Fallout: (Nuclear)Winter Is Coming

Chapter 17: Ch.16: Was This Place Always A Dump?

[A/N: here is the other 5 chapters I promised for February. 10 more chapters will be posted sometime in March so look forward to it.]

My eyes cracked open but my vision was blurred. I heard sounds but they were muffled.

There was a lingering chill that felt like it was seared into my bones.

My entire body felt like a statue and my vision began focusing on the light.

The cryobed hatch opened and I groggily sat up with maximum effort. My joints creaked and made popping sounds as I stretched the stiffness away.

I can now confirm that things are not as simple as the game.

I can't just wake up from cryo-sleep and have full control of my faculties.

There seems be what I can only call Cryo-Fatigue.

Or actually my system calls it that since its listed as a negative effect in my status menu.

And oh boy it is gonna last for 3 hours...

My limbs were still stiff and felt numb. My mind was blurry and I felt a little nauseous.

I was able to stand up out of the bed and make my way over to Savannah's cryo bed.

I checked her vitals and saw that everything's was alright.

Her time was still set for the Spring of 2300 in case anything happened to me and I couldnt wake her up.

She would be waking up to something unknown even to me but she could still have a chance even if the worst was to befall me.

With shaky steps I made my way out of the cryo suite.

Everything was still clean everywhere I looked with no dust so that means the bots are still cleaning and performing their duties.

I made my way through the vault over to the Residential area.

Everything remained the same since the day I went to sleep.

"Boss! You're finally up!" Rosie floated up to me after seeing me while tending to the Mutfruits.

"Master Frankie has awoken?! Sir? Sir? Thank heaven you are here! I have been getting driven crazy by this lunatic-"

"That's enough out of you unless you want the flamethrower again!"

Despite the cryo fatigue seeing the two bots going at eachother like normal made me bust my gut.

"Hehe... heh... hahahahaha! You guys are exactly the same. I'm happy. Hahaha!"



Both robots stopped bickering to see me clutching my stomach in laughter.

"Ah... Sorry. I'm just glad some things dont change. Well I'm awake now, but it will only be for a few months like we discussed before.

Was there any issues in the vault during the time I was out?"

Alfred answered, "No sir. It's has been quiet except for this creature's violent behaviour."

"Seriously? Again? How many times do I need to teach you this lesson, old man?!"

"Enough." I said, causing both bots to stop and listen. "Rosie, remember the mission we talked about. We are leaving in a few days. So prepare yourself."

"Psh! Please! I am always prepared. I was born... err, created prepared. Haha, I can finally get the blood and guts glory I was made for!"

"Sir... Why did you create this demon?"

I ignored the both of them and went into the cafeteria, opened the pantry and prepared an easy meal to sit down and enjoy.

I needed something in my stomach to help nourish me and relieve some of this fatigue. I also started a pot of coffee and got myself a cup.

"Ahh..." I lay my head down on the table, hunched over like a corpse. "I feel like shit... Why does reality have to suck? Existence is pain..."


3 hours passed and I lifted my head off the table, wiping the drool from the corner of my mouth and then standing and stretching my body.

I had eaten and then passed out right there at the table. Now that the Cryo-Fatigue has worn off, I feel good as new.

I dont feel like a piece of shit anymore and that's a win.

I cleaned up my mess and then headed into the storage area.

I had used the parts I got from the Robot Disposal Grounds to create a few bots to aid me in my plan before the freeze but left them deactivated in storage. They have waited 50 years to serve thier purpose.

And even the system has blessed this plan because shortly after waking up, a new quest appeared.

[Side Quest- Blood In, Blood Out: You're a man out for blood. Follow through with your plan and take it. Reward: Infected Blood Pack x?, 20,000xp, 10,000 Caps.]

*whistle* "That's enough XP to get me to level 27. 28 or 29 in reality if I get some good XP from the kills along the way."

This quest was profitable, and was something I was going to do anyway.

'I'm thankful the system only acts as an aid instead of those systems that force thier hosts to do things or suffer punishments. I'm pretty lucky I just got the system that pairs with this universe and not one of those shits.'

I walked to the back where I kept the finished but deactivated robots.

They were build from the various pieces of scrap I collected and just have the default personalities. After all they were experimental to help me practice and were meant to be disposable junk bots.

I pulled the canvas sheet off the two bots.

One Protectron, Frankenstein'd together from different model Protectrons.

And one Mister Gutsy that was missing one of it's arms.

At least it still had the gun and the flamethrower.

Both of these bots were likely to get destroyed during this upcoming quest. But that's what they were built for. To be fodder.

I activated both bots and had them move back into my lab so I could adjust the protocols and sub-routines for what is to come.

I had a bit of last minute preparations to make before leaving the vault and traveling.


I had taken a three days to prepare everything I needed. Rosie was coming along with me and she had a specific role in this adventure.

We had gathered at the vault door before proceeding outside.

"Alright, get ready. There might be hostiles outside. I'm opening the door now."

I placed my hand on the hand scanner and the door began the process to open.

The siren went off and the machinery pulled the cog like door out and rolled it to the side.

I was currently dressed in a vault tec hazmat suit until I could get a Geiger counter reading once outside.

Better safe than sorry, right?

"Okay it looks clear. Wait for me below the hatch while I check the surroundings."

After seeing the cavern was clear of enemies I exited the vault and approached the ladder leading up to the surface.

I climbed up carefully and reached the metal hatch. I didnt have time to lock it when the bombs went off but it looks like no one ever found it.

But it has only been 50 years and anyone on the surface is probably struggling too hard to survive to go hunting for hidden hatches in the ground.

Just a stroke of luck for me that no one found it.

With a bit of strength I was able to get the hatch to start creaking open.

I peeked around the surrounding area before opening it completely.

Everything looked clear of threats but I also noticed the place was obviously messed up.

The trees that dotted the area had been decimated and only a few rotten and stubborn husks of trees were left standing.

"What a mess..." I pushed the hatch open completely and then crawled out.

The sky was still blue with sparse clouds but the air was thick with residual radiation.

Thankfully it was just barely low enough to not cause me problems.

I didn't see or hear any signs of life in the vicinity so I moved quickly to set up a tripod over the hatch that had a pulley attached.

One by one I hoisted the bots up and out of the cavern.

Once everyone was out, Rosie made an offhand comment.

"Geez the surface world sucks. Was this place always a dump, Boss?"

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