Emperor and Dragon ( A Black Clover Fanfiction)

Chapter 55: Ch. 54 Look at all those true dragons

"Let me get this straight. You created another true dragon…from a carp, and now it's a little girl with your powers and your tendency for random violence?" Noelle pinched her brow in frustration staring at the singed hole in the wall Galilea made when she saw the butler's wedding ring.

"Yup!" Galileo nodded like an idiot. "We're still working on that second part. Besides, she missed the butler!"

"But the wall!" Magnus cried.

"And where were you two when Galileo was cloning himself?!"

"I was umm…planning the sect."

"…" Morgiana was too embarrassed to say she just watched him do it.

"It was supposed to be a quick tour, how did you find the time to do this?!"

"Silver girl is loud…Did I do wrong?" Galilea looked confused "I have no jewelry…taking from insects was acceptable, correct?"

"I wonder where she got that from?" Noelle sighed as all eyes went to Galileo.

"I thought she meant the six-legged insects, not bugs!"

"Is there a difference Galileo?" Magnus and Noelle groaned.

"You can't be serious Gali…" Lumiette rubbed her temples embarrassed trying to think of his good qualities, which was difficult at the moment. "I'll pay for the damages Magnus."

"No worries Lumiette, I knew what I was in for bringing baby dragons into my house" glaring daggers at Galileo. "I will fix it myself. Galileo owes me a free mission from the guild."

"Done." Galileo was surprised Magnus didn't want the money, but he wasn't giving him a chance to change his mind.

"Impressive." Madara was admiring Galilea's handiwork. "If you were to allow your diaphragm to expand fully, and straighten out your back when you exhale, you'll get better results."

"Is he coaching a dragon?" Noelle was stupefied.

"To breathe fire?" Magnus even more so, until he saw Galilea breathe in. "Galilea no!" It was too late, she let loose a jet of fire that doubled the original hole's size. From where they stood, they could see all the way across the building and outside. Several servants narrowly escaped a fiery death. "My house!"

"Much better. I see you learn quickly."

"(Whoa… System remind me to do that next time I roar.)" Galileo was taking notes.


Galilea was impressed with Madara, who had disappeared before she could say anything to him. Magnus had a few choice words for Madara too. However, there was a more pressing matter at the moment, an entire floor needed to be rebuilt.

"Galilea sweetie, I don't know what Galileo has told you, but it isn't ok to call other people insects or take what isn't yours." Lumiette tried talking to her. "If you want something someone else has you may ask for it or offer something of yours in exchange."

"If they say no?"

"You have to accept that."

Galilea thought about it for a long moment. Being told 'no', didn't sit right with her, especially if someone weaker than her said it. She noted the rule but never actually confirmed nor did she deny. "Is that all?" Rules were a new concept to her, and they were already getting on her nerves.

"Stop destroying my house!" Magnus yelled while restoring a wall several rooms down.

"Fine. I want rings. Get them for me."

"You're a rude little-" Galileo was stopped midsentence by a pressure of a tremendously powerful entity from out of nowhere. This new arrival had no reservations about letting themselves be known, a harsh sweltering aura rained down over the whole city from afar off. In some places the air started to warp from the heat, causing the surroundings to melt and combust. This aura outclassed anything they had felt before by leagues. Startled, everyone in the room readied themselves for battle.

"(H-hey Galileo.)"

"(If you got some strong new move now would be a good time Veldora.)"

"(Hear me out. Don't go with them just run. Skip the capital and just run.)"

"(What kinda stupid nonsense is that!?)"

"(Pretty lame Veldora.)"

"(Truly. This is unlike you.")

Even Ddraig and the system were caught off guard by his statement, Veldora was in a cold sweat. "(You guys don't understand, it's not that I'm scared or anything, but it would be better if we didn't see her right now.)"

("Who?") Galileo asked.

"(My older sister, Velgrynd.)"

"Velgrynd?" Galileo said aloud which Magnus heard.

"Did you say Velgrynd? As in Veldora's older sister?"

"I dunno maybe?"

"No way that reunion's going down in my city! The property damage is going to be astronomical and I am not a damn repairman!" Morgiana and Galilea thought that was funny considering he's been rebuilding stuff all day. "Galileo you go meet her!"

"Wha- but-"

"She's coming for Veldora! In other words, wherever you are!"

"(Damn slave driving commoner emperor is gonna be the death of me…)" Galileo left grumbling to himself.

"You're sending him out there by himself?" Lumiette exclaimed.

"Well Velgrynd is here for him, so why not. She's friendly-ish."

On his way out of the village Galileo ran into Siegfried who stood on the wall waiting for the monster to appear. "What are you doing? The village is in danger! Shouldn't like strong ninja and swordsmen be swarming up?"

"Isn't that your problem? I've already been notified the dragon is here to see you specifically, making you our hope for a peaceful resolution to this encounter." Though he said it in his usual cool demeanor Galileo noticed a hint of jealousy. "I'll be here should anything go awry."

"I heard you like dealing with dragons..."

"Don't even try it." Siegfried gave Galileo a slight push forward, but his hand felt like an object with immeasurable weight. Unable to resist at all Galileo was sent flying into the oncoming inferno headfirst.

