Emperor and Dragon ( A Black Clover Fanfiction)

Chapter 62: Ch. 60 The night before Gali leaves

"So have you ever…like… you know…"

"Have I what?"

"Have you ever eaten a person? I won't judge." Magnus asked Galileo as they walked to the Vermillion dining hall for dinner.

"What? No! That would be cannibalism!" Galileo was disgusted.

"Would it though?" Magnus questioned. "You were pretty far past being human last I checked."

"…Oh shit you're right, I'm a demon and a dragon…" Galileo thought about it. Both races did prey on humans… "No! No, that's just gross. I'm not eating people."

"Not even a liver? It might make you stronger?"

"You need help man."

"I just want you to be the best 'you' you can be. As long as they aren't innocent people, I wouldn't stop you from doing what's natural. What if you get new powers?" Magnus said seriously.

"Stop, you're gonna give me a complex!"

"We could take death row prisoners and let you eat them, and maybe their souls too?"

"I'm not listening, LALALALA!" Galileo covered his ears while Magnus kept talking.

"It would be interesting to see how that affects you. Hunger could be dulling your senses for all we know. Raizen literally starved to death when he stopped eating humans, and he's the basis of your demonic bloodline. As long as it doesn't turn you into a mindless beast or inherently evil I think you should explore being a monster more."

"Ah you two…" Galilea stood down the hallway with red all over her, mainly her hands and mouth. A servant was laid out on the floor, more red was splattered across the hall.

"Galilea you didn't?!"

"My point exactly!"

"I have found pasta is delicious…" Next to her a large pot which was on its way to the dining room was nearly emptied out.

"Oooooh my head….." Though he'd been hit pretty hard the servant was alive and unmaimed.

"Phew" Galileo breathed a sigh of relief "scared me there, sis. For a second I thought you were eating that guy."

"Can I not eat humans?"

"I'd prefer you didn't."

"…Then I shall require more pasta…and breadsticks."

"I think we can manage that. And stop bullying servants!"

"Galilea! That was supposed to be for everyone!" Lumiette was the first to arrive to the commotion. I wanted to have a nice dinner party before Galileo left! Now you've gone and ruined it!"

"You needed more food than that…my diamonds are dirty now…" Galilea didn't really care about the whole situation. "My brother doesn't like your boring dinners boring girl."

"Boring!? I-I'm not boring!" Lumiette looked to the others. "Am I?"

"Of course not Lumiette." Galileo tried to comfort her. "I'd say you're like umm…reliable."

"(Gali you idiot. That's calling her boring.) Magnus and Noelle thought on one accord.

"Sounds boring…" Galilea said.

"I'm sorry I don't have fun burning down buildings!" Lumiette stormed out.

"Lumiette! Wait up!" Galileo punched Galilea in the back of the head and followed Lumiette out.

"Ow…" Galilea said apathetically. "So sensitive…"

"You know Galilea, it wouldn't kill you to show some courtesy to someone other than yourself." Morgiana said to her.

"Shut up mosshead." Morgiana and Galilea exploded through the wall sword versus claws. Explosions of all natures illuminated the Vermillion courtyard as they ran amok.

"You were right Asta it is always something over here." Magnus sighed with disappointment. He was looking forward to the dinner party, but more than that Galileo's property was finally being destroyed and he couldn't care less. What's worse, Galileo's parents would most likely pay to have it fixed. "I'll have chef Magnus whip something else up. Someone heal that man and get him to a bed, Noelle will you lend me a hand with those two?"


Galileo made his way to Lumiette's room in the royal palace. "Lumiette?" He knocked on the door.

"Go away. I wouldn't want to bore you to death." She answered from inside.

"It'll take a lot more than that to kill me. I'm coming in." Lumiette's room was like you'd expect a princess' room to be plush, decorated with tapestries and ribbons, one of a kind handcrafted jewelry sat on ornate displays, and expensive dolls were everywhere. More individually she had rows of shelves lined with dense books, manuals, high grade research materials, and models she'd put together herself. Lumiette was on the far side of her big pink canopy bed hugging a blue and black plushie dragon. "Heeey."

"Isn't there somewhere more entertaining you could be?" Lumiette didn't turn around.

"Plenty of places, but nowhere more important right now." Galileo sat next to her. "You know I don't think you're boring."

"But you'd have more fun crawling through caves than going out with me."

"I would because going out with you is always a formal event. I think formal events are boring."

"So you do think I'm boring?"

"Not you, just the stuff you like to do." She gave him an insulted look. "I'm just saying we can find something to do that doesn't involve a book or ballroom once in a while."

"Only if it isn't a dusty old dungeon."

"Deal. Since it's just me and you…" He stopped for a minute. He could hear muffled breathing on the other side of the door. A servant or two was listening in. "(Relax old fart…I'm not gonna do anything.) Come on Lumiette, I'm kidnapping you for the night."

"Where are we going?"

"Out" Galileo opened a window and stepped out on a cloud. Lumiette took his hand and he pulled her onto the cloud with him. "I gotta fill you in on a bunch of stuff."

"This reminds me of Bowser stealing Princess Peach away." Lumiette said. "I played the Mario bros game with Noelle in Hodge" she could already see Galileo was going to ask how she knew of them.

"Oh… this conversation must be long overdue."

"I believe it is."

"Wait, if I'm Bowser who's Mario?!"

"You think a princess would actually choose a plumber over a dragon?"


"This is all your fault." Morgiana snapped.

"You slashed first." Galilea said back not caring.

"You called me mosshead!" Morgiana was still sensitive about her hair, even if a simple transformation jutsu had it looking normal again…It was a stupid waste of chakra.

