Fallout: (Nuclear)Winter Is Coming

Chapter 19: Ch.18: Infiltration

The bots had finished off the last attacking super mutant while I picked myself off the ground.

I checked my body for all the wounds and abrasions I had suffered. My healing Factor was doing its job and I watched in real time as my injuries began disappearing like they were never there.

But the tinnitus in my ears was driving me crazy.

'Oh cool, a bullet just popped out of my shoulder that I didnt even realize had hit me.'

I likely would have taken more damage if not for my adamantium skeleton. I probably would have broken an arm or something.

This was a humbling experience for sure but still really annoying... and painful.

I looked over at the damage the bots took and winced.

There were dents in all the robots armor plates from bullets, and Rosie was covered in mutant hound blood. She obviously had no problems with it.

I also lost the Mr. Gutsy. It was completely destroyed during battle.

This was a small hindrance to my plan but as long as Rosie and the Sentry bot make it I should be able to manage.

I didn't get much sleep the rest of the night. My senses were on full alert and I had trouble settling my anxiety.

Was this PTSD? I mean... I kept seeing that mini nuke go off inside my mind over and over. As well as the grotesque faces of those super mutants.

It was... unsettling. I think I hate them now.

The sun had begun to rise so I shook off those thoughts.

I sat upright and opened a box of Sugar Bombs and ate them without milk since I was long out of that. I washed them down with bottled mutfruit juice and then packed up our camp.

I salvaged what usuable parts I could from our fallen comrade and then we marched north east avoiding Revere Satelite Array and Saugus Iron Works.

My destination was the Coastal Cottage. It only took an hour to get there and when we did there was another infestation of molerats we took care of that included a brood mother that was very nasty.

It took two shots from Fuckbringer to drop the bitch.

We settled into the cottage and I spent some time making a camp there since we may be here for a few days.

I made what repairs I could to the bots so that they could fight at full steam when the time comes.

I spent the full day setting up, taking a few naps here and there and when night came that's when I made a move.

I was undecided whether I needed to buy something that could help me since I didnt think I needed it but after last night's mutant showdown, I'm not being stingy.

Besides, I wanted it anyway.

[Chinese Stealth Armor - 10,000 caps.]

Purchasing this would bring me down to only a few thousand caps. But I didnt see another way to survive the plan without it.

I may have a high Intelligence but that didn't automatically make me a genius in warfare. Or anything really.

So without any more hesitation I bought it and then tried it on.

The fit was snug making me feel like a gimp but I was too excited to care.

I activated the stealth function and felt myself surrounded by energy and then I went translucent other than the slight telltale shimmer of stealth tech.

I deactivated stealth and then told Rosie to hold down the fort while I was gone.

I went alone west until I saw Parsons State Insane Asylum.

The place looked alot better than all the other buildings in the area, that's for sure.

I maintained a good distance and only moved when the stealth field was on.

I pulled out a special pair of Binoculars that I had in my vault. A unique pair called Pearly Peepers. Ivory white with golden designs with ability to track targets.

I sat motionless and observed the area. There were ghoul mercenaries guarding the place.

The Cabot's being able to employ people even in the apocalypse amazed me.

I watched how the guards moved, where they stationed themselves, how often they changed shifts and any other detail that could help me.


Three days passed quietly. I spent very little time at my camp and most of it spent on stakeout duty.

The bots repelled a mirelurk attack while I was gone and I was worried if I didn't make my move soon, we would be discovered.

After three days of surveillance, I counted 12 different guards and even spotted Jack Cabot and his bodyguard come and go once.

I decided it was time. Jack and Deegan had just left and would likely not return in time with reinforcements.

I went back to the cottage to rally the troops to launch an attack.


Night settled in once more and I watched Parsons with eyes wide open. Everything and everyone moved exactly as they had the past three nights.

I opened up my menu to check the time every so often waiting for the signal.

I watched as two guards lazily leaned against the wall next to the entrance. One was smoking a cigarette and drinking a beer while the other talked non stop about this and that.

Two other guards patrolled the north east and southwest corners of the court yard.

All are wearing combat armor and have assault rifles.

*pew* The sound of a cluster bomb being launched broke the peaceful silence.


"What the-?" One of the guards snapped to attention before he heard the guard on the north sides distant screaming.

"My leg! Help intrude-"

The sound of minigun fire cut him off.

"Enemies! We have intruders!" One of the door guards yelled inside the door before they joined up with the southern guard and ran around to the north.

I waited and three more guards came out of the door and ran in the same direction.

I could hear the sounds of gunfire and explosions already.

I ran across the court yard and then slipped into the still closing door.

