Chapter 50: Ch 50 Enter Octavius NovaChrono
Elsewhere Kirsch was following Akame around showing her the beautiful things around the festival. A slight smile could be seen in the place of her usual cold demeanor, she actually enjoyed his company. The two of them sat in the shade of a beautiful sakura tree as petals rained down around them. After seeing Magnus he was determined to make his feelings known tonight as well "Akame I have been smitten with you since we met. Your beauty is unparalleled even outshining the sword, and your swordsmanship is just as beautiful." He drops to a knee and asks "Will you go out with me, and be a part of the most beautiful couple in all the world?" Akame silently pondered then shook her head yes as she embraced him. Until they started clapping neither of them noticed the crowd of spectators who circled around. Akame was embarrassed but Kirsch was shameless enough for the both of them.
Later into the night Lumiette finds herself looking for Galileo when she wanted to ride the Ferris wheel. Getting worried she sent Magnus to find him, and sure enough he easily found Galileo hiding away just outside the festival grounds playing a gameboy.
"Alright why are you ruining Lumiette's night now?"
"She wants to ride the Ferris wheel."
"Well...we'll be alone in a scenic spot and umm…"
"The problem here is? Wait? Are you nervous? The tiny terror is nervous about kissing a girl?! Hahaha this is rich!"
"S-shut up bastard! What if my breath stinks or I'm just bad at it? A peck on the cheek is on thing but this is the real deal man! Her first kiss! She's gonna expect it to be all magical and stuff, so if I mess it up she'll think I'm a gross loser. Then whatever badboy prince delusion she's under will come crumbling down, she'll lose interest and then find a way to call of the engagement. I'll lose her, and not to mention all my face in the capital!"
Magnus sighed and took the game from him "First off you have no face in the capital. And honestly if this is all it takes she'd have left you a long time ago. You're over thinking things man just take some gum and go be a man."
Galileo sighed. "Alright, I'm going."
"There is a pretty girl who actually likes you out there, I can't imagine you'd get many chances like this. In case you forgot I own all of that out there, the rides would stay on until I said so."
"I did forget about that..."
"If I don't see black lipstick stains on you by the end of the night, I'm telling people you don't like girls."
"Bastard! You wouldn't dare."
"I wonder what kind of guys you'd like?" Magnus disappeared just in time to dodge a blue inferno. His mischievous laughter hung in the air.
"There you are! I've been looking all over for you!" Seeing the blue fire Lumiette came and dragged him off to ride the Ferris wheel.
Galileo's one job in helping set up the festival was pyrotechnics. He went to painstaking lengths to make sure the fireworks show was beyond spectacular. There were a few set off here and there during the night, but the actual show was magical. The fireworks started out as simple as the rest, then began to become more intricate mixing colors and formations. Next the fireworks began to form pictures like flowers, several local business logos, castles, animals, noble warriors and the more complex ones even moved around like explosive slideshows. Spectators witnessed a graceful dance between a maiden and a phoenix up in the skies above, changing colors with each step. The show was concluded with a collage of images of Noelle and Lumiette showing different emotions, their smiling faces were the biggest and brightest of all.
"Magnus that was amazing! You really always impress me!" Noelle and Magnus shared a blanket down below lying on a mat in the grass. She was awe stricken by the dancing maiden and phoenix, and the last image took her breath away.
"How lovely! That was such a wonderful display! Thank you Gali!" Lumiette was nearly moved to tears as she and Galileo watched atop the Ferris wheel. His face was plastered with black lip stains and he was out of breath.
At the top of the pendragon estate stood two old monsters were watching the show, when one makes a bold declaration.
"Will you join me in restoring the Uchiha clan and making the witches great warriors, as the Matriarch of the Uchiha clan?" Madara says to a baffled witch queen.
"What? Don't be stupid. I would never marry a man-"
He cuts her off as his body changes to his six paths mode then he says "well how about a god?"
Watching the fireworks show end in the distance a boy entered the festival grounds. He breathed in the refreshing festival air, nodding to the music as he strolled along. "Hahaha Hodge really is the best! Magnus always has something interesting going on over here. The food, the games, the hotties! There's so much to do, the night will be over long before I get a chance to do half of it all! Where should I start? What a dilemma…for anyone but me!" From his open palm a field spread out and covered the entire festival grounds, everything within stopped completely. Time around the festival grounds literally stood still along with everyone there. Almost everyone, there were few who had powers enough to not be frozen.
