Fallout: (Nuclear)Winter Is Coming

Chapter 18: Ch.17: Touchdown?

The world had become a wasteland. Houses that withstood the initial blast of the bombs, began rotting not being able to withstand the test of time.

The plants were withered and looked sick and the wildlife had twisted and mutated into bloodthirsty beasts.

Truly. This was an apocalyptic world.

Me and my merry band of robots made our way east along the north side of Santuary.

I made sure we distanced ourselves since I didnt want to interfere much with the timeline yet.

I may have changed something small when I had my uncle imprisoned but he wasn't important enough in the grand scheme of things to change anything significant.

May he rot in hell forever.

The journey was uneventful. Much of what I saw was what I expected to see.

The only difference was things weren't as decayed as they will be 150 years from now.

It took me and the robots an hour to walk to the road that was just north of the Robotics disposal yard.

I was worried we would run into some powerful wasteland creature that would have ended our journey too soon but thankfully this area is still beginner friendly like the game.

We marched down the cracked road until we reached the yard.

The fences had mostly collapsed and the robots parts were destroyed by the elements.

The only thing that stood the test of time was the maintenance shack and the object of my current objective.

The Combat Sentry Proto MK IV sentry bot.

Unfortunately things wouldnt be so simple...

*rrrghh* the ground opened up and a big hairless rodent popped out of the ground.

"Finally! I Must Have Blood!" Rosie seeing the threat got excited and rushed the first molerat to appear.

It became aggressive and lunged at her but was sliced open by her buzz saw and screeched as it writhed on the ground.

Six more appeared and attacked our group.

The protectron and mister gutsy began combat protocols with the protectron firing its hand lasers and hammer bashing them if they got too close. The mister gusty floated in patterns and shot the gun attachment on it's arm and pelted the molerats with .38 rounds.

One fat molerat popped out of the ground at my feet causing me to jump back.

In midair I pulled out Fuckbringer and aimed down at the offending mole.

*bang* my round hit in the gut but the explosive effect caused it to burst and it died immediately.

[+159 XP]

I only managed to kill the one molerat before our group had already finished them all off.

We took no damage and came out of top on our first encounter. Yes, its was molerats buts it still felt like a milestone for me.

I knew there were much more dangerous threats out here but a victory is a victory.

I gathered the dead molerats that weren't in pieces and cut some of the usuable meat off and put it in my inventory.

Gotta collect everything I can or I wouldn't feel right.

With the battle over with, we were free to settle into the disposal yard.

The scrapbots kept guard around the perimeter and Rosie and I were tinkering with the sentry bot.

I had already grabbed the holotape from the terminal but I didn't plan to use this thing like my game character did.

In the game, the prototype sentry bot could only be ordered to pre designated strategic points using the command holotape. Even with the Robotics Perk maxed out it wouldn't follow you permanently.

But I planned something special for this and I even had just enough skill to do it.

This isnt the game world, it's the real world. So I have more options that my in game character had.

I placed my hand on the bot and began the hacking process using the system. It didnt take long with the systems help and I had full access to this bots code.

I uploaded specific lines of code which took far longer than I liked but in the end I had altered this bot enough to do what I planned.

I installed an antenna to the bot to increase it reception range as well as one on Rosie.

I then had Rosie upload the command holotape so she can command the sentry bot herself.

The antenna on Rosie was neccessary for me to trick the Sentry's navigation. The bot thinks it is still patrolling the robot scrapyard but those coordinates are now tied to Rosie herself.

She is also able to adjust the pathing as it "patrols". Making it so she can direct its every movement until a combat situation arises, in which case full control reverts back to the Sentry OS.

"Go ahead, Rosie. Activate it." I told her.

"Fuck yeah! Rise minion and OBEY!" She transmitted the command using the code and the Sentry Mark IV sprang to life.


The sentry bot voice echoed from the robot and then it drove forward and began patrolling the scrapyard.

"Nice. Alright Rosie, command it to proceed to the coordinates I told you and let's roll out."

The sentry bot recieved the order and began rolling down the street.

I grabbed a mini nuke launcher with a mini nuke still loaded that was there in the game and tucked it away for later.

I can buy them but they cost quite a bit so it's better to collect them when I find them.

