Fight! Fight! Theseus!

Chapter 13: The Hideout

Theseus laughed as he had just faced death and lived, he quickly waved towards Baru "See ya, old friend."

And with that, Kancer quickly took him away before anything else could be said, Baru and Dagoria seemed like they wanted to say something but couldn't get their words out in time, not only that but they had just witnessed a dead man walk again.

On the way there "So Kancer, ya ever heard of a Third Wind before hm?"

Kancer kept leaping forwards whilst keeping up the conversation "A Second Wind is lucky enough as is but a Third Wind? How the hell did you manage that pretty boy."

"Oh you know how it is, the after life isn't as scary as people say it seems that's all, sometimes a little sweet talking is just all you need, though I guess he did say something about consequences." Theseus's face began to darken as he fell into worry. "Eh it's probably nothin, I'm sure future Theseus will deal with it, but hey! I'm here now that's all that matters right?" Kancer sighed and seemed a little disappointed "You better hope future Theseus is stronger than he is now, you got exhausted pretty quick back there, how am I supposed to drain your blood when you get this exhausted?" She began to lick her lips.

"I'll train okay I'll train, you just keep focusing on the way ahead I'll just take a nap." And almost instantaneously he fell asleep, Kancer was happy yet again to know how comfortable and relaxed he was around her.

It wasn't long until they arrived, and the arrival of the Mischievous Icarian was even shorter "Whaaaaaat is up everyone!!! Here we have the one and only man who's seen the after life and came back stronger than ever!!! Theseus!" He then whispered into Theseus's ear "Just Theseus right? Or do we add the rest of the names." Theseus whispered back annoyingly that Theseus alone was fine.

"Welcome Welcome!!! So tell us young Theseus! How was it like meeting your creator!" He kept shoving the microphone he had into Theseus face along with the camera.

"Guess what you all, the guy on the other side judges a lot! So whenever you meet your eventual end, be sure to tell him Theseus sent ya, the one with his Third Wind specifically, I'm sure he'll be happy to hear that." Theseus then winked at the camera and began moving on.

"You heard him folks! Theseus want's you to end not only yours but other peoples lives so you can talk about him in the after life!" The entire chat spammed what they were planning to do, some more gruesome than others.

Kancer shyly moved on with Theseus more surprised at his confidence and how he dealt with Aaron. "Everything okay?" Kancer politely asked whilst hugging his arm.

"Of course Kancer, Honestly, couldn't be better, I feel as if I can just do about anything I want, and speaking of! It's time to go sleep." Theseus quickly ran towards his room along with Kancer, seeing some beautiful colored doors on the way there, it seemed as if the colors themselves were brighter for Theseus.

After finally getting there he inputted his special combo on the door, he let Kancer into his room, and leaped onto his bed. "Gosh I'm so tired, sorry Kancer but I think I'm just gonna rest for a while, it's been too long."

Kancer a little flustered simply nodded as she watched him slowly fall into a deep sleep.

As he began to dream something felt wrong, he was in his average city but no matter where he went he felt watched, whether he would look at the sky or simply walk around it felt like everything was against him, but this didn't bother Theseus, that's how it always was, no matter how young he was or how strong he may be, humans were always looked down upon, but for what reason? Was it a curse? Something they had done in the past? Or are they simply just seen weak and negatively for balance in the world, regardless, Theseus seemed to strive when looked down on, no matter who it may be or even what, the thought of being considered weak and fragile made him want to prove them wrong even more, the stares and thoughts he would receive would just end up empowering him, and just as the dream seemed to be getting interesting something ended up waking him up.

"Theseus! Wake up already!" Kancer was on top of Theseus ready to slap him in a minute if he wouldn't get up.

He grunted "Ugh, what…" His eyes would barely open.

"Have you not heard your phone at all? They're calling us over by the entrance, something about the Boss being pissed off."

"Fineeeeee I guess I'll get up, what time is it even."

"It's been like ten hours you've slept enough okay."

"My record is thirty six alright, I can do more."

Kancer seemed concerned but the task at hand was more important, they both quickly rushed out of their door making small talk as they ran.

"Why did he even call us? I'm new no? I know I'm decently strong but surely there are better people fit for this."

"Yeah I found that weird as well, oh well, our time sleeping together was fun whilst it lasted."

"Wait you joined me?"

Kancer became flustered yet again and quickly ran ahead whilst not answering

From afar they could see that a couple people seemed to be piling up around the entrance, Jun was there along with a Slime a Shylian and a Blau

Jun noticed the two arriving "Took you two long enough, next time get here quicker, the Boss is just about to explain the job." And from nowhere the man himself appeared.

"Thank you all for coming here on such short noticed" He took his hat off, put it to his chest and bowed, meanwhile everyone else kneeled except for Theseus who didn't get the memo "Wow even Jun bowed? Surprising coming from him, guess I should as well then."

The Boss seemed just as old as usual, his eyes seemed almost shut and he wore a posh outfit, "Well then, now that you're all here I can explain, it seems our dear friend Theseus has angered a nearby gang." One of his eyes opened staring straight into Theseus's soul, the color of it was a bright amber. "Sadly they think that they own the place, and I need you all to change that, I will divide you into two teams, Theseus, Kancer and Kari, you two can head straight for their hideout, meanwhile Jun, Renari and Asmodeus, you three shall stay here and defend the frontline." A weird tremor could be felt and heard nearby, "Speaking of it, it seemed our guests have arrived, don't disappoint me." And with that the Boss would walk away and disappear within thin air.

Jun sighed "Shylian, Slime, just stay out of the way, let's deal with this quickly I want to enjoy my free time." Meanwhile the Blau approached Theseus and Kancer "Nice to meet you! The names Kari, it's a pleasure to meet you two, I've heard a lot from you two so far." He had blue skin and an outfit similar to Theseus's, his hair was a light cyan and was quite messy and curly on the ends.

"O-Of course, the feeling is mutual, let's get started then." Theseus didn't mind the Blau tagging along and nor did Kancer, after all an extra ally to help can always help.

After the quick introductions Jun's team went straight for the nearby targets whilst Theseus's team followed the map on their phone to the location of the hideout, Kancer simply kept her mask on and didn't say much, it was hard to tell what she was thinking.

Theseus curiously asks Kari "So, what sort of weapon do you use?"

Surprised, he responds "Oh I use a dagger, I have a couple of other things that you'll just have to wait and see." He smiles.

"Dagger huh, guess we're all close ranged then, Kancer once we're there just hide in the shadows and gather info, I'm sure Kari and I can handle whatever they throw at us." Kari was quite happy that Theseus was trusting him this much already, Kancer nodded.

The hideout wasn't too conspicuous, it was hidden in a rundown subway which was then hidden in a crack within one of the walls.

"Is this really the place? After the subway this place looks pretty cool." As Theseus went on he saw that the walls were made out of sandstone, and there were many decorations made out of the same material as well, some were statues other were small gardens, and above them were these purple and orange banner flags that had a familiar symbol, it were a four eyes that would all look towards a diamond in the middle.

Kari felt something strange, it wasn't new for him to explore a new area, he's worked for the boss for almost a year so his instincts were quite sharp so he kept alert, Kancer on the other hand split off from the group and tried to hide away as much as she could to utilise her poison, Theseus on the other hand happily walked around admiring the beauty of the place, that is until a nearby arrow was shot.

"THESEUS, WATCH OUT" Said Kari as he pushed him out of the way.

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