Passing through the wall of fire Galileo remembered what is like to feel bothered by the element for the first time in years. The oppressive atmosphere made him sweat profusely and it became more difficult to breathe as he pressed forward. At the center of the flames Galileo came face to face with a stunning young woman in a tight black Chinese dress with a gold dragon design wrapping around her body. Her long blue hair flowed freely to her lower back save for the little bit rolled into two puffs atop her head. She was ironically fanning herself amid the inferno she was producing. "Well, well, well Veldora you actually came to me for once. Oh, you're not Veldora… I am the Scorch dragon Velgrynd, who might you be?"

"…" Galileo was stunned to silence. This overwhelming pressure, this incalculable heat, this awe-inspiring amount of magic, all wielded so casually. This is what a true dragon should be like. Even with Veldora he had an idea, but this was ridiculous. "I-I"

"Hahaha this much bothers you? You are just a little baby." Her aura died down, with it the flames dispersed, and the heat faded. "Is this better? You should have no problem answering now, why do you bear my brother's scent?"

"Well…umm… you see…he's sealed inside me." He opened his shirt to show her the cursed seal on his stomach.

"How about that…my stupid brother's gone and gotten himself sealed up again... HEY VELDORA CAN YOU HEAR ME!" She punched Galileo's head making him turn several flips before he steadied himself in the air.


"Now you've got a little base in your voice," Velgrynd grinned cracking her knuckles. "Give my little brother a message for me will you?"

"(Run Gali, we're not gonna make it if she catches us!)"

"Shut up I know!" He tried to flicker away but she was fast enough to grab his shirt. "Aww damn."

"(We're done for.)"

The gap between a baby and full grown dragon showed clearly just then. Velgrynd didn't use any magic at all but she beat Galileo worse than he'd ever been beaten in all his life. He was powerless to stop her as fist after fist smashed into him at blinding speeds. Siegfried almost felt bad for Galileo. He saw Velgrynd had no intention of killing the boy, so he stayed at his post. Many bruises and a black eye later Velgrynd had finally had her fun. "Hahaha you're a better punching bag than Veldora! I can feel years of stress just washing away. Anyways who are you baby dragon? I can tell you are a true dragon also. Your blood is familiar yet too different to be one of my siblings."

"I'm Galileo Vermillion, the evil void chaos dragon."

"Void and Chaos? What a promising constitution, even Veldenava didn't have such a body…Alright I've decided, I'll stay here and observe your growth for a while."

"Hold up, what are you calling a while?"

"As long as it takes to be sure you grow into one worthy of that title. Could be a week, could be a few centuries…all depends on how I feel."

"(Told you we should have ran…now she's staying!)"

"Oh and tell Veldora, there's no where in all the realms he can ever hope to hide from big sister. I'll always find him" She said with the same sinister smile she wore while beating Galileo. Both Galileo and Veldora felt shivers down their spines. "So where are we staying? It had better be nice too."

"…and that's how I got another abusive older sister figure (why are all the women in my life so violent?)." Having returned to the Pendragon estate Galileo recounted his beatdown back in the dining room.

"Did you put up a fight?" Galilea asked more embarrassed than Galileo. He can't get beat up, she was made from his blood after all. "Stop getting beat up. I don't like it."

"Thanks for the emotional support sis...I'll try harder next time."

"You are welcome brother. You, Velgrynd. Don't hurt my brother anymore or I will get angry...You won't like me when I'm angry."

"(Oh my goodness she really just said that!)Haha-" Magnus held back a laugh as Galilea unknowingly quoted the hulk's iconic line.

"Relax I was only teasing him." Galilea didn't care, she let her aura out. Unlike Galileo's and even Velgrynd's auras which were wild and untamed, Galilea's was calm and flowed steadily. All around her the room seemed to be devoured into nothingness with no exception as a thick dark grey energy spread out.

"You are too cute!" Galilea found herself being swept off her feet by Velgrynd with a doting hug. The room returned to normal (much to Magnus' relief) as Velgrynd spun around with her like a doll. "Was that abyss you were using just now? Two young new true dragons? How exciting! I can't wait to see how you develop too!"

"So does that mean you'll be staying in Clover?" Magnus asked the dragoness.

"Yes what of it, inse-" She stopped and stared at Magnus for what seemed like an eternity. "I'll be damned…You have heaven's mandate? Hahahahaha! A true dragon casually having tea with the heaven's chosen son? What are the odds I'd stumble upon this lot?" She set Galilea down and gave Magnus her full attention "And what do they call you?"

"Magnus Pendragon, Daimyo of Hodge."

"Only this small city? I thought you'd have a bigger domain."

"Humble beginnings, you know how that goes."

"I see ambition in your eyes, Very good. I'm counting on you to remain a challenge for that idiot." Pointing at Galileo who was being tended to by Lumiette. "Emperors who get too weak often find themselves devoured by dragons" she said that last part in a cold condescending tone.

"Dragons who get too weak often find themselves as pets for emperors" Magnus said back with the same tone before he switched to a mischievous grin. "I wouldn't worry about it too much though. Make yourself at home, is there anything I can do for you?"