Once inside I activated stealth and began making my way inside.

The lobby, where the three guards that rushed out were likely posted, was clear.

I went right into a corridor and into another room.

There was a guard that was talking into a radio trying to get through to someone.

"This is Parsons. Do you copy...?"


A silenced round from Fuckbringer to the back of the head popped it like a balloon.

I didnt spare the guy another glance as I pushed forward and found Jack's office.

I went inside and then moved over to the elevator and called it.

I kept looking over my shoulder to make sure no one snuck up on me while waiting for an elevator.

The elevator doors opened and I pressed the button to go down to the basement lab.

I tapped my foot impatiently waiting for the doors to open.

When they finally did I peeked out and found no one in sight.

I crept along the corridor until it turned right, with Fuckbringer leading the charge.

I glanced around the corner and saw a guard walking toward me, not yet having detected me.

I hugged the corner with stealth still activated and when he turned, he brushed past me.

He noticed he had touched something and turned his head but I had already moved and grabbed his mouth with one hand and then stabbed him in the throat with a combat knife.

He didn't die right away, I admit, I'm still a rookie.

I held him tightly as he choked on his own blood before finally slumping onto the floor.

'That... was a little much.'

But I couldnt afford to dwell on it. I moved forward and entered the lab space.

In the center was a big containment cell for Lorenzo Cabot.

Who was staring right at me even though I was still inside a stealth field.

"I wonder... What little mouse managed to sneak in here... and what does he want?"

I ignored him. Instead I started grabbing vials of serum, lab equipment, pretty much everything of value.


Under one of the tables was a small refrigerator. And inside were blood packs.

'I knew he would keep some on hand! I cant imagine it's an easy process to extract it.'

My plan B was merking Lorenzo and draining his carcass of every last drop of blood.

Hell, I even planned to harvest his organs for research purposes.

Of course, I didnt want to try and temp the timeline by eliminating the Cabot's. Because if Lorenzo dies, then they all do.

They don't have a perfect recipe like I do.

If they died, too much might change in Boston. There's no telling how much influence they had in shaping those communities.

Just getting robbed probably wont have much of a ripple. That's why stealing everything like a common criminal was my Plan A.

Now that I had what I came for, it was time to make like a cheerleader and split.

"Farewell little mouse. I do hope you'll reconsider."

I got a shiver up my spine but didn't turn back.

That guy stared at me the whole time. Fucking psychopath is creepy as hell.

Even though I freed him on every playthrough...

I ran for the elevator and took it back up.

When I got to the top, I noticed the sounds of battle outside had ceased.

"Shit. Couldn't hold on a little longer..."

I exited Jack's office back into the corridor when I heard voices from the other side.

"Fuck! They got Joey! Hey we got intruders inside!"

Alright. I gotta play this right.

I heard boots coming toward me. I stayed still behind a door when a group of three walked past me.

I moved behind them and back up the corridor. I knew they were about to find a surprise in Jack's office behind me so I needed to get out quick.

"This is Parsons! Jack do you copy-?"



I ended another person trying to call for reinforcements.


"Argh! My leg!"

"Fuck! A mine?! Larry's dead!"

That was my cue to leave. I didn't see anyone ahead of me so I broke into a sprint for the front doors.

I emerged out and booked it south to the rendezvous point.

I made it to a bridge where Rosie had been waiting for me.

"Boss! I'm so happy to see you!" She floated up to me and circled me in excitement.

"Boss! You should have seen it! We bombed some guy and then tore him to shreds and then a bunch of other guys-"

I cut her off due to the urgency. "Not now. We need to get far away. The sun will be up soon so I'm gonna start running. Keep up."

"Aye Boss!" She used one of her pinchers and gave a mock salute.

I started running but keeping a good pace to not tire myself out.

Rosie was easily able to keep up using her thruster.

I intended to get as far west as I could before anyone could trail me.

On the way Rosie kept being a chatterbox telling me how Tank and Rusty (the protectron) fought the enemy hordes valiantly and accomplished thier mission.

Which was to use diversionary tactics so security inside the facility would be thinned enough for infiltration.

Luckily there were far fewer guards now than compared to what is present here in 2287 and I didnt have to take the long path to reach the elevator.

Tank had taken two of them down and injured some others. Rusty fell pretty quickly when the fighting started.

Tank managed to buy me 13 minutes before getting destroyed so I think it was a worthy sacrifice.

Rosie had remained at a distance to watch the battle. Her role was to get Tank and Rusty in place at the north side and have the two bots engage from a distance. After that she was ordered to retreat and go to the bridge heading south.

The plan worked. Just barely.

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