Chapter 56: Ch. 55 A new goal
"Damn that brat Magnus! Making me travel all this way to the middle of nowhere!" Just outside of Hodge a carriage had just arrived in the area, transporting none other than King Augustus Kira Clover XIII who complained the whole way. "Doesn't he know how valuable my time is?! This had better be important to call me all the way out here into these dangerous monster infested lands!"
"It's plenty safe your majesty. After all, the eight magic knight captains are here to guard you, as well as the ninja escort assigned to you personally. Only a fool with a death wish would attack this carriage." Julius did his best to comfort the grouchy king. Sharing the carriage with him was the hardest thing he's had to do in a long time, he'd rather be dealing with a tiny terror tantrum than this.
As more of the city came into view the king went slack jawed. He could tell how much better the city was than the capital at a glance. If he knew anything it was value, and Hodge definitely had plenty of it. Bigger buildings, more people(who didn't seem to be struggling like the capital's poor), and plenty of new innovations he'd never seen before. Whatever Magnus was doing out here was working. "Did this brat summon me just to show off!?!"
"I'm sure that's not the case your majesty."
The carriage went to a meeting hall, where the king and wizard king were escorted to a large room with many tables and chairs. Shortly after, the eight captains filled in, then Siegfried, Itachi, Soifon, Iori, the masked sect master, Father Orsi, Sister Lily, Octavius, and several heads of newly prestigious houses in Hodge and the nearby villages. "What is this! I wasn't called here just to look at you people, was I? And what's with this seat! It's very uncomfortable!" The king immediately expressed his displeasure at being there.
"Good evening Your majesty, warriors of clover, officials and nobles of Hodge." Madara appeared in front of the assembly to address them.
"And who is this guy!?!"- The king
"Madara Uchiha?!"-Charlotte
"Dafuq is he doing here?!"-Yami
"Nobles of Hodge?"- Nozel
"If someone doesn't start explaining I'm executing everyone here!"- The king
Madara wanted to laugh out loud but he held himself back. (Execute me? If not for Magnus I'd have ended you the day I arrived in Clover.)"
"Alright Madara I rounded up the other brats! Huh? We're still missing a few people?" Meraleona entered the room blazing claws floating behind her held Asta, Yuno, Leopold, Charmy, Kirsch, Akame, Bandit, Jude, Gaian and Dalli by their heads. Mimosa and Derireri walked beside her.
"Mera? What's going on? Shouldn't your group have returned to the capital by now?"-Fuegoleon
"Take it up with Gali, it was his mission. I was told there was supposed to be an important meeting here. So here I am."- Meraleona
"What's this damned meeting about?" -The king.
"The Myriad realms." Morgiana stated appearing next to her grandfather along with Magnus and Noelle. "I thank you all for coming all the way out here to Hodge."
"Hold up Lil Magnus called us all out here?!" -Jack
"It's Morgiana thank you, and yes it was I who called this meeting using Magnus' noble seal."
"How could you steal from your big brother?" Magnus looked hurt "I'd have given the seal to you if you asked…"
"What's done is done please be seated brother, the dragons will be arriving any second now and then we can start."
"Plural?" Glancing at the already present Leopold "There's more of them now?"- Vangence
"How exciting more dragons! I wonder what abilities they have!" – Julius
"I just hope they are easier to deal with than Galileo…" -Gueldre
"Ask them yourself, here they are." On Morgiana's cue Galileo opened the doors and behind him were several new faces. Accompanying Galileo and Lumiette was a little Vermillion girl staring lovingly at the jewel encrusted brass knuckle rings that spell 'GALI' and 'LEA'. The crimson haired dragon walked regally with his head held high, while the blonde-haired dragon side eyed everyone sizing up the capable looking warriors. Lastly was a striking woman strolling relaxedly with danger hiding behind her alluring eyes. "I would like to introduce to you all clover's newest dragonic residents."-Morgiana
"Galilea Ver…" She trailed off engrossed in the twinkling of the gems on her fingers. -Galilea
"Finish your sentence."-Galileo
She sighed dramatically and tore herself away from the rings "Galilea Vermillion, the abyssal true dragon. He's my brother now…" She gave Galileo an angry look then her attention went back to her jewels.
"Your brother? What do you mean?"-Fuegoleon
"He called me sister when I was born."- Galilea
"She does look an awful lot like us."-Leopold
"But I'd know if I had a little sister." -Meraleona
"Galileo care to explain?" -Fuegoleon
"Don't question my brother insects." -Galilea
"Those are my other siblings; Meraleona, Fuegoleon and Leopold…You can't call them bugs."-Galileo
"Ah. Hello then…what's wrong with their bloodlines? Are all Vermillions not dragons?"-Galilea
"No they aren't. I was born to human parents, I'm a dragon though. Since my blood helped your breakthrough, you evolved most like to me.…It's kinda complicated, one of you guys say something."-Galileo
"Hello humans, I am the Red Dragon Emperor Ddraig. I am here to assist Galileo's combat growth."-Ddraig.
"Muahahaha MUA-" Veldora's laugh was cut short by Velgrynd putting her fan in front of his face. "Hey!"