"What is this?" Madara's sage abilities allowed him to move, he looked at the witch queen who was frozen before she could give an answer.
"So, he's back in the kingdom." Magnus eyes also allowed him to resist. He and Noelle were in the grass watching the now frozen fireworks.
"Does he have to do this every time he comes back?" Being an expert in time-space seals Noelle was also able avoid being frozen.
"Hah bastard! You didn't get me this time!" Galileo managed to use his void energy to escape the effects. He left Lumiette frozen as she leaned in for another kiss.
They gathered up around Magnus. Morgiana and Siegfried who were also able to move, joined them. "What's going on big brother, are we under attack?"
"A time user could be a troublesome foe…" Siegfried readied his blade.
"No need to worry, it's an ally of ours." Magnus reassured them. "A clover noble for that matter."
"An eccentric one." It wasn't Galileo's first time being frozen, nor was he fond of it.
They turned to see someone walking casually towards them. Having gone from booth to booth collecting snacks and souvenirs he was eating a lolipop while holding several balloons, a stuffed animal, he had a goldfish in a little bowl, and a few other random prizes from the different booths. Dressed in fine traveler's clothes the boy wore a cape over his red coat and black pants with brown gloves and fine boots. A feathered hat covered his blonde hair cut into a neat fade and a sparkling stud diamond earing in his ear. "Wow this is good! I have to meet the candy guy around here…hmm? Mags is that you?! And Looky here Gali's not frozen either this time! Looks like my jokes are getting old, there are a few of you who can move in my suspended time room."
"For those of you who haven't met him, this is Octavius Novachrono. Julius' little brother, and a foreign emissary for Clover." Magnus introduced him to the newest members of the Pendragon family. "This is my younger sister Morgiana, my grandfather Madara, and my vassal Siegfried. They recently came to Hodge while you were on your last mission."
"Pleasure to meet you all."
"The wizard king has a brother? How come I haven't heard of him?" Madara asked.
"He's often away doing work in other kingdoms. He's kind of hard to keep track of" Noelle said.
"What kind of work?" Morgiana was curious about him too.
"That's top secret. But my last job took me all over the place, I just barely missed you in Heart Gali, I like what you did with the place."
"They let you design it?" Noelle asked condescendingly "(Well if he helped Magnus put this together it can't be all bad.)"
"Yes they did, it was the least we could do after Vanica blew it up." Galileo was proud of his handywork there. "They still have some construction to do from what I understand."
"Vanica? From spade? What happened?" Magnus hadn't heard about Heart yet.
"Demons attacked the kingdom when we were there. Lumiette and the queen teamed up to beat her, you should have saw them together! They were so badass her devil made them flee!"
"Really? Was Vanica that strong?( so…Lumiette stole Noelle's battle, Gali you'll have to pay for this.)"
"Yeah she was demonized on top of her other powers. Demon and devil powers compliment each other well. Oh, Jinbe showed up too and we recruited the warlord. Well Lolopechka beat me to it."
"Sounds like I missed a real show." Octavius chuckled.
"I would have liked to see that as well." His experiences in Heart kingdom were something Galileo had over Magnus and he was a little jealous. Plus, Galileo personally remodeled the kingdom's capital? How would that look? "What brought you all the way out here Octavius? Shouldn't you be heading to the capital?"
"All in good time, I was passing by so I thought I'd see what the fireworks were about. Also I found these guys out in the wilderness too and thought you'd want to meet them."
"Why would we want to-" Galileo's question was answered immediately when Octavius released his two captives held in suspended time bubbles. Two younger boys of about the same age, both possessing immensely powerful auras that resonated heavily with Magnus and Galileo. The first's aura was arrogant and cold, unresigned to be stopped by any obstacles. Magnus had felt it many times before, the likeness of a dauntless sword.
"What impressive sword intent…(Jenny he's not normal is he?)"
"(No, it seems he has exceedingly rare dual sword constitution. As such he is already in the sword heart realm.)"
"(Seriously? I have to have such a talent for myself! I can groom a swordsman second only to me!) Hahahahahaha! You've outdone yourself Octavius!"
The boy looked apprehensively at Magnus who seemed like he was some sort of child trafficker.
