Fallout: (Nuclear)Winter Is Coming

Chapter 16: Ch.15: Decisions and Betrayal


It was morning of the next day and I was currently in the medical suite setting up the Auto-Doc, since I did not have time yesterday.

All I had to do was place it from the menu and then manually connect it to the power bank.

When I was done, I took a second to admire to the design of the machine. It looked similiar to the tube like design of the Pulowski Preservation shelters that can be found in major cities around the country.

Of course those things did nothing to actually protect the people who tried to use it when the bombs fell.

Even if they managed to survive inside the shelter, they would find themselves eventually dying from thirst or hunger.

And if they had stepped out, the rads would kill or mutate them quickly.

It will take a few decades before anyone can go back up to the surface. There is simply too much radiation in the area that hasn't dissipated enough to reach safe levels.

I pulled the Pheonix Implant out of my inventory and then placed it into the receptacle.

I used the terminal and chose which procedure I would like done and then removed my clothes.

I opened the machine and got inside and stood facing the front. The capsule closed around me enveloping me in darkness for a moment.

The machine whirred to life and began scanning my body and then mechanical arms inside the Auto-Doc began moving.

My body was restrained to prevent movement and the arms used various tools to clean and prepare the surgery site.

I felt a prick of a syringe and felt my spine go numb between my shoulder blades.

I then felt some pressure in the numb area and the whirring of the mechanical arms.

One arm opened an incision, another used a tube to vacuum the blood while another sprayed a coagulant solution to slow the blood flow while another prepared the implant, all working in tandum.

It had only taken a few minutes but the machine finished and one of the arms began to sow the incision closed.

Not that it mattered much as my healing factor was already pushing the stitches out and sealing the injury. Even more so now that my Healing Factor has been upgraded with the implant which was already working as intended.

With a hiss the Auto-Doc door opened and I was released from the restraints.

After I got out of the machine, it began a sterilization process so that it can be ready for the next patient.

'Truly a miracle of modern medicine. If my old world had this tech...'

I didnt linger in the med suite, instead I went to get a snack inside me to help replenish my blood and nutrients.

Last night I had some time to think about my situation and decided on a plan.

My relationship with Savanna had been improving everyday which worried me a bit.

I knew eventually I was going to have to do something about her. I plan to enter cryosleep soon and that means she will have to go under as well.

I couldnt have her up and about while I'm frozen.

But that left me at an impasse.

I didnt have to do it right away and I have been enjoying my time with her.

But I also dont like the feeling of being chosen by default just because there is no one else here.

She deserves to be outside in a safe society where she has a choice.

And if she still feels the same about me then at that point I could accept it.

That's why I think it's better to do it sooner rather than wait.

She becomes more attached to me everyday and while I like the attention of a beautiful girl, it just feels fake and to be honest as much as I like her. I'm not sure she is the one for me yet.

So, I decided it was time to move forward.


A few days passed and I was currently stopped outside Savannah's suite door.

*buzz* I rang her bell.

*Pshhh* The door opened. "I'm ready! Sorry, I took so long." She said as she walked out of her suite. She looked stunning and I felt warm in knowing it was because I asked her to accompany me.

"Don't worry about it Sav. I just wanted to show you something new."

"Past the laser door?" She asked innocently.

"Yup. You're gonna be surpirised."

She smiled and then linked her arm with mine. "Lead the way then."

"With pleasure my lady..."

As we walked out of Residential and into the Atrium, I thought about the conversation I had with Alfred and Rosie last night...


"But sir, why not tell miss Savanna, I'm sure she would understand..."

"I cant risk it Alfred. What if she refuses?"

"Well I think this stinks boss. What are we supposed to do for 50 years? I'll be an old maid by then!"

"I'm sorry, Rosie. As a normal human I dont have time to wait for the radiation to clear up outside.

As much as I would like to live my life in this vault with Sav, have children and enjoy life to the fullest, what kind of life would this be for her or for them.

"Spending thier entire lives in a hole, only knowing vault life. I wont do it. I will create a safe place for Savannah, myself and whoever I can get on our side. A place where our children can grow up happy.

Not limited to a life in this hole!"


I gulped nervously as I led her past the laser door leading up to the Overseer's office.

"Oh is that your office? Are you finally gonna let me in there?"

"Haha, let's save that for last. First, I wanna show you the Server and Reactor room."

"Why there?" She tilted her head curiously. Her green eyes gazed at me and her long raven hair fell in strands across her face creating a scene that left me breathless

'Oh, I got it bad. This isnt good...'