"You have no authority to admonish me." Galilea stated.

"Stop talking you two are on punishment" Magnus cut in. The two baby sisters were forced to do wall sits while holding heavy enchanted stones in each hand and balancing a third on their heads.

"Ok." Galilea went quiet.

"Big brother, these stones are heavy and I'm hungry." Morgiana whined with her best puppy dog eyes. "Can I drop them pleaaase?"

"You should have thought about that before smashing through that wall." Magnus did his best to ignore her. He'd charge Galileo for the repairs to the building later. "You're there for what you did Morge, not for Galilea's actions."

"But I'm sowwy!" Morgiana made her eyes water.

"I'm sure you are, now sit there…(who taught her my begging techniques?)"

"(Darn that usually works.) "Well how long do we have to stay like this?" Morgiana asked accepting her fate.

"You two can stay there until Galileo and Lumiette come back."

"You know they're probably not coming back tonight" Leopold said. "Wouldn't be surprised if he forgot we were waiting for him by now."

"Lumiette's with him. She wouldn't forget her own-"

"She's alone with Gali, she forgot too." Noelle answered. It wasn't hard for them to guess when Galileo was ditching anymore and Lumiette got irrational when it came to him.

"Sounds right" Yuno added. "You don't have to wait for them to show up, everything will be cold by then."

"Yeah let's go eat! Chef Magnus said tonight's meal was his masterpiece." Asta was drooling as he started down the hall. "It smelled amazing!"

"I can't miss chef Magnus' masterpiece!" Morgiana whined.

"Better hope Gali gets back soon." Magnus said. "Don't move until he does. I'll know if you do."

"We understand." Galilea confirmed.

"Come on everyone else, lets go enjoy our meal." Magnus led the others off.

"We UnDeRsTaNd." Morgiana mocked as soon as they were alone. "That's you, that's how you sound."

"You sound like a crying baby. I wonder if the baby is hungry." Galilea knew she was, and the hall still smelled strongly of spaghetti sauce.

"Oh, you think you're funny?"

"No funnier than your hair."

"One of these days I will make sushi out of you, river monster."

"I'm surprised you can cut anything with those noodle arms."

"(Hurry back Gali, I can't spend all night with your sister…)"


Galileo and Lumiette were having a moonlight picnic on the city wall. Sure enough neither of them had any intention of going back home anytime soon. For once Galileo was as transparent as he could be with Lumiette, as he told her about the secrets he normally kept from everyone but Magnus. Galileo told her most everything he knew about the kind of person Samuel was, the world he and Troy came from and the lifestyles people lived there. They talked through a great number of subjects like history, technology, culture, media, world travel, the system and even Black Clover's original story( she wasn't thrilled to find out she wasn't part of it). At first Lumiette couldn't believe what he was saying, but it made more sense as he went on. How He and Magnus were so powerful, talented, well informed, how they kept coming up with and producing these groundbreaking innovations (mostly Magnus there though). Still for every question Galileo answered she had two more, and Galileo did his best to explain with the system's help. With this new wealth of knowledge Lumiette was able to start piecing together new contingency plans, theories on otherworldly energies and she felt more familiar with the people around her. Helping her understand gave Galileo deeper insight on powers he thought he knew like the back of his hand. Lumiette started telling him things he didn't know he could do.

Minutes turned to hours and soon Lumiette's Q&A started to end as her eyes grew heavy. Galileo was in the middle of telling her funny story about a psychic boy's disastrous life when she leaned on his shoulder fast asleep. "Hell must be freezing over if I talked you to sleep." Galileo laughed to himself watching the sunrise.

"You picked a good day to stay up all night. I'm not going easy on you because you're sleepy" Madara appeared staring at the morning sky.

"I wouldn't dream of it."

"Are you ready?"

"Yeah, let me take her back and we can go."


Galileo dropped Lumiette off in her bed and met Madara. Magnus and Fuegoleon were the only ones up early enough to see them off outside of the castle gates.

"Train hard Gali, we'll see you soon" Fuegoleon said.

"The trip will be over before you know it, so use the time well." Magnus added. "Looks like I'll have the spotlight while you're gone."

"Psssh we both know I'm the main star, it'll probably just skip a year." Galileo chuckled.

"Don't be ridiculous, you could never be more important than me." Magnus said. "I suppose the support character should be kind of strong though."

"We'll find out who's the star when I get back! You stay sharp."

"I'm the epitome of sharp."

They both laughed and shook hands. "One year! We got this!"

"(What are they going on about?) Alright you little narcissists" Madara said starting to walk away. "Until next time."

"Give everyone love for me! I'll be back in a flash!" Galileo said catching up to Madara.

"Oh, and you walk on your hands until the next town Galileo. Since your first mystic art was a palm technique it would be good to start building your arm strength up."

"Got it!" Galileo said balancing on his hands. He was wobbly at first but after a short distance it became pretty easy.

"Maybe Madara will train Leo and Mera too, then House Vermillion can be the capital's ninja clan."

"Hahaha, that would be interesting." Fuegoleon couldn't even picture any of his siblings using an ounce of stealth.

"Yes it would… I can't help but feel like I'm forgetting something…" On cue Galilea and Morgiana both ran past and dropkicked Galileo.

"You were just going to leave and not say anything!?"

"We were on the wall all night jerk!"

"What wall!?!" Galileo had no idea what they were talking about, but it didn't stop them from stomping him out.

"Oh right, them…I probably shouldn't be here when they get done with Gali." Magnus vanished leaving Fuegoleon alone.

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