"Fix my brother, him getting sealed up inside some fool irks me."

"Well I can't exactly break the seal. There's a strong possibility that could kill Galileo and the bond is mutually beneficial to them. You see…" Then he went on to explain the concept of their version of jinchuriki hosts to Velgrynd. He was careful how he worded his explanation because truth be told he could free Veldora with little problem, but another idiot true dragon loose in his city would give him anxiety (he already told Kurama he preferred Hodge to the capital). This one was their problem to solve, and with no chakra in Galileo's entire group they would have a tough time going about it.

"I see…we'll have to figure something else out…" Velgrynd was determined, she racked her brain for a solution.

"Couldn't you enchant a portion of his soul onto an object?" Lumiette spoke up.

"What did you say?"

"With enchanting one could alter the properties of something by putting their magic into it, but what if we used Veldora's soul? I've never seen it done like this before, but mages have given life to inanimate objects before via enchantments. If my theory is correct, he would gain a body to roam the outside world as he pleases with little change to their Jinchuriki bonding. However, considering how strong Veldora is a sturdy vessel would be needed."

"Like?" Galileo asked.

"One of your scales should work."

"No problem" he pulled a shiny black scale from his dragonified arm and held it up.

"Get on with it!" Velgrynd was watching intently. She wasn't the only one who anticipated the show, Magnus, Noelle and Morgiana ate popcorn while watching. Galileo let his magic flow into the scale as it lit up like a star illuminating the whole room.

"Muahahaha Muahahahahahah MUAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" Velodora's maniacal three part laughter was heard before anyone (without sharingan) saw him. "Freedooooom!!!" Standing on the table was a man with short messy blonde hair, and eyes that shone like gold. Being made from Galileo's scale his facial features had a slight rugged Vermillion look, including the red around his eyes. He was handsome man with a youthful but intimidating air about him, his menacing grin made him look like a battle junky. He only wore baggy black martial artist pants because it made him feel cool.

"He did it!?" Magnus looked the most surprised.

"Pay up big brother, and I believe it was double if he got it right on his first try." Morgiana laughed taking money from Magnus.

"It worked! You're a genius Lumiette!" Galileo embraced her tight and kissed her repeatedly.

She nearly fainted from happiness in his arms. "Happy to help, my love."

Veldora pointed at Galileo "Hey stupid! Why didn't you think of this earlier?" Thinking back, Galileo could have done this at any time. He knew how to enchant long before Veldora was sealed within him.

"You just saw Lumiette figure that out don't play with me. How come you only thought of this now babe?"

"I just learned what a jinchuriki is today."

"I see the issue now…"

"Smart and pretty, I like the phoenix." Velgrynd patted Lumiette's head walking past. "Veldoraaa."

"Ddraig wants a body too…Peace out!" Veldora flew out the window like a cyclone.

"Get back here you brat! Greet your sister properly!" Velgrynd left after him. They didn't mean to, but they destroyed the window and the surrounding wall just flying by so fast.

"VELDORAAAA!" Magnus cried lamenting another destroyed wall.

"Ummm…It'll be ok Magnus." Noelle tried to comfort him.

"Why didn't we do this outside…"

"Hahahaha! True dragons are very as lively as the Vermillions!" Morgiana laughed.

"Very noisy…" Galilea added. "Big brother, I want rings. Today."


"Gyarados? Noelle asked Magnus.

"It's a reference to a game. An angry sea dragon…"

"It fits."

"Oh, before I forget" Galileo held up another scale. With another bright flash a man who could've been Veldora's brother stood before them. Opposite Veldora Ddraig looked much more refined, his features were softer and he had deep crimson eyes. He wore red Daoist robes, and had his long crimson hair tied into a ponytail. At least he looked civilized Magnus thought. "Sup Ddraig."

"I must thank you Galileo, Lumiette. It's been so long since I've had a physical body. How can I repay you for this?"

"Don't sweat it. You help me plenty and it's not like this is a perfect body for you anyways."

"Yes, seeing that it worked out is thanks enough for me."

"You're not going to destroy my house too, are you?" Magnus asked while repairing yet another wall.

"Hahaha! No I won't Magnus, but if you don't mind I'd like to visit your library. I hear you have a great collection of material. Reading has become an enjoyable pastime for me."

"Oh, uh sure (FINALLY A CIVILZED DRAGON!!) It's down the hall to the left, double doors. You can't miss it." With a nod of thanks Ddraig left the room. "You can learn a lot from him Gali."

"I'm pretty sure Veldora is stronger, but yeah he is a good teacher too."

"He meant your behavior my love." Lumiette said.

"What's wrong with my behavior?!"

"Ninety percent of it." Noelle answered.

"And frankly I think reading more would do you some good." Lumiette added.

"I think I read enough when I go to the library with you."

"Summaries and intros don't count. I don't think you've actually finished a book the whole time I've known you."

Just then Itachi appeared and whispered in Magnus ear and disappeared. Magnus looked bothered. "Why is he here?"

"Who's here?" Galileo asked glad to be changing the subject.

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