"I am the scorch dragon Velgrynd and this idiot is my younger brother Veldora the storm dragon. We're also here to see the young true dragons' growth. I will say this now the affairs of this land are not my concern, only the matters involving this little group."
"In other words, you guys are allies as long as Galileo is happy." – Father Orsi
"Oh, make no mistake we by no means serve the boy. I'm merely putting my efforts into one I see with considerable potential."- Velgrynd
"If you guys can keep the destruction to a minimum there shouldn't be much of a problem. We'd be happy to welcome you to Clover." -Julius
"Galis, Veldora. Looking at you three."- Magnus
"Nice to meet ya! We've been doing a lot of 'diversifying' as of late anyways." -Dorothy
"Not sure how much of a good thing that has been." -Gueldre
"Now that that is out of the way, we can begin. As I said earlier, I called all of you here to discuss what is known as the Myriad Realms. A gathering of over ten thousand individual smaller realms under the heavens. This world we live in is one such realm, a tiny one at that. Each realm is unique and possesses it's own manner of natural laws, powers and denizens who at some point could break through and enter the outer realms. The greatest world of the Myriad Realms is the Grand World. Several hundred times larger than our own the Grand world acts as a hub for people of all realms. Many of the realm's elite entities have territories there."
"What does that mean to us little girl? I don't care to hear some child's made-up fantasies."- The king
"I can assure you the realms outside ours aren't fantasies, I have been to the grand world myself before."-Morgiana
"And I've been to the moon."- The king
"Milady speaks the truth. Gods, devils, undead, monsters, and the like are all very real and inhabit worlds of their own. Some who could create new realms with their powers, others who would ravage worlds such as these with the flick of a finger."- Siegfried
"That's crazy as hell! You expect us to believe our whole planet is a little spec on the end of nowhere! Why not just say every creature in the myths and fairy tales are real?" -Jack
"That is the idea. There are quite a few realms out there." -Morgiana
"I don't take you for a liar but this is a bit much…" -Charlotte
"A born prince of a human kingdom is a true dragon, and heaven's chosen son serves under someone. Are either of those more outlandish notions than other worlds?" -Velgrynd
"…She's got a point there."-Octavius
"Wait what is this heaven's chosen son business? I serve no one!" -The king
Magnus choked and started coughing violently. He turned to the side to hide his face.
"What's wrong Magnus?" -Noelle
"Nothing, I'm fine." Wiping a tear from his eye. He sent Galileo a message in the system "(Gali! Did you hear that nonsense!?)"-Magnus
"(Hahahaha! What an idiot!)"-Magnus
"(A giant bird literally yelled you have heaven's mandate over the capital! Bwahahahaha!)"
"(Hahahaha! Alright we gotta pay attention now. Look serious)."
Galileo looked at Magnus "(I serve no one!)" He and Magnus were both trying hard no to laugh out loud.
Magnus took a fan out of his ring to hide his smiling face. "Is it hot in here?" Deciding not to go into the topic of heavens mandate with the king, he changed the subject. "Morge if what you're saying is true, how come we haven't met any of these world busters."
"Really Magnus? There are several present already." Morgiana said rolling her eyes.
"What no way you're serious!"- Jack
"Who here could possibly be strong enough to destroy a whole world, and if so why haven't they done it?"-Vangence
"My grandchildren."-Madara
"My young lord and lady."-Siegfried
"The baby true dragons." -Velgrynd
All three of them were oblivious to the fearful atmosphere that spread through the room. Everyone was speechless. For them to just admit it so nonchalantly? The worst part was three more potential epic crisis centered on Magnus and Galileo.
"Heheh you're kidding right?"-Yami
"It doesn't seem so…"-Nozel
"Stop with this nonsense! If my magic knights can't destroy a whole world, then I don't believe for a second a few no names could do it either!" -The king
"It's your choice to believe it or not. I honestly couldn't care less." -Velgrynd
"I assembled you all here today because you are Clover's most important leaders and warriors. More importantly than that, there are those among you nearing the ability to do so yourselves. The fact that some of you can perform mystic arts is proof of that. A power only attainable when one's technique aligns with the universe, achieving true perfection. I believe some of those among us are close to transcending beyond this world's threshold."- Morgiana
The crowd murmured among themselves for a moment in response. Transcending? World destroying old monsters? What will happen someone reaches that level? Many questions needed answers.
"I have a question. If our world is in constant danger of being destroyed, what's kept us safe up til now? It's clear those three aren't the most eager to help if not for you two. Also none of us are, as Magnus put it, world busters." -Dorothy ." -Siegfried
"Yes, shouldn't these world busters have come destroyed us long ago?" -The king
(I serve no one!)" Doing an impression of the king across the room. -Galileo
"Pffffft! (Shut up Gali!)" -Magnus
"Is there something you have to say Magnus?" -Madara
"No, no, nothing from me" hiding his face behind his fan. "Please go on." -Magnus
"This world was sealed off ages ago" Siegfried answered. "After Camelot's fall lady Mika preserved a remnant of the land so her surviving followers could recover safely. That remnant would remain hidden away until someone born here could gain the power to transcend to the higher realms. Until then, this place doesn't exist to the beings stuck outside."