The second aura was all too familiar to Galileo. It was the power of a great and noble dragon, the azure dragon. Galileo couldn't believe his eyes seeing the boy in front of him "Gaian? What the hell? Why'd you kidnap my disciple?!"
"Your disciple? I thought you only had three? I found this kid blowing stuff up outside of the city. I noticed him using dragon powers so I thought you'd take him in…"
"If you listened to me you'd know my last name is Vermillion! Gaian Vermillion! I left the festival to go train in the forest then this wierdo attacked me!"
"Sorry bout that heheheh. One for two's not bad!" Octavius was already over his blunder, but Gaian wasn't. He had a few choice words for Octavius, but an overwhelming clash of sword intent stole their attention. Right beside them Magnus and the boy faced off, letting their sword intents flow freely against each other. It was some of the most powerful Magnus had ever seen, already more impressive than any of his students. Seeing this excited Magnus and he threw a sword to the boy. Without any words the two of them lunged and steel met steel as they had a brief exchange. With a sword in hand the boy was able to match Magnus move for move in terms of technique, or so it seemed. Suddenly the boy stepped back and dropped his sword, his sword intent began to die down as Magnus' grew. The emperor had overtaken the warrior, establishing dominance through sword intent alone.
The boy knelt down with his face to the dirt "please teach me master!"
Magnus was excited to have such a prodigy under him, but he couldn't allow himself to show it. That could make his newest disciple cocky, not to mention it wouldn't be cool of him. He flicked his sleeves before turning his back to the boy, giving off emotionless Magnus' teacherly disposition. "What is your name boy."
"I am called Dalli!"
"You have shown promise enough with the sword to impress me, only if a little bit…I'll teach you" The boy was about to burst with joy hearing he was accepted. "If you can learn the name of that sword there."
"How do I do that?"
"Listen, if you're worthy you shall hear it soon."
"I will!"
"See kid I told you you'd like this place. Mags here shows his people a lot of love. He's so rich he owns everything here, and he's the best swordsman in the land." Octavius threw an arm over Magnus shoulder. "Ain't it better than living in that abandoned village by yourself?"
"It is…" Dalli surveyed his impressive new surroundings, which filled him with wonder. If this was what his new teacher lived like he could find no reason to object, also Magnus swordsmanship was the real deal.
"Hey, Octavius do you think you could unfreeze everything. You had your fun, we'd like to get back to ours."
"Hahaha alright." With a snap everything restarted. "Oh also nice paint job Gali, I see you. Whoooo turn up!" Octavius disappeared into the crowds.
"Paint job?" Galileo rubbed lipstick off his cheek.
"Oooh looks like someone has has been having fun on the Ferris wheel." Morgiana laughed.
"Stay out of my business little girl!"
"Hahahahaha! It's hard to ignore when it's all over your face."
"You should hurry back, the ride isn't over yet. Wouldn't want to get in trouble with the missus Hahaha." Magnus backed his sister making fun of Galileo.
"Damn you're right! Don't get kidnapped again Gaian!" He flickered away.
"Piss off Galileo!"
"Shall we head back Noelle?" Magnus picked up Noelle, staring soulfully into her eyes.
"Y-yes. Lets go." They vanished together.
"Clover is full of odd characters…" Madara said "I wonder about those Magnus and Galileo especially."
"I agree Uncle…but don't you have somewhere to be too?"
"Brat." Madara almost forgot he was in the middle of an important conversation.
"Hahahaha boys will be boys I guess." Morgiana laughed, her new relatives kept her entertained if nothing else.
"Hey Dalli, I'm Gaian" Extending a hand for the new arrival to shake "do you want to get something to eat?" Gaian asked.
"Sure!" The two of them went off to a food stall.
"Are you sure it will be ok to tell them of the outer realms?" Siegfried asked when only he and Morgiana remained.
"He and Galileo are just big fish in a small pond. If brother is content with being emperor of this small realm playing with his friends that would be fine with me, but this is my brother we're talking about. I doubt he'll be satisfied to rule just this one small realm knowing many more are his for the taking, and I'll give him my full support if that is what he chooses to do. In the end I want him to have the option to choose whatever path he wants. I'll be proud to be his baby sister regardless."
"How mature of you lady Morgiana. We will see where his convictions lie soon enough. As for now your new fans want an encore." Pointing to the crowd of people, who somehow managed to make Morgiana posters in this short amount of time, chanting her name and clapping. "It seems you're something of an idol now."