but I could do nothing but that day when your soul healed no one was more happy than me. I felt it, the resonation of our souls, the souls of siblings. I thought you might have been possessed or something but that wasn't the case. I'm truly happy." She says as an adorable smile blossoms on her face, but just as suddenly she then becomes extremely stern. "Do well to remember this brother. You are the only son of the last emperor of the realm and you yourself possess the Mandate of Heaven. You shall not kneel lightly, not all beings can bear a kneel from you. You must also be wary of the backlash. It's fine this time because it was me and we have the same bloodline. But if you kneel to lesser people, both of you run the risk of soul extermination. You are the person the heavens deemed fit to rule over them you kneeling is effectively making the heavens bow, how could the heavens tolerate such folly? Remember the Majesty of our parent's bloodlines is not simple." When she looked at him again a feeling of relief washed over her, as she reopened her eyes and a nine-layered rose sat in one eye with a lily of nine layers in the other. Through this special conversation and the weight of her conscience lifted, and her eyes changed.
"Hmm so this is what will is?…And why do the heavens strike down innocent people, because they don't dare touch Magnus? All because he kneeled, that is the way of the heaven's justice people seek? Then I'll be the one standing above the heavens to protect the ones they so carelessly try to destroy". With that a will of defiance and indomitable aura of a lightning god descended.
"Well not all is bad, my eyes have improved. Gali's lightning intent has manifested its will. The dao of the 'defiance' huh? The lightning of justice, a powerful one that enforces when the heavens won't. The will that if the very heavens were to fall into depravity he would not. He awoke the rare will of a deviant. How interesting for one of his nature… Then there is you who carries the origin mark. Whose sword will is simply 'peerless throughout' and to top it off you possess the will of an emperor and the only insight is that 'I am absolute'. Hahaha in the big world I don't know if the both you are fools or prodigies!" She realized Magnus looked at her strangely, so she coughed "I'll explain when the time is ripe. Right now don't worry of such things and lets enjoy ourselves." She says as they hug to which the crowd who some could hear, and some couldn't still went crazy. While her new fans were taken by the story, the more knowledgeable spectators knew they were seeing mystic arts induced by a song and were in awe of what her and Magnus heritage was. Madara was stuck on a scene hundreds of warriors in his battle attire of all ages, and all have the uchiwa of his clan on their backs with glowing red eyes. Somehow his Mika had recreated the clan in this new world only to be destroyed. He clenched his fist with a renewed determination and vigor for his clan's restoration, he stared at the woman next to him and began to ponder.