Emperor and Dragon ( A Black Clover Fanfiction)
Chapter 61: NOTICE!!! Short break- I actually mean short break, we'll be back
Hey everyone, hope you've been enjoying the story so far. Things have been a little hectic lately with school, work, and recovering from that snowstorm(we're from Texas); so production has been a little slow lately. We're going to take a short one to two-week break to get caught up on writing and edits to the coming story. After that, we'll be right back on track with regular posts every other day.
Stay tuned for updates; when we come back is when Magnus and Galileo's story really gets rolling!
Definitely NOT dropping, and you won't wait long. We want to make sure their story is as good as possible for you.
Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.