I jumped on top of the sentry bot to sit down and enjoy the ride while the convoy of robots followed behind.

The sentry bot had issues with overheating in the game and would periodically stop to cool off it's fusion core.

I was able to work around this by limiting the power output so now it's in an unofficial power saving mode.

This means that the thing is slower but can keep moving without stopping.

This also helped the protectron be able to keep up pace.

The sentry bot can come out of power saving mode when its sensors detect enemies.

It can go full power to steamroll over them like the tank it is.

I sat lazily on the sentry bot as it moved down the broken and cracked roads. We passed the USAF Satellite Station Olivia and kept going.

The sentry bot tended to stick to the roads unless there was an obstacle.

For some reason as I sat on top of this robot as it drove me across the map, it felt peaceful.

Too peaceful.

My anxiety was high, not because we have run into danger. No, it's high because I was expecting danger and it was completely quiet.

Other than the molerats, I havnt seen much life.

I saw a herd of radstag but they bolted when they saw the robot parade.

But I was waiting for the real danger to rear its ugly head.

Feral ghouls, raiders, super mutants... but so far... nothing.

We had been cruising at a slow speed and I needed to get to the east side from where I started in the west.

I already figured this was going to take several hours compared to the hour I might have spent walking with my game character.

"Rosie, put Tank in standby mode and let's make camp in that house over there." Tank is what I named the sentry bot. It just felt fitting.

We were at County Crossing, just south of Parsons State Insane Asylum.

We had started at the vault this morning and by 9 am we were at the robotics disposal ground.

We had been marching for 8 hours with one more hour of travel left to reach our destination. But now the sun was going down and while the robots might be fine to move through the darkness of the night, I'm not comfortable with that.

I unrolled a sleeping bag inside the broken down house here and the robots stood guard over me.

We didnt get into any action between the Robotics yard and County Crossing.

'I can only say it was a mixture of luck and the fact we avoided major locations that left us able to get here like this...'


Fuck. Super Mutants. I spoke too soon huh?

I rolled out of my sleeping bag and scrambled over to the broken window to see what was going on.

There was a group of super mutants that had appeared from the direction of Revere Satellite Array and decided to attack.


The sounds of combat started to fill the air. I armed myself with Fuckbringer and went outside guns blazing.

A mutant was trying to hit the sentry bot with a board while a few others holding pipe rifles exchanged fire with the protectron and mister gutsy.

"Hahahaha! Die fuckers!" Rosie was fighting a mutant hound, swinging her saw blade like a psychopath.

I ran up behind the sentry bot for cover and managed to hear a few bullets whizzing past me.

The sentry unleashed a barrage of minigun fire at the mutant attacking it with the board, shredding the thing easily.


"Oh no..."

*boom!* A rocket had barely missed the sentry and me by a few feet and hit the remnants of the house behind us, destroying it further.

"My sleeping bag! You bastard!"

The sentry bot as if fueled by my anger turned and locked onto a super mutant reloading a missile launcher.

*pew* A cluster bomb hit the offending mutant and a reaction of explosions went off around it, hitting and killing another in the process.

I stepped out from my sentry cover and activated VATS to help me see the enemies since it was beginning be dark.

"I see you all now..."

4 super mutants still shooting from the other side of the street. There forms barely visible behind some dead foliage.

76%,68%, 88%, 78%. Percentages I had at that instant to get head shots on all four of them.

Four shots rang out, but were muffled by the sound of lasers and gunfire from the bots.

Three hits and two kills. One of them I hit in the head but it didnt die since the bullet was off its mark and it basically ricochet'd off his skull and the explosive effect merely charred the skin.



Shit there's a suicider carrying a mini nuke! And unfortunately the sentry bot stopped to cool itself off at the worst time.


I panicked and unloaded the rest of my mags into the suicider as quickly as I could while it charged us like a linebacker. Unfortunately my position was the closest and I was also its prime target.

My bullets stuck the mutant on its legs and stomach causing it to stumble dead and fall but it still managed to get close enough.

The mini nuke rolled toward me and then went off a few meters in front of me.

*boom!* A small mushroom cloud erupted and the force sent me flying back, throwing me into a tumble until my momentum stopped and I ended up face down in the dirt.

I barely managed to maintain my consciousness as the battle continued around me...

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