"So what if we just don't break the seal? It would be much safer if the seal remains intact." – Gueldre
"Of course fat ham wouldn't want to."-Galileo
"I don't particularly look forward to fighting god level beings. The monsters and demons are tough enough as is." -Gueldre
"Hahahahaha! Why would you even say that fat ham? Look around you, Morge already said the people here are the ones closest to breaking through. We have gotten here by surpassing our limits time and time again, striving for perfection. How could anyone here be content with stopping right in front of a new gate? The very idea of it is maddening. You think our enemies will stop? Of course not! We must always stay two steps ahead to ensure our survival. We are warriors of Clover kingdom, there's no fear in our blood! Let's break that seal and go to the myriad realms! Countless realms waiting to give us riches and glory!" Magnus' energy was infectious as others stood up shouting in agreement.
"(That boy has charisma like Julius, I don't like it one bit. Soldiers should know their place…Everyone should be applauding something cool I said!)" -The king
"Oh and since you have my attention, everyone here should know Gueldre is a traitor to the country. He's been selling secrets to the enemy."-Magnus
Everyone in the room gasps dramatically before falling silent.
"W-What how dare you accuse me of treason!?!"-Gueldre
"Yes, Magnus why would you say something like that? This is a grave accusation."- Julius
"I didn't want to believe it at first. One of the honorable royal magic knights' captains, a villainous traitor? But after defeating Doflamingo, I recovered this information from his archives."-Magnus
"One of the seven warlords? You defeated him yourself?"-Julius
"Yes it turned out he owned Joker city, which is now Pendragon territory. I expect Clover to be reaping those benefits very soon"-Magnus
"Excellent work Magnus." Madara was filled with pride to see him out conquering already.
"That's one down then."-Yami
"Oh make that two. We befriended Jinbe in Heart, he lives over there now." -Galileo
"Really? Things went well over there? No unnecessary destruction on your part?" -Magnus
"No it went smoothly, we got attacked by Spade though. But we fought em off so it's all good. Also it seems like there's some infighting among the warlords. Crocodile may have made a foul play against Jinbe, that's why he helped us in the first place." -Galileo
"For real? What did he do?" -Magnus
"Ahem…I'm sure that's all in Lumiette's report so we'll find out soon enough. Treason isn't something to be taken lightly Magnus."-Julius
"Oh right! One of Doflamingo's former subordinates showed me the intel fat ham sold them."-Magnus
"Do you have proof of this?" -Gueldre
"Sadly no, I destroyed it all immediately…" -Magnus
"Without proof it's little more than a wild accusation." -The king
"I thought about that after I did it, but then it just so happened that he also sold the information to one of my spies in Diamond."-Magnus
"No way…" Gueldre wanted to protest but what are the odds the boy would make up the truth.
"You may come in Gin." On Magnus call a silver haired man in all white robes entered the room. His face fixed into a seemingly permanent smile. On his waist was a sword that anyone with spiritual awareness could tell was a zanpakuto, quite a powerful one at that.
"How's it going boss? What's up Gueldre? For the rest of you my name is Gin Ichimaru, I started out working for Aizen who was curious of how these different abilities worked in Clover. I approached Gueldre seeking information, to which he happily agreed to sell me. Shortly after Magnus proposed a deal that I work for him as a double agent. I have here all the reports he's sold me, which I altered before handing them over to Aizen." The newcomer plopped a big stack of papers on the table in front of the king and Julius who began reading them.
"This is very sensitive information. There's something about almost everyone here…Gueldre what do you have to say for yourself?"-Julius
"It doesn't matter what he has to say! This is treason! Your head will roll you treacherous snake!" -The king
"Gueldre Poizot you're under arrest!" Julius moved to capture him in a time prison but Gueldre vanished.
"He's using his permeation magic to get away!" -Jack
Using various skills like haki, sage energy, and ki most were able to pinpoint his location. Through his training Gueldre had learned to extend his abilities to being immune to all energies and some ninja training made him more agile, despite all that he was swiftly brought down with a single punch from Madara's limbo clone.
"We'll take him back to the capital to interrogate him, find out what else he's given up."- Julius
"For now, there's a cell with his name on it in the Hodge village prison."-Morgiana
Security ninja appeared, bound, and escorted Gueldre out.
"Wha- where did they come from!" The king was the most startled by the sudden appearance of Magnus security ninja.
"No, no, no this simply won't do your majesty. This won't do at all! For a treasonous snake to get so close to you? We must get you your own security force of ninja." On cue a full team of security ninja wearing animal masks appeared around Magnus. "I will personally train them up for you in the capital. With your discerning eye we should be able to choose truly exceptional candidates."
"(He just made up another excuse to not do his work!)"-Noelle
"Hmm, my own security ninja force…I like the sound of that. Very well Magnus I approve. Come! We must begin the selection process!"
"Your majesty, we're in the middle of an important meeting. One that could decide the fate of the world as we know it." -Julius
"Very well" sitting back down. "Well who has a plan? Chop chop!"