"Oh... um, It's a surprise. I won't spoil it."

She accepted that and I led her into the Server room. The table in the center was covered in schematics and notes and I had set up a board where I mapped out my various plans.

"What is all this?" She asked.

"This is the 'core' of this vault. To the right is the room where the super reactors for the vault are. All the power in the entire vault is generated in there and those reactors can last centuries or even millenia. In the back room are where all the servers are and that is where the entire vaults data is stored."

She looked impressed and then pointed. "What's in that room?"

"Ah. That's the room I wanted to show you, that room is 'very cool.' Heh... ahem! Sorry that was a bad pun... Come on I'll show you."

As we entered the room, rows and rows of white capsules lined the walls. The cryogenic beds gave off a sort of cold aura that left the entire room feeling like being inside a freezer.

"What is this place-?"

I interrupted her, "You know... I've really enjoyed my time with you Sav... Spending everyday with you has been the happiest I have been in a long time." I said with heartfelt sincerity.

She turned to me, a hint of confusion and shyness to my words but seemed to draw her own conclusion.

"I've also enjoyed my time with you too." She leaned in and wrapped her arms around me. "I owe my life to you... I wasn't sure at first whether that was a good thing to have lived when everyone else died but now... I'm sure. I'm happy too."

I held one arm around her while my other hand brushed the loose strands of hair out of her face.

She leaned in and I did as well.

As our lips were about to touch, I injected a needle into her neck...

I backed away and she put her hand to her neck in bewilderment.

"What did... you.. why..?." I caught her in my arms as her body crumpled. Her eyes looking at me with betrayal and confusion but I kept my eyes locked with her.

"I'm sorry... When you wake up... I hope you forgive me."

Her eyes closed and her body went limp in my arms.

I sat there for a moment before the door opened and Alfred and Rosie floated in.


"Its okay Alfred. Give me a second." I effortlessly lifted Savanna up into my arms and placed her gently into a cryobed.

I had other options. I could have done things differently and she and I might have been happy with the result.

But I'm stubborn and selfish. I took her choice away to give her possibilities.

Because I wasnt content with living a mundane life in this vault.

My destiny lies outside. And I plan to make damn sure that this girl can live a comfortable life outside this place. 'If you save someone, then take responsibility and see it through until the end. That's what a man does...'

I smiled bitterly that the Lady Killer perk activated and I recieved XP for drugging Savanna and knocking her out.

"Do you two remember what I told you?" I asked my robotic companions that hovered behind me.

"Dont worry Boss. Fancy Pants and I will take good care of this place while the Boss is napping. Leave it to us! I'll crack the skulls of anyone that tries to enter our turf."

"Oh god sir... please dont leave me alone with THAT."

I reached out and patted them with amusement. "Good night guys. Wake me if there's any trouble. If not, see you in 50 years"

Both robots waved as I set the timer on the bed for 50 years.

"Goodnight Boss! Sleep tight!"

"Goodnight Sir. We will await the day of your return from the lands of Morpheus."

*shhhh* The hatch to the bed closed around me after laying down on it.

"Hah hah hah..." my breathing became heavy as the seering cold set in and with what felt like a flash, my conscienceness went dark.

[A/N 2/2- I hope it doesnt feel too rushed. I didn't want to spend that many chapters in what is basically the tutorial area. The romance happened mostly behind the scenes because it felt boring to write what felt like slice of life in a vault and nothing special really happened, just the hum drum cycle of daily life. I plan to expand on building Savanna's character later when I figure out what her role in the story could be. She doesnt neccesarily need to be a romantic partner and could end up as just a supporting character. Well I'm interested to find out myself how that will end up.]


Frank Winter, 18

Lvl: 25








Perks: Swift Learner, Hard Bargain, Educated, Lady Killer, Advanced Science, Advanced Robotics, Advanced Chemist, Adamantium Skeleton, Action Boy, Gunslinger, Field Medic, Advanced Hacker, Rad Resistance, Gun Nut,

Perk Points: 5

Mutations: Healing Factor, Speed Demon, Marsupial

Equipment: 12.7mm pistol x1, Explosive☆ 12.7mm pistol (The Fuckbringer), T-45 Power Armor

Augments: "PHOENIX" Monocyte Breeder Implant,

Caps: 13,641

Robots: Alfred(Mr. Handy), Rosie(Ms. Nanny),

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